Tuesday, December 27, 2011

January Gleaner 2012

Christmas is past. The Baby has been born. A star has been seen in the east. The Magi are coming. Slowly the darkness is being driven back…but people are still waiting, still searching for a Savior.
Waiting, some days it seems like all we do is wait. Waiting for the post office to open, waiting for the bakery to open, waiting for the newspaper to be delivered, waiting for the repairman to come, waiting for someone to call us back on the phone, waiting in the doctor’s or the dentist’s office. So much time spent waiting.

The people in Jesus’ day were waiting for a Messiah. They’d been waiting for hundreds of years. And then he came and they didn’t receive him.
Today people are still waiting, waiting for the Messiah to return. Then the world was in darkness; people were living under the oppression of the Romans. Is the world any better today? I don’t think so.

Oppressed people are still looking for a Savior to deliver them from slavery. The people in the Sudan, the Congo, Malawi, Madagascar, China, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, and Syria are living in less than ideal conditions. Some are being killed because they’re different; some are dying because they don’t have clean water or any food. Some are being persecuted because they are Christian; some are persecuted because they’re Shi’ite or Sunni or Hindu or Buddhist.

People living among us are oppressed too. The economy, work, alcoholism, drugs, unscrupulous bosses and landlords, poor health…keep some of our brothers and sisters from experiencing the joy of living that we enjoy.

During the Christmas season there is an emphasis on giving--giving to the food pantry, the angel tree, the homeless shelters, and traveler’s aid. Then the season of giving is past and we forget that the need for assistance hasn’t gone away. Our neighbors still need food, rent money, and a friend, a little light to brighten their day.

As we enter this new year let’s not forget our brothers and sisters. The food pantry will still need cans of food, the Good Guys will still be called to help with rent, or utilities or gas for travel, and folks will still need a room for the night or a meal or a tank of gas to get them home. God has given us plenty so we can help others.

Jesus came into our world and lived a servant life. He came so that we could have life. He sends us out everyday to serve in His place. Ask the Spirit to show you who He would have you serve today.

Friends, as we enter the season of Epiphany may the light of Christ brighten our world and those we are called to serve.

God’s grace and peace be with you all,
Pastor David

Sunday School Christmas Program

What a wonderful program was presented to the congregation December 18th.
The Three Kings from Orient AR (Arkansas) found the true way home with the help
of all the children.

Food Pantry
Pastor David and Linda helped box up food at the food pantry on December 17th for low income folks in our community. They were then picked up (or delivered) in Walnut.
Pastor David delivers any food (or hygiene products) that are dropped off at church to the Food Pantry on Mondays.

Huge thank-you to Robin Tooley for organizing and directing our Christmas Program. Cathy Shutters, Bonnie Holtz, Pastor David and Dave Heilig were all a big help also.

Thank-you to Denny Jensen for putting up the outside Nativity Scene.

Thank-you to Gloria Myers for decorating the sanctuary.

Thank-you to Chuck and Linda Ploen for decorating the urns outside.

Thank-you to Pastor David and Linda for buying and bagging the fruit and candy for the children and shut-ins (and Pastor David for delivering them).

Thank-you to Margo Matthies and Linda Ploen for volunteering to be in charge of the
“Angel Tree” again this year. Margo, Linda and the youth group wrapped the gifts before
they were picked up at our church on Dec. 17th.

Pastor David and Linda would like to thank everyone for the Christmas cards and gifts they received. You all are very special.

Golden Oldies
No Golden Oldies in January. February’s meal will be at St. Mary’s.

Congratulations to Dave and Mary Ellen Woltmann. They will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary January 7th with an open house at church from 2-4 PM.

Poinsettias given to the church to beautify the sanctuary this Christmas Season:
Donor Family In Memory of
Linda (Mrs. Bud) Namanny
Steve, Michelle & Betty Sunderman Darrell & Sam Sunderman, Joe &
Dorothy Beckendorf
Steve & Marie Livengood John & Twyla Bero
Barb Eslick Bill Eslick
Joe & Jeanie Schmitt Herb & Marie Mertz
Ross & Jean Bornholdt Laurie Bornholdt
Chuck & Linda Ploen Marge Ploen & Melissa Manhart
George Mertz Mertz Family
Leo Rechtenbach Jeanette Rechtenbach
Julie Nash Ryan Nash
Maxine Nash Ryan Nash
Larry & Charlotte Shepherd Family & Friends
Presbyterian Women (three plants) Church family & friends

Basket of greenery given by Gloria Myers, Ed & Katie Myers & Ross, Tina & Xavier Gregory in memory of Jean & Louis Myers.

February Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Charles & Gloria Walter, Greg & Michelle Mertz Communion Servers: Jack Ploen-chm., Greg & Michelle Mertz & Charles Walter. January ushers and communion servers are at bottom of calendar.

Per Capita
Every Presbyterian church is required to send a per capita payment to the Missouri River
Valley Presbytery. This is based on the membership of the church. Our per capita payment
is $3,967.48. This is based on our membership (127) at $31.24 per member. We again ask
each member to pay their own per capita beyond what you have pledged (if you are able).
Whatever you give helps our church stay within the budget.

Annual Meeting
The annual Congregational Church Meeting will be January 22nd. Sunday School will be at
9:00, Church at 10:30 with the meal and then the meeting. As in past years this is the time for
us to bring gifts to the church (paper towels, toilet paper, janitorial supplies, etc).
Meat will be provided at our lunch, please bring a covered dish or dessert.

Session Minutes

December 13, 2011
The session of Walnut First Presbyterian Church met in regular session on December 13th at 7 p.m. in the Sunday School south annex. Those in attendance were: Dennis Jensen, Robin Tooley, Margo Matthies, Linda Krueger, Jim McDermott and Linda Ploen. Absent were: Jack Ploen, Bonnie Holtz, Jim Tooley and Ty Johnk.

Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer and scripture from Joshua 10: 12-14 and a reflection entitled “All We Can Do Is Pray?”

The minutes of the November meeting were read and approved.

The treasurer’s report was approved as given.

Pastor David’s report was given and approved

Linda Ploen reported on several items of correspondence she had received. She received notice that the minimum wage for full time lay pastors has been set for $34,112 (that is $112 over what we had put in our budget), and $853 for continuing education. It was moved and 2nd to pay David the said amount. Motion carried. Linda also received notice for our General Mission pledge, and a report that our per capita will be $31.24 per member this year. There were no deaths or membership changes.

Stewardship and Mission
Linda Krueger reported that the Joy offering will be received on December 18th. Linda and David will get the fruit and candy for the Christmas baskets for senior members and Christmas candy sacks for the children. It was moved and 2nd to give Christmas gifts to church volunteers. Motion carried.

Christian Education
Robin reported that there will be a family game night at the church on the 3rd Saturday of each month. It’s open to all ages for an evening of family fun. Youth group went well and was well attended.

Communion was served to 8 residents at Peace Haven on December 4th. Linda Krueger served as elder. David also served communion to 50 residents at Salem Lutheran Homes. Saturday evening worship has been going well. This month it will be on December 24th at 10:00. It will be a candle light service. Our January Saturday service will be on January 28th at 5:30.

Finance and Property
Christmas decorations are up. The 2012 budget was amended during the Clerk’s report. The volume control for the basement sound is in, but we still need the microphone holders for upstairs.

David passed out Pastor Evaluation sheets to each elder and encouraged everyone to fill them out. David asked for vacation time from January 30, 2012 to February 27, 2012. It was moved and 2nd to allow this. Motion carried. He will be gone for Ash Wednesday so he will contact the Peace Church about this. There will be no session meeting in February.

New Business
The Congregational meeting will be January 22nd. Worship will be at 10:30 and Sunday School at 9:00 that Sunday. There will be a noon meal following the church service with the meeting beginning at 1:00 p.m. David asked that all annual reports be turned in by January 16th. David read a letter from Kevin Keaton, Executor of Presbytery, about his retirement. Retiring elders are Dennis Jensen, Robin Tooley and Bonnie Holtz. The nominating committee is Dennis Jensen, Chuck Ploen and Greg Mertz.

The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Next meeting will be January 10, 2012 at 7:00 p.m.

Clerk of Session
Linda Ploen

Monday, November 28, 2011

December 2011 Gleaner

Are you a list maker? Do you have written lists stuck on your frig? Do you have lists you wrote last year hiding somewhere in your billfold or purse? Do you keep your lists on your iPhone?

What kind of lists do you keep, grocery, to-do, reading, or Christmas? Some people even keep lists of their lists. And there are those who make a “bucket” list. You know, a list of those things they’d like to do before they kick the “bucket.”

Lists are just itemized things we all think we need or want and don’t want to forget; those things we think are important enough to write down. And, for me at least, writing them down helps them “stick” in my brain.

So, in this Season of Advent, waiting for the coming Christ, what kind of lists are you writing? What vitally important tasks are your recording on your list? A better question is, “What should be on our lists?”

All the news reports seem to say that money or the economy is what’s important to the majority of the world’s people. There’s a whole lot of unrest in the world because of the current economic conditions. And that’s what most of the presidential candidates are focusing on. But is money important enough to make it on our list?

What about what Jesus asked his apostles to do, “make disciples of all the nations?” What about caring for the homeless, the poor, the sick, and those in prison? Are any of these on our lists? Don’t you think they should be?

The last few weeks the lectionary lessons have been about the coming of Jesus again. About being prepared, being watchful, being ready. Are we ready? Have we checked off all the tasks on Jesus’ list?

Friends, Paul told the Corinthians to stand firm. God is faithful. Jesus is coming. Look at your list again. Are the really important items listed there, loving God and loving (caring) for our neighbors?

Friends, this is important stuff. Check your list. Rewrite it if you must but don’t put it off. And remember God loves you and so do I.

God’s grace and peace be with you all this Advent Season,
Pastor David

Sunday School Christmas Program
The annual Sunday School Christmas program will be December 18th during worship at 9:00 AM. The title of this year’s program is “It’s A Jingle Out There”. Come and enjoy watching our youth (and adults) perform and sing.

Food Pantry
Food pantry needs for December are: toilet paper, elbow macaroni, egg noodles, cereal, toothpaste and brushes, shampoo, bar soap, chili, pork-n-beans and soup.

Don’t forget to pray today…God didn’t forget to wake you up.

The Food Pantry needs names, addresses, phone #’s & number of people in the family by Dec. 6th for food boxes for people in need. The boxes will need to be picked up by the client on Dec. 17th between 9-10AM at our church. Help is always needed to fill the boxes. Meet at the United Church in Avoca at 7:30 AM on Dec. 17th if you can help.

Don’t look back – you’re not going that way!

Thank-you to EVERYONE for making the Fall Supper/Bazaar a success. Megan (McDermott) Andersen was the winner of the quilt raffle and Cindy Jensen was the winner of the Casey’s gift card. Over three hundred people were served at the supper.
Thank-you to Sunday School teachers Michelle Mertz and Michelle Tooley (I apologize
for not including you last month).

Our church sponsored UNICEF this year. Marye Bierbaum organized it and Michelle Mertz, Pastor David, Bailey Nielsen, Katelyn Tooley and Jim McDermott helped. The Youth Group bought the pizzas to enjoy after the young people finished.
More Youth Group Happenings – The youth group met November 20th. Robyn Tooley
brought lasagna, Michelle Mertz brought dessert and Jim McDermott brought bread and salad. The money collected in the big water bottle was counted ($258.) and plans were made on how to use it. They started planning to do the 30-Hour Famine again in the spring. The next meeting will be Dec. 11th at 6 PM with everyone to bring snacks.

You’d Better Not Pout!

Golden Oldies
No Golden Oldies in December or January. February’s meal will be at St. Mary’s.

What is missing from Ch ch?

Congratulations to Al and Dixie Schirm on the birth of their great-grandson Kasen Tyler Krummel. Kasen is the son of Jordan and Mindy (Schirm) Krummel and the grandson of Neal and Pam Schirm.

Congratulations to Dave and Mary Ellen Woltmann on the birth of their great-granddaughter Brynn. Brynn’s great-great grandmother is Betty Griffith of Walnut. Brynn’s parents are Darrin and Meggie Woltmnn of Sycamore, IL. Brynn’s grandparents are Mike and Gayle Woltmann of Kingston, IL.

Congratulations to Sam and Brinda Shirley on the birth of their granddaughter Briley.
Briley’s great-grandmother is Barb Eslick. Briley’s parents are Greg and Brandi Wood.

Congratulations to John, Angie and Emily Mitchell on the arrival of their daughter (and sister) Erica LeeAnn, born November 25th.

I’ve learned so much from my mistakes…I’m thinking of making a few more.

Walnut’s Angel Tree
Friends, there is an Angel Tree located in the Walnut Public Library where you will find “Angels” decorating a Christmas tree. These “Angels” have gift suggestions written on them for special people in the community who will not be able to experience Christmas like the rest of us without the help of Walnut’s Angels. If you are able and would like to make someone else’s Christmas something special please stop in and pick and “Angel” from the Angel Tree and buy the gift noted on the “Angel.” Then return the numbered item with the “Angel” to the Walnut Communications office in Walnut by December 13th.
Thank you for thinking of others this Christmas season. May God bless you and yours as you have helped to bless others.
Margo Matthies & Linda Ploen

God wants full custody…Not just weekend visits.

Poinsettias will be placed in the sanctuary in memory of family and friends who have passed on. Please let me know who your poinsettia is in memory of.

January Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Dennis Jensen, Dustin Jensen, Allan & Shannon Griffith Communion Servers: Dennis Jensen-chm., Allan Sievers, Linda Ploen, Linda Woltmann. December ushers and communion servers are at bottom of calendar.

Saving the Farmer
One Sunday a farmer went to church. When he entered, he saw that he and the preacher were the only ones present. The preacher
asked the farmer if he wanted him to go ahead and preach. The farmer said, “I’m not too smart, but if I went to feed my cattle
and only one showed up, I’d feed him.” So the minister began his sermon. One hour passed, then two, then three hours. The preacher
finally finished and came down to ask the farmer how he liked the sermon. The farmer answered slowly, “Well, I’m not very smart,
but if I went to feed my cattle and only one showed up, I sure wouldn’t feed him all the hay.”

Session Minutes

November 8, 2011
The session of Walnut First Presbyterian Church met in regular session on November 8 at 7 p.m. in the Sunday School south annex. Those in attendance were: Dennis Jensen, Robin Tooley, Bonnie Holtz, Linda Krueger, Jim Tooley, Linda Ploen and Jim McDermott. Absent were: Jack Ploen, Margo Matthies and Ty Johnk.

Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with a reflection from “Prayers From the Heart” by Richard Foster. Scripture was Isaiah 55:8-12 and 2 Peter 3:9.

The minutes of the October meeting were read and approved.

The treasure’s report was approved as given.

Pastor David’s report was given and approved.

Clerk Linda Ploen reported that both of our church books have been reviewed and audited and we passed. There were no deaths or changes in membership.

Stewardship and Mission
Linda Krueger reported that the stewardship letters had been sent out and dedication was November 6th. The Christmas Joy offering will begin on November 27th and we will receive it on December 18th. David also mentioned that there are many mission opportunities at Open Door Mission. Perhaps we could help with something.

Christian Education
Robin reported that Val Sievers and Karley Helms are eligible for their 2nd year scholarship and Megan Ehlers for her 1st year. She also stated that there will be 30 children and adults in the Christmas program which will be during church service on December 18th. We will try to have a youth group meeting on Sunday November 20th at 6:00 p.m. The youth raised $208.50 during the UNICEF drive. David also asked for permission for Marye Bierbaum to do the 30 Hour Famine again this year. It was so approved.

Communion was served to 5 residents at Peace Haven on November 6th. Bonnie Holtz was the serving elder. Our first Saturday night service went well. Our November service will be November 26th at 5:30. We will try to set the 4th Saturday of the month for our Saturday services. The December service falls on Christmas Eve so we will have that service at 10:00 p.m. It was moved and 2nd to have no service on Sunday, December 25th. Motion carried. There will be a joint Thanksgiving service with Avoca and Walnut churches on November 23rd at 7:00 p.m. at United Church of Avoca.

Finance and Property
Jim Tooley reported that Justen had repaired our front door, but we need a new one. After discussion it was decided to purchase a metal door with a handicap threshold at a cost of $1,500 installed. It was moved and 2nd to have Jim Tooley purchase the door. Motion carried. He also reported that our Edward Jones account has gone up. David reported that our computer network has been secured. We also voted to get the media shout upgrade for our video system. Next on the agenda was the 2012 budget. After changes and review, it was moved and 2nd to approve the budget. Motion carried.

David will give each elder a pastor evaluation sheet next month.

New Business
Jim McDermott asked if we need to make a long term plan to keep improving our church and preparing for the future. We need to think about this.

The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Next meeting will be December 13th, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.

Clerk of Session

Linda Ploen

Eight-year-old Virginia O'Hanlon wrote a letter to the editor of New York's Sun, and the quick response was printed as an unsigned editorial Sept. 21, 1897. The work of veteran newsman Francis Pharcellus Church has since become history's most reprinted newspaper editorial.

"DEAR EDITOR: I am 8 years old.
"Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus.
"Papa says, 'If you see it in THE SUN it's so.'
"Please tell me the truth; is there a Santa Claus?


VIRGINIA, your little friends are wrong. They have been affected by the skepticism of a skeptical age. They do not believe except [what] they see. They think that nothing can be which is not comprehensible by their little minds. All minds, Virginia, whether they be men's or children's, are little. In this great universe of ours man is a mere insect, an ant, in his intellect, as compared with the boundless world about him, as measured by the intelligence capable of grasping the whole of truth and knowledge.

Yes, VIRGINIA, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! how dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus. It would be as dreary as if there were no VIRGINIAS. There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The eternal light with which childhood fills the world would be extinguished.

Not believe in Santa Claus! You might as well not believe in fairies! You might get your papa to hire men to watch in all the chimneys on Christmas Eve to catch Santa Claus, but even if they did not see Santa Claus coming down, what would that prove? Nobody sees Santa Claus, but that is no sign that there is no Santa Claus. The most real things in the world are those that neither children nor men can see. Did you ever see fairies dancing on the lawn? Of course not, but that's no proof that they are not there. Nobody can conceive or imagine all the wonders there are unseen and unseeable in the world.

You may tear apart the baby's rattle and see what makes the noise inside, but there is a veil covering the unseen world which not the strongest man, nor even the united strength of all the strongest men that ever lived, could tear apart. Only faith, fancy, poetry, love, romance, can push aside that curtain and view and picture the supernal beauty and glory beyond. Is it all real? Ah, VIRGINIA, in all this world there is nothing else real and abiding.

No Santa Claus! Thank God! he lives, and he lives forever. A thousand years from now, Virginia, nay, ten times ten thousand years from now, he will continue to make glad the heart of childhood.

Advent Hands-Catherine Alder
I see the hands of Joseph. Back and forth along bare wood they move. There is worry in those working hands, sorting out confusing thoughts with every stroke. “How can this be, my beautiful Mary now with child?”  Rough with deep splinters, these hands, small, painful splinters like tiny crosses embedded deeply in this choice to stay with her. He could have closed his hands to her, said, “No” and let her go to stoning. But, dear Joseph opened both his heart and hands to this mother and her child. Preparing in these days before with working hands and wood pressed tight between them. It is these rough hands that will open and be the first to hold the Child.
I see the hands of John, worn from desert raging storms and plucking locusts from sand ripped rocks beneath the remnant of a Bethlehem star. A howling wind like some lost wolf cries out beneath the moon, or was that John? This loneliness, enough to make a grown man mad. He’s waiting for this, God’s whisper. “Go now. He is coming. You have prepared your hands enough. Go. He needs your servant hands, your cupping hands to lift the water, and place his feet upon the path to service and to death. Go now, John, and open your hands to him. It is time.”
I see a fist held tight and fingers blanched to white. Prying is no easy task. These fingers find a way of pulling back to old positions, protecting all that was and is. Blanched to white. No openness. All fright. But then the Spirit comes. A holy Christmas dance begins and blows between the twisted paths. This fist opens slowly, gently, beautifully, the twisted fingers letting go. Their rock-solid place in line has eased. And one by one the fingers lift, True color is returned, And through the deepest of mysteries, The holiest of holies, O longing of longings Beyond all human imagining this fist, as if awakened from Lazarus’ cold stone dream reaches out to hold the tiny newborn hand of God.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


October 2011 Gleaner

Good morning Gleaner readers. I hope that you're all giving God praise for the blessing this beautiful fall weather has been for all of us. So many times we take all of this for granted. Maybe that's why we have pain, suffering, and other difficulties because without them why would we ever need God.

Last month we thought about how God is growing His church where we live and worship. So, I wonder how many have, as they've been sent by God, told their stories. It would be interesting to hear the stories of how God did his work and is still working with us as we journey through this life.

I've been giving some thought to worship, what it is, how we do it and is there one particular way to worship. First, let me say I believe that there is no one way that is the only way or the best way to worship.

That being said I do believe it is necessary for us to worship in community. We don't only need to worship our God but we need to be together as the Body of Christ when we worship. I say that because I think we need each other.

We can worship God alone in our homes, in the outdoors, and even sitting alone in a church sanctuary but we miss something when our brothers and sisters in Christ are absent. It's necessary to hear other people’s joys and trials so we can share in praise and prayer for each other.

But, how do we worship, and then what do we do when our time of worship is over? Friends, I've learned that worshiping God is different for every one of us because God created all of us with different DNA.

I guess I can only talk about what worship is for me and know that it's not the same as it would be for anyone else.

Worship for me is prayer, praise, reading or hearing God's word read and meditating on his Message for me, singing (contemporary and old standards), and confessing my brokenness and hearing God's words of forgiveness.

After worship we are sent out into the world where we live to tell our stories, to give our testimonies about how God has and is transforming our lives. I heard a speaker this morning say that it's not the number of people at worship that's important but the number of people sent to tell the story of God's love for us in Jesus Christ.

So, what is worship for you and how are you telling God's, and your, story to those he has sent you to? I'd be interested in hearing what He is doing in and with you in this wonderful fall season of change.

God's gracious love be with you all,
Pastor David

Thank-you to everyone who have brought items for the Food Pantry. Items needed for October are: chili beans, tuna, pudding mix, Jell-o, green beans, corn, peas and anything healthy.

Congratulations to Bruce and Tuesday McDonald on the birth of their twins, Asher John Taylor and Auburn May Rose, on September 23rd. Tuesday is the daughter of Louis and Rosemary Pedersen.

Please – Please – Please do not borrow our new white folding chairs in the basement. We have our old folding chairs that can be borrowed. Someone borrowed our new ones and now we have four chairs that are missing the rubber foot pads and have hardened mud shoved up the legs!

A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.
George Moore

We offer our sincere sympathy to:
The family of Eric Larsen. Eris lost his battle with cancer on September 4th at the age of 48. Betty (Larsen) Akers is Eric’s mother and Sierra Larsen is his daughter.

The family of Ruby Andersen. Ruby passed away September 3rd in Jefferson, Iowa at the age of 83. Ruby’s children are Richard (Deanna) Andersen, Linda (Gary) Stevens, Donald (Mary) Andersen, Marilyn (Steven) Hansen, Shirley (Rich) Righter, and Verlee (Barry) Perkins.

The family of Dion Grooms. Dion died on September 15th at the age of 52. Dion’s daughters are Ashley (Brian) Williams and Lacey Grooms.

The family of Jean Corey. Jean passed away on September 20th at the age of 86. Jean’s children are Robert (Jolene) and Sharen (Paul) Kracher.

The family of Darlene Kay. Darlene died on September 20th at the age of 89. Darlene’s daughters are LuAnn (Doug) Leaders, Marlene (Robert) Campbell, and Sharon (Richard) Price.

Peace Church Dinner
Sunday, November 6th from 11:30-1:30 Peace United Church of Christ will hold their Annual Fall Dinner. They will be serving a full course roast beef meal. Adults - $8.00, Children - $3.00, Under age 5 – free, carry-outs $.50 extra.

Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them.

Registration forms will be available October 15th at school or city hall for anyone that needs help providing Christmas gifts for their family members. Those forms will be due Nov. 18th (can be turned in at city hall or the school). The trees will be up at the Walnut library on Nov. 23rd. The gifts must be turned in to Walnut Communications by Dec. 9th at 4:30 pm. They will be picked up on December 17th. Questions: contact Linda Ploen or Margo Matthies

November Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Teri Abel, Darlene Stuart, Don & JoJane Walter
Communion Servers: Bonnie Holtz-chm, Leo Rechtenbach, Darlene Stuart, Jim McDermott. October ushers and communion servers are at bottom of calendar.

When you’re finished changing, you’re finished.

Flowers for Pulpit
October 2--------Cathy Shutters
October 9--------Teri Abel
October 16 ------Bobbie McDermott
October 23 ------Janet Grush
October 30-------Volunteer

“Snickers Sunday” is October 16th. HELP Adult Services Christmas Stocking Program gives out app. 3000 stockings to adults and youth in 11 S.W. IA and East NE correctional facilities. They are requesting churches help by bringing “regular” size (2.07 oz) snickers bars to their churches on Oct. 16th which will be used to help fill these stockings.

You know you’re getting older when the gleam in your eye is from the sun hitting your bifocals.

Presbyterian Women-Guest Day
Presbyterian Women Guest Day will be October 5th at 2:00. The women will meet at 12:30 for their regular meeting. At 2:00 Barbara Butcher of Avoca will present her program, “Experiencing Ellis Island”.

Youth Group
The Presbyterian Youth Group has been asked to help make winter shelters for Walnut’s feral cats. The group is meeting from 10-12 on October 15th at Kathy Human’s house. Lunch will be at the church at 12.
Contact Mary Bierbaum if questions. You might like to visit the website –takepittyonthekittiesblogspot.com to view the pictures and find out more about the work being done to limit the number of feral cats in Walnut.

Session Minutes
September 13, 2011
The session of Walnut First Presbyterian church met in regular session on September 13th at 7:00 pm in the Sunday School south annex. Those in attendance were Robin Tooley, Bonnie Holtz, Margo Matthies, Linda Krueger, Jim Tooley, Jack Ploen and Linda Ploen. Absent were Dennis Jensen, Jim McDermott and Ty Johnk.

Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with a prayer from “Prayers from the Heart”, and a reflection from “Inspired” entitled Why Church Matters by Joshua Harris.

The minutes to the August meeting were read and approved. The minutes to the August 28th special meeting were also read and approved.

The treasure’s report was approved as given.

Pastor David’s report was given. He traveled 297 miles this month.

There was no clerk’s report.

Received into membership on August 28th were Kim and Kristen Hoffman by letter of transfer from Elk Horn Lutheran Church, and Charles Edward Wyatt by reaffirmation of baptism and profession of faith.

Stewardship & Mission
David reported on opportunities to help at the Open Door Mission. Also the Walk-A-Thon on September 18th. He also stated that each church will be responsible for their own Crop Walk this year. A motion was and 2nd to ask for donations instead of walking this year. Motion carried. David also asked if we would be interested in hosting Marina Shishova, from St. Petersburg, Russia to speak to us. We will try to have her speak on Wednesday evening, September 28th.

Christian Education
Robin reported that Sundae Sunday went well. There were 15 children, 3 Jr. High students and 5 adults present. It was decided we will keep Sunday School at 10:15. The Sunday School kids will also sell calendars again this year.

After discussion it was moved and 2nd to pursue having a Saturday evening service once a month. We will try to have the first one on October 29th at 7 p.m. World Communion and the Peacemaking offering will be Sunday October 2nd. On September 4th communion was served to 6 residents at Peace Haven. Jim Tooley was the serving elder.

Finance & Property
Jim Tooley reported that they are still working on getting the address changed on our Putnam account. It was also moved and 2nd to have James E. Tooley and Jack E. Ploen as signatories for our certificate of deposit at Great Western Bank in Oakland, Iowa. Motion approved. There was no more news on the organ, however; the fund is doing well. The carpets have been cleaned in the basement to take care of the mold. We now have three 65 pt. humidifiers to help decrease the humidity. Jim T. also reported that he had called the church in Randolf, Iowa to let them know we would not be purchasing their pews. David stated that we still have no copier. After discussion it was decided that it would cost more to lease a machine that purchase one. It was moved and 2nd to buy a copier for $2,119 and to also buy the maintenance agreement. Motion carried. We will try to recycle the old unit.

New Business
It was moved and 2nd to approve David’s vacation for October 3-9, 2011. Motion carried. David will also be gone on October 23 as he is the Head Spiritual Advisor at the Great Plains Presbyterian Pilgrimage.

The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

The next meeting will by October 11, 2011 at 7 pm.

Linda Ploen
Clerk of Session

Monday, August 29, 2011

September 2011 Gleaner

Pastor’s Notes
Just about every magazine or book I read concerning the church, sooner or later, gets around to the topic of the declining membership. No church or denomination, it seems, is immune to this.

Membership in the PCUSA is declining, membership in the Missouri River Valley Presbytery is declining, and worship attendance at First Presbyterian Church here in Walnut also is in a decline.

There are many reasons for the decline. There are also as many suggestions and ideas about how to turn everything around. Most of the suggestions if implemented at just the right time, in just the right way, and with just the right amount of leadership will succeed in increasing membership and/or attendance, for a while.

The question I ask myself is, “What should we be doing?” Is there any one thing or any combination of steps that we could take that would ensure growth in attendance or membership?

Some folks would say, “If we just get the youth involved.” Others might suggest that we need more small groups. No matter what is proposed most every solution comes from the world's way of doing things.

Could there be another way, a better way to grow the church? I believe the answer is yes. No matter what technique is used study of God's Word and time spent in prayer with God is the number one priority.

After all, this Body of Christ is God's church and everything, even our mistakes and our weaknesses, God uses to fulfill His plan. So, wouldn't it make perfect sense that we look to Him for what to do?

What did God do with the early church? He sent the apostles out to tell the story. As the story, their story, was told, people believed the Message and were baptized with the Holy Spirit. The church grew, the apostles taught, they took care of each other's needs, and they continued to tell God's story of love and grace in Jesus Christ.

So, is this what we're missing? I don't know, but what if it's as simple as going into the world, the community where we live and work, and telling our story of Jesus Christ to those we work with, those we share bagels with, and those we meet at McDonalds and Kum & Go. What if?

God bless you my friends, Pastor David

Thank – you to the Schirm family for hosting a birthday party after church for Dixie’s 90th birthday. Ever though Dixie fell and broke her arm that morning she was able to get to the hospital and back to church by party time (10 AM).

Thank-you to Jim Tooley for all the work he has done as session member on the property and finance committee. He’s always willing to give of his time in this important position.

We all need to thank Robin Tooley and Connie Jensen for handling our weekly, monthly and yearly financial business. We are blessed that they give their time so generously.

Thank-you to Kathy Hansen, Bobbie McDermott, Larry & Charlotte Shepherd, Jim Tooley and Pastor David for wiping (bleach water) EVERYTHING in the basement to eliminate the white mold problem.

Congratulations to Ty Johnk, son of Kent and Carla Johnk and Bailey Nielsen, daughter of Jeff Nielsen and Pam Nielsen for their award winning 4-H exhibits that were
chosen to represent the county at the Iowa State Fair.

Sunday School
Sunday School will begin this fall on September 11th. Robin Tooley has a fun time planned for the children on this “Sundae Sunday”.

If people concentrated on the
Really important things in life
There’d be a shortage of
Fishing poles.
Doug Larson, American columnist

Food Pantry
The Food Pantry has a need for these items in September:
Macaroni & Cheese
Hamburger helper
Canned fruit and veggies
Dry pudding mix
Put them in the basket at the back of the sanctuary and Pastor David will be happy to deliver them to the Food Pantry.

Walk A Mile In My Shoes
On September 18th from 11 AM-5 PM the Open Door Mission is holding a walk to raise money for their work. Participants will meet at Gallup University, donate $19.20 (which pays for 10 meals at the Open Door Mission), receive a T-shirt and walk to the Open Door Mission. While there they will enjoy a variety of soups (made by various chefs from the Omaha area) and bread. They will also be able to tour the New Lydia House and New Permanent Supporting Housing Complex. Children 8 and under can participate also for $9.60.

“Here is a test to find out whether your mission on earth is finished. If you’re alive, it isn’t.” Richard Bach

Antique Walk – Antique Walk – Antique Walk – Antique Walk – Antique Walk
Robin reported the figures she had (so far) –
Income - $13,023.35
Expenses - $5,845.20
Profit - $7178.15

October Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Darren Tooley, Jim Tooley, Robin Tooley
Communion Servers: Linda Ploen – chm, George Mertz, Robin Tooley, Pam Nielsen. September ushers and communion servers are at bottom of calendar.

Flowers for Pulpit
September 4 -------Avis Mortensen
September 11------ Karla Helms
September 18 ------Julie Nash
September 25 ------Dixie Schirm

There’s not enough darkness in the entire universe to snuff out the light of just one little candle.

Presbyterian Older Adult Ministry ~ Older Wiser Livelier Saints
The POAM/Owls Celebration
When: September 20 & 21, 2011
Where: Calvin Crest Camp Conference & Retreat Center,
2870 County Road 13, Fremont, NE
“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’
But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that
you may be children of your Father in Heaven” (Matt. 5:45).
Come join friends and neighbors from across Nebraska and Iowa for the special two day
Fall Celebration planned for older adults (age fifty or more).
Enjoy a variety of speakers and presentations, worship, music, food and fellowship,
entertainment and much more. Stay in climate controlled motel style rooms with
private baths; assemble in comfortable meeting rooms; enjoy great meals and snacks
all in the beauty of nature. All facilities are handicapped accessible.
Share a Shalom Moment, a time when you or your congregation experienced God’s
blessing of Peace.
For more information and a registration form, click on or paste the following link in
your browser: http://calvincrest.org/index.php?customernumber=967405919545402&pr=OWLS_Forms__Brochures

Presbyterian Women
Presbyterian Women will be visiting Mabel Stahl in Atlantic and then taking her out for lunch. We’ll be meeting at the church at 10:15 on September 7th. Please let Charlotte Shepherd know if you are going by September 2nd.

Session Minutes
August 9, 2011
The session of Walnut First Presbyterian church met in regular session on August 9, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. in the Sunday School south annex. Those in attendance were : Jim Tooley, Jim McDermott, and Margo Matthies. Absent were Linda Krueger, Bonnie Holtz, Robin Tooley, Dennis Jensen, Jack Ploen, Linda Ploen and Ty Johnk.

Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer and scripture from Romans 15: 1-3. He also had a reflection entitled “The Joy of Selflessness”.

The minutes of the June 14th meeting were approved as read.

The treasurer’s report was approved as given.

The pastor’s reports for June and July were read and approved. Pastor David traveled 72 miles in July.

One baptism was reported. Gary Wayne Sievers was baptized as a new member July 24,2011 in the chapel at Peace Haven Retirement Home, Walnut, IA.

Charles Wyatt has requested to be admitted as a member and reaffirm his baptism. It was moved and seconded to approve this request. The date for the affirmation is set for August 28th, 2011.
Stewardship & Mission-
David reported that the Open Door Mission in Omaha will be holding their 4th annual walk-a-thon ,“Will You Walk a Mile in My Shoes?”, on September 18th from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. It was moved and seconded to have David register for this event. Anyone wishing to participate in this event should contact David for more information.

Christian Education-
Vacation Bible School was held at the Peace United Church the week of July 5th. There was an average of 20 children attending each session. Pastor Steve Lewis shared teaching duties with Pastor David and there were many others who helped with the program. Most of the children and their parents attended the final program held during church services at Peace Church on Sunday, July 10th. A thank you was given to all who helped to make the program a success this year.

Jim McDermott reported that everyone who went on the fishing trip to Minnesota had a very good time. The boys caught enough fish to have a fish fry for the congregation which will be planned for later this year.

Several parents have suggested that Sunday school be held during the same time as church services and Robin is taking this under consideration.

Communion was served to 6 residents at Peace Haven on July 3rd with Linda Krueger serving as elder. 7 residents received communion on August 7th with Margo Matthies serving as elder.

It was discussed to train more people how to operate the worship slides. David suggested a rotation of elders and Jim McDermott will talk to some of the youth to see who would be willing to be trained.

Finance and Property
A resolution was approved to make Jim McDermott and Jim Tooley authorized signators of the Putnam Tax Free High Yield A account #0040-0483024237. It was moved and 2nd to have a letter sent to the firm with instructions to correct the address on the account and to liquidate the same.

The cabinet for the worship control center had been finished. It will be put in place at the back of the sanctuary and Midwest Lighting and Sound will come to get everything wired correctly.

The Antique Walk food stand showed a profit of $7,178.15. Mary Ellen reported that there is still some meat for sale.

It was moved and 2nd to go ahead with repair work on the organ. Financing for the repair work will come from donations received from members of the congregation and the Presbyterian Womens’ Organization. Any remaining expenses will be paid out of the general fund.

New Business
David reported that there will be an MRV Presbytery Meeting on August 19-20 at camp Calvin Crest .

The Presbytery is hosting a family day at Werner Park on August 21st at 2 p.m. Tickets are$7 and there were still 58 tickets left at this time. Anyone wishing to attend this event may get tickets at the presbytery office.

It was approved to have Jim Tooley contact a carpet cleaner to come take care of several spots on the basement carpet.

The meeting was closed with the Lord’s prayer.

The next meeting will be September 13, 2011 at 7 p.m.

Margo Matthies
Clerk of session, Pro tem

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

July/August Gleaner 2011

Looking at the Christian calendar I see that we are moving into Ordinary time. It’s that time of the year when we get to travel with Jesus as he walks about Galilee, Samaria, and Judea preaching, teaching, feeding the gathered crowds, and healing.

It’s also that time of year on the secular calendar when many folks are taking a few days to enjoy time with their families camping, fishing, biking, exploring, or maybe just relaxing on the patio at home being re-created.

And don’t we all need that time to be made new. Don’t you think God planned it to work like this for us? I know I look forward to the warmer temperatures, green grass, flowers blooming, gardens growing, and the chance to just sit in a chair outside and enjoy God’s wondrous creation. No matter what kind of a day I’ve experienced when I take time to just sit in the quiet of the garden listening to God’s creation I’m made new again. It’s an amazing thing that God does for us and I realize I don’t do it often enough.

You all know, of course, that God has created our weeks like that on purpose. He has given us 6 days to do our work and then comes the Sabbath where we can just sit in the quiet with God and be made new. And what makes it especially great is we get to sit with our friends and be in community together and be made new together.

God gives us the opportunity to come together to worship, to share our joys and our sorrows, to hear his Word, and to pray together for friends, neighbors, our community, our nation, and the world.

Friends, I hope that you take time this summer to take one day a week to join your friends to worship this great God who has given us the gift of his Son, Jesus and has filled us with his Holy Spirit.

Come and join us in worship and may the God of hope fill you with joy and peace through the power of the Holy Spirit.

The grace and peace of Jesus be with all of you,
Pastor David


---to EVERYONE who helped in any way at our FOOD STAND for the Antique Walk. Chairman Mary Ellen Woltmann works tirelessly for MANY days, Charlotte Shepherd organizes, purchases and delivers the supplies, Larry Shepherd takes charge of the setting up and tearing down of the stand, and Kathy Hansen was everywhere doing everything.

Working Together
Coming together is the beginning
Keeping together is progress
Working together is success.
Henry Ford

Camping Test
Take this simple test to see if you qualify for solo camping. Shine a flashlight into one ear. If the beam shines out the other ear you should not go into the woods alone. Bruce Cochran (Kansas City cartoonist)

Upcoming Events
Presbytery is hosting a family day at Werner Stadium on August 21st. A block of 100 tickets has been purchased. If you and your family would like to attend you may pick up the tickets, ($7 each) at the Presbytery office. Pastor David will pick up the tickets for you but you must have your money to him by July 20th. The Storm Chasers game begins at 2:05.

Teacher Reception
The annual teacher reception will be held at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church this
year. The date hasn’t been set yet, but school starts Aug.17th so it will be shortly before then.

Congratulations to our Honor Roll Students: Kaitlyn Tooley, Emily Mitchell, Ty Johnk, Lauren Sievers, Sarah Ehlers, Chris Guthery, Megan Ehlers, Alyssa Becerra, Bailey Nielsen, and Hunter Nielsen.

August Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Kent & Carla Johnk, Jim & Bobbie McDermott Communion Servers:.Margo Matthies-chm.,Kent Johnk, Barb Eslick, Bobbie McDermott

September Ushers and Connunion Servers
Ushers: Al & Dixie Schirm, Larry & Charlotte Shepherd Communion Servers: Jim Tooley-chm., Gloria Myers, Larry & Charlotte Shepherd
July Ushers and Communion Servers are on the July Calendar

Flowers for Pulpit
July 3 -------Betty Sunderman
July 10------Michelle Sunderman
July 17------Connie Jensen
July 24------Shannon Wood
July 31------Kami Bruck
Aug. 7-------Mary Ellen Woltmann
Aug. 14------Mary Ellen Woltmann
Aug. 21------Carla Johnk
Aug. 28------Jean Bornholdt


3 - Project Days of Volunteerism
HELP Adult Services has three days that we need volunteers to help to prepare for
our move. We would be honored for you to consider one or more days to volunteer...
Thursday, July 7th 9:00 am - 3:00 pm (lunch provided)
Volunteers will take down and re-build the warehouse shelving. Bring along your cordless
electric drill/screw-driver. We will start out at the current location (8447 Lake Street) and rebuild the shelving at the new location (42nd & Center). Needed 10 - 15 volunteers.
Friday, July 8th 9:00 am - 3:00 pm (lunch provided)
We need help moving all of the health & medical equipment from the current location (8447
Lake Street) to the new location (42nd & Center). We will have a U-Haul truck available to
load the equipment. Needed 15 - 20 volunteers.
Thursday, July 28th 9:00 am - 3:00 pm (lunch provided)
We will be moving the remaining health & medical equipment and all of the office furniture. We also need assistance in cleaning the empty office. We will have a U-Haul truck available to load the equipment and furniture. Needed 10 - 15 volunteers.
We appreciate any help you are able to provide. Call Emily at (402) 341-6559 x100 to volunteer and for questions. Thank you in advance for your generosity!

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance in Japan
‘When they call to me, I will answer them.’ – Psalm 91:15
What you can do:
GIVE — Congregations and individuals may send funds to the Missouri River Valley Presbytery office to help assist in the Japan Earthquake & Tsunami. On your remittance form gifts should be designated for account DR000117 - Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. If you have any questions, please contact the Presbytery office at 402.553.8300 or 800.603.8980
Gifts can also be made online by clicking on or pasting the following link in your browser: http://gamc.pcusa.org/ministries/pda/, by phone at (800) 872-3283, or by mailing a check to: Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), P.O. Box 643700, Pittsburgh, PA 15264-3700.
ACT — Congregations and individuals can put together Gifts of the Heart hygiene kits and baby kits. Stay informed through the PDA website and Rapid Information Network e-mail reports.
PRAY — Join with others in lifting up the people of Japan and those providing aid.

What: A Conversation on Being A Missional Church
A chance to exchange ideas, materials and methods
Sponsored by MRV Presbytery Mission Committee
When: September 24
10:00 AM to Noon
Brunch will be served!
Where: West Hills Church
3015 S 82nd Ave.
Omaha NE 68124
Who: All Your Missional Leadership:
Pastors, Mission Elders, Staff & Volunteers
Please RSVP to pam@whcomaha.org
or call 402-391-8662 ex 1006

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Spring Storms and Flooding
Since spring began, there have been 18 federally declared major disasters in 14 states due to severe storms, tornadoes, or flooding. Please continue to stand in the GAP for survivors in this response.
Give Gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing support this and other disasters immediately when they occur. Additional gifts to DR000148 support disaster relief and recovery around the world where most needed, and gifts to DR000015 support disaster response in the United States, including response to the many spring storms across the nation during the previous weeks.
Request the PDA Rapid Information Network email newsletter to receive email notices about this and other disaster responses.
Register your volunteer work team for upcoming or current opportunities around the United States by calling (866) 732-6121, or register your team’s interest online at http://apps.pcusa.org/pda/register/team.jsp.
Assemble Gift of the Heart Kits. After disasters, Church World Service hygiene, cleanup, school, and baby kits are often needed. Because congregations and other groups work throughout the year to keep the distribution sites stocked, the kits are ready to be disbursed as soon as disaster strikes. With recent storms widespread, there have already been many requests for kits, and they continue to arrive.
Assemble Clean Up Buckets for the Missouri River Floods (see Kevin Keaton’s message
on page 2) More than 14,000 hygiene kits have been distributed since the spring storms began, and nearly 500 clean up buckets have been shared. Please consider this hands-on mission of assembling hygiene kits or clean up buckets. Instructions are now available as a
bulletin insert at http://www.pcusa.org/media/uploads/pda/pdfs/cleanup-bucket-bulletininsert.pdf
Pray for disaster survivors, loved ones of those who have been lost, congregations in the affected communities, and rescue workers helping in the response. Pray that the God of peace
will guide all those involved, and that the hope of Christ will be evident through those offering

The Office of Theology and Worship has provided a new Service of pastoral care for those who have lost a home to earthquake, fire, flood, hurricane, tornado, or other disaster. It can be adapted for specific needs and local circumstances.

For more information on Presbyterian Disaster Assistance and how to contribute to aid Joplin or one of the other areas hard hit by the spring storms, click on or paste the following link in your browser: http://gamc.pcusa.org/ministries/pda/us-spring-storms-2011

June 2011 Session Minutes
June 14, 2011
The session of Walnut First Presbyterian church met in regular session on June 14th at 7:00 p.m. in the Sunday School south annex. Those in attendance were: Dennis Jensen, Robin Tooley, Margo Matthies, Linda Krueger, Jim Tooley and Linda Ploen. Absent were Bonnie Holtz, Jim McDermott, Jack Ploen and Ty Johnk.

Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer and scripture from Mark 10: 35-45. He also had a reflection from the Presbyterian magazine entitled “When God Calls”.
The minutes of the May meeting were read and approved after a correction under Stewardship and Mission. The Pentecost “envelopes” went out instead of the Pentecost “offering”.

The treasurer’s report was approved as given.

Pastor David’s report was approved as given. He traveled 130 miles this month. He delivered 233 pounds of clothing to the Open Door Mission from the Thirty Hour Famine.
Linda Ploen asked that the session complete a questionnaire on the future role and function of the Presbytery.

There was one death reported, that of Robert “Peter” Sievers on May 17, 2011. Interment was at Layton Township Cemetery on May 21, 2011.

Stewardship and Mission
Linda Krueger reported that the Pentecost envelopes had gone out. We also discussed how we can support those affected by the flood and tornadoes. Several ideas were suggested: monetary help, bucket supplies and physical help in clean-up. Perhaps the youth group would be interested in this along with the adults.

Christian Education
Robin stated that most all things are ready for Vacation Bible School. It will be at Peace Church this year. There is still a need for helpers and cookies for the week.

Communion was served to 5 residents at Peace Haven. Bonnie Holtz was the serving elder. The worship slides are going well, but we still need volunteers to help run them.

Finance and Property
The cabinet for the worship control center is being built by Gary Blum. It is not yet finished. All plans for the Antique Walk are being completed. David reported that a light is blinking on the center chandelier. It was moved and 2nd to approve the purchase of a docking station for an Ipod so the funeral homes could use it for funerals. Motion carried.

New Business
It was moved and 2nd to approve the purchase of a bulletin board for Sunday School. Motion carried. Margo, Linda Ploen and David reported that they had attended a CAP meeting in Avoca to plan for the upcoming year.

We will not have a meeting in July, so our next meeting will be August 9th, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.

The meeting was closed with the Lord’s prayer.

Linda Ploen
Clerk of Session

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

June 2011 Gleaner

Pastor’s Notes
I was catching up on some reading today. In “Presbyterians Today” for May 2011 there is an article entitled “The Discipline of Discipleship” by John P. Burgess.
The title alone kind of makes one a little nervous. I mean, who really, honestly enjoys or likes discipline? But when I think about it aren’t our lives full of discipline. It takes discipline just to get out of bed in the morning. Especially if we hope to accomplish any of the tasks we have on the calendar.

And as I’ve grown older it’s become apparent to me that there has to be discipline in my life. Don’t we all need some order in our lives if we truly want to become more like Jesus? Friends, it takes discipline for me to be in God’s Word, to study, to pray, and to take time to sit quietly with God. Without it I would more likely listen to that voice in my head that’s always telling me, “You don’t have time for this. There are more important things you should be doing.”

What is it about discipleship that important for us? I believe it’s the fact that we are never done learning. A disciple is a pupil or a follower. Someone who is a pupil is one who is learning from the Master and a follower would be one who accepts the doctrine of the Teacher.

The article from Presbyterians Today begins with the question, “Who am I in Jesus Christ?” What do we do differently when we believe and trust in him? What do I have to do if I’m a disciple of Jesus?

Being a disciple of Jesus is certainly challenging and does indeed require discipline. There are days when I just don’t feel like reading and praying. It’s like getting ready for a marathon or RAGBRAI. Both require some preparatory work, disciplined training. Without the work we fail.

I hope I haven’t scared anyone away from being a disciple of Jesus. It is work but the reward is worth it. Without the work, and God’s grace, the reward wouldn’t mean much.

And I’m not sure it’s the reward that has as much importance to me as the fact that through the disciplined reading, study, and prayer I come into a more intimate relationship with God. I come to understand God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit more each day.

So, you may be asking, “How should I begin?” Friends, I think it begins in worship. That’s the safe place where we can come and start to grow in our faith and learn to watch and wait and prepare. Through the liturgy, doing the same things, singing the songs, praying the same prayers, breaking the Bread and drinking the Cup, remembering our Baptism, we become prepared to follow Jesus.

John Burgess ends the article by reminding us that its about preparing and waiting for God’s good gifts. And we also learn that God is always waiting and preparing to come to us.

Good friends, I pray that you will commit to being a disciple of Jesus the Christ. Join us on Sunday and we will grow and learn together.

God’s grace and peace be with you all,
Pastor David

In Memory
Betty Maassen
August 3, 1927 – April 21, 2011

Betty Jane Maassen was born in Minden, Iowa to Wallace L Boll and Dorothy (Nicolai) Boll on August 3, 1927. She attended country school and graduated from Minden High School with the class of 1945.

On August 20, 1948, Betty Jane was united in marriage to Ralph A. Maassen. One son was born to this union: Jimmy Lynn Maassen. The couple farmed all their married lives -buying farm land near Walnut.

Ralph's hobby was feeding cattle. Betty Jane was a housewife and helped Ralph on the farm. She had many flowers in her yard but she also enjoyed her house plants, especially the African Violets.

Betty Jane died on Thursday, April 21, 2011 at her residence at Peace Haven Retirement Home in Walnut, Iowa having attained the age of eighty-three years, eight months and eighteen days.

She was preceded in death by her parents, her husband Ralph,and her brother Eugene Boll.

She is survived by her son Jim Maassen and his wife Marcy of Omaha, Nebraska; granddaughters: Jennifer Horner and her husband Ben of Omaha and Kathy Scheiwe and her husband Brent of Long Beach, California; great-grandson Finn Scheiwe of Long Beach; sister Vicky Brodale and her husband Frank of Cherokee, Iowa; nephew Matthew Brodale of Coralville, Iowa; other family members and many friends.

Pastor David Krueger officiated the private Graveside Service on Friday, April 29, 2011 at the Shelby Cemetery in Shelby, Iowa.

Pauley Jones Funeral Home in Avoca was in charge of arrangements.

In Memory
Robert “Pete” Sievers
September 9, 1915 – May 17, 2011

Robert “Pete” Sievers, the son of Walter and Trace (Feldman) Sievers, was born September 9, 1915, at home. Pete was the 7th of 10 children born to this union. He attended country school, graduating in 1929, then attended Walnut High School, and was in the graduating class of 1933.

Upon graduating from high school, he worked at the family farm and spent a few summers thrashing in Devil’s Lake, North Dakota. Pete then moved to California and worked at Forest Lawn Cemetery until Japan bombed Pearl Harbor in 1941, when he returned home to run the family farm while his brothers were away at war.

On August 28, 1946, Pete was united in marriage to LeEtta “Letty” Arentsen in Seneca, Kansas. Two children were born to this union, Wayne and Allan. After their marriage, the couple resided for a short time with Letty’s mother, then moved to a farm south of Walnut. In 1948, Pete and Letty moved to the farm where they remained throughout their lives. Pete spent his days working on the farm, raising hogs, cattle and row crops. Pete and Letty loved to square dance and travel, and they especially enjoyed their annual fishing trips to Minnesota or Canada.

Pete did a lot of hunting and fishing in his spare time. When he retired from farming, he enjoyed doing woodworking, and made many beautiful pieces of furniture. He also loved spending time with his family and friends, especially during the holidays and birthdays.

Until the age of 89, Pete ran the combine to help his son, Wayne, and grandson Cole, with harvest every fall. He spent a great deal of time with his grandchildren, taking them out to eat, reading to them, and teaching them how to play pool. Pete was always willing to lend a helping hand whenever he was able.

Pete died on Tuesday, May 17, 2011 at Myrtue Medical Center in Harlan, Iowa, having attained the age of 95 years, 8 months, and 8 days. He was preceded in death by his wife, Letty, his parents, brothers: Harold, Ralph, Raymond, Leonard, Clifford, Lester and Dale; and sisters Cora and Alberta.

He is survived by his children Wayne Sievers and Allan Sievers, both of Walnut; seven grandchildren; Cole, Sarah, and Connor Sievers, Valerie, Lauren, Tori, and Trista Sievers; and sisters-in-law Arlene Sievers of Avoca, Iowa and Joy Sievers of Walnut; other relatives and many friends.

Congratulations to Brian and Nellie (McDermott) Popp on the birth of their daughter Evalyn Marie. Evalyn was born May 22nd weighing 7 lb. 14 oz. and was 21 in. long. Proud grandparents are Jim and Bobbie McDermott. Evalyn was named after Nellie’s grandmother, Marjorie Evalyn McDermott, and her middle name, Marie, was after Brian’s grandmother.

Presbyterian Women
The Neola Presbyterian Women are hosting their Annual Spring Brunch on Wed., June 8 at 9:30 am. There will be a presentation by Cathy Killpack entitled “A Walk Through
Jordan”. Please RSVP to Barb Dalton at 402-659-1741 or 712-328-4769.

The Presbyterian Women have made “Pew Cards” to give our visitors information
about our church. Thank-you to Shannon Wood for making them for the church.

Golden Oldies
The next Golden Oldies will be in the fall, September 20th at United Church in Avoca.

Food Pantry
The Food Pantry’s needs for June are: pork & beans, catsup (small), mustard (small),
Kool-Aid (not envelopes), cookies, paper plates and napkins.
Roberta is planning to hand out summer food boxes again this year. Sign-up for the boxes will be May 23-June 20 at the Food Pantry. They will be handed out there on July 1st.

The WindowThrough Which We Look

A young couple moves into a new neighborhood.
The next morning while they are eating breakfast,
The young woman sees her neighbor hanging the wash outside.
"That laundry is not very clean", she said.
"She doesn't know how to wash correctly.
Perhaps she needs better laundry soap."

Her husband looked on, but remained silent.

Every time her neighbor would hang her wash to dry,
the young woman would make the same comments.

About one month later, the woman was surprised to see a
Nice clean wash on the line and said to her husband :

"Look, she has learned how to wash correctly.
I wonder who taught her this."

The husband said, "I got up early this morning and
Cleaned our windows."

And so it is with life. What we see when watching others
depends on the purity of the window through which we look.

July Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Jack & Judy Ploen, Gloria Myers & Barb Eslick Communion Servers: Linda Krueger -chm, Val Sievers, Mary Ellen Woltmann, Jack Ploen. June ushers and communion servers are at bottom of calendar.

The Great Escape

William trying to make his escape! Elizabeth trying to keep William corralled!

Sunday School

May 8th the Sunday School sang for the congregation. What a nice addition to our Mother's Day Service

Back row: Kaitlyn Tooley; Front row: Hana Holtz, Tori Sievers, Tristan Heiny

Reading from the messages they made for their mothers. Front: Ben Ehlers; Middle: Tristan and Tori Sievers, Hana Holtz, Bella and Brady Canada; Back: Kaitlyn and Preston Tooley

Greetings From Camp Calvin Crest
“Summer is just around the corner. Now is the time to make plans to send your child to summer camp. With camps and activities for all ages, Calvin Crest is an ideal place for your child to experience a Christ-centered residential camp experience filled with fun games, meaningful interaction with campers and caring staff, and unique opportunities to try new things. For more information, please check out our website at www.calvincrest.org or contact the camp office at (402) 628-6455. We look forward to sharing the joys of Calvin Crest with you and your child.”

Craig Huffman
Executive Director

Flowers for Pulpit
June 5 -------Barb Eslick
June 12------Barb Eslick
June 19------Antique Walk
June 26------Robin Tooley

Upcoming Events
Bible School---Peace UCC/First Presbyterian Vacation Bible School will be July 5 – 8, from 6:00 PM-8:00 PM at Peace Church. The program will be held on Sunday, July 10th at 9:30 at Peace Church. We will NOT have services at our church that day. If you would like to help contact Robyn Tooley or Bonnie Holtz.

Antique Walk—The Food Stand work schedule is included in this Gleaner (for all you people involved). If you can’t work your time please check the schedule and call someone to trade with. Most people have been contacted but I was not able to get a hold of everyone. Mary Ellen Woltmann reported that she has peach pies ordered, along with ice, pop, ice cream mix and 8 hogs. The cost of the meat will
be higher this year so we must manage the amount of meat put on buns as we are losing money on the sandwiches. Contributions to help pay for the meat will be much appreciated. We also need help slicing buns Thursday afternoon at 1:00.
The church has several knives but you may want to bring your own. The first workers of the day need to come a little early to set up and the last workers need to get everything into the church.

Session Minutes
May 10, 2011
The session of Walnut First Presbyterian Church met in regular session on May 10th at 7:00 p.m. in the Sunday School south annex. Those in attendance were: Robin Tooley, Bonnie Holtz, Linda Krueger, Jim Tooley and Linda Ploen. Absent were: Dennis Jensen, Margo Matthies, Jim McDermott, Jack Ploen, and Ty Johnk.

Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer and a reflection from “The Only Necessary Thing” entitled Spiritual Dryness.

The minutes of the April meeting were read and approved.

The treasurer’s report was approved as given.

Pastor David’s report was approved as given. He traveled 173 miles this month.

Linda Ploen gave the clerk’s report. She read thank-you’s from Calvin Crest, Kaitlyn Tooley, Robert Keefer and Theological Seminaries. A note was also read from Dick Brown reporting that he would be having a short ceremony at our church on May 22nd recognizing Pastor David for his good work. Her final correspondence was read concerning- defining Quorum for our congregation. We need to act on this immediately since the new Form of Government, if approved, will go into effect on July 10, 2011. A motion was made by Robin and 2nd by Jim Tooley that a quorum of a meeting of the congregation shall be not less than one tenth of the members. Motion carried. Linda Krueger moved and Jim T. 2nd the motion that a quorum of the session shall be the pastor or other presiding officer and one third of the elders but not fewer than two. Motion carried.
There was one death, that of Betty Jane Maassen on April 21, 2011. David had her committal service on April 29th at the Shelby, Iowa cemetery.

Kim Hoffman has asked for a membership transfer. It was moved and 2nd to accept this when we receive her letter of transfer.

Stewardship and Mission
Linda K. received notice that our donations to One Great Hour of Sharing went to help with the southern spring storms. They are also asking for donations to go for clean-up buckets for this area. She also reported that the Pentecost offering will go out this Sunday.

Christian Education
Robin reported that the Sunday School sleepover went well and that 23 children attended. She also asked for permission to have a BBQ/picnic for the Sunday School kids and their parents, and also to hold a teacher’s camp this summer to prepare teachers for fall Sunday School. It was approved by the session. Bonnie stated that she had attended a Bible School meeting with Peace Church. The dates have been set for Tuesday, July 5th-8th from 6-8 p.m. at the Peace Church. The program will be on Sunday July 10th during the Peace Church service. Session approved this.

Communion was served to 5 residents at Peace Haven on May 1st. Linda Ploen was the serving elder. Maundy Thursday service, a joint service with United Church of Avoca, was held at Peace Haven. Communion was served to a full chapel. We also need to check with Midwest Lighting and Sound to see what the problem is with the worship slides.

Finance and Property
There was no report on the progress of our worship control center cabinet. We discussed getting a plaque with the names of those who donated money for the sound system. We received a bill from Siever’s Electric for sound and light installation. Also discussed was our organ and piano. Our organ needs some costly repairs. Perhaps we could sell it and get an electric piano/organ keyboard for around $5,000. We need to get a committee together to check on this. Jim T. will be in charge of putting this together. David also reported that J.Franken had contacted him about doing some community service work. It was approved by the session. She will be washing the church siding.

New business
We received an email from Mary Ellen W. concerning the Antique Walk. We will be opening the stand at 9:00 a.m. and closing at 5:00 p.m. We will lower the number of hogs from 9 to 8. Linda K. presented the work schedule for the Walk.

The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Our next meeting will be June 14, 2011 at 7 p.m.

Clerk of Session
Linda Ploen

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

May 2011 Gleaner

Pastor’s Notes

Easter Sunday is over, the decorations have been put back into storage for another year, the journey to Jerusalem ended with Jesus’ arrest, the trials, his torment and suffering and crucifixion, his burial in a borrowed tomb, and his resurrection.

What does it all mean for us? Now that Jesus the Christ has died on the cross, was buried, and then rose from the tomb, what does it all mean? In this journey that we’ve been on during Lent how have we been changed? Should we be changed by what we have witnessed as we walked with Jesus?

How are we changed when we read how Jesus appeared to his disciples, ate with them, and taught them “...the things about himself in the scriptures (Lk 24:27).” Maybe the real question is, are we changed as we read, or hear read, these gospel lessons.

The answers we give depend on us, and God’s good grace. God has given us the freedom to make our own choices. I believe that he allows us to decide whether we believe what the scriptures tell us about the Messiah, the Christ, and whether we are willing to accept his grace. His grace is offered to us freely but it’s up to us to accept this gift.

So, whether we are changed or not depends on our decision to accept or reject this wonderful gift of God’s grace. It sounds so easy doesn’t it; either accept the gift or reject it.
The problem is we human beings have trouble trusting, especially in those things which we can’t see and touch, kind of like Thomas. Actually, we’re a lot like Thomas.

So, what are we to do? The state of things in the world is a mess. We’re losing confidence in our government, our leaders, our churches, and yes, maybe God.

I believe the answer to these questions is in the words Jesus taught his disciples. Love God with your whole being and love your neighbors as you love yourself. To do both of these means that we have to surrender control and again that’s not easy for any of us. In fact, it requires work and discipline. So, how is anyone supposed to change?

Jesus said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. (Mt. 19:24)” We aren’t able to do this on our own. We need God’s grace to accomplish this transformation, this change.

So, the answer is we can be changed when we give God control and accept his magnificent gift of grace. It sounds so easy but you all know it’s not easy for us to relinquish control.

With God anything is possible and there’s nothing that can separate us from him. So, good friends, let God’s Son enter your hearts and begin the change as we continue to journey with the disciples toward Pentecost.

God’s grace and peace be yours,
Pastor David

Congratulations to Chuck and Linda Ploen on the birth of their granddaughter, Jenna Fay. Jenna is the sister of Paige Jensen and the daughter of Ryan and Eva (Ploen) Jensen. Jenna was born on March 18th at 5:42 PM, weighed 7 lb. 14 oz. and was 21” long.

Congratulations to Megan Ehlers and Marye Bierbaum for organizing the “30 Hour Famine”. There were thirty Jr Hi and older young people in attendance and besides the fasting they collected $1508. for world hunger, 366 food items for the food pantry, 212 clothing items, 19 blankets and 9 pair of shoes for the homeless shelter.

Thank-you to the chaperones, Jim & Bobby McDermott, Robin Tooley, Linda Ploen, Cindy Jensen and Pastor Krueger.

Presbyterian Women
Presbyterian Women will honor our church 2011 seniors Wednesday, May 4th at 3:15 pm
in the church dining room. All Presbyterian women are welcome to attend as is anyone from our church family who might be interested. We only ask that you RSVP by Fri. April 29th.
Guest Day/Mother’s Day Breakfast Saturday, May 7 at 9:30 AM Peace United Church is hosting a Guest Day/Mother’s Day Breakfast. The program will be “Amazing Grace” by Arlene Drennan of Atlantic.

Thank-you to the Presbyterian Women for the Easter Lilies in memory of loved ones
To Ross and Jean Bornholdt in memory of Laurie
To the Tooley family in memory of Janice
To Chuck and Linda Ploen in memory of Margie Ploen and Melissa Manhart
Thank-you to the Confirmation girls (and families) for the delicious brunch following services Palm Sunday.

New Members: Erin Shannon, Tori Bruck, Kaitlyn Tooley and Sarah Ehlers

Thank-you to Kathy Hansen for her “quilts and bag” contribution to the youth group and for starting our “change” jug in the back of the church which is tentatively being planned to help a needy family at Christmas time.

Thank-you to Chuck & Linda Ploen, Allan Sievers and Valerie Sievers for the delicious brunch following Easter worship.

Thank-you to Kathy Hansen for all the gifts for the children and for the drawing at the Easter brunch.

Samantha Jensen is extending an invitation to everyone to join in celebrating her High School Graduation. Her party (Open House) will be on May 7th from 2-? at her house located 4 miles North of Walnut on M47 and 2 miles west on 400th St.
Megan Ehlers is also inviting everyone to celebrate her High School Graduation. Her party will be May 13th from 5-? at her house, 312 Pleasant Street in Walnut.

Bible School
Bible School will be at Peace Church this year. Date and time have not been chosen yet.

Antique Walk Food Stand
June 17-19 will be the Antique Walk. The work schedule will be in the June Gleaner. We will not be having cinnamon rolls this year and will also be starting later than 6 AM.

June Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Steve & Michelle Sunderman, Betty Sunderman
Communion Servers: Bonnie Holtz-chm, Betty Sunderman, Jim Tooley & Jack Ploen

Flowers for May
May 1------------Darlene Stuart
May 8------------Darlene Stuart
May 15---------- Teresa Griffith
May 22-----------Linda Ploen
May 29-----------Linda Ploen

Session Minutes
April 12, 2011
The session of Walnut First Presbyterian Church met in regular session on April 12th at 7:00 p.m. in the Sunday School south annex. Those in attendance were: Robin Tooley, Bonnie Holtz, Linda Krueger, Jim Tooley, Linda Ploen, Jim McDermott and Ty Johnk. Absent were: Dennis Jensen, Margo Matthies and Jack Ploen.

Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer and a devotion for Lent from D365.org called “Journey Through the Wilderness.”

The minutes of the March meeting were read and approved.

The treasurer’s report was approved as given.

David reported that he had traveled 308 miles this month. He will also be attending Wee Kirk conference the first week of May. He also conducted the funeral of Bruce Bierbaum.

Linda Ploen reported that she received a letter from the Presbyter-Committee on Ministry concerning our allowance for David’s continuing education. They asked that we amend our allowance from $800 to $822. It was so moved.

We approved the confirmation of Kaitlyn Tooley, Sarah Ehlers, Victoria Bruck and Erin Shannon.
Stewardship and Mission
Linda K. reported that One Great Hour of Sharing will be collected on Palm Sunday.

Christian Education
Robin noted that the Sunday School kids are working on palm branches. Jim M. reported that four boys will be going on the Minnesota fishing trip. We approved the purchase of gifts for the confirmation class and it was stated that the Peace Church is in charge of Bible School this year. The youth group will be holding their 30 hour famine for World Hunger on the 15th and 16th at our church.

Communion was served to ten residents at Peace Haven on March 6th and four on April 3rd. Maundy Thursday service will be conducted at Peace Haven jointly with United Church of Avoca. Communion will be served. It was moved and 2nd to purchase “Lead Beyond Our Walks”, a series of videos to be used for worship and study at a cost of $349.98. Motion carried. We also checked into the cost of an electric piano/organ.

Finance and Property
We need to have Midwest Lighting and Sound check on the volume, as it is hard to hear videos. We received an invoice from them. Gary Blum is still working on the counter for the sound equipment. We had to have it make longer. Jim T. reported that the refrigerator in the basement was not working, but it has been repaired.

New Business
The MRV Presbytery meeting will be April 3oth at Benson Presbyterian Church. Jim M. will be our representative. We also voted to skip cinnamon rolls for the Antique Walk and open the stand at 7:00 instead of 6:00 a.m.

The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Next meeting will be May 10th at 7 p.m.

Clerk of Session
Linda Ploen

Monday, March 21, 2011

April Gleaner

Pastor’s Notes
We are approaching the 2nd Sunday of Lent as I write these notes. The journey to the Cross is just beginning and already we are asking ourselves, “What is God saying to me this year?”

Every year during Lent the Scriptures lead us into a time of reflection and study. Some folks give up something from their busy lives and dedicate those freed up resources to God. They may be giving up texting or Facebook and use that time to be in the Word or to sit in silence with God. Or some of our friends will be giving up chocolate or one of their other favorite foods and donate the cost of those favorites to the local food pantry so that those who wonder where their next meal is coming from can eat.

And there are others who don’t give up anything but instead make the decision to give-to their church, to their community, to their neighbor, to a friend, or to someone they haven’t met yet. Instead of giving up something they decide to donate their time in service, dedicating it to God.
Either way folks are actively engaged in paying attention to God, what he is saying and where he is working.

I have been using this time in Lent to learn more about how God would have me share his story with people I meet everyday.

The Old Testament lessons began with the Fall and this coming Sunday focus on Abram’s journey to the Promised Land that began when his father, Terah, left Ur. We will be with Samuel when God sends him to Jesse’s family to anoint a new king to replace Saul. The Sunday before Palm Sunday we will hear the story of Ezekiel and the valley of dry bones.

Each of these stories helps us understand God and his relationship with his children, and us. Every one of these people made mistakes somewhere in their journey but God didn’t abandon them. He ached when they hurt. He was sad when they turned away. But he always gave them a way back. In these stories there is forgiveness, discipline, and love.

God hasn’t changed. He’s still there for us as we make our way to Jerusalem and the Cross. God still loves us and through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection we are able to experience that love and forgiveness. And then, share that same love and forgiveness with those we encounter on our journey.

My prayer is that you will all take time this Lenten season to sit with God, read his Word for us, and serve as you are able with the help of the Holy Spirit.

The blessing of the God of Sarah and Abraham,
The blessing of the Son, born of Mary,
The blessing of the Holy Spirit who broods over us
Be with you all,

Pastor David

Let us look afresh at the different interpretations of FASTING-
Fasts have a tendency to be oriented toward things like giving up food or television. But here are many other creative ways we welcome Jesus’ healing touch.

Here are some suggestions you may want to consider:
1. Fast from anger and hatred. Give your family an extra dose of love each day.
2. Fast from judging others. Before making any judgements, recall how Jesus overlooks our faults.
3. Fast from discouragement. Hold on to Jesus’ promise that He has a perfect plan for your life.
4. Fast from complaining. When you find yourself about to complain, close your eyes and recall some of the little moments of joy Jesus has given you.
5. Fast from resentment and bitterness! Work on forgiving those who have hurt you.
6. Fast from spending too much money. Try to reduce spending by ten percent and give those savings to the poor.

Wishing you all Peace, Love, and Happiness during Lent.

To our youth named on the Honor Roll: Samantha Jensen, Ty Johnk, Emily Mitchell, Jared Ploen, Megan Ehlers, Sarah Ehlers, Kaitlyn Tooley, Lauren Sievers, Alyssa Becerra, and Chris Guthery.
To Karley Helms, Kelsey Helms and Josie Cable for being named to their college Dean’s List.

Thank-you to the Ehlers family for donating the meat for the youth group to make tacos.

Golden Oldies
Golden Oldies will be meeting for lunch at 11:30 at Peace Church on April 19th and at United Church of Avoca on May 17th. Please call ahead so they can plan accordingly.

May Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Chuck/Linda Ploen, George Mertz, Alice Richter

Communion Servers: Linda Ploen-chm., Chuck Ploen, Michelle Mertz, George Mertz

Presbyterian Women
On March 2nd a very interesting program was presented to the Presbyterian Women’s group by Amadeus Linzer, the school’s foreign exchange student from Austria. His talk included the
history of Austria, schools in Austria and he even brought the group several samples of
“sweets” that Austria is famous for. The next meeting will be April 6th at 1:30.

Spring Gathering
The “Spring Gathering” for Presbyterian Women “Discerning God’s Call” will be April 16th
in Plattsmouth, NE. Registration 8:45, Welcome 9:00, Meeting 10:00, Lunch (optional $6.00)
12:15. Featured speaker will by Pat Hammond, “Hearing God’s Call Through Rahab’s Rope”
(stories of God’s love in India). Charlotte needs to know by April 8th if you want to attend.
More info? Find a link to “The Bridger” at http://pmrv.org/pwomen.htm.

Flowers for April
April 3-----------Michelle Tooley
April 10----------Bonnie Holtz
April 17----------Easter Lilies
April 24----------Easter Lilies

One Great Hour of Sharing
The One Great Hour of Sharing offering provides all of us the opportunity to share in helping
the people in the world who are victims of natural disasters and other unfortunate events.
Special offering envelopes will be in your bulletins on March 20th until Palm Sunday when they
will be due. Remember the words of our Lord who said, “Do you love me?...Feed my sheep.”
When we consider all that Christ has done for us, let us consider this a privilege and our way
of saying thanks for His gifts to us.

The Legend of the Easter Lily
The Easter lily is the traditional flower of Easter and highly regarded as a joyful symbol of
elegance, beauty, spirituality, hope and life. The bulb buried in the ground represents the
tomb of Jesus and the white, trumpet-like, fragrant flowers symbolize the resurrection. The
snowy white color stands for the purity of Jesus and the joy of the resurrection, while the
trumpet shape signifies Gabriel’s trumpet call to rebirth and new life.

Earthquake in Japan
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is working to respond to the massive earthquake and
resulting tsunami that struck Japan March 10, killing unknown numbers of people and
sending tsunami waves across the Pacific.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) has set up a direct response account for
donations. Click on or paste this link in your browser to donate via the web:
Individuals may also give through their congregation, by calling PresbyTel at (800) 872-3283, or by sending a check to: Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) P.O. Box 643700 Pittsburgh, PA 15264-3700. Gifts should be designated for account DR000117 — Japan Earthquake and Tsunami.
From Presbyterian News Service
Bethany Furkin

Youth Group
Our 6th grade thru college age youth are holding a 30 Hour Famine/Homeless Awareness
Event April 15th and 16th. They will be starting to fast at 12:30 PM on Friday until 6:30 PM on Saturday. Along with this they will be sleeping outside the church in cardboard boxes to bring awareness to the plight of the homeless. They are accepting contributions for their efforts and will send them to World Vision.

Session Minutes
March 8, 2011

The session of Walnut First Presbyterian Church met in regular session on March 8th at 7:00 p.m. in the Sunday School south annex. (We had no February meeting due to the absence of Pastor David.) Those in attendance were: Linda Ploen, Jim McDermott, Jack Ploen, Dennis Jensen, Robin Tooley, Linda Krueger, and Jim Tooley. Absent were: Bonnie Holtz, Margo Matthies and Ty Johnk.

Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer and a video entitled “Made to Make a Difference” by Max Lucado.

The minutes to the January 18th meeting were read and approved with one correction. Any extra money from the “Men’s Breakfast” will go towards “a” fishing trip instead of “the boys fishing trip”.

The Treasurer’s report was approved as read.

The Pastor’s report was read and approved. Pastor David traveled 47 miles.

Linda Ploen reported that she had received the commissioned Lay Pastor Agreement for David. She also received a letter and check from Wanda Sievers. David also reported that Presbytery meeting will be April 30th and they will be voting on change of order on Amendment 10A.
The clerk’s report was approved as given. There were no deaths. We received new members during our February 6th worship service. By letter of transfer we welcomed Todd, Darla, Alex and Megan Ehlers and Darren and Michelle Tooley.

Stewardship and Mission
Linda Krueger reported on our One Great Hour of Sharing offering. Envelopes will go out March 2oth and will be collected on Palm Sunday.

Christian Education
Robin stated that the Sunday School lock-in at the church will be April 30th with a PJ day at church on May 1st during worship service. The children will also sing at church on Mother’s Day. Robin also has now set up a Face Book account for church. Jim M. reported that 4 boys are planning on going on the fishing trip. The confirmation class will be going on a retreat to Calvin Crest from April 8-10. David will contact Roy Fox for a pulpit supply on April 10th since he will be with the confirmation class.

Communion was served at Peace Haven on January 2 and February 6th to 7 residents each Sunday. Serving elders were Linda Ploen and Bonnie Holtz. Community Lenten services begin March 16th at 6:00 at United Church in Avoca, March 23rd at St. Mary’s in Avoca, March 30th at Peace Church in Walnut, April 6th at Trinity Lutheran in Avoca and April 13th at First Presbyterian in Walnut. It was moved and 2nd to hold a joint Maundy Thursday service with United Church of Avoca at Peace Haven. We will serve communion. Motion carried. It was also moved and 2nd to hold the Easter sunrise service at 7:00 a.m. Motion carried.

Finance and Property
A report was given on the Midwest Lighting and Sound. Total invoice for the sound and graphic system was $23,069. We have paid $10,500, and will cash in a CD due on March 16th to pay the remainder. After discussion it was moved and 2nd to have Gary Blum construct a counter for the sound equipment at an estimated cost of $1,500. Motion carried. It was also moved and 2nd to send $20 to “Our Daily Bread” devotional booklets.

New Business
Jack Ploen, new elder, agreed to serve on the worship committee to replace retiring elder, Bobbie McDermott.

Meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Next meeting will be April 12, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.

Linda Ploen
Clerk of Session