Friday, October 26, 2012

November Gleaner 2012

Pastor’s Notes          
          Since sometime in August the messages I’ve given to the congregation in Walnut seem to have revolved around how we should be living our lives as followers of Jesus, followers of the Way of Jesus.

            Most of the time I’m asking questions and, on purpose, I don’t provide answers.  Partly because it’s best if we answer the questions in our own minds with the help of God’s Spirit.  My answers may not be the same as yours…and that’s okay.

            So, as we, more quickly than we want, approach the season of Advent it’s good for us to focus on why God did what he did by coming into the world, our world, in the person of Jesus the Christ.  Why did he want to do that? What’s it mean for us today and…, “How do we find answers to all this?”

            There are many resources available for adult studies, family oriented studies, maybe a sermon series, new books to be read by modern theological people, and commentaries to help us understand what we read in God’s word.

             Again I think there’s no one right answer. What might help one person wouldn’t do a thing for the person sitting right beside them. Study groups work for some. Listening to those who have devoted their lives to studying and discerning what is written in the Bible might be just the ticket for someone else. And then there are those who want to know and understand but neither of these helps them.

             Maybe we should begin with another question.  In the gospels, especially in Mark, when someone comes to Jesus for healing he asks them first, “What do you want me to do for you?” Maybe that’s the question we should start with. What do we want Jesus to do for us?

             Some folks do know what God did for us in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus but there are others who don’t even know who Jesus really was or is. So, our answer depends on where we are in our journey. And then again maybe the question I’ve proposed is the wrong one.

             For example I read new and old books to help improve my understanding of the Bible. I listen to speakers. I read blogs online. I pray. I think. And yet, I may not have the answers to your questions. And what I want God to do for me today may be different tomorrow.

             What do we do? Well, friends, besides changing the decorations from fall to Christmas season some of us may benefit from a study group, some of us may just need a “group” where we can unload the burdens we carry around all day, and some of us may enjoy and learn from a group that focuses on praying for each other, the community, and the Church.

             What do we want God to do for us? Blind Bar Timaeus just wanted to see. Maybe that’s what we want…and need.  As we move into the Advent season think about what it is you want. And if it’s something First Pres can help with just give us a call.


God’s peace and grace be with you all,

Pastor David


Fall supper work schedule is included in this Gleaner.  Please check to see your duties.

Don’t judge someone just because they sin differently than you.


Our sympathy to Betty, Steve and Michelle Sunderman on the loss of Betty’s nephew and Steve’s cousin, Larry Beckendorf, 57, of Exira.  Larry was the son of Bob and Beverly Beckendorf.  Larry passed away at his home September 25, 2012.

A yawn is a silent scream for coffee.


Special thanks go out in this November (Thanksgiving) Gleaner to all our Church volunteers:

Sunday School teachers: Robin Tooley, Teresa Griffith, Michelle Sunderman                       and Bonnie Holtz

Piano Player: Connie Jensen

Clerk of Session: Linda Ploen

UPW President: Charlotte Shepherd

Church Treasurers: Robin Tooley and Connie Jensen

Session Members

Flower Contributors

All workers at the Church Bazaar and Supper

All workers at the Antique Walk Food Stand


Thank-you!  Thank-you!

A special “Celebration of Service” party will he held after church on Nov. 18th.  Please plan to attend to honor the people that work to make our little church so special.

    When the past calls, let it go to voicemail.  It has nothing new to say.


Thank-you to all who donated blankets or money for local shelters.  We have two high chairs donated for the basement.

Reminder – Drop your change into the water jug at the back of the church to help a needy family at Christmas.

Reminder – Donate hats, gloves, and coats for the needy.

I used to be indecisive.  Now I’m not sure.

Christmas Program December 16th!!

The Sunday School’s Fall Party on October 21st was enjoyed by 19 children!!  After pizza at church they went to the Pumpkin Patch in Atlantic.

      Some people come into your life as blessings; others come into your life as lessons!  

                   December Ushers and Communion Servers

Ushers: Ross & Jean Bornholdt, Craig & Linda Woltmann  Communion Servers:  Linda Krueger-chm, Jean Bornholdt, Kent Johnk & Craig Woltmann.  November ushers and communion servers are at bottom of calendar.

“If you can’t be a good example, then you’ll just have to serve as a horrible warning.”  Catherine Aird


          Flowers for Pulpit

                                                             November 4 –Linda Woltmann

                                                 November 11- Gloria Walter

                                                 November 18- Charlotte Shepherd

                                                     November 25-Charlotte Shepherd


A little girl had just finished her first week of school. “I’m just wasting my time,” she said to her mother.  “I can’t read, I can’t write, and they won’t let me talk!”


Food Pantry

Again this year the area churches are in a competition to win the “Tom

Turkey Award”.  This award is given to the church that donates the most

items for the food pantry.  Bags are in the back of the church to take home and bring back with your items.  Pastor David delivers them on Monday afternoons.  (The pantry also takes money donations.)


You can’t control everything. Your hair was put on your head to remind you of that.


Session Minutes

October 9, 2012

The session of Walnut First Presbyterian Church met in regular session on October 9, 2012 at 7 pm in the Sunday School south annex. 


Those in attendance were: Margo Matthies, Linda Ploen, Kathy Hansen, Michelle and Mike Mertz.  Absent were: Linda Krueger, Jim Tooley, Jim McDermott, Jack Ploen and Allan Sievers.


Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer.  Scripture readings were from Isaiah 43.  The reflection was an article on worship space from “Font & Table”.


The minutes of the September meeting were read and approved.


The treasurer’s report was accepted as given.


The pastor’s report was given and approved after the addition of 32 miles to deliver blankets.  David traveled a total of 138 miles.


Linda Ploen reported that the book of session minutes will be reviewed at a meeting on October 25th.  Pastor David baptized Brielle Helen Ruth Lohoff during the church service on September 23rd.  Her parents are Tara and Shane Lohoff.


Stewardship and Mission

Discussed was “Bring a Friend Sunday”.  We need to welcome new people to church.  The committee will work on planning this.  Our stewardship campaign will begin this month.  Margo also reported on plans for the Angel Tree project.  Applications will go out soon.  David also mentioned again his desire that we get involved in a mission project for the church.


Christian Education

Kathy asked for permission to have a Halloween party for the Sunday School on October 21st.  They will meet at noon at the church for pizza and then go to the pumpkin patch in Atlantic.  She also reported that they want to continue the water jug coin project again to help a family in need at Christmas.  The Sunday School Christmas program will be on December 16th during church.  There will be a retreat for senior high youth at Calvin Crest on November 2nd.  There is a cost of $40.  The 2013 Presbyterian youth Triennium will be held at Lafayette, In. on July 16-20, 2013.  The theme is “I am”.  The cost is $469.



Communion was served to 2 residents at Peace Haven on October 7th.  Linda Ploen was the serving elder.  Linda P. and David will be working on plans for the Advent season.  Linda also mentioned that we have been trying Saturday night services for a year now.  Do we want to continue them?


Finance and Property

No action or discussion.



The 2012 nominating committee of chuck Ploen, Greg Mertz and Jim Tooley have been asked to try and find a new choir director.


New Business

We were given worksheets of the 2012 budget.  We need to review them and decide what we will need to change for the 2013 budget.  It was moved and 2nd to allow Maria Peck to use the church basement on November 17th at a cost of $75, and the Kent Johnk family on December 23rd.  Motion carried.  We will have a fish fry after our Saturday evening service on October 27th.  We will have no church service on Sunday morning October 28th.  It was also decided to have our “Celebration of Service” after worship service on November 18th.  This will be a celebration for all those that do and have served our church in one way or another.  It was also moved and 2nd to include $100 in our 2013 budget to support the Great Plains Wee Kirk Conference in Sioux City.  Motion carried.


 The meeting was closed with The Lord’s Prayer.


The next meeting will be November 13th, 2013 at 7 pm.


 Linda Ploen

Clerk of Session