Wednesday, September 28, 2011


October 2011 Gleaner

Good morning Gleaner readers. I hope that you're all giving God praise for the blessing this beautiful fall weather has been for all of us. So many times we take all of this for granted. Maybe that's why we have pain, suffering, and other difficulties because without them why would we ever need God.

Last month we thought about how God is growing His church where we live and worship. So, I wonder how many have, as they've been sent by God, told their stories. It would be interesting to hear the stories of how God did his work and is still working with us as we journey through this life.

I've been giving some thought to worship, what it is, how we do it and is there one particular way to worship. First, let me say I believe that there is no one way that is the only way or the best way to worship.

That being said I do believe it is necessary for us to worship in community. We don't only need to worship our God but we need to be together as the Body of Christ when we worship. I say that because I think we need each other.

We can worship God alone in our homes, in the outdoors, and even sitting alone in a church sanctuary but we miss something when our brothers and sisters in Christ are absent. It's necessary to hear other people’s joys and trials so we can share in praise and prayer for each other.

But, how do we worship, and then what do we do when our time of worship is over? Friends, I've learned that worshiping God is different for every one of us because God created all of us with different DNA.

I guess I can only talk about what worship is for me and know that it's not the same as it would be for anyone else.

Worship for me is prayer, praise, reading or hearing God's word read and meditating on his Message for me, singing (contemporary and old standards), and confessing my brokenness and hearing God's words of forgiveness.

After worship we are sent out into the world where we live to tell our stories, to give our testimonies about how God has and is transforming our lives. I heard a speaker this morning say that it's not the number of people at worship that's important but the number of people sent to tell the story of God's love for us in Jesus Christ.

So, what is worship for you and how are you telling God's, and your, story to those he has sent you to? I'd be interested in hearing what He is doing in and with you in this wonderful fall season of change.

God's gracious love be with you all,
Pastor David

Thank-you to everyone who have brought items for the Food Pantry. Items needed for October are: chili beans, tuna, pudding mix, Jell-o, green beans, corn, peas and anything healthy.

Congratulations to Bruce and Tuesday McDonald on the birth of their twins, Asher John Taylor and Auburn May Rose, on September 23rd. Tuesday is the daughter of Louis and Rosemary Pedersen.

Please – Please – Please do not borrow our new white folding chairs in the basement. We have our old folding chairs that can be borrowed. Someone borrowed our new ones and now we have four chairs that are missing the rubber foot pads and have hardened mud shoved up the legs!

A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.
George Moore

We offer our sincere sympathy to:
The family of Eric Larsen. Eris lost his battle with cancer on September 4th at the age of 48. Betty (Larsen) Akers is Eric’s mother and Sierra Larsen is his daughter.

The family of Ruby Andersen. Ruby passed away September 3rd in Jefferson, Iowa at the age of 83. Ruby’s children are Richard (Deanna) Andersen, Linda (Gary) Stevens, Donald (Mary) Andersen, Marilyn (Steven) Hansen, Shirley (Rich) Righter, and Verlee (Barry) Perkins.

The family of Dion Grooms. Dion died on September 15th at the age of 52. Dion’s daughters are Ashley (Brian) Williams and Lacey Grooms.

The family of Jean Corey. Jean passed away on September 20th at the age of 86. Jean’s children are Robert (Jolene) and Sharen (Paul) Kracher.

The family of Darlene Kay. Darlene died on September 20th at the age of 89. Darlene’s daughters are LuAnn (Doug) Leaders, Marlene (Robert) Campbell, and Sharon (Richard) Price.

Peace Church Dinner
Sunday, November 6th from 11:30-1:30 Peace United Church of Christ will hold their Annual Fall Dinner. They will be serving a full course roast beef meal. Adults - $8.00, Children - $3.00, Under age 5 – free, carry-outs $.50 extra.

Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them.

Registration forms will be available October 15th at school or city hall for anyone that needs help providing Christmas gifts for their family members. Those forms will be due Nov. 18th (can be turned in at city hall or the school). The trees will be up at the Walnut library on Nov. 23rd. The gifts must be turned in to Walnut Communications by Dec. 9th at 4:30 pm. They will be picked up on December 17th. Questions: contact Linda Ploen or Margo Matthies

November Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Teri Abel, Darlene Stuart, Don & JoJane Walter
Communion Servers: Bonnie Holtz-chm, Leo Rechtenbach, Darlene Stuart, Jim McDermott. October ushers and communion servers are at bottom of calendar.

When you’re finished changing, you’re finished.

Flowers for Pulpit
October 2--------Cathy Shutters
October 9--------Teri Abel
October 16 ------Bobbie McDermott
October 23 ------Janet Grush
October 30-------Volunteer

“Snickers Sunday” is October 16th. HELP Adult Services Christmas Stocking Program gives out app. 3000 stockings to adults and youth in 11 S.W. IA and East NE correctional facilities. They are requesting churches help by bringing “regular” size (2.07 oz) snickers bars to their churches on Oct. 16th which will be used to help fill these stockings.

You know you’re getting older when the gleam in your eye is from the sun hitting your bifocals.

Presbyterian Women-Guest Day
Presbyterian Women Guest Day will be October 5th at 2:00. The women will meet at 12:30 for their regular meeting. At 2:00 Barbara Butcher of Avoca will present her program, “Experiencing Ellis Island”.

Youth Group
The Presbyterian Youth Group has been asked to help make winter shelters for Walnut’s feral cats. The group is meeting from 10-12 on October 15th at Kathy Human’s house. Lunch will be at the church at 12.
Contact Mary Bierbaum if questions. You might like to visit the website – to view the pictures and find out more about the work being done to limit the number of feral cats in Walnut.

Session Minutes
September 13, 2011
The session of Walnut First Presbyterian church met in regular session on September 13th at 7:00 pm in the Sunday School south annex. Those in attendance were Robin Tooley, Bonnie Holtz, Margo Matthies, Linda Krueger, Jim Tooley, Jack Ploen and Linda Ploen. Absent were Dennis Jensen, Jim McDermott and Ty Johnk.

Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with a prayer from “Prayers from the Heart”, and a reflection from “Inspired” entitled Why Church Matters by Joshua Harris.

The minutes to the August meeting were read and approved. The minutes to the August 28th special meeting were also read and approved.

The treasure’s report was approved as given.

Pastor David’s report was given. He traveled 297 miles this month.

There was no clerk’s report.

Received into membership on August 28th were Kim and Kristen Hoffman by letter of transfer from Elk Horn Lutheran Church, and Charles Edward Wyatt by reaffirmation of baptism and profession of faith.

Stewardship & Mission
David reported on opportunities to help at the Open Door Mission. Also the Walk-A-Thon on September 18th. He also stated that each church will be responsible for their own Crop Walk this year. A motion was and 2nd to ask for donations instead of walking this year. Motion carried. David also asked if we would be interested in hosting Marina Shishova, from St. Petersburg, Russia to speak to us. We will try to have her speak on Wednesday evening, September 28th.

Christian Education
Robin reported that Sundae Sunday went well. There were 15 children, 3 Jr. High students and 5 adults present. It was decided we will keep Sunday School at 10:15. The Sunday School kids will also sell calendars again this year.

After discussion it was moved and 2nd to pursue having a Saturday evening service once a month. We will try to have the first one on October 29th at 7 p.m. World Communion and the Peacemaking offering will be Sunday October 2nd. On September 4th communion was served to 6 residents at Peace Haven. Jim Tooley was the serving elder.

Finance & Property
Jim Tooley reported that they are still working on getting the address changed on our Putnam account. It was also moved and 2nd to have James E. Tooley and Jack E. Ploen as signatories for our certificate of deposit at Great Western Bank in Oakland, Iowa. Motion approved. There was no more news on the organ, however; the fund is doing well. The carpets have been cleaned in the basement to take care of the mold. We now have three 65 pt. humidifiers to help decrease the humidity. Jim T. also reported that he had called the church in Randolf, Iowa to let them know we would not be purchasing their pews. David stated that we still have no copier. After discussion it was decided that it would cost more to lease a machine that purchase one. It was moved and 2nd to buy a copier for $2,119 and to also buy the maintenance agreement. Motion carried. We will try to recycle the old unit.

New Business
It was moved and 2nd to approve David’s vacation for October 3-9, 2011. Motion carried. David will also be gone on October 23 as he is the Head Spiritual Advisor at the Great Plains Presbyterian Pilgrimage.

The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

The next meeting will by October 11, 2011 at 7 pm.

Linda Ploen
Clerk of Session