Wednesday, November 25, 2009

December 2009 Gleaner

Pastor’s Notes
As I sit down at my desk to write this month I can hardly believe that another year has passed us by. This coming Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent, which means we are beginning a new church year. When one year ends and a new one begins its always good, I think, to look back and review where we’ve been.
November 1st was All Saints Day. During worship we remembered those who have gone on ahead of us, nine of our brothers and sisters, saints who inspired us with their lives.
This past summer one group went to Canada to experience God’s creation up north. Another group went west and helped a small rural church in Wyoming finish a project adding a fellowship room complete with indoor plumbing. They still have the outhouse. It’s hard to do away with something that’s been so much a part of them. This winter they will really appreciate it. It was a great experience for all who were able to participate.
Our church joined Peace UCC in another successful summer Bible school. As I help, wherever I’m told to be, I’m reminded to look at the world with the eyes children and to have fun in each day the Lord blesses us with. If you haven’t had a chance to help with Bible school for a while maybe this next year you should try it out again. It’s a real hoot.
We are truly blessed to have a choir that is so faithful in practice and in leading us in song each Sunday. Even though the numbers in the loft are down those who are here inspire us with God’s Message lifted up in song.
Downstairs each Sunday after worship there is the sound of young folks coming in to hear the lesson from those whom God has called to teach. We are blessed to have folks who find joy in doing this work for His church. Good friends you should check it out some Sunday.
I haven’t made many of the PW meetings this year but I know there is solid core of women who come together every month to study and fellowship and work on the mission God has given them in this community. The bazaar and dinner is just one example of what these ladies are capable of doing. The Antique Walk in June is another example of the whole church coming together to feed those who come to browse the antiques displayed on our streets. There’s a theme here friends and it revolves around meat, and other good dishes, and feeding folks. Not only are those who come nourished with food but also they are filled with the joy of wonderful fellowship by those who serve them. It is truly a gift from God to be able to do this.
These are just a few of my memories from this year just now past and I’m sure you can add your own story as well. As you sit down to Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners with family and friends take some time to reflect on God’s gifts to this church this year and be ready for what he has planned next.
God’s blessing to each of you. May you be filled with the joy of being in God’s presence,
Pastor David

Sunday School Christmas Program
The annual Sunday School Christmas program will be December 13th during worship. The title of this year’s program is “All I Want for Christmas---Is Jesus.” Come and enjoy watching our youth perform and sing for us.

Seen in Church Bulletins (Not Ours)

Ladies don’t forget the rummage sale. It’s a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Bring your husbands.

For those of you that have children and don’t know it, we have a nursery downstairs.

Don’t let worry kill you off – let the Church help.

Good Guys provide Christmas food baskets for families who just need a little extra help. We can all help someone in need by donating toward the Good Guys Fund. Donations can be given to Pastor David. Please make your checks to “The Good Guys”.
If you are someone in need of a Good Guys box this year please let Pastor David know by
Dec. 4th. If you know of someone in need please check with them before placing their name on the list. This year families will be able to pick up their boxes Saturday, December 19 at 10:00 a.m. at our church. This is different from past years when the boxes were delivered. The changes were made because families were not always home when the boxes were delivered, and the delivery boy is getting too old!!

Thank-you to everyone who helped in any way to make our Church Bazaar and Supper a success. Vincent Hansen won Dixie Schirm’s afghan.
We served approximately 342 meals (in church and carry-outs).
Thank-you to Margo Matthies for helping Pastor David with the Angel Tree.

Congratulations to Elissa Johnk, granddaughter of Carolyn Johnk, for becoming an ordained minister. Elissa is a recent graduate of Harvard University.
Congratulations to our members named to the Middle School Honor Roll:
Emily Mitchell and Alyssa Becerra

Walnut’s Angel Tree

Friends, there is an Angel Tree located in the Walnut Public Library where you will find “Angels” decorating a Christmas tree. These “Angels” have gift suggestions written on them for special people in the community who will not be able to experience Christmas like the rest of us without the help of Walnut’s Angels. If you are able and would like to make someone else’s Christmas something special please stop in and pick and “Angel” from the Angel Tree and buy the gift noted on the “Angel.” Then return the numbered item with the “Angel” to the Walnut Communications office in Walnut by December 11th.
Thank you for thinking of others this Christmas season. May God bless you and yours as you have helped to bless others.
Pastor David

Poinsettias will be placed in the sanctuary in memory of family and friends who have passed on. The Presbyterian Women have ordered three for the church. A complete list will be in the bulletin later in December.

January Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Dennis Jensen, Dustin Jensen, Allan & Diana Sievers Communion Servers: Darlene Stuart-chm., Allan Sievers, Dennis Jensen, Linda Woltmann. December ushers and communion servers are at bottom of calendar.

Church Humor
A ten-year old, under the tutelage of her grandmother, was becoming quite ledgeable about the Bible. knowledgeable about the Bible. Then one day she floored her grandmother by
asking, “Which Virgin was the mother of Jesus? The Virgin Mary or The
King James Virgin?”

Marie Mertz & “Murphy”

Pastor David took his dog to Heritage House in Atlantic to visit with Marie Mertz.

Session Minutes
November 3, 2009
The session of Walnut First Presbyterian church met in regular session on November 3, 2009 in the south Sunday School annex.
Those in attendance were: Darlene Stuart, Gloria Myers, Linda Ploen, Jim McDermott, Robin Tooley, and Bonnie Holtz. Absent were: Leo Rechtenbach, Valerie Sievers, Bobbie McDermott, and Dennis Jensen.
Moderator David Krueger called the 7:00 meeting to order with prayer. Scripture was read from 1 Corinthians 12:27 and Galatians 3:26 with a reflection entitled: Belonging to God”.
The minutes of the October 13th meeting were read and approved.
The treasurer’s report was approved as read.
The pastor’s report was given and approved. Pastor David traveled 128 miles this month with communion served to 8 people, both at Peace Haven and in homes.
Linda reported that she had taken our record books to be audited. It went well.
There was one funeral, that of Marjorie E. McDermott who died on October 12, 2009. Interment was October 19th at the Layton Twp. Cemetery.
David reported that several names had been taken off the Gleaner mailing list to save some postage.

Stewardship and Mission
Darlene reported that she and Bonnie had mailed out 103 stewardship letters. David reported on a mission fund raising idea. It was decided not to proceed with this. It was also moved and 2nd to allow David to renew our subscription for Thoughtful Christians at a cost of $150. By reordering now we save $45. We are still looking for ideas for another mission trip.

Christian Education
Robin reported that Sunday School was going well and also announced that the Sunday School Christmas program will be on December 13th during church service. Gloria is still reading the Christian Educator’s Guide to Evaluating and Developing Curriculum. It was also brought up for discussion that we have a need to get more youth and young adults involved in church. Perhaps we need to look into hiring a youth coordinator on a part time basis. We will look into this possibility. Gloria also brought up the fact that she will be going off session, so who would be taking care of the scholarship fund. After some discussion, she agreed to continue working with this.

Communion was served to Judy Ferguson and 7 residents at Peace Haven with Bobbie McDermott serving as elder. David announced that the joint Thanksgiving Eve service with Peace Church would be at our church on November 25th at 7:00 p.m. It was also discussed as to whether we should continue having this service due to poor attendance. We will see how this year goes and then re-evaluate for next year.
The first Sunday of Advent is November 29th. David will put up the Advent Candle prior to the 29th and we will decorate the tree and sanctuary after the 29th service. It was moved and 2nd to have the laminated pew cards made.

Finance and Property
We reviewed and set the budget for 2010. Jim spoke with Hunter Nielsen and he agreed to take care of our snow removal and lawn mowing.

New business
Brandi Wood has reserved the church basement for December 12th from 11-4, Velma Fell for December 27th from 1-4, and Jim McDermott for December 19th. November 10th is the MRV Presbytery meeting at First Presbyterian Church in Shenandoah from 5:00 – 8:30. There is also a need for gently used winter coats for the Crossroads Connection prison ministry program in Omaha. Coats can be brought to the church. It was also mentioned that next summer we could possibly attend another Presbyterian church as a group or congregation on some Sunday instead of getting a supply pastor while David is on vacation- just a thought.

David closed the meeting with prayer and the Lord’s Prayer.

Next meeting will be December 8th at 7:00.

Clerk of Session
Linda Ploen

Friday, October 23, 2009

November 2009 Gleaner

Pastor’s Notes
This last week, Wednesday through Sunday, I was at a spiritual retreat named Great Plains Presbyterian Pilgrimage. It was the 6th such retreat held by this group. You might be wondering why it is that your pastor keeps going back after being a guest pilgrim at #2.
Well, for me, it’s a little like a family reunion where you get to be with family you don’t get to see everyday and there’s really good food. But it’s way more than that. Every time I go I am filled with God’s grace in this wonderful, awesome ecumenical Christian community. And I am inspired and convicted to respond to this grace that is so freely bestowed on all of us by a God who truly loves us.
It’s a little like the best vacation you can remember ever being on. The site is beautiful, the food is top notch, and you are filled with so much love your heart overflows. My words just don’t seem to adequately describe it. I guess the best way to find out what I’m talking about is to get a registration blank and fill it out for the April 22-25, 2010 pilgrimage that will be at Camp Calvin Crest along the Platte River just south of Fremont, NE.
I go there to serve others and even though we all go to bed late and get up early it really doesn’t seem like work. There are 14 talks given by lay speakers and clergy. There are stories told that make you laugh so hard you almost can’t breathe. And then there are talks that are so heart wrenching that you’d swear there aren’t going to be enough tissues in the box.
It’s just the best spiritual retreat ever. And you don’t have to observe silence the whole time. Maybe for some that wouldn’t be a good thing. Oh, there are quiet times but there’s also a lot of singing and telling short, clean, funny stories. Have I told you that the food is the best there is? And you don’t have to cook or wash dishes. It’s great.
If you decide to come you will discover that your relationship with Jesus becomes stronger and you be searching for ways that you can serve others through Him.
If you’re curious about what Pilgrimage is go to this website,, for more information.

Fall supper work schedule is included in this Gleaner. Please check to see your duties.

In Memoriam
Marjorie Evalyn McDermott
May 29, 1924-October 12, 2009

Marjorie Evalyn McDermott

Marjorie Evalyn Jones was born on May 29, 1924, in rural Lewis. She was the daughter of Glenn Owen Jones and Beula Collier Jones, and had one brother, Glenn Owen Jones.
The family moved to Atlantic when she was a young child, where she attended Jackson Elementary School, and graduated from Atlantic High School in 1941. After high school, she worked at Atlantic State Bank for four years, and then as secretary to her father in his positions as an officer in state and national beekeeping organizations. In this capacity, she traveled extensively throughout the United States with her father.
On September 20, 1947, Marjorie married Austin D. McDermott and became a farm wife. They loved dancing, family gatherings and holding hands. Austie loved horses, and for him she learned to ride. They farmed for a short while west of Atlantic, then moved to the farm southeast of Walnut where they would raise their family, Evelyn, Elaine, Jim and Karen (aka Kenner). Marjorie raised chickens, selling the eggs and dressed chickens. She tended a large garden for many years, and canned and froze the produce. She was also an expert seamstress and enjoyed candlewick, needlepoint and other sewing crafts. An excellent cook, she excelled especially at baking pies and homemade bread. She enjoyed traveling, and went on many fun road trips with her friends Ruby and Jean as the trio aptly called “The Roving Redheads.” She also loved traveling with her grandchildren, and took each on a special trip at least one time before her health limited her travel.
In 1979, Marge and Austie moved to Walnut, at which time she worked as a desk clerk at the Country Village Inn. Marjorie lost the love of her life when Austie died in 1981. She retired in 1994, and later moved to Peace Haven Retirement Home in Walnut. In 2006, she moved to Heritage House in Atlantic where she grew fond of the nurses and aides who cared for her, calling them “her girls.”
Marjorie was a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Walnut, United Presbyterian Women, Walnut Genealogy Society, and served many years on the board of the Walnut Library.
Marjorie was preceded in death by her parents, her husband Austin, her brother Glenn, daughter Evelyn Eblen, in-laws Harry and Josephine McDermott, and brothers-in-law Clarence McDermott, Robert McDermott, Herb McDermott and Richard McDermott.
Marjorie is survived by her daughters, Elaine McDermott of Kansas City, MO, and Kenner Baxter (Randy) of Marne, and by her son Jim McDermott (Bobbie) of Walnut. Also her son-in –law Gene Eblen of Walnut, grandchildren Aaron Eblen (Essence) of Pensacola, FL, Tony Eblen (Lindsey) of Treynor, Adam Eblen (Melissa) of Jacksonville, FL, Megan Andersen (Brian) of Omaha, Nellie Popp (Brian) of Omaha, Christina Baxter of Marne, and Brittney Baxter of Waterloo, as well as great grandchildren Dylan Eblen, Aubry Eblen, Emma Eblen, Evyn Eblen, Cohen Eblen, Kenner Eblen, Nora Andersen and Dasia Baxter. She also leaves behind her beloved sisters-in-law, many nieces, nephews and dear friends.
Pauley Jones Funeral Homes is in charge of arrangements. Visitation will be Sunday, October 18, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Presbyterian Church in Walnut, with the funeral on Monday, October 19, 10:00 a.m. at the church.

Special thanks go out in this November (Thanksgiving) Gleaner to all our Church volunteers:
Sunday School teachers Robyn Tooley & Teresa Griffith
Choir Director Darlene Stuart
Piano Player Connie Jensen
Clerk of Session Linda Ploen
UPW President Charlotte Shepherd
Church Treasurers Robyn Tooley and Connie Jensen
Session Members
Flower Contributors
All workers at the Church Bazaar and Supper
All workers at the Antique Walk Food Stand
Thank-you! Thank-you! Thank-you!

Being a Christian is like being a pumpkin. God lifts you up, takes you in, and washes all the dirt off of you. He opens you up, touches you deep inside and scoops out all the yucky stuff-- including the seeds of doubt, hate, greed, etc. Then He carves you a new smiling face and puts His light inside you to shine for all the world to see.

Congratulations to Ty Johnk for showing the Champion AOB Breeding Beef at Ak-Sar-Ben Youth Livestock Exposition.

December Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Ross & Jean Bornholdt, Craig & Linda Woltmann Communion Servers: Leo Rechtenbach-chm, Jean Bornholdt, Jim & Bobbi McDermott. November ushers and communion servers are at bottom of calendar.

Flowers for Pulpit
November 1 –Mary Ellen Woltmann
November 8- Linda Woltmannh
November 15- Gloria Walter

Flu Shots
Don’t forget to stop in at the Walnut City Hall to get your flu shots Friday, November 6th from 9:00-11:00.The Shot is $25.00 and the Flu mist is $30.00.

Poinsettias For Sale

The Music Parents will again be selling poinsettias to raise money for the WCS music program. If you would like to order call Teri Harmon at school 784-3615. The deadline for ordering is November 8th. Color choices are red, pink, white, or marble. You can choose a Wednesday, November 25th delivery date or Thursday, December 3rd (available for pick-up at the elementary winter concert.) Please make your checks out to Music Parents.

People who are excited about Prayer!
MRVP Committee for Congregations is looking for individuals who are devoted to prayer and would be willing to serve on a prayer team to pray for revitalization, re-development, and new church development. If you are this person, contact Pastor David for more information.

Session Minutes
October 13, 2009
The session of Walnut First Presbyterian church met in regular session on October 13, 2009 in the south Sunday School annex.

Those in attendance were Darlene Stuart, Gloria Myers, Val Sievers, Linda Ploen, Jim McDermott, Bobbie McDermott, Robin Tooley, and Bonnie Holtz. Absent were Leo Rechtenbach and Dennis Jensen.

Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer. Scripture readings and our reflection were based on Psalms 22:6.

The minutes of the September meeting were read and approved.

The Treasurer’s report was approved as presented.

Pastor David reported that he would like to take a class called “Sharpening Your Skills: A Course in Pastoral Care.” It is coordinated by the Nebraska Medical Center Clinical Pastoral Education Unit. It was moved and 2nd to pay the $260 fee for this class. Motion carried Pastor David traveled a total of 339 miles and made many visitations.

Linda reported that she will be going to New Horizon church on October 27th for a review of our church records. She also read a letter from the MRVP Committee for Congregations asking for individual devoted to prayer who would be willing to serve on a prayer team to pray for revitalization, re-development and new church development.

Stewardship and Mission
It’s time for our stewardship campaign. Bonnie and Darlene will work on this. We also reviewed the Gleaner mailing list to see if any names could be eliminated to save some cost. Several ideas were mentioned to help save money. No decision made. Darlene reported that 36 people walked on the Crop Walk and a total of $2100 was raised.

Christian Education
Any discussion on our Christian educator’s Guide to Evaluating and Developing Curriculum was tabled again. Robin reported that 9 kids are attending Sunday School. She also said that she would like to have a Halloween party for our kids before they go UNICEFing. St. Pat’s is in charge of UNICEF. Gloria also reported that all the receiving blankets made by the Bible School kids are gone, so we need to have our kids make more, as we have several babies to be born this year.

Pastor David and Jim Tooley took communion to Judy Ferguson. She has requested to have communion each month. Four and five residents were served communion at Peace Haven. Elders Gloria Myers and Allan Sievers served the respective months.

Finance and Property
The furnace was not working so Feekes came and made repairs. We need to start thinking about the 2010 budget. A motion was made to look into having a church member take care of snow removal and mowing. It was 2nd and carried. Jim and Linda will look into this. It was also moved and 2nd to compensate Tom Liston for weed eating behind the church. We will give him two free tickets to the church dinner. Motion carried. Gloria reported that a refrigerator was purchased on Vic and Edna Nielsen’s sale for $225. It was moved and 2nd to take the money from the Memorial fund. Motion carried. Linda also reported that Chuck had put on a new door knob on the south annex and repaired the retaining wall and downspout in the back of the church. He also made recommendations for the round window on the front of the church. It was moved and 2nd to go ahead with the window repair with monies coming from the Memorial Fund. Motion carried. Chuck will have a detailed estimate for the next meeting.

New Business
It was approved to allow the Walt Siever’s family to use the church basement on November 14th from 11:30-4:00. November 10th will be the MRV Presbytery meeting at First Presbyterian Church in Shenandoah from 5-7. Pott. County End of Life Community Partnership is offering information to anyone interested. David received the 2010 minimum terms of call for MRV Presbytery. David has envelops available from Would Vision so individuals can donate each month to feed a child. Darlene showed us a laminated flyer that could be put in each pew telling members and visitors about our church. No action was taken.

The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Next meeting November 3rd at 7:00 p.m.
Linda Ploen
Clerk of Session

Monday, September 28, 2009

October 2009 Gleaner

October 2009

Pastor’s Notes
Why are we here? That’s a question I have asked myself many times. The question I want to put before you to think about is, “Why is this church here? What is its purpose? What is God’s plan for his church?” Actually there are three questions but who’s counting?
This is the time of year when all churches begin to think about finances and the budget. Let’s not think about money but instead consider what it is that God is doing in the world and how can we join him in it. That, I think, is the real question we should all concern ourselves with.
When we go back to the book of Genesis we find that God created everything for his pleasure, including us. We are here for his pleasure. But I don’t think it ends there.
God through Moses gave his people laws to live by and Jesus boiled all of them down to two. He said we were to love God with our whole being and to love our neighbors as much as we love ourselves. That, my friends, is our reason for being. That’s why the church is here; that’s its purpose. I believe God’s plan for his church is to continue the work begun by Jesus, the apostles, and the disciples. And that work was to tell the world about God’s kingdom here on earth in the person of Jesus Christ.
Yes, it’s all about evangelism and mission and stewardship and making disciples of all nations, loving our neighbors enough to care whether they know about Jesus and his love for them. Now our love for them may not begin with our telling them about Jesus. It may begin by attending to their needs, whatever they may be.
Friends, I know that it’s hard to help others meet their basic needs when we know that they’re there because they may have made some choices in their lives that put them in the predicament they’re in at this particular time in their lives. It’s very hard not to judge. The fact is that nothing has changed since the time of Jesus. People made wrong choices then and they are still making wrong choices today. And I believe that Jesus told his disciples, and us, that we are to care for them.
That’s the reason this church is here. That’s the purpose and God’s plan for his church, to help the least and the lost, the poor and the lonely. And we are to love them as we love ourselves.
As you’re reading this you’re saying, “But times are tough and there’s just not enough money.” I agree, times are tough and money does seem to be tight but I think it’s more than that. As I said last month it’s about tithing our lives to God, dedicating everything we do to God. Giving up our old lives and living like the new people we profess to be as followers of Jesus. It’s not about the money.
It’s not easy but living the life set by Jesus’ example isn’t easy. If it was we wouldn’t be talking about mission, stewardship, and the like because the churches would be overflowing. Everyone would want to be a Christian.
We profess to be Christians. That means we believe in Jesus. We believe he died to forgive our sins. We believe that He rose again and before he ascended into heaven he stayed with his disciples for 40 days and taught them again how to love and care for those whom he called to be his, rich and poor, black and white, Jew and Greek, everyone part of God’s plan.
Friends, I ask you to prayerfully consider what it is that God is doing in this community and then decide how we can join him in his work. That is our mission. That is why we’re here.
God loves you and so do I,
Pastor David


Thank-you to Linda Ploen for leading the service September 20th all about the Wyoming mission trip. Thanks also to Jason and Heather Ploen for all their technical help. Also, thanks to the girls for sharing their memories.

Thanks to the pastor for polishing the communion service and replacing the tablecloths in the sanctuary.

Thanks to Linda Ploen for changing the alter flowers for the fall season.

New Addresses:
Vic and Edna Nielsen
300 Risen Son Blvd.
Apt 241
Council Bluffs, IA 51503
Phone # 712-256-2984

Mabel Stahl
1100 Brookridge Circle
Apt 1C
Atlantic, IA 50022


Congratulations to the Homecoming Royalty Court; Valerie Sievers, Josie Cable, Chris Guthrie and Jessica Helms.
Congratulations to Brittni Johnk for graduating from Jennie Edmundson School of Radiology. She graduated with top academic honors and also was awarded the Outstanding Clinical Student award.
Congratulations to Ty Johnk for winning Champion Charolais Composite breeding heifer at the 4-H show at the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines.


For the first time the CROP HUNGER WALK will be held in Walnut. Come join the walkers on October 11th at 1:00 p.m. at the Walnut City Park. The walk will be app. 4 miles long. Contact Darlene Stuart to get your sponsor sheet. Also, please bring canned food items for the Avoca Food Pantry.

Kid Joke

A wife invited some people to dinner.
At the table, she turned to their six-year-old daughter and said,
“Would you like to say the blessing?’
“I wouldn’t know what to say,” the girl replied.
“Just say what you hear Mommy say,” the wife answered.
The daughter bowed her head and said,
“Lord, why on earth did I invite all these people to dinner?”

November Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Leo & Jeanette Rechtenbach, Teri Abel & Shannon Griffith
Communion Servers: Bobbie McDermott-chm, Barb Eslick, Larry & Charlotte Shepherd. October ushers and communion servers are at bottom of calendar.

Flowers for Pulpit
October 4-------Mabel Stahl
October 11------ Jeanette Rechtenbach
October 18 ------Bobbie McDermott
October 25 ------Janet Grush

Rev. Doug Orbaker, missionary from Nicaragua spoke to us on Sept 27th . The Avoca United Church joined us for fellowship and communion. Chuck and Linda Ploen welcomed him into their home to stay overnight and Charlotte Shepherd coordinated the coffee and sweets afterward.

Simply Voices

Simply voice is a group of 10 women from the Mount Ayr United Methodist Church who will be celebrating their 6th year of singing together in October. October 11th they will be singing our worship service at 9 a.m.

Their style of music is both contemporary and traditional. The group was asked to perform 3 years in a row at the Iowa State Fair for the ecumenical church service in Pioneer Hall. They have sang in 3 different events for the Iowa Grand Chapter of the Order of Eastern Star, and sang for installation of a local woman in the Rebekah Lodge. They have also performed for various community events and surrounding area worship services and have sang for Easter and Christmas concerts for their local community for the past 5 years. They are passionate about their ministry and have touched many who have heard their "ministry through song."

We hope you have a chance to come and hear them sings. I think you will enjoy hearing them. Pastor David's sister, June, is a member of this group.

Bank Account

I have just deposited
Love and Blessings
Into your bank account

And the best part is that
It will cost you nothing

I ask that you use it in abundance

*Your pin number is J-E-S-U-S

*Important Notice*
If you lose your pin number you lose everything.

Make a deposit in someone else’s account.

May your troubles be less
Your blessings be more
And nothing but happiness
Come through your door.

Session Minutes
September 8, 2009

The session of Walnut First Presbyterian Church met in regular session on September 8th, 2009 in the south Sunday School annex.

Those in attendance were: Gloria Myers, Valerie Sievers, Linda Ploen, Jim McDermott, Bobbie McDermott, and Bonnie Holtz. Those absent were: Darlene Sstuart, Leo Rechtencach, Dennis Jensen and Robin Tooley.

Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with several readings from the book of James. He also had a reflection on justice, the poor and homeless. We did not have a meeting in August because of the funeral visitation of Bill League.

The minutes of the July meeting were approved as read.

The Treasurer’s report for July and August was read and approved.

The pastor’s report was approved as given. Pastor David traveled 109 miles in July and 65 miles in August. He served 9 residents of Peace Haven communion, visited many members and traveled with the mission group. Pastor David also asked for vacation on the weeks of September 20th, October 4th, and October 25. It was moved and 2nd to allow this. Motion carried. The mission trip girls will do the service on Sept. 20th and Katherine Bates-Heyne on the 4th and 25th of October.

There was no clerk’s report. Deaths recorded were William F. Sievers who died July 28th, 2009 and was buried at Graceland Cemetery in Avoca, Iowa, and William Cleveland League who died August 7th, 2009. His burial was at Layton Twp. Cemetery in Walnut, Iowa. There were no new members or membership transfers.

Stewardship and Mission
David reported that the mission trip to Shell, Wyoming went well. The girls worked hard and we all had a great time. Doug Orbaker, delegations Coordinator for the Council of Evangelical Churches in Nicaraugua will be here for a joint worship service between First Presbyterian and United Church of Avoca on September 27th at 9 a.m. It was moved and seconded to grant approval to serve communion that Sunday. Motion carried. We will not have communion on October 4th. Linda Ploen reported on the Open Door Mission Walk-A-Thon on Sept. 20th. We hope to have a good group from our church going. We will meet here at the church at 12:00 and travel together so we can walk as a group.

Christian Education
Great Plains Presbyterian Pilgrimage #6 will be October 15-18, 2009. Joyce Serenil is the rector. Gloria has ordered Sunday School material, and also received a scholarship application from Kelsi Helms. She will be attending Upper Iowa. David also mentioned again that we need to get together and look over the Christian Educator’s Guide to Evaluating and Developing Curriculum to see what our Christian Education needs are. He would like to focus on adult education.

Communion was served to 4 residents on August 2nd and 5 residents on September 6th at Peace Haven Home. Gloria Myers and Allan Sievers each served the respective months. There will be no communion on October 4th since we will serve it on September 27th instead.

Finance and Property
David asked again about the purchase of software from Servant PC Resources Inc. The cost is $699. He is still waiting for feed -back on the need and possible purchase. It would help keep track of pledges, membership and the interests of our members. It was mentioned that to obtain this information we could possibly put a “gifts assessment” sheet in the Gleaner to find out what our members strengths, interests and gifts are. No action was taken. There was also no action taken on the Presbyterian Foundation Investments.

New Business
Our Memorial Fund balance is $7,533.48 at last report. Several ideas were brought up for using these funds: a projector for the church, new pew Bibles so they are all alike, new tables for the Antique Walk (the heavy old ones will be disposed of), a different refrigerator, and perhaps some equipment for the Food Pantry. These were just some thoughts. No action taken.

Jim McDermott and Terri Abel then reported on the Crop Hunger Walk which will be in Walnut this year. It will be on October 11th at 1:00. They asked for at least 8 walkers from our church. Plans are going well for the 5 mile walk. Anyone interested in walking or pledging may talk to Jim or Terri, or a session member.

The meeting was closed with the Lord Prayer.

The next meeting will be on October 13th at 7:00 p.m.

Linda Ploen
Clerk of Session

Sunday, August 23, 2009

September Gleaner 2009

Pastor’s Notes
At the August Presbytery meeting at Camp Calvin Crest in Fremont, NE Rev. Dr. Laura Mendenhall had been invited to speak to us on stewardship. But it wasn’t what you would have expected it to be, about money. Her message for us was titled, “Do Not Be Afraid: Stewardship in Church and Life.”
She began by telling us that it’s not about the money even in these times of financial crisis in our nation and in the world. Lack of money isn’t the reason our churches have problems with their budgets. Nope, the root of the problem goes deeper than that. What do you think it is?
What do you think is the most difficult thing for people to give to God and the church? We all suffer from the same old paradigms. The problem is people aren’t digging deep enough in their pockets. Friends, that’s not the problem.
Dr. Mendenhall then went on to give her personal testimony. Now you would think that someone who had been the president of Columbia Theological Seminary wouldn’t have any problem sharing her testimony with us. But think about it. When we give our testimony we share our weaknesses and fears as well as what God has been doing in our lives and that’s what she did.
You all can probably understand and relate to this statement, “It’s harder to give the tithe of our lives to God than it is to give our tithe of money to God.” Now I may not have remembered her words exactly but the gist of it is that it’s much harder to dedicate our lives to God’s service that it is to tithe from our excess.
But, if we tithe our lives completely to God then giving of our finances is easy. The other point I took away from Rev. Dr. Laura’s message was, “When you make peace with how much is enough for you then it’s easy to live with just enough.”
She learned growing up that it’s better to travel lightly through life so you kids don’t have to sort through our accumulation of treasures when we’re gone. Her and her husband learned this when they moved from Decatur, GA to Austin, TX and they decided that they didn’t need the 1,000 books she had in her office library because, did you know, public libraries carry these same books and you don’t have to own them. What a lesson for all of us, live simply with just enough and trust God to provide.
Tithing keeps us dependent on God’s grace; it keeps us leaning on God. And you all thought it was just about the money. Tithing begins with giving our hearts and lives to God. Stewardship is more that just giving money.
Friends, everything we have been blessed with is from God and to him we should give our blessing. Everything we have isn’t ours but belongs to God, the One who gave them to us and that includes our families. Just as Elkanah and Hannah dedicated their son, Samuel, to God so we should think about the sons and daughters God has given to us. Have we given them to God?
It’s not an easy thing to do, give our lives and our families to God to use as he sees fit, but that’s stewardship, that’s tithing.
The issues the world and God’s churches face aren’t about a lack of resources. We all have all we need to make an offering to God. We shouldn’t waste time making up our minds. God only gives us so many days here.
Remember as Dr. Laura said, “The simplest and most profound thing we can do is share our own story with others.” If we make ourselves vulnerable to one another then God uses us to continue his work in the world.” Friends, life is too short to put these things off.
God loves you and so do I,
Pastor David

In Memoriam
William Frederick Sievers
Sept. 26, 1911-July 28, 2009

William Frederick Sievers, son of William P. and Anna (Lamp) Sievers, was born at home on Sept, 26, 1911 in Minden, Iowa. He was the first of five children. In 1912, he and his mother rode a railcar to Briggsdale, Colorado, where his grandfather had homesteaded. In his youth, Bill loved to work on the farm and hunt rabbits. He left school after the eighth grade to help his father. He taught himself to play the piano and accordion, and would often play at dances in the prairie towns.
In 1934, he went to work for Hormel in Austen, Minnesota. He later joined the National Guard, and due to a deaf ear, he remained in the states during WWII and became a mess sergeant, cooking and baking for 440 men.
On December 13, 1941, Bill married June Dock in Austin, Minnesota. Three daughters were born to this union. They resided in Austin until 1944, when they moved to Minneapolis where Bill drove a gasoline transport. In 1950, they moved to La Crosse, Wisconsin and in 1951, returned to Minneapolis. In 1952, Bill moved his family to Briggsdale to join his brother Jim and father in the farming operation. In 1954, the family moved south of Walnut. June passed away in 1966. In 1971 , Bill married Loree Oman. He retired from farming in 1975 and moved to Cozad, Nebraska where he built his own home on a lake so that he could enjoy one of his favorite pastimes, fishing. Loree passed away in 2001. In 2002, at the age of 91, Bill moved back home to Walnut.
Bill had many hobbies and interest. He loved farming and gardening. At 93, his doctor told him if he drank enough tomato juice, he would live forever. So…he canned 92 quarts. At 97, he thought if he ate an apple a day, it would keep the doctor away. So…he froze 85 bags of apples, and…planted an apple tree. His apple pies were the best. He always wished he was back on the farm.
He loved all kinds of music and dancing, but especially Polka. He had a passion for photography and developing his own pictures. Bill was a great artist and enjoyed teaching his grandchildren and great-grandchildren his skills. He especially loved to draw cartoons.
He was always tinkering. He could fix everything, and everything he did, he did it well. Bill was a compassionate man with a wonderful sense of humor. From beginning to end, he was a joy to be around. He was deeply loved by his family. His sister Peg said, “If the whole world was like Bill, it would be a wonderful place”.
With his family at his bedside, Bill went Home on July 28, 2009. In addition to his parents and both wives, Bill was preceded in death by his brothers, Raymond and Carl. He is survived by his children, Monica Joyce of Sidney, Nebraska; Susie Sievers and special friend Mark Petersen of Avoca; and Margo (Doug) Matthies of Walnut; 8 grandchildren, 9 great-grandchildren, his sister Margaret “Peggy” Lippold of Omaha and brother Jim of Briggsdale, Colorado; many nieces and nephews; step-children Bob and Mary Oman of Holdredge, Nebraska; Dick and Sharon Oman of Omaha, Nebraska; Sheryl and Brian Jones of Broomfield , Colorado; Dave and Maureen Oman of Grand Island, Nebraska; and 16 step-grandchildren 14 step-great-grandchildren, 1 step-great-great-grandchild, and many friends.

In Memoriam
William Cleveland League, Jr.
January 9, 1921-August 7, 2009

William “Bill” Cleveland League, Jr., the son of William Cleveland and Maude Pearl (Reddington) League, Sr., was born on January 8, 1921, in Walnut, Iowa. After graduation from Walnut High School in 1938, Bill worked in the family dray business. In 1943, he joined the United States Army and was shipped to England in 1944. On August 21, 1945, Bill married Marian Pattie Taylor at St. Anne’s Church in Bowden Hill, England. After Bill’s discharge from the service in April 1946, he and Marian moved to Walnut, where they lived until entering the Avoca Nursing and Rehab Center in Avoca, Iowa, in May 2007. Marian died on March 17, 2009 in Avoca.
Bill Was a member of the First Presbyterian Church in Walnut, Iowa, where he served as a trustee and elder, and sang in the choir. He was a member of the AMVEST Post 45 in Walnut, and a past member of the Walnut Fire Department. Bill had the honor of serving on the Walnut City Council for eight years. Hen he was younger, he liked to spend time hunting and fishing.
William C. League, Jr., died on Thursday, August 7, 2009, at the Avoca Nursing and Rehab Center in Avoca, Iowa, having reached the age of 88 years, 6 months, and 30 days.
Bill was preceded in death by his parents; his wife, Marian League; on sister and brother-in-law, Clara May and Gordon Tooley; and one brother, Jerry League. He is survived by one son, Ted League and his wife, Kathy, of New Braunfels, Texas; one sister, Adele Pedersen of Walnut, Iowa; four grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; nieces and nephews, and other relatives and friends.


- To everyone that helped make our Summer Youth Trips so successful.

- To Diane Book and Marge Kobs for filling in for Connie Jensen on piano/organ.

Shell, Wyoming
Mission Trip

The first week of August Chuck & Linda Ploen, Pastor David & Linda Krueger took seven teen-age girls to Shell, Wyoming (at the foot of the Big Horn Mountains) to work on a new addition to the Presbyterian Church there. Jason, Heather & Zach Ploen joined them, bringing a truck full of tools.
The girls that went were, Karley and Jessica Helms, Josie Cable, Valerie and Lauren Sievers, Alyssa Becerra, and Emily Mitchell.
Chuck Ploen’s excitement over the trip and Linda Ploen’s organization and planning were instrumental in making it such a success.
Along with the work there were fun times; driving through the Big Horn Mountains, attending the Cody, Wyoming rodeo and spending a day in Yellowstone National Park. The people from the Church/Community welcomed them into their homes to stay, had a pot luck supper for them, held a BBQ for them at the preacher’s house and many friendships were made.
The girls worked so well together and remained cheerful throughout the work and the 2400 miles traveled.

Several things stand out to me (Linda Krueger) as being especially meaningful. The girls wrote us (and Ploen’s) a special note at the first motel and slipped it under our door.

At the Pot Luck Supper Jerry Ewen, a member of the church and contractor for the addition, stood up to talk and told the girls, “You girls are the answer to our prayers”. The congregation there had prayed and prayed for someone to come and help them. There church had no kitchen, no bathroom (they had an outhouse behind the church) and no handicap access. Another special moment for me was Sunday during their church service. Augie Garcia, from their church, played his guitar and sang,

“Why Me Lord?” by Kris Kristofferson.
“Why me Lord, what have I ever done
To deserve even one,
Of the pleasures I’ve known.

Tell me Lord, What did I ever do,
That was worth love FROM you,
Or the kindness you’ve shown.

Lord help me Jesus, I’ve wasted it so,
Help me Jesus, I know what I am.
Now that I know, that I’ve needed you so,
Help me Jesus, my soul’s in your hand.

Tell me Lord, if you think there’s a way,
That I can repay, all I’ve taken from you.
Maybe Lord, I can show someone else,
What I’ve been through myself,
On my way back to you.

Lord help me Jesus, I’ve wasted it so,
Help me Jesus, I know what I am.
Now that I know, that I’ve needed you so,
Help me Jesus, my soul’s in your hand.”

Special people that we met were our host families:
Richard and Judy Burton
Richard and Darla Saam
Jeff and Karen Grant
Merle and Kitty Gipson
Gary and Rev. Becky Anderson
Of special note also were Kathy Ewen that led the church (and our girls) in song and the famous artist Charlene Collingwood who is a member of the church.
Everyone there was so kind and generous (there are good cooks in Wyoming!!) and I’m sure that helped make the girls (and adults) feel welcome. I think we all left feeling not only that we had done a service to a church in need but also received the gift of hospitality. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “The only gift is a portion of thyself.”

Congratulations to our Pottawattamie County Fair Winners:
---to Ty Johnk on his Champion Heifers and Steers
---to Hunter Nielsen on his Champion Goats and Sheep
---to Bailey Nielsen on her Champion Sheep and Poster

Just A Little Taste of Heaven
By Shelly Storey
I love to go camping. Sitting by the fire, watching the smoke rise and curl heavenward, relaxing with dirt under my fingernails and no real agenda…aah, that really does it for me. I may have even said once or twice, “This is Heavenly!” We all have places where we have felt like that, where the peace and beauty of the setting seems to wash the cares of life away for a time. Some may say it is at the beach, or on a mountainside, while gazing at a sunset, or even on a lawnmower. Our little “tastes of Heaven” are the beautiful places that bring us joy and peace of soul. As humans, we strive to seek out the beauty of this world and wonder, is that what heaven will be like??
I, however, have truly found a taste of heaven on this earth, and I call it Pilgrimage. This time the camp was fairly brown and overcast, so to call it “beautiful” would be stretching the truth a bit. This time I got very little sleep, so to call it physically “relaxing” would be a lie. This time I served in more that one capacity, so to claim that I had no real agenda or demands on my time would be wrong.
Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things (Col. 2:3). Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. Because of these, the wrath of God is coming (Col. 2:5-6). “And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying. ‘Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” (Rev. 21:3-5a)
In Pilgrimage, more that any other place before or to come, I have truly found that little piece of Heaven. It is a place where no one fights, no one lusts, no one condemns, no one is judged, no one slanders, and no one has any other gods. A place where everyone is accepted as God’s workmanship. Where everyone is loved. Where everyone can give praise and receive grace. A place where the presence of the Lord is literally tangible, and where His community is blessed. The physical beauty of the place—or of the participants, for that matter—does no affect the atmosphere of Pilgrimage. It is simply God’s community, designed by feeble humans, knit together by Him, for His glory, and at that place, even if for only three days, the “things of the world” pass away.
My mind cannot conceive the physical beauty of heaven (it says so in 1st Corinthians 2:9), and therefore my desperately human attempts to compare it to campfire smoke, the ocean surf, the orange sunset, the mountain air, or the smell of cut grass are well, desperately HUMAN. My mind cannot conceive it. But we are assured in scripture that in Heaven the old will have passed away, and with it all the heartache of this world.
Until Pilgrimage, that is something I could not conceive of either. Now I can. To Him be all the glory.

--Contact Pastor David if you would like to find out more and/or would like to attend the next Pilgrimage October 15-18

October Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Jeff & Pam Neilsen, Linda Sieck
Communion Servers: Linda Ploen – chm, George Mertz, Linda Sieck, Pam Nielsen. September ushers and communion servers are at bottom of calendar.

Flowers for Pulpit
September 6 -------Avis Mortensen
September 13------ Paula Griffith
September 20 ------Julie Nash
September 27 ------Dixie Schirm

Walking, walking, walking…
Open Door Mission is having a walk-a-thon September 20th from 1-5pm. Participants
receive a T-shirt, water bottle, and soup/bread. The soup and bread will be prepared especially
for this event by area chefs. You can tour the Open Door Mission also. There will be a shuttle
back to the start or you can walk. The walk will be from the Gallup University parking lot (by
Quest Center) to the Open Door Mission. Adults - $19.20 (provides 10 meals at the mission) or for
Children 8 and under - $9.60 (provides 5 meals at the mission.

CROP WALK – The annual Crop Walk will be held in Walnut this year for the first time.
It will be on October 11 so mark your calendars now!

MOP Wants YOU!

Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) is looking for compassionate and caring volunteers for their organization. As a “Mopppet” you will be engaged in providing a safe, Christian learning
environment for children, ages birth-6years, during the MOPS meetings. This is a great chance for Moms to get some adult time and for the kids to explore and learn about interaction and cooperation. The Council Bluffs Chapter of MOPS meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, Sept. 16-May 6th. The time is 9:30-11:30. The location is Living Hope Community Church. It is out Hwy. 92, (east of CB).
If you are interested, please call Living Hope Comm. Church @ 712-323-3227, leave message
for Cindy, Moppets coordinator.

Sunday September 27, 2009

We have invited Doug Orbaker, a missionary from Nicaragua, to speak to us. We will worship and hear about Doug’s experience in Sough America sharing the gospel. The United Church of Avoca will be joining us for our 9:00 AM worship on Sept, 27th.

Ordinary Things
Our oldest son and his family (wife & four kids) returned from their vacation to the SW United States, over 3600 miles. I asked Sadie (5 years old) what was her favorite memory. She said, “Albuquerque” just because she likes to say the word. Then she thought and said, “My very, VERY favorite was when it was raining real hard and we had to run to the van and mommy held my hand and we laughed and laughed and laughed”.
To think they traveled 3600 miles, saw the Grand Canyon, went to water parks, rode burros etc, etc, and her favorite memory was running in the rain, holding mommy’s hand and laughing.
Linda Krueger

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

August Gleaner

First Presbyterian Church (USA) Walnut, Iowa 51577
Volume 40 Number 8 August 2009

First Presbyterian Church Church Phone: 712-784-3953
Box 707 Pastor David’s home phone: 712-784-2204
Walnut, IA 51577 Pastor David’s cell: 402-936-0153

Pastor’s Notes

Disciples of Christ

In January I began asking the session to give prayerful consideration to what God was telling them what the mission was for His churches in Walnut. Each month I would phrase the question just a little bit differently, but the thought still meant the same thing, “What is God up to in this community? Where is God already at work and where would He like us to jump in?”
The Message for all us last Sunday, July 26th, was what gift God has blessed each of us with and how is it possible for Him to use our 5 loaves and 2 fish to feed His children. It’s my belief that God has blessed all of us with gifts, some of which we don’t see as gifts that can be used to further God’s kingdom here on earth.
Friends, that’s why it’s so vitally important for us to spend time with God each day reading and praying His Word. Time with God is never a waste of time. Time spent with God, time spent listening to Him is one of the ways we can discern how He is calling us to use these gifts.
We may not believe that our talents could ever be used to help some one else experience the love of God through Jesus but remember what Paul told the Ephesians, “God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams (The Message, Ephesians 3:20)!” So if God is able to do far more than we could ever imagine don’t you think he could take whatever we have and do miraculous things with them. It doesn’t matter whether we are farmers, antique store proprietors, cooks, maintenance workers, day care providers, nurses, caregivers, hotel housekeepers, managers, mothers, fathers; God is able to use us wherever we are to bring people into His fold where they will be safe.
But in order for God’s will to be done we have to give up our control and let Him be our guide. We must trust that whatever He calls us to do He will be with us every step of the way. He will take our 5 loaves and 2 fish, our little gifts, multiply them and, friends, there will be an abundance of leftovers to feed those others who tag along to see what all the commotion is about.
So I’m asking all of you reading this today, “What is God already at work doing in the community where you live? What is God calling you to do? How is He asking you to help?” And you know he is.
We can’t enjoy the fruits of our labors unless we get down on our knees and plant some seeds in the dirt. Just like we can’t eat BLT’s unless we keep the weeds away from the tomato plants neither can we expect God’s kingdom to grow here in Walnut unless we get on our knees and pray for God’s guiding grace as we plant the seeds of His love. We have to get out and share our stories with our friends and neighbors about how God is enriching our lives.
Let’s work together to share The Message with those in our community who are yearning to be filled with the love of Jesus. Remember God loves you and so do I.
Pastor David

-Jim McDermott, David Woltmann and Greg Mertz for planning and taking the boys on a fishing trip to Canada. (More news next month)
-George Mertz for offering to let the “fishermen” stay in his Canadian cabin.
- Chuck and Linda Ploen for planning the girls’ mission trip to Shell, Wyoming.
Pastor David/Linda helped (and worked) also. (More news next month.)


Dr. Bill and Clara Beatty are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary.
The Walnut Presbyterian Church is cordially invited to their reception.
The reception will be held from 2-4 pm on Sunday, August 30th in the
Pacific Springs Community Room, 805 S 173rd Court (174th & Pacific).
No gifts, please. Your presence and/or a short note to Bill and Clara
would be most meaningful to them. For those who wish to send an
anniversary greeting their address is, Bill and Clara Beatty, 521 S 174th Plaza, Omaha, NE 68118.

September Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Al & Dixie Schirm, Larry & Charlotte Shepherd
Communion Servers: Gloria Myers-chm, Linda Krueger, Charles Walter, Darlene Stuart.
August ushers and communion servers are at bottom of calendar.

Flowers for Pulpit
August 2 ------- Carolyn Johnk
August 9------- Karla Helms
August 16------ Carla Johnk
August 23------Terri Abel
August 30-------Jean Bornholdt

Optimist Car Show – August 2
Antique City Drive will be blocked off. Parking will be in back of church or on side streets.

It’s A Picnic
Our Presbytery (Missouri River Valley) is planning a picnic for EVERYONE
in the Presbytery! This grand event will be held August 15th at Church Of The
Master located at 10710 Corby Circle, Omaha, Nebraska. This is just south of
Maple on 108th street.
All you are asked to do is let your pastor know if you’re planning on going
(so the Presbytery can buy enough fried chicken) and bring either a salad or dessert.
Many activities are being planned, especially for the children. They’ve rented
two BIG inflatable playthings, there will be a washer toss and sand pit volleyball,
so there will be plenty of things for the youngsters to enjoy.

Presbyterian Women

Presbyterian Women will begin their new season on September 5th
A club tour and lunch out are being planned.

Calvin Crest Lunch and Quilt Auction
Our church camp, Calvin Crest, will be holding it’s annual
BBQ and Quilt Auction on Saturday, August 29.
Quilts will be on display at 10 a.m., BBQ from 12-1:30 p.m.,
and Quilt Auction starting at 1:30 p.m.
(If you would like to contribute a quilt let Pastor David
know and he will take it to Calvin Crest on the 21st.)

Session Minutes

July 14, 2009
The session of Walnut First Presbyterian church met in regular session on July 14th, 2009 in the south Sunday school annex.

Those in attendance were Darlene Stuart, Gloria Myers, Linda Ploen, Jim McDermott, Dennis Jensen and Bonnie Holtz. Absent were Leo Rechtenbach, Val Sievers, Bobbie McDermott and Robin Tooley.

Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with scripture from I Peter 1: 3-9. He also read a reflection entitled “Have You Seen Jesus My Lord?”

The minutes of the June 9th meeting were read and approved.

The Treasurer’s report was approved as read.

The Pastor’s report was approved as given. Pastor David traveled 221 miles this month and served communion to 10 residents in Walnut and 48 residents of Salem Home in Elk Horn along with many visitations to members.

During the Clerk’s report it was stated that there were no membership transfers, one death-that of Janice Louise Tooley who died June 9th, 2009 and was buried in Layton Twp. Cemetery in Walnut, and there was a request from Jessica Newcomb to become a member of our church and have her 2 children baptized. David would also like to have an adult confirmation class for Jessica and/or anyone else who may be interested. It was moved and 2nd to grant this request. Motion carried.

Stewardship and Mission
Linda and Jim reported on their respective youth trips. There are five boys and seven girls going at this time. On Sunday, September 27 we will be hosting a joint worship service with United Church of Avoca. The guest speaker will be Doug Orbaker, delegations coordinator for the Council of Evangelical Churches is Nicaragua. We will have a coffee afterwards. There will be a World Mission Celebration in Cincinnati, Ohio on October 22-24.

Christian Education
Great Plains Presbyterian Pilgrimage #6 will be October 15-18th.
There is a Youth Ministry Leader Seminar on September 12th at Countryside Community Church in Omaha conducted by Princeton Theological Seminary. Early Bird registration is $65.
David ordered the books “Christian Educator’s Guide to Evaluating and Developing Curriculum”. We will need to have a special meeting later to discuss how these books can help us with our Christian Education programs.
The Presbytery-Wide Picnic will be Sunday August 15th from 4-7 p.m. at Church of the Master. It will be a fun event for all ages. Please bring a salad or dessert.
There are several dates in August set for Child Protection Policy Training. The POAM/OWLS Fall Celebration will be Sept. 16-17 at Calvin Crest.
There are dried fruits and nuts for sale at the Presbytery office. Proceeds from sales go to help charitable organizations.
Check out the MRV Presbytery website at for news happening in the Presbytery.

Gloria Myers helped serve communion to 4 residents at Peace Haven on July 5th. Steve Koll will fill the pulpit on July 19th, Lou Buckner on August 9th, and Heather Ploen on October 18th.

Finance and Property
The Antique Walk went well. Roughly $12,000 was deposited before expenses. There will be more details next month.
Bruce Rosenbaum has been painting the outside trim of the church. He is finished with what he can reach with the ladder. David reported on Servant PC Resources Inc. It costs $499 for the license. We will discuss more later.
We also need a new signature authority at the bank to sign checks to replace Kent Johnk. It was moved and 2nd to approve Dennis Jensen for this position. Motion carried.

No action

New Business
Cass County Memorial Hospital sent a Congregational Survey to the church for information on services and or training our members may need. David will fill this out.

It was also mentioned that perhaps we could use some of our memorial money to buy some new pew Bibles so all the Bibles are the same.

The meeting was closed with prayer and the Lord’s Prayer.

Next meeting will be August 11th at 7:00 p.m.

Linda Ploen
Clerk of Session

Friday, June 26, 2009

July Gleaner 2009

First Presbyterian Church (USA)

Walnut, Iowa 51577
Volume 40 Number 7 July 2009

First Presbyterian Church Church Phone: 712-784-3953
Box 707 Pastor David’s home phone: 712-784-2204
Walnut, IA 51577 Pastor David’s cell: 402-936-0153
Pastor’s Notes
Its official, summer arrived at 12:35 last Sunday, June 21st. Right along with the longest day of the year came the hottest days we have experienced so far. I, for one, had been really enjoying the cooler temperatures. It hasn’t been so good for the corn and beans that like the heat and humidity but it’s been good for us humans.
So along with summer and the warmer temperatures comes a whole list of outdoor activities, like camping, swimming, fishing, and biking, just to name a few. I also like to take a good book outside when the temperature drops some and spend some quiet time listening to God’s creation settling down for a night’s rest as I read. Sometimes I even find myself drifting off as I try to reread the same sentence for the umpteenth time.
It is peaceful sitting on the glider and just letting the silence wash over me. I have been reminded lately that that is one of the areas of our lives that we neglect, quiet time away from the hustle and bustle of our busy-ness. I read that solitude is abstaining from doing those things that distract us from hearing God’s voice.
The world has a way of insisting that we do this or that or go here or there or watch this movie or television show. And by listening to the world we miss hearing the quiet whisper of God’s word for us. I think we feel guilty when we just sit and don’t do anything but empty ourselves of all the noise in our lives and minds.
Friends, to really understand the importance of this self imposed solitude go to the gospels and read what Jesus did. After a busy day of teaching and healing and casting out demons he rested. But then we find that he would get up while it was still dark (night) and he would go away to pray. Many times his disciples would send search parties out to find him because people were clamoring to hear him teach and to have their ills cured.
Just reflect for a moment on the obstacles he might have encountered. The grass would have been covered with dew, tree branches would reach out to catch his clothes, rabbits and deer would be frightened by his footsteps, and besides that it was dark and hard to see where to place his feet. It would have been very easy to trip and twist an ankle or break a wrist.
What difficulties do you think you might have in trying to find a quiet place of solitude? There might be little ones in your house who take much of your time. You might be working two jobs to help meet your budget or maybe you’re one of those fortunate few who have to work overtime to help your company make sales.
Many of us complain that we don’t hear God speaking to us. Maybe it’s because we haven’t truly sought to be alone with him doing nothing but listening.
Friends, my prayer for each of you is that you will structure some time every day from here on out to read God’s word, pray, and then sit quietly, doing nothing else but listening for the still, small voice of God.

Blessings to you all in this Ordinary time of the church year,
Pastor David


---to EVERYONE who helped in any way to make our Food Stand at the Antique
Walk a success, especially Chairman Mary Ellen Woltmann, Charlotte Shepherd for keeping track of, purchasing and delivering the supplies, and Larry
Shepherd for taking charge of the setting up and tearing down of the food stand.
---to all who helped make Vacation Bible School a success.


--to Ryne Johnk, son of Kent and Carla Johnk, graduated Summa Cum Laude from
Iowa State University. Ryne was chosen to serve as Student Marshal for the
College of Business because of his outstanding scholastic achievements, including
a perfect 4.0 GPA. He led his fellow classmates into the auditorium while
holding the banner of the College of Business and was the first to receive his
diploma. On April 5th Ryne received the High Scholarship Award in the college
of Business which is given to only the top 2 percent of the college class.

--to Hannah Blum (daughter of Rick and Gwen Blum) and Ryne Johnk (son of
Kent and Carla Johnk) on their beautiful June 6th wedding.
--to Alyssa Becerra, Emily Mitchell, Jessica Helms, Lauren Sievers, Courtlyn Griffith and Chris Guthery for being on the Middle School Honor Roll.
--to Ty Johnk, Samantha Jensen, Josie Cable, Val Sievers, and Jared Ploen for being on the High School Honor Roll.
--to Pastor David being honored by being asked to be Head Pastor for the September Great Plains Presbyterian Pilgrimage.
--to Alice Richter for winning the quilt that was raffled off to help our youth.

August Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Kent & Carla Johnk, Jim & Bobbie McDermott Communion Servers: Dennis Jensen-chm, Robin Tooley, Barb Eslick, Vincent Hansen. July ushers and communion servers are at bottom of calendar.

May 31, 2009
Chris Guthery baptized by Pastor David

May 31, 2009
Emily Mitchell, Alyssa Becerra, Michael Mertz, Hunter
Nielsen, and Chris Guthery were confirmed and became members
of the First Presbyterian Church in Walnut, Iowa.

Something different
Pastor David received a phone call from Mrs. Samuel Shinn on June 12. She introduced herself as the wife of Rev. Shinn, who used to preach at Walnut. She said she just called to let David know how much they enjoyed The Gleaner and then asked about some of our members.
We realized later that perhaps we should include the obituaries of Church members in the Gleaner. This would be another way that our “distant” friends could hear more about our church life.

Janice Louise Tooley
Janice Louise Tooley, the daughter of Harry Charles and Frances Elmer (Nelson) Wendt,
was born on October 9, 1937, in Avoca Iowa. Janice was baptized at Trinity Lutheran Church
in Avoca She attended Avoca schools and graduated from Avoca High School in 1956. Janice
worked at Van Nostrand Grain in Avoca as a secretary and bookkeeper for twenty years. On
January 10, 1970, she married James Edward Tooley at the First Presbyterian Church in Walnut,
Iowa. Janice took time off from her bookkeeping job to raise her family and do in-home daycare.
She was later employed for nine years at Peace Haven in Walnut, where she worked in the kitchen.
Then, for eight years, she worked at Koala-ty Daycare in Walnut.
Janice was a longtime member of the First Presbyterian Church in Walnut, Iowa. She loved
caring for children. Time spent with her children and grandchildren was special to her. Janice
was a quiet person who enjoyed fishing, listening to country and polka music, and watching the
Janice L. Tooley died on Tuesday, June 9, 2009, at her home in Walnut, Iowa, having reached
the age of 71 years and 8 months.
Janice was preceded in death by her parents. She is survived by her husband, Jim Tooley of
Walnut, Iowa; two daughters, Kim Hoffman and her friend, Ron Gardner, of Jacksonville, Iowa,
and Robin Tooley of Walnut, Iowa; two sons, Darren (Michelle) Tooley and Justen Tooley, both
of Walnut, Iowa; one brother, Ron (Ann) Wendt of Omaha, Nebraska; one sister, Barb (Marv)
Pittmann of Avoca, Iowa, six grandchildren; nieces and nephews and other relatives and friends.

Flowers for Pulpit
July 5 -------Betty Sunderman
July 12-------Michelle Sunderman
July 19------Kami Bruck/Shannon Wood
July 26------Connie Jensen

Bible School 2009
Second row: Hana Holtz, Raegan Bradley, Tanner Glines, Paige Nelson.
Front row: Bella Canada, Landon Shutters, Meagan Kock.

Our Joint Bible School with Peace UCC took place June 8-12 with the program
Sunday June 14th at Peace UCC during morning worship. Deb Petersen from Peace
UCC headed up this years program and announced that they averaged 32 students
a day and a good time was had by all.

Session Minutes
June 9, 2009
The session of walnut First Presbyterian church met in regular session on June 9th, 2009 in the south Sunday school annex.
Those in attendance were Darlene Stuart, Gloria Myers, Linda Ploen, Dennis Jensen, and Robin Tooley. Absent were Valerie Sievers, Leo Rechtenbach, Jim McDermott, Bobbie McDermott, and Bonnie Holtz.
Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer and scripture from Matthew 7:7-8 and Romans 8:26-28. Our reflection was from an article in Presbyterians Today magazine entitled “Why Prayer Matters”.

The minutes of the May 12th meeting were read and approved.

The Treasurer’s report was approved as read.

The Pastor’s report was given and approved. Pastor David traveled 170 miles, served communion to 7 residents and made many weekly visitations and devotions.
Linda Ploen presented the clerk’s report. There was one death- Lauren Wallace Weir died May 19th, 2009 and his remains will be spread on Trail Ridge Road in Colorado.
We received five new members through confirmation on May 31st, 2009-Christopher Michael Guthrie, Michael Lloyd Mertz, Hunter Michael Nielsen, Emily Sue Mitchell and Alyssa Lee Becerra.
A request was also received from Enola Pagliuso to be put on the inactive list. It was moved and 2nd to do so.
Linda also read a letter from the Presbytery thanking us for hosting the Presbytery meeting on May 19th.

Stewardship and Mission
Linda reported that there were no updates on the Shell, Wyoming mission trip. We will need to get a supply pastor for August 9th as David will be on the mission trip. David also read several thank-you’s from those who had attended the May 19th Presbytery meeting.

Christian Education
Gloria reported that Bible School is going well and the program will be June 14th at 9:30 at the Peace Church. David reported that the Great Plains Presbyterian Pilgrimage #6 will be October 15-18, 2009. David has been asked to be the head pastor. There will be a “Spiritual Growth Seminar” in Shenandoah on June 27th and a Youth Ministry Leader Seminar at Countryside Community church in Omaha on September 12th. Gloria will contact Kelsi Helms about applying for her 2nd scholarship.

David asked if we thought there would be any interest in purchasing a DVD on Parenting-The Early Years. Perhaps this would be of help to parents with young children. Pastor David will be on vacation July 19-25th. We will need a supply pastor for July 19th.

Finance and Property
Plans are going well and supplies are being purchased for the Antique Walk. Thanks to Larry Shepherd for spraying the church yard and back parking lot. The CD for $80,000 has been placed in a jump up CD in Great Western at a 2.75% annual rate.

No action taken.

New Business
David spoke of two books he purchased-“The Way of Discernment”, and “Spiritual Disciplines”. They ask “How can we be certain that we’re doing what God wants us to do?” What does our community need us to be?

The meeting was closed with prayer and The Lord’s Prayer.

Our next meeting will be July 14th at 7:00 p.m.

Linda Ploen
Clerk of Session

Thursday, May 28, 2009

June Gleaner 2009

Pastor’s Notes
This coming Sunday we will celebrate the birthday of the Church. Pentecost, the fiftieth day after Easter or the seventh Sunday, is remembered as the day the One who was promised by Jesus came into/upon the disciples who were gathered in the Upper Room. On that same day Peter, filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, preached his first powerful evangelistic sermon to those who were gathered in Jerusalem for the Festival of the Weeks, fifty days after the Passover.
This Sunday we will receive 5 confirmation students as new members in our congregation. As we studied over the last 35 weeks all of us in the class thought about God the Father, Jesus His Son, the Holy Spirit, God’s Word for us in scripture, and the Church. Together we talked about our own explanations of these and why we believe as we do. We all wrote down what is what we believed and why and throughout the process we learned that we had questions. Some of the questions we had no answers for and some we worked on together. We discovered that we are all still learning. God isn’t done teaching us yet.
So, I guess that means that we still have much we can learn about God and what he is doing in our lives. This month at our session meeting I put this question before the elders, “What is God up to in our community? What does our community need us to be?”
I believe we need to be reminded that the God we worship isn’t dead. He is very much alive and active all around us. God isn’t waiting for us to begin his mission. He is still out there, in front and behind us, preparing the fields. God has a mission and he has a church for his mission as Rev Lyle Meester reminded us at the Presbytery meeting held here May 19th.
There is much to be done and the numbers of workers available don’t seem to be enough to accomplish what God would have done. That sounds like what Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.” Things haven’t seemed to change much have they?
Last Sunday’s lesson from the gospel of John reminded all of us that Jesus is praying for us as we are sent out into the world to be his hands and feet. God has something for all of us to do. It may not be what we imagine but it is part of God’s plan for the world. We are all called to be ministers. I pray that you will answer his call in whatever it is he calls you to do.
God started his church with just a few disciples in Jerusalem and that same day 3,000 more were added to their rolls after Peter’s Message. Just look at the Church today. We worship a God who empowers his people to accomplish wonderful and amazing tasks that are beyond everyone’s imagination.
May you be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit as you walk this road God has placed before you. Tell everyone you meet what God has done in your life and what he can do in theirs.
God’s grace, peace, love, and joy be with you all,
Pastor David

In Memoriam
Dr. Lauren Weir
October 14, 1917-May 19, 2009

- Chuck Ploen for putting new light in round stained glass window
- Leo Rechtenbach and Chuck Ploen for cleaning our gutters (and Pastor for cleaning up all the water in the basement
- Gloria Myers for speaking at the Presbytery meeting about the history of our church
- Leo Rechtenbach and Bobbie McDermott for painting the door to the office and scraping the windows and painting them, also for getting the new restroom sign
- The Choir for singing at the Presbytery meeting
- To everyone for their generous donations of food for the numerous funerals we’ve had
- For helping and providing cakes for Peace Haven birthday/bingo (for P.W.)
- To everyone that provided cookies for the Presbytery Meeting
- Big, Big Thank-you to Jim McDermott for filling in for Pastor David when he was sick.

- Collin Shutters, kindergarten good citizen of the month
- Tori Sievers, second grade good citizen of the month
- Jessica Ploen named to the Dean’s List at Creighton University and was inducted into Alpha Gamma Delta (an honor society)


July Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Jack & Judy Ploen, Gloria Myers & Barb Eslick Communion Servers:Valerie Sievers-chm, Brittni Johnk, Mary Ellen Woltmann, Jack Ploen. June ushers and communion servers are at bottom of calendar.

Did You Know?
Did you know that Wyatt Earp and Bat Masterson were Elders in the First Presbyterian Church in
Dodge City, Kansas? Presbyterians have always been known to be “straight shooters”!

Sunday School
May 10th the Sunday School sang for the congregation. What a nice addition to our
Mother’s Day service.

Confirmation Class
The confirmation class of Hunter Nielsen, Michael Mertz, Alyssa Becerra, Emily
Mitchell and Chris Guthrie did a great job of leading the service on May 10th.

Hunter Nielsen giving the Children’s Sermon.

Chris Guthrie and Alyssa Becerra putting on a skit for Church

Emily Mitchell leading the service May 10th.

Flowers for Pulpit
June 7 -------Barb Eslick
June 14------Bible School program at Peace Church
June 21------Antique Walk
June 28------Robin Tooley

Upcoming Events
Bible School---Peace UCC/First Presbyterian Vacation Bible School will be June 8-12 from 9:00 AM-11:00 AM at Peace United Church of Christ. The theme is “Kingdom of the Son” the Lord’s Prayer safari. The program will be held on Sunday June 14th during worship at Peace Church at 9:30 AM. We will not be having worship at our church that Sunday so we can attend.

Items needed for Bible School: Medium sized round canisters w/lid ex: small coffee can
Empty plastic frosting cans
Empty rectangular plastic disposable baby wipe boxes
Small puzzle pieces
Metal frozen juice can lids
Empty shoe boxes with lids
Small baby food jars w/lids
Empty ½ gallon milk or juice CARDBOARD cartons
Plastic jar lids w/ribbed edge (instant coffee, peanut butter)
Spring type wooden clothes pins
Empty toilet paper tubes
Spray paint: gray, gold, clear acrylic, brown, orange, yellow
Wiggle eyes: 20mm & 7mm

Presbytery Women—Saturday, June 6 at Neola Presbyterian Church – Annual Brunch - Presentation by Penny Christensen (Penny is the artist wife of bronze artist, Russell Christensen, sculptor Pottawattamie County Eagles of Honor project. Open to all women of our church; if you would like to go let Charlotte know by noon, Wednesday, June 3. Meet at the church Saturday morning 8:30 a. m. to car pool to Neola.

Antique Walk—The Food Stand work schedule is included in this Gleaner (for all you people involved). If you can’t work your time please check the schedule and call someone to trade with.

Session Minutes
May 12, 2009
The session of Walnut First Presbyterian church met in regular session on May 12, 2009 in the south Sunday School annex.
Those in attendance were Darlene Stuart, Leo Rechtenbach, Linda Ploen, Jim McDermott, Dennis Jensen and Bonnie Holtz. Absent were Gloria Myers, Val Sievers, Bobbie McDermott, and Robin Tooley.
Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer and scripture from James 2:14-17. For reflection he read the day’s devotion from “These Days”.
The minutes of the April 14th meeting were read and approved.
The treasure’s report was approved as read. It was moved and 2nd to reinvest $80,000 from a CD coming due, with the remainder being placed in the general account. Motion carried.
Pastor David presented his report. There were 256 miles traveled and 16 were served communion. A thank-you was read from Wee Kirk for our donation.
There was no Clerk’s report, no deaths, new members, or membership transfers.

Stewardship and Mission
Linda Ploen reported that there are 8 girls and 5 adults planning to go on the mission trip to Shell, Wyoming. Jim also reported on the boys’ trip to Canada.
May 19th, our church will be hosting the Presbytery meeting. It will be from 5:00-8:20. They ladies will serve cookies and drinks, Gloria Myers will give a brief history of our church, and David will be helping to serve communion. It was voted to have Jim serve as our voting elder.

Christian Education
Bible School will be June 8-12 from 9-11 a.m. at the Peace Church. The program will be June 14th at Peace Church. Confirmation Sunday will be May 31st. We need to visit with the confirmation class before then. Great Plains Presbyterian Pilgrimage #6 will be October 15-18,2009. Joyce Serenil is the rector.

The confirmation class did a great job with the May 19th church service! There will be no church service at our church on June 14th because of the Bible School program, and no church on June 21st due to the Antique Walk.

Finance and Property
We need to find someone to replace Betty Sunderman to make up the work list for the Antique walk. Jim will work on this. We also need to talk to Mary Ellen Woltmann about heading up the food stand for the Walk. We will work on spring cleaning as needed. Leo will speak with Bruce Rosenboum about painting all the wood trim on the church. Leo and Bobbie painted the trim around the south door entrance. Linda Kureger has planted the flowers around the church and Chuck Ploen fixed the lights in the stained glass window on the front of the church. We also need to talk to Jo and Cody Cable about mowing up everything nicely before the May 19th Presbytery meeting.

David again asked for any pastor evaluations.

New Business
David asked us to think about “What God is up to in our community” and “What does our community need us to be?”

The meeting was closed with prayer and the Lord’s Prayer.

The next meeting will be June 9th at 7:00 p.m.

Linda Ploen
Clerk of Session

Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Gleaner May 2009

Pastor’s Notes
Last week you all know that I again served the guests whom God invited to the Great Plains Presbyterian Pilgrimage #5. I was a guest myself at #2 and have served guests in different capacities at each pilgrimage ever since. You might say that I have become addicted to being filled with God’s spirit about every 6 months.
Just so you know I’m not the only one; we have people who have attended every one of the Great Plains Pilgrimages and they come from Michigan and North Carolina. One person has served at 39 Presbyterian Pilgrimages. I can’t say if I will ever serve on that many but I can tell you I will continue to serve here as long as I am able. I serve because it seems as if God does something else that fills me with amazement every time I go. Friends, that’s a good thing, believe me. I’m beginning to understand why Peter wanted to stay on top of the mountain with Jesus.
God speaks to us in so many different ways. I was a table facilitator this time which basically meant that I had to ask questions to keep the discussion moving after listening to each of the 14 talks that were given. It was truly an honor to sit at a table with so many different and interesting people. One of the guests at our table had actually heard God’s voice speak. That’s right she heard his voice in her ear. Now that’s just plain amazing. And who are we to doubt that He could do that just because we haven’t been spoken to?
Anyway it was a great week and I plan on going back in October and will serve wherever God would have Joyce Serenil put me.
If you haven’t been to a Great Plains Presbyterian Pilgrimage or a Cursillo or a Walk to Emmaus or a Via de Cristo or a Koinonia then I would pray that you check out this website at Click on the Pres Pilgrimage link in the left hand column. You will find information about Pilgrimage and an application form. If you would like to know more come and see me in my office or at home. Believe you will not be sorry you attended.
So I’ve come back excited to be doing the work God gives me to do each day. Oh there are times it’s not that exciting but its still God’s work and that’s cool.
Friends, as I said at worship this morning we have three statements that give us a very good idea about what we should be doing. They are the Great Commission, the Great Commandment, and the Great Ends of the Church. Check out if you want to know more.
This week I read something that really hit home. It may have been a quote from someone, I can’t remember, but it said something like, “Our minds are shaped by what we read.” As I gave that some thought I realized they may be right.
Right now besides spending time in God’s Word I have been reading a book titled, ­Jesus For President, by Shane Claiborne and Chris Haw. I’m not sure I agree with everything they wrote but it sure has me rethinking the world we live in today and the way Jesus told us to live.
So, as I said this morning, if you want to hear God speak to you, read. First, spend time in the Word and then spend time praying and listening. And also read some contemporary books from the theologians authoring books today. There is so much to learn and so little time.
Jesus could come before I have this finished. He could arrive before you finish reading this. Are you ready? Friends, God loves you and so do I.
Pastor David


To the family of Lorene Sieck (87) who passed away April 7th.

To the family of Isabelle McAvoy (97) who passed away April 6th.

Thank-you to the “Easter Brunch Ladies” for the delicious food and charming decorations. Pam Nielsen, Paula Griffith, Teri & Les Abel and Bobby McDermott worked together to provide the brunch for the congregation.

Thank-you to Jean Bornholdt for picking up the palm fronds for Palm Sunday

Thank-you to Leo Rechtenbach for putting a new lockset on the basement door.

Thank-you to the Presbyterian Women for providing the Easter Lilies for the sanctuary. Also Ross & Jean Bornholdt for the lilies in memory of Laurie.

The family of Isabelle McAvoy would like to thank everyone for their expressions of sympathy and to the ladies that provided the food for the wonderful luncheon after her service. They were a joy. Also, to Pastor Krueger, his many visits to Isabelle meant so much to her and his heartfelt words at her service meant so much to all of us.
The family of Isabelle McAvoy

Congratulations to Colin Shutters for being part of the Prom Royalty. He was the crown bearer at the ceremony.

June Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Steve & Michelle Sunderman, Betty Sunderman Communion Servers: Bonnie Holtz-chm, Betty Sunderman, Al & Dixie Schirm May ushers and communion servers are at bottom of calendar.

Peace Haven May Breakfast
You are invited to join the staff & residents of Peace Haven at their Annual May Day Breakfast.
The theme is “Tip Toe Through the Tulips.” Come check out the decorations and enjoy breakfast
of rolls & fruit from 8:30-10:00 am.

Sunday School
The Sunday School will be singing May 10th for the congregation. This will also be
their last Sunday for Sunday School until fall.

Flowers for Pulpit
May 3 -------Darlene Stuart
May 10------Darlene Stuart
May 17------Teresa Griffith
May 24------Linda Ploen
May 31------Linda Ploen

Upcoming Events
Bible School
---Peace UCC/First Presbyterian Vacation Bible School will be June 8-12 from 9:00 AM-11:00 AM at Peace United Church of Christ. The theme is “Kingdom of the Son” the Lord’s Prayer safari. The program will be held on Sunday June 14th during worship at Peace Church at 9:30 AM. We will not be having worship at our church that Sunday so we can attend.

May 10th Worship-The confirmation class is in charge of worship on this day. Come and see what they have planned. Worship is at 9 a.m.

Missouri River Valley Presbytery Meeting-First Presbyterian is hosting the MRV Presbytery meeting May 10, 5-7:30 p.m. No one can remember when, if ever, a Presbytery meeting was hosted in Walnut. The PW will be providing drinks and cookies in the basement prior to the meeting so if you would like to come and mingle please do.

Antique Walk—The Antique Walk week-end will be here before we know it. June 19-21 are the dates this year. We will not be having church services on Sunday the 21st because Pastor David will be gone Saturday and Sunday for his nephew’s wedding.

Shell, Wyoming Mission Trip-Chuck and Linda Ploen have been working at organizing a mission trip to help with the addition of a room to the historic church in Shell. The trip is planned for the first week in August. The group will be doing some finish work such as sanding, varnishing, and painting on the new addition as well as helping with some work on one of their member’s homes. A meeting is planned for April 29th at 6 p.m. at the church to discuss and plan the trip.

Session Minutes
April 14, 2009
The session of Walnut First Presbyterian church met in regular session on April 14, 2009 in the south Sunday School annex.
Those in attendance were: Darlene Stuart, Gloria Myers, Leo Rechtenbach, Linda Ploen, Jim McDermott, Bobbie McDermott, Robin Tooley and Bonnie Holtz. Absent were Valerie Sievers and Dennis Jensen.
Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer and a scripture reading from Matthew 24:34-35. As a reflection we discussed “What Do Presbyterians Believe?” David focused mostly on what we believe about the Bible.
The minutes of the March 10th meeting were read and approved.
The Treasurer’s report was approved as read.
The Pastor’s report was presented and approved. Pastor David traveled 401 miles this month, with communion served to 14 at Peace Haven.
There were two deaths reported in the Clerk’s report: Marian Pattie Taylor League died March 17, 2009 and was buried in Layton Township Cemetery; Isabelle Katherine Kness McAvoy died April 6, 2009 and was buried in Layton Township Cemetery.
Stewardship and Mission
Linda Ploen again reported on the mission trip to Shell, Wyoming. The Presbytery meeting will be held here at First Presbyterian in Walnut on May 19th from 5-7 p.m. David will give the welcome and Gloria Myers will give a short talk on our church history.
Christian Education
Gloria and Robin will meet with the Peace Church on April 15th to discuss Bible School plans. David reported that he had purchased bibles for the confirmation class. It was also moved and 2nd to allow David to purchase two books on Christian Education. Motion carried.
The confirmation class will conduct the worship service on May 10th, Mother’s Day.
Finance and Property
Leo has changed the door knob to the basement door. A date for spring cleaning was also discussed. We need to keep thinking about it, especially to spruce up the outside. We now have a wireless microphone installed. It was donated to us from Trinity Lutheran Church in Avoca, Iowa.
Darlene Stuart and Linda Ploen have consented to serve on the Community Assistance Program. David also reminded us to turn in our pastor evaluations.
New Business
David reported that CCMH Home Care/Hospice would be willing to provide an educational program about in home care, hospice, tobacco prevention/control, parents as teachers, volunteer services, and personal health improvement. We now have $5,842 in the Memorial Fund. Is there something we could do with this money? We also discussed Angel Food Ministries. It is a service for anyone, but especially meant for those on a limited income, to buy food at a reduced rate. Pick up sites are at Buck Creek and Marne United Methodist Church.
There will be a fun event for MRV Presbytery at Lake Manawa State Park on June 6th from 10:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. It will be potluck with pie contests, horseshoes, BBQ contests, games and activities for kids. David asked what we believe God wants to be this church’s focus this year, perhaps local mission. We also need to remember our members who are no longer able to attend because they are home bound or in nursing homes.
David closed with prayer and the Lord’s Prayer. He also read an interesting excerpt from the book “Jesus For President”.
Our next meeting will be May 12th at 7:00 p.m.
Linda Ploen
Clerk of Session