Friday, January 27, 2012

February/March Gleaner 2012

Pastor’s Notes
We are in the season of Ordinary Time in the church calendar year but as you’ve probably noticed the season of Lent is approaching rather quickly. In fact Ash Wednesday is February 22nd.

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, a time of preparation, a time of renewing, and a time of repentance. That’s a whole lot of words that, for me, remind us that we’re on a journey, a journey that is preparing us as Jesus’ disciples to enter heaven.

Any journey requires planning and preparation. Thought should be given to what to take with us and what to leave behind. No one wants to be burdened with things we’re never going to use. They just slow us down and make the journey way too difficult.

Our journey in this life isn’t any different. Every one of us, whether we think about it or not, is being prepared for the next life. As with any journey or trek sometimes it’s good to stop for a while and take some time to reflect, to assess where we’ve been and where we’re headed. That’s what Lent does for us. It allows us time to stop, reflect, and make corrections to our journey, if needed.

So, what can we do? Is there one particular thing that can help us to prepare, to assess, to reflect? There’s probably not any one gadget that’s the best tool for this job. In fact it’s a good idea, I think, to use more than one aid as we progress through the season of Lent.

There are Lenten devotionals available to help us reflect. In fact there is one from the Presbyterians Today called “A Lenten Pilgrimage.” There are our Wednesday evening ecumenical services where we are inspired by the lessons taught and are nourished with food and fellowship as we sit at the tables with our friends and neighbors. We could form our own small group of friends to study Scripture and discuss what it means for us as disciples of Jesus preparing for the resurrection.

No matter which we choose to do this is a great time of the year to, since we’re not able to work outside in our gardens or ride our bikes or play golf, to study, reflect, and discuss how our lives need to change in order to be prepared for Jesus’ return. And then to put what we learn into action.

So, along with perusing the seed catalogs and watching the football games or playing Words with Friends I pray that we will all take time to study, reflect, and prepare in this Lenten season.

God’s grace and peace be with you all,
Pastor David

Lenten Services
Our Ash Wednesday Services will be at Peace UCC at 6:00 PM. on Feb. 22nd with a pot luck meal to follow the service. We will be participating with Peace United in Walnut, Trinity Lutheran, St. Mary’s and United Church of Avoca in hosting Wednesday evening Lenten worship and a meal. These services begin at 6 PM. Mark your calendars. The first Wednesday service with the Avoca Churches will be Feb. 29th at the United Church in Avoca. The services will be as follows:
2/22-Ash Wednesday at Peace Church 6:00 with pot luck meal to follow
2/29 – United Church of Avoca 6:00 (Father Dooley speaking)
3/7 – First Pres. in Walnut 6:00 (Pastor Steve Lewis speaking)
3/14 – Trinity Lutheran in Avoca 6:00 (Pastor David Krueger speaking)
3/21 –Peace UCC in Walnut 6:00 (Pastor Nancy Ross-Hullinger speaking
3/28 – St. Mary’s in Avoca 6:00 (Trinity Lutheran providing speaker)

Souper Sunday
February 19th Peace Church in Walnut is hosting a soup luncheon from 11:15-1:00. They will be serving various soups, homemade bread, pie and dessert bar - $6.00 for s.

The Harmonica
“Thanks for the harmonica you gave me for Christmas,” little Joshua said to his uncle the first time he saw him after the holidays. “It’s the best present I ever got.” “That’s great,” said his uncle. “Do you know how to play it?” “Oh, I don’t play it,” the little fellow said. “My mom gives me a dollar a day not to play it during the day, and my dad gives me five dollars a week not to play it at night.”

Presbyterian Women
Presbyterian Women will meet at Aunt B’s at 12:30 on Feb. 1st for Dutch Treat lunch.

March 11th Daylight Savings Time – Spring Forward!

Food Pantry
Food Pantry requests: toothpaste, toothbrushes, paper goods, deodorant, face soap, shampoo, conditioner, laundry detergent and anything else you would like to donate.

Thank-you to anyone that gave miscellaneous paper gifts to the church.
Thank-you to Gloria Myers for putting up and taking down the Christmas decorations.
Thank-you to Mary Ellen and Charlotte Shepherd (and everyone else that helped) in preparing the meat for our Annual Meeting.

Congratulations to Alex Ehlers, son of Todd and Darla Ehlers, on his graduation
from Iowa Western with an Associate of Arts Degree in Computer Science.
Congratulations to Rob and Amy Hansen on the birth of their son, Tyler DeLee, on
February 13th. Rob and Amy are also parents of twins, William and Elizabeth.
Tyler's grandparents are Doug and LuAnn Leaders of rural Avoca.
Congratulations to our Honor Roll Students: Jolene Jensen, Sarah Ehlers, Kaitlyn Tooley, Emily Mitchell, Lauren Sievers, Ty Johnk, Jared Ploen, Drew Cable, Sonnor Sievers, Alyssa Becerra, Courtlyn Griffith, and Chris Guthery. Alex Ehlers, Marye Bierbaum, and Connor Sievers were on the Iowa Western Community College Honor Roll.

March Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Brett & Bonnie Holtz, David & Mary Ellen Woltmann
Communion Servers: Jim McDermott (chm), David & Mary Ellen Woltmann, Bonnie Holtz

April Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Todd & Darla Ehlers, Linda Krueger Communion Servers: Michelle Mertz (chm), Margo Matthies, Gloria Myers, Linda Krueger

Per Capita – If you still haven’t paid it, it is $31.24.

Flowers for February
February 5---------- Kathy Hansen
February 12-------- Alice Richter
February 19-------- Pam Nielsen
February 26-------- Linda Sieck

Flowers for March
March 4---------------Gloria Myers
March 11-------------Gloria Myers (for Tina Gregory)
March 18-------------Darla Ehlers
March 25-------------Michelle Tooley

I decided to take an aerobics class. I bent, twisted, gyrated and jumped up and
down for an hour. But, by the time I go my leotard on, the class was over.

Session Minutes

January 10, 2012
The session of Walnut First Presbyterian Church met in regular session on January 10th at 7 p.m. in the Sunday School south annex. Those in attendance were: Dennis Jensen, Robin Tooley, Linda Krueger, Jim Tooley, Linda Ploen, Jim McDermott. Absent were: Bonnie Holtz, Margo Matthies, Jack Ploen and Ty Johnk.

Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer and scripture from Mark 1:15-18. The reflection was Mark’s Good News from January/February Presbyterians Today.

The minutes of the December meeting were read and approved.

The treasure’s report was approved as given.

Pastor David’s report was given and approved.

Clerk Linda Ploen has several reports to send in, including the statistical report. There were no s or membership transfers. It was moved and 2nd to return Tara Lohoff to the church’s active list. Motion carried.

Reflecting On The Past Year
We discussed our accomplishments for 2011. We felt we had many: youth group, Saturday night services, the new sound system, game night, a growing Sunday School, landscaping, the 30 hour famine, and a welcoming congregation. We felt we learned that we can be open to new ways to worship.

Stewardship and Mission
One Great Hour of Sharing material will be coming soon. We will receive this offering on Palm Sunday. There will be a Community Assistance Program meeting on January 25th at 5:00 at United Church of Avoca.

Christian Education
A big thanks was given to Robin for a wonderful Christmas program.

Communion was served to 5 residents at Peace Haven on January 1st. George Mertz served as elder. Saturday Service will be January 28th at 5:30 pm. Ash Wednesday services will be at Peace UCC with United Church of Avoca.

Finance and Property
Jim Tooley reported that our new front door is in and Justen will get it put in. It was mentioned that we need to recarpet the organ dolly. We also need to find out if there is memorial fund money available to go towards the sound system.

David asked for the pastor evaluations sheets. David will be on vacation from January 30, 2012 to February 27, 2012. Installation and ordination of new elders will be during worship on January 29th. Nominees for new elders are: Allan Sievers, Kathy Hansen and Michelle Mertz. Also discussed was the number of elders we should have on session. It was decided to keep the number the same. David also asked that we need to form a personnel committee to work on new by-laws for the church.

New Business
The congregational meeting will be January 22nd. Sunday school at 9:00, Worship at 10:30, followed by a potluck BBQ ribs dinner and the meeting at 1:00. The PMRV Presbytery meeting will be February 18th. David will be gone so he asked if someone would be able to attend. It was also mentioned that perhaps we should start paying Connie as pianist since most churches do so.
The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Next meeting will be March 13, 2012 at 7 pm.