Friday, December 24, 2010

January 2011 Gleaner

Pastor’s Notes
Another year is coming to a close. As I look back over the last year I am filled with wonder at what God accomplishes working through us. Our Food Pantry in Avoca is able to serve the people in the surrounding communities without having to draw from the Omaha Food Bank very much. There are many “angels” in our community who keep putting bags of groceries in the basket at the back of the church for me to deliver to Roberta at the Food Pantry. Because of what you do people who are our neighbors are able to eat a nutritious meal without worrying where the next bite is going to come from.

As you’ll read in this newsletter every angel was taken from the Angel Tree in the library and families who are struggling financially were able to put gifts under their Christmas tree. It’s all worth it when you see the joy on their faces as they pick up the wrapped presents. Many cannot believe that there are people willing to do this for them.

This year United Church of Avoca and First Presbyterian of Walnut are working together to provide confirmation classes for 12 students, 4 from First Pres and 8 from UCA. And let me tell you it is a real blessing to be with these young people.

Again this year we were blessed with a wonderful Sunday School Christmas program. I don’t know how Robin, Cathy, and Bonnie do it but it all comes together and it is a joy to behold. A lot of the thanks goes to the parents who see that their children are there for Sunday School every Sunday. It’s so great to hear the sounds of children’s voices as they come to church and Sunday school. God has blessed us with these young ones. It’s also an awesome responsibility for those who provide for their Christian Education.

I just happened to mention one Sunday about Castelar Presbyterian Church needing hats, mittens, and scarves and before the day was over I had already received a bag full of winter wear. Then another bag showed up and then Walmart called and donated a $50 gift card. Rev. Lyle Franzen was very pleased to receive these gifts.

A few folks have taken the responsibility of hosting a monthly youth night at our church. We are doing a study by Max Lucado called “Made to Make a Difference.” Of course we are providing good food and games along with the study. There were 14 at the first month’s gathering and 10 went bowling with us in December. Keep these folks and the youth in your prayers.

These are just a few of the things God been doing using the hands and feet of the people in this church. Friends, he isn’t done yet so I hope you are prepared for what he has planned for this year. Just as no one knows when the Lord will return none of us really knows what God may ask us to do for him this year.

So, please pray for God’s church and if He reveals a mission task to you let us know how we might join you in His work. Friends, keep praying for God’s grace and guidance as we seek to do his bidding.

Merry Christmas and blessings for a Happy New Year,
Pastor David

Sunday School Christmas Program
Again I say WOW! WOW! WOW! What a wonderful program the children (and adults) put on for us. Robin Tooley and Cathy Shutters did a marvelous job (along with help from Bonnie Holtz and Jim McDermott). It’s always amazing to me how chaotic practice is and Robin somehow pulls it all together for the performance.

Poinsettias given to the church to beautify the sanctuary this Christmas Season:
Steve and Marie Livengood – two plants --- John and Twyla Bero
Jim Tooley Jan Tooley
Betty, Steve & Michelle Sunderman Darrell & Sam Sunderman
Joe & Dorothy Beckendorf
Ross & Jean Bornholdt Laurie Bornholdt
Maxine Nash Ryan Nash
Jean Schmitt Herb & Marie Mertz
Presbyterian Women – three plants------------Church family & friends
Chuck & Linda Ploen Margie Ploen & Melissa Manhart
Barb Eslick Bill Eslick
Margo Matthies Bill Sievers
David & Linda Krueger David's parents, Linda's dad
Leo Rechtenbach Jeannette Rechtenbach
Basket of greenery on piano given by Gloria Myers, Ed & Katie Myers, Tina, Ross & Xavier Gregory in memory of Jean & Louis Myers

Golden Oldies
Every third Tuesday of the month, at 11:30 AM, a group of seniors meet for food and fellowship at a church in Avoca or Walnut. The cost of the meal is $3 and you must call in your reservation to the church on the Monday before so that there is enough food.
January – St. Mary's, Avoca
February – Peace UCC, Walnut

Lights, Electricity
If you are in the church for any reason PLEASE turn off the lights and check the thermostat before you leave. There have been several times already this winter when the
heat has been turned up and the lights left on all night. It’s not the janitor (she’s very good about checking things before she leaves).

Needy people in our community could sign up for a box of food from the Good Guys.
On December 18th Pastor David packed up the boxes in Avoca and brought them to our church in Walnut where the recipients picked them up.
“Mission work can be done anywhere.”

Big, big thank-you to Robin Tooley, Cathy Shutters and Connie Jensen for all their work with the Sunday School Christmas program.

Thank-you to Linda Ploen for bagging all the fruit and candy for the children and Linda Krueger for bagging the goodies for our shut-ins.

Thank-you to Denny and Connie Jensen for putting up the outside Nativity Scene.

Thank-you to all the families that helped light the advent wreath this year.

Thank-you to Linda Ploen for the decorations in our flower urns outside.

Thank-you to Jean Bornholdt for the two wreaths she made for our outside doors.

Thank-you to Brinda Shirley for all she does for our church as our janitor. We have had quite a few funerals this year and that always means extra work for her.

Pastor David and Linda Krueger would like to thank everyone for the Christmas cards and gifts they received. We have much to be thankful for.

Walnut’s Angel Tree
Big, big thanks to Margo Matthies and Linda Ploen. They volunteered to be in charge of the “Angel Tree” this year, which provides gifts to needy people in our community. There were 70 “angels” on the tree this year and people from our little town provided gifts for them.

Margo and Linda wrapped them all (with help from Michelle & Kaitlyn Tooley and Sarah Ehlers).
“Mission work can be done anywhere.”

Per Capita
Every Presbyterian church is required to send a per capita payment to the Missouri
River Valley Presbytery. This is based on the membership of the church. Our per capita apportionment for this year is $29.95 per member. We are asking each member to pay their own per capita beyond what you have pledged if you are able. Whatever you give helps our church stay within the budget.

February Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Charles & Gloria Walter, Greg & Michelle Mertz
Communion Servers: Bonnie Holtz-chm., Greg Mertz, Michelle Mertz, Charles Walter

Flowers for January
January 9--------JoJane Walter
January 16-------Margo Matthies
January 23-------Willa Petersen
January 30-------Linda Krueger

Gifts for the Church
Annual Meeting
The annual Congregational Church Meeting will be January 23rd.. Sunday
School will be at 9:15, Church at 10:30, lunch and then the meeting. As in past
years this is the time for us to bring gifts to the church; gifts like paper items
(paper towels, etc), office supplies, and janitorial supplies. These gifts can be brought
to the church anytime.

Meat will be provided at our lunch, please bring a covered dish or dessert.

Session Minutes
December 14, 2010
The session of Walnut First Presbyterian Church met in regular session on December 14th at 7:00 p.m. in the Sunday School south annex. Those in attendance were: Linda Ploen, Jim McDermott, Dennis Jensen, Robin Tooley, Margo Matthies and Linda Krueger. Absent were: Bobbie McDermott, Bonnie Holtz, Jim Tooley and Val Sievers.

Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer, scripture from Matthew 1:18-25 and a reflection entitled “Angels Still Appear” from “Advent’s Alleluia to Easter’s Morning Light” by Ann Weems.

The minutes of the November 9th meeting were read and approved.

The treasurer’s report was given and approved.

The pastor’s report was read and approved. Pastor David traveled 448 miles this month, and conducted worship at Allen House, Peace Haven, Avoca Nursing and rehab and Salem Lutheran Home. It was moved and 2nd to allow David to take his 3 weeks of vacation that he didn’t take in 2010. He will be on vacation from February 2-27. He will also be attending Winter Pastor’s School in Hastings, Nebraska from January 31-February 3, 2011. Motion carried.

For the Clerk’s report, Linda Ploen read several letters from the Presbytery and also one on our 2011 per capita. John and Jill Woltmann have requested a membership transfer to New Horizon Presbyterian church in Council Bluffs. It was moved and 2nd to allow this. On November 14, 2010 David performed the baptism of Blake Allyson Wood, daughter of Shannon and Jason Wood. Blake was born on January 29, 2010.

Stewardship and Mission
We received a mission challenge letter from Andy Cook of Presbyter challenging us to increase our mission pledge by at least ½ of one percent.

Christian Education
Robin reported that we will be going Christmas caroling on December 19th at 6:00 for anyone wanting to go. David reported that confirmation is going well and the retreat at Camp Calvin Crest was great. We have four young people from our church attending classes. Our next youth night is scheduled for Sunday, January 9th at 5:00 followed by a spaghetti supper. We received an invitation for lunch for Christian Ed. on January 8th at Church of the Master. It was also moved and 2nd to renew our subscription to the Thoughtful Christian for $100. Motion carried.

Christmas Eve service will be December 24th at 10 p.m. Communion was served to ten residents at Peace Haven on December 5th. Linda Krueger was the serving elder.

Finance and Property
We reviewed and set the 2011 budget. It was moved and 2nd to accept the proposed budget. We were able to stay under the 2010 budget. The carpet cleaning was completed. The leaky faucet in the kitchen was repaired by Steve Griffin and Allan Sievers came and checked out some of our light problems. The Presbytery has set our per capita for 2011 at $29.95 per person. It was also moved and 2nd to approve the revised bid from Midwest Lighting and Sound for the new video and sound equipment. Motion carried.

New Business
The congregational meeting will be Sunday January 23rd. The nominating committee of Jim McDermott, Chuck Ploen and Greg Mertz need to find replacements for the retiring elders and also contact those currently filling volunteer positions.

The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Next meeting will be January 11th at 7:00 p.m.

Linda Ploen
Clerk of Session

Saturday, December 4, 2010

December 2010 Gleaner

One more church year has ended and another is beginning. Don’t you kind of wonder what God has planned for us this year? Or are you thinking that, maybe, this year might be the year that Jesus returns? Either way we are waiting for what comes next.

This season of Advent 2010 we are again waiting, waiting for the birth of the Christ child and waiting for Jesus to return and push back the darkness of this world.
What do you do when you waiting? I know some of us just sit and wait. But there are a few of us who just can’t abide being idle so we plan for such things. Some people have books or magazines with them and they read while they wait. Others who are waiting for something or someone work while they’re waiting.

So, if we think about waiting for Christ to return or for God to reveal his plan to us in that context then we have three options. We can sit quietly waiting or we can pick up our Bibles, either our old well-worn, old faithful one or a new study Bible, and read God’s word for us, or we could be out working for the Lord, doing whatever he has called us to do, while we wait for his return. Or, I guess we have a 4th option, we do a little bit of each.

We could spend time in quiet meditation/contemplation and we could read a prescribed study and we could, also, go out and do the work God has called us to do.

As you wait for what God has planned this coming new year what are you going to do?

The question for all of us is, “What are we going to do with the time God has given us?” Well, good friends, I believe that God has granted us the grace of his good gifts so that we can help others to come to know the love of Jesus as we do.

In this Advent season as we wait may we be blessed with God’s grace so that we are able to share his love with friends, family, neighbors, and those we haven’t been privileged to meet yet.
May you be filled with the joy and peace of Jesus as you wait,
Pastor David

Sunday School Christmas Program
The annual Sunday School Christmas program will be December 19th during worship at 9:00 AM. The title of this year’s program is “Bethlehem – Nothing Ever Happens”. Come and enjoy watching our youth (and adults) perform and sing for us. They will also be performing at Allen House in Atlantic on Dec. 22nd at 7:00 PM.

Fall Party
Wednesday, Oct. 27th Robin Tooley and Jim McDermott hosted a Fall Party
for youth in 7th-12th grade. Fourteen young people attended along with Bobbi McDermott, Chuck & Linda Ploen and Pastor David. They started a Bluefish Bible Study, played games (pumpkin bowling!) and enjoyed good food. Their next meeting will be a bowling party on Wednesday, December 1st (meet at church at 6:45) in Harlan (Atlantic has league bowling on Wed.) along with the Bible Study.

Eli Holtz bobbing for apples in jell-o water at Fall Party. Also in picture: Ty Johnk, Michael Mertz, Robin Tooley and Tori Bruck.

I heard the bells on Christmas Day
Their old, familiar carols play,
And wild and sweet the words repeat
Of peace on earth, good will to men!
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The Food Pantry needs names, addresses, phone #’s & number of people in the family by Dec. 6th for food boxes for people in need. The boxes will need to be picked up by the client on Dec. 18th between 9-10AM at our church. Help is always needed to fill the boxes. Meet at the United Church in Avoca at 7:30 AM on Dec. 18th if you can help.

Thank-you to EVERYONE for making the Fall Supper/Bazaar a success. Teri Abel was
the winner of the drawing for Dixie Schirm’s afghan.

Golden Oldies
The Golden Oldies will be meeting at 12:00 at Peace Haven for lunch. If you are planning on attending please call 784-3709 by Dec. 14th for reservations.

On Sunday, Nov. 14th Pastor David baptized Blake Allison Wood, sister of Devin Wood, daughter of Jason and Shannon Wood, granddaughter of Dennis and Connie Jensen. Sponsors for Blake were Samantha and Jolene Jensen, daughters of Dustin and Cindy Jensen and Tory Bruck, daughter of Jay and Kami Bruck. Singing before the baptism were Cindy, Samantha and Jolene Jensen, Kami and Tory Bruck, Julie Nash and Pastor David Krueger.

Walnut’s Angel Tree
Friends, there is an Angel Tree located in the Walnut Public Library where you will find “Angels” decorating a Christmas tree. These “Angels” have gift suggestions written on them for special people in the community who will not be able to experience Christmas like the rest of us without the help of Walnut’s Angels. If you are able and would like to make someone else’s Christmas something special please stop in and pick and “Angel” from the Angel Tree and buy the gift noted on the “Angel.” Then return the numbered item with the “Angel” to the Walnut Communications office in Walnut by December 13th.

Thank you for thinking of others this Christmas season. May God bless you and yours as you have helped to bless others.
Margo Matthies & Linda Ploen

Poinsettias will be placed in the sanctuary in memory of family and friends who have passed on. Please let me know who your poinsettia is in memory of.

January Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Dennis Jensen, Dustin Jensen, Allan & Diana Sievers Communion Servers: Dennis Jensen-chm., Allan Sievers, Linda Ploen, Linda Woltmann. December ushers and communion servers are at bottom of calendar.

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A lot of people like snow. I find It to be an unnecessary freezing Of water-Carl Reiner

January Flowers
January 2 ----- Jo Jane Walter
January 9 ----- Margo Matthies

Session Minutes
November 9, 2010
The session of Walnut First Presbyterian Church met in regular session on November 9, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in the Sunday School south annex. Those in attendance were: Linda Ploen, Dennis Jensen, Robin Tooley, Bonnie Holtz, Linda Krueger, and Jim Tooley. Absent were: Jim and Bobbie McDermott, Val Sievers and Margo Matthies.

Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer and a reflection on hope, based on scripture from Luke 20:27-33.

The minutes of the October 12th meeting were read and approved.

The treasurer’s report was given and approved.

The pastor’s report was read and approved. Pastor David traveled 92 miles this month. Communion was served to 9 residents at Peace Haven. David will be attending a Transformational coaching training at Calvin Crest on November 16-17 and he will be going with the confirmation classes from Walnut and Avoca on a retreat to Calvin Crest on November 12-13. There is a Presbytery meeting at Westminster in Clarinda on November 20th.

Linda Ploen reported that our church books were reviewed and they were OK. She also read a letter from the Presbytery asking that our elders try to attend more Presbytery meetings.

There were two deaths this month. Tom Fell on October 16th with burial at Layton Twp. Cemetery, and Jeanette Rechtenbach on October 19th. There was no interment at this time.

Stewardship and Mission
Pledge cards were dedicated on Sunday November 7th.

Christian Education
Confirmation will begin on Saturday, December 11 from 8-12 at our church. The class will go on a retreat to Calvin Crest on November 12 & 13. Robin reported that 30 children attended the Harvest party at church and 14 youth and 5 adults attended the youth group gathering. The youth group will be going bowling on December 1st in Harlan. We will meet at the church at 6:45. December 19th will be the Sunday School Christmas program during worship service. Robin will also take the program to Allen House in Atlantic on December 22nd.

Communion was served to 6 residents at Peace Haven on November 7th. Bobbie McDermott was the serving elder. David served communion to 40 residents at Salem Home in Elk Horn. Advent will begin on November 28th.

Finance and Property
We reviewed the report and quote from Midwest Lighting and Sound. We decided to have them come to explain the quote. David will check with the Neola church to see how much their system cost. Dennis will talk to someone about fixing the leaky faucet in the kitchen, and fixing the light in the round window and our sign out front. We also need to clean gutters and the sidewalk. Jim Tooley reported that he had gotten quotes for cleaning our church carpets. It was moved and 2nd to accept the bid from “Classic Clark” from Atlantic.

New Business
We discussed Christmas gifts for church staff. It was approved to give cash gifts to Sunday School teachers and helpers, Sunday School Superintendent, Janitor, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, and clerk of session, our pianist and choir director, and Pastor David. Linda Ploen will get the candy for the children at church on December 19th. David and Linda will get for our senior members. Perhaps the youth group could put these together and deliver them if we can go Christmas caroling. Next on the agenda was the budget for 2011. We discussed increasing our mission giving. We will review the budget next month.

The meeting was closed with prayer.

Next meeting will be December 14th, 2010 at 7:00.

Linda Ploen
Clerk of Session