Friday, April 25, 2014

May 2014 Gleaner

Pastor’s Notes  
I’m thinking this morning about this mystery called faith; specifically our faith in the triune God. Abraham was right with God because of his faith. God spoke to him and he listened and obeyed.
Moses encountered God in the burning bush in the wilderness. Because of that encounter his faith in God grew.
Jacob had a dream where he saw God and later he wrestled with a man until daybreak. It was a draw but he felt that he’d met God face to face and lived. As crooked and devious as he was he still believed in the great I Am.
All through the Hebrew Bible, the Old Testament, we find many people who had faith, some more than others, and some who had little or no faith but still believed in God.
Then, in the New Testament, the disciples are called by Jesus, the Son of Man, the Son of God. They ‘put on his yoke’ and followed him. Their faith grows and wanes. There were flickers of ‘strong’ faith and then there are those times when they just don’t get it. But, they had Jesus with them to teach, set examples for them, and to pray for them.
Paul encountered Jesus on the road to Damascus as he’s heading there to arrest those who were followers of the ‘Way.’ After his face to face with Jesus he was changed and his ‘faith’ changed. He believed in God and now he believed in Jesus, the Christ, the Messiah. He believed because of his encounter with Jesus.
It’s 2014 and I’ve not met anyone who’s seen a burning bush, wrestled an angel, or been blinded by the light of Jesus. So, what bolsters our ‘faith?’ Why do some folks have such a strong faith and others struggle with their faith, and some just don’t believe at all…and can you really blame them?
So, for you, what and how is your ‘faith?’ Is it strong or does it waiver sometimes? What do you do when your ‘faith’ is weak? What do you do when your doubts seem stronger than your ‘faith?’
The folks in the Old and New Testament either had an encounter with God or they were face to face with Jesus. Wouldn’t it be a whole lot easier to believe and follow if we could ‘hear’ God or have a one on one with Jesus? I think so and I’ve heard others say that would make it easier for them too.
If someone came to you and said that they’d received word from God that they were to share with you would you believe them and would that make you want to change, to repent? Be honest now. You might be a little skeptical. Your faith would be tested because you’d never heard God speak to you so why would God speak to your friend? Maybe they were just hearing voices in their head.
What to do, that’s my question. How do we keep our faith strong and how do we help someone else whose faith is waning? Or maybe we have a friend who says they just can’t believe the Bible at all? Is our church able to help those who’re struggling? I mean, ‘really’ help them.
I believe that’s why we need the Church, the community of followers of Jesus, to be there for us when we’re struggling or Evil seems to be winning. The Church can help by praying, really praying, not just saying they’ll pray. The Church can help by coming together in study, reading the Bible, discussing and dissecting the words and comparing them to secular works of the same time period.
For example, the Flood, are there other examples of this story in other works? What about Jesus? What contemporary works were written in the same time period and did they say anything about him?
We have celebrated the Resurrection and are now in the season of Easter. I believe it’s a good time to reflect on our faith and the mystery of it. In Hebrews we read, “Faith makes us sure of what we hope for and gives us proof of what we cannot see.”
Still, we all have friends who don’t have faith or struggle with the little faith they have. Let’s work together as the Church to grow our faith and reinforce our friend’s faith through our love for Jesus and for them.
God’s grace and peace be yours today,
Pastor David

Note from Kathy Hansen:
             Thank you to all who donated to the Homeless Hope Totes.  Special thanks to Bonnie Holtz who went above and beyond with her big donation.  There was also another generous donation of three bags and I don’t know who donated it, but it was much appreciated!  Everyone else who donated, Big Thanks!
             Also, thank you to everyone who helped out Robin and Dave with gas money.
             It’s great we have a caring Church family!
                                                Kathy Hansen

Help for Questers
The Questers are holding a garage sale during the Community Garage Sale June 7th.  They’re using the proceeds to work on the pavilion at the city cemetery.  If you would like to donate anything for the sale contact Kathy Hansen 712-307-0879, she will come to your house to pick it up.  She has a storage area available so contact her any time before June 7th.

‘You may think the grass is greener on the other side, but if you take the time to water your own grass it will be just as green’

Thank-you to the Presbyterian Women for the Easter Lilies in memory of loved ones
                  To Ross and Jean Bornholdt in memory of Laurie
                  To Chuck and Linda Ploen in memory of Melissa Manhart and Marge Ploen
                  To Charles and Gloria Walter (3) in memory of loved ones
                  To Randy and Rhonda Mertz for Star of Bethlehem flowering plant

Thank you to all the women that provided the delicious casseroles (11 of them), fruit cups and bars for the last Lenten meal.  Also thanks to the men and women that cleaned up after.  Approximately 65 were served.

Thank –you to Cathy Shutters and Linda Ploen for preparing Communion every Sunday during Lent, and to the session members for serving it.

Thank you to Kathy Hansen and Teri Abel for decorating the church basement for our Easter Brunch and providing all the prizes for children and adults.

Thank you to Pam Nielsen, Teri Abel, Jim and Bobbi McDermott, Justen Tooley, Todd Ehlers, Kathy Hansen and Willa Petersen for the delicious brunch on Easter morning.

Thank you to Brian and Nellie (McDermott) Popp and Todd Ehlers for contributing the sausage for our brunch.

“What has to change in the Church?”
                                                     “You and I.”       
 Mother Teresa

2nd Annual Walnut 5K Fun Run/Walk
“The Lunch Lady Run”
Former Walnut School “Lunch Lady” Deb Petersen was diagnosed with ALS two years ago.  This walk/run is to support her and the fight against ALS.  It will be held Saturday May 31st at the City Park.  Registration is from 10-10:45 with a light breakfast served.  Kids 100 yard dash is at 10:45 (12 and under).  Pre-registration fee is $20, register day of race $25.  Free lunch following the race/walk.  Call Erica 712-789-0870 or Julie 402-659-1187.  Registration forms are also at Walnut  City Hall and Rolling Hills Bank.

“Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.”  Mark Twain
Eagle Puzzle
Gary Sievers recently received a beautiful picture of an eagle that was a puzzle. The puzzle was put together by Glen Voge.  Gary has a special love of eagles after losing his son and hearing “On Eagle’s Wings” at his funeral.  Glen had the puzzle ‘varnished’ and then gave it to Gary for his wall.  This special gift reminds him that his son’s spirit ascended to God on Eagles Wings.  Gary became a member of our church several years ago while at Peace Haven.  Pastor David baptized him there with Chuck and Linda Ploen as witnesses.  Both Glen and Gary are residents of Salem Lutheran at Elk Horn.

‘A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. 
It just blooms.’

June Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers:  Steve & Michelle Sunderman, Betty Sunderman
Communion Servers: Jim Tooley-chm, Betty Sunderman, Barb Eslick & Dennis Jensen

‘You know when you’re grown up when a nap is no longer a punishment, but a reward'

                                                Flowers for May
                                      May 4-------------Linda Ploen
                                      May 11------------Linda Ploen
                                      May 18------------Alice Richter
                                      May 25------------Alice Richter
                                                       Session Minutes
April 1, 2014
The session of Walnut First Presbyterian church met in special session on Tuesday, April 1, 2014 at 6:30 at United Church of Avoca.  Session members present were: Greg and Michelle Mertz, Dustin Jensen, Cathy Shutters, and Gloria Walter.  Also present were clerk-Linda Ploen, PNC chairman-Chuck Ploen, David Krueger and our “shepherd” for our pastor search-Sandy Wainwright from Villisca.  The purpose of the meeting was to approve our MIF statement for our pastor search.  Members read over the report from the PNC committee and heard comments from Sandy.  Michelle moved and Dustin 2nd the motion to approve the MIF statement.  Motion carried.  Meeting adjourned.
At 7:00 we joined the session and PNC committee from United Church of Avoca for a joint meeting.  Session members present were: Greg & Michelle Mertz, Dustin Jensen, Gloria Walter, Cathy Shutters and Gloria Walter.  PNC members present were: Chuck Ploen, Cathy Shutters and Mike Shutters.  Also present were three members of the Committee on Ministry and our “shepherd” Sandy Wainwright.  The meeting was opened with prayer by Avoca’s moderator.  Pastor David then gave a brief history of our church and what we’ve done over the past ten years.  Nan Sams of Avoca then gave the history of the Avoca church.  Chuck Ploen and Scott Pigsley-chairmen of the PNC committees then gave their reports as to where they are in the process of paper work for the pastor search.  Members of the COM also answered many questions.  After much discussion, it was moved and 2nd to adjourn the meeting at 9:00.  Motion carried.
Linda Ploen
Clerk of Session
Session Minutes
April 8, 2014

The session of Walnut First Presbyterian church met in regular session on April 8, 2014 at 7 pm.  Session members present were Kathy Hansen, Michelle Mertz, Cathy Shutters, Gloria Walter and Dustin Jensen.  Absent were: Jim Tooley, Allan Sievers & Greg Mertz.

Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer

Per a request from Denny Jensen & Allan Sievers, we had a special guest with us to discuss our unique situation of our generous gift giving from past members.  Ronald Hamilton of Hamilton Financial Services visited with us about investing some of our money into alternative investments, such as REITS (Real Estate) and helping to make the money grow better than putting it into a CD that isn’t earning much interest at this time.  He will visit with Allan, Dustin, & Jim at a later date if they so wish to proceed into this investment for the church.  Ron also has other investment opportunities that are safe, but would earn the church some income on their investments.  We thank Ron for his time tonight and appreciate him taking time out of his evening to visit with us.

Our reflection was on “Engage, Disciples-Making Leads to Justice & Faith-Sharing”. Continue to talk about, learn about and share God’s word.  “Where are we going?”  PRAY, READ, DISCUSS, SHARE, MENTOR.  Scripture from Acts 2:42-47 was read. 

Minutes were read from our last regular meeting and our special meeting with the PNC/Session members from Avoca.  Both were approved as submitted.

The treasurer’s report was unavailable at this time.  We will review this next meeting.

Clerk’s report – Linda was absent, but there will also be a reception for our graduating seniors on Sunday, April 27th after church.  We have four seniors this year, Michael Mertz, Alyssa Becerra, Emily Mitchell and Hunter Nielsen.  Congrats to our seniors on all your accomplishments and good luck on your future plans. 

Pastor’s David’s report was given and approved.  His mileage was 90 miles.  This was for visits to Lenten services, Great Plains Presbyterian Pilgrimage-Spiritual Advisor work, shut-ins & Allen House in Atlantic.

New Business 
Ron Hamilton presented investment options.
A motion was made and approved for the baptism of Jackson Dean Ploen to be on Sunday, May 4th.  Michelle Mertz will represent the Session as an Elder.  

Stewardship & Mission
Kathy wants to set up a “Helping Hands Fund” to help people in our congregation with financial needs and also if they need help around their homes.  We will visit more about this at a future meeting. We all agreed this is a good idea.

Christian Education
Cathy and Michelle will visit with Peace church to see whom to contact about vacation Bible School and maybe do a day-camp since many of our teachers have full-time day jobs and that makes it difficult for us to do a week long camp.  We will visit more on this next session meeting.

Communion was served to 8 residents at Peace Haven on March 2nd.

Finance & Property
Session discussed the Heating & Air that needs to be done as soon as possible.  Dustin will get updated quotes.  We visited about the Antique walk and the need for someone to set up the work schedule and call all the workers.  Any and all volunteers are needed as our members are getting older and are not able to work in the heat as long.  Michelle & Pastor David also visited with Jack Ploen about the hogs for the meat this year.  He is willing to give us a deal of $220 per hog and we will purchase 7 with Jack generously donating one to the church for a total of 8 going to market.  Pies have been ordered by Mary Ellen Woltmann.  It was brought up for discussion to possibly purchase another ice cream machine so we can have two running for the walk as this is a hot commodity on the hot days in June.  We will look into the possibility of a good used machine. 


We need to get our by-laws done.  This will be worked on before David retires.

Our meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Next meeting is May 13th at 7pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Michelle Mertz 

~ May 2014 ~

May Day Breakfast
Peace Haven
Jason Ploen

Church 9 AM
S.S. 10:15
Peace Haven 11 AM
Sam Shirley
Brandi Wittrock
Nora Andersen

Salem Lutheran Homes 9 AM
Courtney Griffith
Erin Shannon

Church 9 AM
S.S. 10:15

Mother’s Day

Allen House 11 AM
Session 7 PM
Jared Ploen
Darren Tooley
Mike Shutters
Peace Haven 7 PM

Charles Walter
Church 9 AM
S.S. 10:15


Linda Woltmann

Evalyn Popp


Church 9 AM

Karley Helms

Memorial Day
Linda Ploen
Darla & Todd Ehlers
Red Cross Bloodmobile here 11:30 AM-5:30 PM

Avoca Nursing & Rehab 2 PM

Dalton Green
Connie Jensen


May Ushers: Chuck & Linda Ploen, George Mertz, and Alice Richter
May Communion Servers: Kathy Hansen, chm., Chuck Ploen, Linda Ploen, George Mertz