Friday, June 27, 2014

July/August Gleaner 2014

Pastor’s Notes
I’m sitting in my office this morning and it’s raining outside…again. I’ve almost had enough…water in the basement, dumping the humidifier bucket, pulling crab grass, walking the dogs in the rain, and dreary, cloudy, humid days.
Well, that’s enough complaining for today. It’s so easy to keep going though, building up a head of steam complaining about how things are; at least it seems to come easy for me. I get in that rut and it’s hard to find anything good, about anything. It may be because I’m buried so deep in the rut I’ve made for myself it’s impossible to see the good that’s all around me. Does that ever happen to you?
My friends, we’re not alone. We have good company. As Moses led the Israelites through the wilderness on their way to the Promised Land they found a lot to complain about, the food, sleeping in tents, Moses was always gone somewhere, and God seemed to have abandoned them.
It didn’t get any better once they arrived in the land promised to their ancestor Abraham. Their neighbors had different gods, better they thought. Their neighbors had kings to care and protect them. They didn’t have any. And so they complained.
There are a few glimmers of light as you read through the Old Testament but they always fall back into that complaining mode. Even the disciples who followed Jesus complained.
They couldn’t understand his parables. There were too many people bothering him, for them to learn from him. Too many folks who wanted to hear his stories; too many folks who wanted to touch or be touched by Jesus; too many who wanted to be fed; and Jesus wanted his disciples to feed them! Can you blame them for complaining?
I once had a boss who listened to me complain about something at the plant and he said, “Well, how would you fix it? Do you have a remedy or solution for this problem?” I didn’t the first time. I learned that if I was going to complain about something to my boss he was going to expect me to be part of the solution. So, before I complained I had to think whether I wanted to work on the problem. Did I want to be part of the solution?
So, my friends, do you want to be part of the solution? Membership is declining in our churches, financial giving is becoming less and less, fewer folks are coming to worship, and where are the younger families with children? And the General Assembly passed some things that I don’t agree with? And the presbytery never seems to pay any attention to us rural churches?
Any of these ring a bell with you? Well, I’m writing this so they might be some of my complaints and, then again, they might be some I’ve heard.
What should we do when it seems as if we do more complaining than is good for our well-being? Maybe we should go to God and talk to him. Maybe instead of unloading on our neighbors and friends and the pastor maybe we should lay our baggage at God’s feet.
The problem is, my friends, God is probably going to involve us in fixing what we’re complaining about, making us part of the solution.
That may scare you a little but we have to trust that God knows the problems and how to fix them. That’s faith, trusting in God.
My friends when I get on a rant about how things are going God leads me to my knees and patiently listens as I lay it all out. And then just as patiently God waits for me to quiet down and listen to his answer. Sometimes he has to shout because I’m a little hard hearing.
So, my friends, as the pastor nominating committee does their work, as this pastor begins to gather his things together and move on to only God knows what, pray. Pray for the PNC and pray for your pastor and pray for the other congregations searching for someone to guide them. And pray for patience and God’s grace for yourselves.
Blessings on your day my friends,
Pastor David

---to EVERYONE who helped in any way at our FOOD STAND for the Antique Walk.  Chairman Mary Ellen Woltmann works tirelessly for MANY days to make sure everything runs smoothly.  I (Linda Krueger) told session last summer (a year ago) to find someone else to do the scheduling and thank you to Michelle Mertz for handling that.

 12 Reasons Why a Pastor Quit Attending Sporting Events
1 The coach never came to visit me.
2 Every time I went, they asked for money.
3 The people sitting in my row didn’t seem very friendly.
4 The seats were very hard.
5 The referees made a decision I didn’t agree with.
6 I was sitting with hypocrites—they only came to see what others were wearing!
7 Some games went into overtime and I was late getting home.
8 The band played some songs I had never heard before.
9 The games are scheduled on my only day to sleep in and run errands.
10 My parents took me to too many games when I was growing up.
11 Since I read a book on sports, I feel that I know more than the coaches, anyway.
12 I don’t want to take my children because I want them to choose for themselves what sport they like best.
Your Congregation's Mission Support to the Presbytery
            The mission and ministry of the Presbytery of Missouri River Valley is supported through the mission giving of the 50 congregations within its boundaries.  Congregational support is vital to the presbytery's mission.
            One way in which mission dollars are at work is through the mini-grants offered through the Mission Committee.  Since 2010, the mini-grant program has provided grants (up to $2,000) for the Presbyterian Women's Great Truck Haul, Santa's Children Christmas Village community garden, an intern's salary at Castelar, help building six wells in the South Sudan, help for the victims of a mudslide in Nicaragua in 2011, First Church, Bellevue sponsoring a refugee family, Social Justice and Peacemaking Grant to Father Boyle, who ministers to gang members in Los Angeles and many more mini-grants.
            These grants are made possible only by the General Mission giving of the congregations in Missouri River Valley Presbytery.  Through mission giving, a wider community is blessed.

                  If all is not lost, where the heck is it?

Anniversary Congratulations -- Al and Dixie Schirm – 71 years – on July 24th
                                                --Don and JoJane Walter – 66 years – June 23rd

        “When you stop giving and offering something to the rest of the world, it’s time to turn out the lights.”    George Burns

      August Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Kent & Carla Johnk, Jim & Bobbie McDermott 
Communion Servers:.Linda Ploen-chm., Kent Johnk, Barb Eslick, Chuck Ploen

                                         September Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers:  Kathy Hansen, Larry & Charlotte Shepherd  
Communion Servers:  Kathy Hansen-chm., Jim McDermott, Larry & Charlotte Shepherd

July Ushers and Communion Servers are on the July Calendar

If you found out you were dying would you be nicer, love more, try
something new?    Well, you are.  We all are.
Flowers for Pulpit
                                                            July 6 -------Betty Sunderman
                                                July 13------Teresa Griffith
                                                July 20------Barb Eslick
                                                July 27------Barb Eslick
                                                Aug. 3-------Bobbie McDermott
                                                   Aug. 10------Bobbie McDermott
                                                   Aug. 17------Carla Johnk
                                                   Aug. 24------Jean Bornholdt
                                                   Aug. 31------Avis Mortensen

              Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

June 10, 2014
The session of Walnut First Presbyterian church met in regular session on June 10, 2014 at 7:00 pm in the Sunday School south annex.  Session members present were: Cathy Shutters, Allan Sievers and Kathy Hansen and clerk Linda Ploen.  Absent were: Greg and Michelle Mertz, Jim Tooley, Gloria Walter and Dustin Jensen.
Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer and a reflection from called “Creator God” from Genesis 1:9-13.
The minutes of the May meeting were read and approved. The treasurer’s report was approved as given.
Pastor David’s report was read and approved.  He traveled 283 miles this month.  He had several meetings and visitations.
Clerk Linda Ploen reported on the Quilt Auction on August 16th at Calvin Crest and the request for donations for the pool project at Calvin Crest.  Linda also asked that she not be paid for her time as clerk.  After some discussion, it was moved and 2nd to not pay her each month-per her request.  Motion carried. 
David also mentioned that he has been contacted by a member of the community to join our church.

New Business
We will be serving dinner at Peace Haven Retirement Home.  Date set is August 23rd.   We will need help with this-session members, youth and members of the congregation?  It was moved and 2nd to serve brisket, potato salad and bars.  Motion carried.  We will discuss more at the August meeting.

Stewardship and Mission
Kathy reported that she will be putting the jar out for donations to a needy family.  David also stated that there are mission opportunities to be found on

Christian Education
Cathy S. reported that Bible School will be a one day event on June 29th.  They may buy T-shirts for the kids.  It will be an Olympic/sport theme.  They will then either go swimming or rent a bounce house.  There was also some discussion about an Adult Sunday School class or Bible Study.

Communion was served to 5 residents at Peace Haven on June 8th with Jim Tooley as serving elder.

Finance and Property
Jim McDermott was removed from check signing and Dustin Jensen will replace him.  There was some discussion on the Antique Walk.  Larry Shepherd and his grandson will be setting up the tents and Greg and Michelle Mertz have the work schedule.  It was also reported that Feekes will be working on the heating and air soon.  David also stated that the hinges on the south door are really rusty.

Cathy S. reported on the progress of the PNC.  There was still no action on our by-laws.  It was also decided not to have a meeting in July.

Motion to adjourn the meeting.  Meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Next meeting will be August 12th, 2014 at 7 pm.

Linda Ploen
Clerk of Session                                                                                          

July 2014


Salem Lutheran Homes, 9 AM

Tina Gregory
Independence Day


Jean Bornholdt
Church 9:00
Peace Haven

Morning Worship
Allen House, 11AM

Dixie Schirm

Randy Mertz
Brielle Lohoff
Joyce Redman’s memorial service, 9 AM

Wedding, 4:30 PM
Church 9:00
Darren/Michelle Tooley
Larry/Charlotte Shepherd


Jean Schmitt
Betty Sunderman

Peace Haven, 7 PM


Bobbie McDermott

Vickie Weihs

Pastor Gone--


Kathy Hansen
Bruce Walter
Collin Shutters


Al/Dixie Schirm

Pastor home
10:00 PM

Don Walter
Church 9:00
Brett Holtz
Ross Gregory

Red Cross bloodmobile 11:30 AM to 5:30 PM

Tara Lohoff

Avoca Nursing & Rehab, 2 PM

Carrie Schmitt

July Ushers:  Jack & Judy Ploen, Barb Eslick
July Communion Servers:  Dustin Jensen – chm, Margo Matthies, Teri Abel, Jack Ploen

August 2014


Barb Eslick

Dalton Dea
Church 9:00
Peace Haven

Jennifer Ploen
Kaitlyn Tooley
Pam Nielsen
Cheyenne Mertz
Salem Lutheran Homes, 9 AM
Jolene Jensen
Dominic Schaben
Troy/Diana Schaben

Margo Matthies
Church 9:00

Carla Johnk


Michelle Sunderman
Allen House, 11 AM

Session 7 PM

Kurt Hansen
Brandi Wood
Leo Rechtenbach
Alan Sievers
Doug/Margo Matthies
Quilt auction @
Calvin Crest
Cathy Shutters
Church 9:00



Megan Andersen
Mason Schaben

Peace Haven, 7 PM
Serving supper
at Peace Haven
Kelsey Helms
Church 9:00

Shannon Wood
Todd Ehlers

Avoca Nursing & Rehab, 2 PM



Terry Green
Church 9:00
Bailey Nielsen

August Ushers: Kent & Carla Johnk, Jim & Bobbie McDermott
August Communion Servers:  Linda Ploen-chm., Kent Johnk, Barb Eslick, Chuck Ploen

Sunday, June 15, 2014

June Gleaner 2014

Pastor’s Notes  
It’s June, school is out for the summer, people are looking forward to the weekends so they can enjoy the outdoors doing whatever they enjoy doing, swimming, fishing, camping, golfing, baseball, softball, or any one of the myriad other things to do when the weather is so very nice.
That makes me wonder if we shouldn’t be doing worship at the park or the pond or the golf course or the ball field since that’s where folks are. If that’s where the people are maybe that’s where God’s Church should be too. After all God is with us wherever we are. We gather to worship our Creator, to give praise for the blessings given to us, and to raise our voices in joyful song. What better place to do that but outside in God’s wonderfully beautiful creation.
If you’d enjoy worshipping outdoors contact Pastor David or Gloria Walter, our worship committee person, and let us know. And then, maybe, volunteer to assist in putting together the worship service.
That being said there’s a lot going on in the month of June. The 8th is the Day of Pentecost, the 15th is Trinity Sunday, we also remember our Fathers too, the 29th is planned for VBS day camp, and then we move back into Ordinary time counting the days to Christ the King Sunday in November. That seems so far into the future but in reality it will be here before we know it.
So, what are ‘you’ doing this summer to grow spiritually? Have you chosen some good books to read when you’re relaxing at the lake or the pond or the river that will help or enable you to discern what God is calling you to do? Or, maybe you’re planning a retreat, with friends or by yourself, and maybe you’re just going to trust God to deliver his call to you in the stillness wherever you’re retreating to. Or maybe you have nothing special planned.
It would be fair of you to ask me what I’m doing so, before you ask, I’ll tell you. I have some books on the shelf begging for me to pick them up and some I haven’t bought yet that also are crying out to be read. One of those I haven’t purchased yet is Rob Bell’s “Jesus Wants to Save Christians.” Rob is one of those popular authors who is stirring things by taking a different approach to interpreting the Bible. Since he’s on the edge in fundamentalist’s circles some folks think he’s condemned to hell.
All of that being said I’m looking forward to buying the book and reading it sometime soon. I also have some books from the Iona Community in Scotland that I use for worship planning that I need to get deeper into.
Also, I’m preparing for Pilgrimage in October, which by the way if you’re feeling God tugging or pushing or encouraging you to attend come and talk with me. I’d be glad to give you a registration form and be your sponsor.
The other thing I’m doing, though it might not be classified as spiritual renewal, is getting in shape physically to ride the northern route through Iowa this summer. You may know it as RAGBRAI, I call it my renewal week. Other than Pilgrimage this also helps me connect with God while riding my bike through some of the most beautiful places in all creation.
What else? We’ll be moving into a new preaching series that will begin in Genesis with the creation. We are ending a series where we have been accompanied by a ‘door’ in worship each Sunday. So, if time allows we’d love to have you come and worship with us through the summer. And maybe, if you let us know where you’ll be, we could come to you, God willing.

May you be filled with God’s grace and peace this summer,
Pastor David

Thank You to Church Members
            We would like to thank all of you for all the prayers, support, kind words, and donations of
money.  It helped make it possible to go see Noah every day!  He is home and doing great!
                                                                                    Thanks again,
                                                                                    Dave, Robin & Noah Heilig

Thank You Brunch
June 8th Noah Heilig will be baptized.  Dave and Robin invite everyone downstairs after services for a
brunch to thank everyone for their help when Noah was hospitalized.

If you’re always racing to the next moment, what happens to the one you’re in?

Congratulations to David and Mary Ellen Woltmann on the birth of their great-granddaughter, Eden Everly Woltmann.  Eden was born on April 11, 2014.  She is the daughter of Darrin and Meggie Woltmann of Sycamore, IL.  Grandparents are Michael and Gayle Woltmann of Kingston, IL.  Craig and Karen Johnson of Rogers, AR, previous Walnut residents, are also great-grandparents.  Great-great-grandparents are Betty Griffith of Walnut and Roy Hemminger from Rogers, AR.  Eden is joined by one sister at home, Byrnn.  She has five generations on both sides of her family.

“Nothing can make our lives, or the lives of other people, more beautiful than perpetual kindness.”     Leo Tolstoy

July Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers:  Jack & Judy Ploen, Barb Eslick
Communion Servers: Dustin Jensen, chm., Margo Matthies, Teri Abel, Jack Ploen

God put your eyes in front of you head for a reason … now stop looking back.

                                                Flowers for June
                                      June 1-------------JoJane Walter
                                      June 8-------------JoJane Walter
                                      June 15-----------Antique Walk
                                      June 22-----------Nancy Ross-Hullinger
                                     June 29-----------Michelle Sundrman

Dear God,
So far today, I’ve done it all right.  I haven’t gossiped, I haven’t lost my temper, I haven’t been
greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish, or overindulgent.  I’m very thankful for that.  But, in a few
minutes, God, I’m going to get out of bed … and from then on, I’m probably going to need
a lot more help.

                                                            Note from Kathy Hansen
A very special thanks should first go to Pastor David and Pastor Steve for going to the aid of a lady moving into the
Walnut housing (She had nothing – Rebecca is her name).
A big, big thank you goes to Nancy Hullinger of Peace Haven.  She went above and beyond in helping.  She sent a bed,
dressers, floor lamp, chair, ottoman, couch and a kitchen table and chairs.  Nancy truly saved the day!
Also, a huge thanks goes to Chuck and Gloria Walter.  They donated silverware, dishes, cups and glassware.  It was
much appreciated.
Then there is Robert’s Bakery who donated a really nice TV.  What great people who helped out!
Isabelle Zvorak donated curtain rods and curtains.  This put the final touch to making it a home.
My mom, Frances Howard, donated a sweeper , and last but not least, Jeff, my husband, took time away from his coffee
time to help move all the furniture.
I guess I went to get misc. items like a shower curtain, mini blinds, bedspread, etc. and helped with the move and
getting her curtains up.
Rececca couldn’t thank us enough.  She apologized for asking for help but I told her we all need help at times and I
want to thank our church family and friends for all this great effort.  I’m glad to be a part of a caring church
family and town.
God Bless You All!        
            Kathy Hansen

                                                       Session Minutes

May 13, 2014
The session of Walnut First Presbyterian church met in regular session on May 13, 2014 at 6:00 pm in the Sunday School south annex.  Session members present were: Michelle and Greg Mertz, Kathy Hansen, Allan Sievers, Gloria Walter, Dustin Jensen and clerk Linda Ploen.  Absent were: Jim Tooley and Cathy Shutters.
Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer.  Due to an awards event at school at 7:00, we did not have a reflection and scripture this month.
The minutes of the April meeting were approved.  They were reported by Michelle Mertz due to the absence of Linda Ploen at the April meeting.
The treasure’s report was approved as given.
 Pastor David’s report was read and approved.  He traveled 117 miles this month.  He had several visitations.  There was no Clerk’s report.
New Business
We discussed serving a dinner at Peace Haven Retirement Home some Saturday or Sunday this summer like we did last summer.  We set a tentative date of August 23rd.  It was also moved and 2nd to allow David to perform the wedding of Brian Knapp and Taryn Coenen on June 28th, 2014 at Prairie Rose.  Motion carried.  David will also have the memorial service for Joyce Redman on July 12, 2014.  There will be a 9:00 am coffee and rolls and a 10:00 am service.  Jolene Jensen was also present at the meeting.  She would like to join our church.  She has gone through confirmation in Shelby with Pastor Heather Ploen.  It was moved and 2nd to permit this.  Motion carried.  We will find a date soon to do this.
Stewardship and Mission
Kathy Hansen reported that she had delivered baskets to two more new residents.  David also stated that there is a new resident in the low rent housing that could use our help.  He also reported that there are many mission opportunities listed on the Presbytery website.
Christian Education
Michelle reported that we will have a one day Bible School on July 19th, with a family event in the evening.
Communion was served to 4 residents on May 4th with Kathy Hansen as serving elder.
Finance and Property
It was moved and 2nd to allow Dustin Jensen to have check signing authority and remove Jim McDermott from the account.  Motion carried.  Greg and Michelle Mertz agreed to do the work schedule for Antique Walk.  Michelle reported that all the new accounts with Hamilton Financial are up and running. The ad hoc committee will look into what to do with the remaining money.  We need to get quotes on new windows.  Next on the agenda were the quotes on the new heating and air units.  After discussion, it was moved and 2nd to go with the bid from Feekes in Avoca.  The bids were very close, but the Feekes bid was going with higher quality equipment.  Motion carried.
Michelle has been looking into other by-laws so we can get ours done.

The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
The next meeting will be June 10th, 2014 at 7:00 pm.
Linda Ploen
Clerk of Session


~ June 2014 ~

 Church 9:00
 Orris Drake


 Michael Mertz
Salem Lutheran Homes 9 AM

Donelle Green



 Church 9:00
 Brunch 10:00
 (For Noah’s baptism)
 Michael Woltmann
 Mary Ellen Woltmann

Allen House 11 AM
Session 7 PM

Chris Krueger


Antique Walk

 Linda Nash

Antique Walk
Antique Walk
 Father’s Day

 Bonnie Holtz


 Hugh Griffith

Amy Krueger
 Ben Ehlers
Peace Haven 7 PM


 Church 9:00

 Megan Ehlers

Don/JoJane Walter
Avoca Nursing and Rehab 2 PM
COM mtg. 4:30 PM New Horizon P.C.


 Shane/Tara Lohoff


 Ian Griffith

 Greg/Michelle Mertz
 Church 9:00

 Brian Anderson



June Communion Servers:  Jim Tooley, chm., Betty Sunderman, Barb Eslick, Dennis Jensen

June Ushers:  Steve, Michelle Sunderman, Betty Sunderman