Wednesday, November 25, 2009

December 2009 Gleaner

Pastor’s Notes
As I sit down at my desk to write this month I can hardly believe that another year has passed us by. This coming Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent, which means we are beginning a new church year. When one year ends and a new one begins its always good, I think, to look back and review where we’ve been.
November 1st was All Saints Day. During worship we remembered those who have gone on ahead of us, nine of our brothers and sisters, saints who inspired us with their lives.
This past summer one group went to Canada to experience God’s creation up north. Another group went west and helped a small rural church in Wyoming finish a project adding a fellowship room complete with indoor plumbing. They still have the outhouse. It’s hard to do away with something that’s been so much a part of them. This winter they will really appreciate it. It was a great experience for all who were able to participate.
Our church joined Peace UCC in another successful summer Bible school. As I help, wherever I’m told to be, I’m reminded to look at the world with the eyes children and to have fun in each day the Lord blesses us with. If you haven’t had a chance to help with Bible school for a while maybe this next year you should try it out again. It’s a real hoot.
We are truly blessed to have a choir that is so faithful in practice and in leading us in song each Sunday. Even though the numbers in the loft are down those who are here inspire us with God’s Message lifted up in song.
Downstairs each Sunday after worship there is the sound of young folks coming in to hear the lesson from those whom God has called to teach. We are blessed to have folks who find joy in doing this work for His church. Good friends you should check it out some Sunday.
I haven’t made many of the PW meetings this year but I know there is solid core of women who come together every month to study and fellowship and work on the mission God has given them in this community. The bazaar and dinner is just one example of what these ladies are capable of doing. The Antique Walk in June is another example of the whole church coming together to feed those who come to browse the antiques displayed on our streets. There’s a theme here friends and it revolves around meat, and other good dishes, and feeding folks. Not only are those who come nourished with food but also they are filled with the joy of wonderful fellowship by those who serve them. It is truly a gift from God to be able to do this.
These are just a few of my memories from this year just now past and I’m sure you can add your own story as well. As you sit down to Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners with family and friends take some time to reflect on God’s gifts to this church this year and be ready for what he has planned next.
God’s blessing to each of you. May you be filled with the joy of being in God’s presence,
Pastor David

Sunday School Christmas Program
The annual Sunday School Christmas program will be December 13th during worship. The title of this year’s program is “All I Want for Christmas---Is Jesus.” Come and enjoy watching our youth perform and sing for us.

Seen in Church Bulletins (Not Ours)

Ladies don’t forget the rummage sale. It’s a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Bring your husbands.

For those of you that have children and don’t know it, we have a nursery downstairs.

Don’t let worry kill you off – let the Church help.

Good Guys provide Christmas food baskets for families who just need a little extra help. We can all help someone in need by donating toward the Good Guys Fund. Donations can be given to Pastor David. Please make your checks to “The Good Guys”.
If you are someone in need of a Good Guys box this year please let Pastor David know by
Dec. 4th. If you know of someone in need please check with them before placing their name on the list. This year families will be able to pick up their boxes Saturday, December 19 at 10:00 a.m. at our church. This is different from past years when the boxes were delivered. The changes were made because families were not always home when the boxes were delivered, and the delivery boy is getting too old!!

Thank-you to everyone who helped in any way to make our Church Bazaar and Supper a success. Vincent Hansen won Dixie Schirm’s afghan.
We served approximately 342 meals (in church and carry-outs).
Thank-you to Margo Matthies for helping Pastor David with the Angel Tree.

Congratulations to Elissa Johnk, granddaughter of Carolyn Johnk, for becoming an ordained minister. Elissa is a recent graduate of Harvard University.
Congratulations to our members named to the Middle School Honor Roll:
Emily Mitchell and Alyssa Becerra

Walnut’s Angel Tree

Friends, there is an Angel Tree located in the Walnut Public Library where you will find “Angels” decorating a Christmas tree. These “Angels” have gift suggestions written on them for special people in the community who will not be able to experience Christmas like the rest of us without the help of Walnut’s Angels. If you are able and would like to make someone else’s Christmas something special please stop in and pick and “Angel” from the Angel Tree and buy the gift noted on the “Angel.” Then return the numbered item with the “Angel” to the Walnut Communications office in Walnut by December 11th.
Thank you for thinking of others this Christmas season. May God bless you and yours as you have helped to bless others.
Pastor David

Poinsettias will be placed in the sanctuary in memory of family and friends who have passed on. The Presbyterian Women have ordered three for the church. A complete list will be in the bulletin later in December.

January Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Dennis Jensen, Dustin Jensen, Allan & Diana Sievers Communion Servers: Darlene Stuart-chm., Allan Sievers, Dennis Jensen, Linda Woltmann. December ushers and communion servers are at bottom of calendar.

Church Humor
A ten-year old, under the tutelage of her grandmother, was becoming quite ledgeable about the Bible. knowledgeable about the Bible. Then one day she floored her grandmother by
asking, “Which Virgin was the mother of Jesus? The Virgin Mary or The
King James Virgin?”

Marie Mertz & “Murphy”

Pastor David took his dog to Heritage House in Atlantic to visit with Marie Mertz.

Session Minutes
November 3, 2009
The session of Walnut First Presbyterian church met in regular session on November 3, 2009 in the south Sunday School annex.
Those in attendance were: Darlene Stuart, Gloria Myers, Linda Ploen, Jim McDermott, Robin Tooley, and Bonnie Holtz. Absent were: Leo Rechtenbach, Valerie Sievers, Bobbie McDermott, and Dennis Jensen.
Moderator David Krueger called the 7:00 meeting to order with prayer. Scripture was read from 1 Corinthians 12:27 and Galatians 3:26 with a reflection entitled: Belonging to God”.
The minutes of the October 13th meeting were read and approved.
The treasurer’s report was approved as read.
The pastor’s report was given and approved. Pastor David traveled 128 miles this month with communion served to 8 people, both at Peace Haven and in homes.
Linda reported that she had taken our record books to be audited. It went well.
There was one funeral, that of Marjorie E. McDermott who died on October 12, 2009. Interment was October 19th at the Layton Twp. Cemetery.
David reported that several names had been taken off the Gleaner mailing list to save some postage.

Stewardship and Mission
Darlene reported that she and Bonnie had mailed out 103 stewardship letters. David reported on a mission fund raising idea. It was decided not to proceed with this. It was also moved and 2nd to allow David to renew our subscription for Thoughtful Christians at a cost of $150. By reordering now we save $45. We are still looking for ideas for another mission trip.

Christian Education
Robin reported that Sunday School was going well and also announced that the Sunday School Christmas program will be on December 13th during church service. Gloria is still reading the Christian Educator’s Guide to Evaluating and Developing Curriculum. It was also brought up for discussion that we have a need to get more youth and young adults involved in church. Perhaps we need to look into hiring a youth coordinator on a part time basis. We will look into this possibility. Gloria also brought up the fact that she will be going off session, so who would be taking care of the scholarship fund. After some discussion, she agreed to continue working with this.

Communion was served to Judy Ferguson and 7 residents at Peace Haven with Bobbie McDermott serving as elder. David announced that the joint Thanksgiving Eve service with Peace Church would be at our church on November 25th at 7:00 p.m. It was also discussed as to whether we should continue having this service due to poor attendance. We will see how this year goes and then re-evaluate for next year.
The first Sunday of Advent is November 29th. David will put up the Advent Candle prior to the 29th and we will decorate the tree and sanctuary after the 29th service. It was moved and 2nd to have the laminated pew cards made.

Finance and Property
We reviewed and set the budget for 2010. Jim spoke with Hunter Nielsen and he agreed to take care of our snow removal and lawn mowing.

New business
Brandi Wood has reserved the church basement for December 12th from 11-4, Velma Fell for December 27th from 1-4, and Jim McDermott for December 19th. November 10th is the MRV Presbytery meeting at First Presbyterian Church in Shenandoah from 5:00 – 8:30. There is also a need for gently used winter coats for the Crossroads Connection prison ministry program in Omaha. Coats can be brought to the church. It was also mentioned that next summer we could possibly attend another Presbyterian church as a group or congregation on some Sunday instead of getting a supply pastor while David is on vacation- just a thought.

David closed the meeting with prayer and the Lord’s Prayer.

Next meeting will be December 8th at 7:00.

Clerk of Session
Linda Ploen