Thursday, December 27, 2012

Gleaner January 2013

Pastor’s Notes
            Christmas Day has come and gone. By the time you read this the decorations and trees may have all been put away or carried to the curb or the landfill. We might think now it’s time to settle in for a long winter’s nap. While that might be nice, wrapped in your new fleece blanket, I would like to suggest that you try something different.
          If you’re one of those folks who like to plant vegetable or flower gardens then you know that come January the new seed catalogs begin to arrive. You would think that corn is corn and beans are beans but someone always seems to discover a new variety or they have modified the seed genetically to be resistant too or more drought tolerant or something else that you can’t resist ordering the seed packet and trying it out.
          Well, what our spiritual walk? Is there anything new out there that might refresh and/or revitalize our journey with God? There might…be a few things out in The Cloud, the Internet, or the library.
          One I might suggest, that I’m going to check out, is “My One Word” written by Mike Ashcraft and Rachel Olsen. They propose instead of making a one sentence resolution in the New Year to take time to come up with “one word” that will be your focus for the year.
          Just think about it. How many resolutions have you made and two weeks later abandoned? “One word”…that should be so much easier to keep track of, to concentrate on…to live. What “one word” is God placing on your heart to commit to this year? What “one word” is God asking this congregation to concentrate their time and talents on in 2013?
          “One Word” that’s pretty simple. Too simple you think. What will it hurt to try it? Surely God is laying “one word” before you. As you spend time sitting wrapped in that cozy fleece blanket, ask God to reveal your “one word.”  
          You can find their book on in paperback or for your kindle. I’m getting ready to check it out. Or go ask your library to order it and pass it around. 
          May God lead you to your “one word” and give you, and me, the discipline to stay focused on His “one word” for us in 2013.
          Remember, God loves you and so do I,
          Pastor David

Huge thank you to Robin Heilig, Kathy Hansen, Michelle Mertz, Cathy Shutters and Bonnie Holtz for organizing and directing our Christmas Program.
Thank you to Connie & Denny Jensen for putting up the outside Nativity Scene.
Thank you to Gloria Myers for decorating the sanctuary.
Thank you to Linda Ploen for buying and bagging the fruit and candy for the
children and shut-ins (and Kathy Hansen and Pastor David for delivering them).
Thank you to Margo Matthies, Kathy Hansen, and Linda Ploen for being in charge of the “Angel Tree” again this year.
Thank you to Les and Teri Abel for giving the church their stove.

Pastor David and Linda would like to thank everyone for the cards and gifts they received.

Thank You
Eight little letters,
One little space,
Tell you the reason
For the smile on my face.
I want you to know
That for all that you do
I sincerely appreciate,
Love and thank you.

Thank you to everyone for all your prayers, gifts and well wishes during the time I wasn’t feeling well.  I truly appreciate everything.  A special thank you to everyone who helped with the angel tree project since I couldn’t be there.
May God Bless You All.  Linda Ploen

                   February Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Charles & Gloria Walter, Greg & Michelle Mertz
Communion Servers: Jack Ploen-chm, Greg & Michelle Mertz, Charles Walter 

January  ushers and communion servers are at bottom of calendar.

God put me on earth to accomplish a certain number of things.  Right now, I am so far behind I will live forever.

Donor:                                   In Memory of:
Steve, Marie Livengood            John & Twyla Bero
Barb Eslick                               Bill Eslick
Chuck & Linda Ploen               Marge Ploen & Melissa Manhart
Ross & Jean Bornholdt             Laurie Bornholdt
George Mertz                           Mertz Family
Dave & Robin Heilig                 Jan Tooley
Pres. Women                            Church family & friends
Betty, Steve & Michelle
Sunderman                               Darrell & Sam Sunderman
          Joe, Dorothy & Larry Beckendorf
Gloria, Ed and Katie
Ross, Tina and Xavier
Gregory (Basket of
greenery on piano)                    Louis & Jean Myers
Larry & Charlotte Shepherd      Family & friends
Julie Nash                                 Ryan Nash
Joe & Jeannie Schmitt               Herb & Marie Mertz
Leo Rechtenbach                      Jeanette Rechtenbach
Annual Meeting
The annual Congregational Church Meeting will be January 27th. Sunday School
at 9:00, worship at 10:30 with the meal and then the meeting.  Meat will be provided,
please bring a veg, salad or dessert. Please have your reports to the office by
Jan. 13th.As in the past, this is the time we bring gifts to the church (paper towels,
toilet paper, janitorial supplies etc.).

Football Signals
A 3-year-old regularly watched football games with his father.  In fact, he watched so much that he knew
some of the signals the referees make.

On a recent Sunday, the three-year-old attended church with the family.  As the pastor raised his hands
high to offer a blessing, the child interrupted the service by shouting, “Touchdown!”

Golden Oldies
Golden Oldies will be at our Church January 15th at 11:30.

I used to have a handle on life but it broke.

Food Pantry
Roberta reports that any contributions would be welcome.

I (Linda Krueger) would like to share part of a letter that was received by the Good Guys this year:
 “As I read the Walnut Bureau I saw the article about being an Angel this Holiday Season.  Years ago the Good Guys would bring a box of food for my family and friends to enjoy for the Holiday Season.  As I was struggling to raise my three children it was a Godsend.  My mom also shared in those meals and I cannot even express the gratitude I felt.  So please forgive me for taking umpteen years to thank you and the Walnut Community for helping us out.  I was always grateful but not very good at letting you all know.  It was true in my case ‘it takes a village’ to raise children.  Please accept this humble donation.”  (enclosed with the letter was $100.)

Session Minutes
December 11, 2012

The session of Walnut First Presbyterian church met in regular session on December 11, 2012 at 7 pm in the Sunday school south annex.  Those in attendance were: Margo Matthies, Jim Tooley, Linda Krueger, Michelle Mertz and Kathy Hansen.  Absent were: Jack Ploen, Allan Sievers and Mike Mertz.

Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer.  Reflection was from Font & Table for the Renewal of Sacramental Life.

The minutes of the October meeting were approved.

The Treasurer’s report was read and approved.

The pastor’s report was approved as given.  David traveled 316 miles.

No deaths reported.  David officiated at Danial Weihs funeral.

Stewardship & Mission
Linda Krueger reported on Micah House in Council Bluffs.  It was voted to send them $50.
The Joy Offering will be collected Dec. 23rd.
Our collection to a family in Walnut was discussed and a family was chosen to receive this gift.
Reminder to Bring a Friend to Church
Gifts for children & shut-ins were put together by Linda Ploen.  Kathy Hansen and Pastor David will deliver them to shut-ins.
Margo reported 17 angels were still left on the tree.  There were 67 to start with.  If all the angels aren’t taken, the Church will cover the cost of any left over.
Be thinking of goals for next year.

Christian Education
Sunday school has been practicing for the Christmas Program Dec. 16th.
Kathy delivered two welcome baskets to new residents of Walnut.
Pres. Youth Triennium is in Indiana July 16-20 for $469.
Be thinking of public service projects for youth.
Jim M. is planning a fishing trip for next summer.
Be thinking of goals for next year.

Communion was served to 3 residents at Peace Haven on Dec. 2nd.  Linda Krueger served as elder.
Do we want to continue the Saturday evening Contemporary Worship?  Session members should talk to younger members to see if they want to continue.

Finance & Property
Megan Ehlers, Ty Johnk, Bailey Nielsen and Jared Ploen need scholarship money paid in 2013.
Jim Tooley will look in to a new light for the back of the church.
Jim T. found a heavy tarp for the food stand and it was voted unanimously to order it for $200.
Jim T. reported we can rent tables for the Antique Walk for $7.25 each for three days.
We would need 10 of these.  They would be delivered and picked up, $72.50 for the three days.  It was voted to do this.  We voted to buy three 8 foot tables for the food stand as they need to be put up early.
Jim T. had a quote for a new kitchen floor from Rick Rasmussen of Harlan for Flexmar Flooring.  His estimate was $1724.64.  The old floor would have to be torn out.  Session discussed doing the back room also.  After much discussion it was decided to table this item until January.
Many compliments to Jim Tooley on the great job he’s done on Session.

More work was done on the budget.  Pastor was given a 2.5% increase in salary after much discussion about the good job he’s doing and wishing they could give him more.

New Business
Annual Congregational Meeting set for January 27th.

The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Next meeting will be January 8, 2013 at 7:00 pm.

Linda Krueger
(Substituting for Linda Ploen, Clerk of Session)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

December 2012 Gleaner

Pastor’s Notes
            Finally, the election campaign ads are gone; the Thanksgiving turkey and/or ham have been consumed by the myriad of family members and friends. Finally, the Advent season is here, the season of hope and anticipation!
          As much as I dislike the chilling winds and cold air that takes my breath away when I’m walking the boys, our canine family members, I do begin to anticipate the celebration of Jesus the Christ’s birth.
          There’s something about this time of year, maybe it’s the words from the Scriptures, maybe it’s the decorations, maybe it’s…my age, that gets me to thinking about what it is we’re all waiting for, hoping for, looking forward to in this coming year in our individual lives and…in the life of God’s church.
          Have you thought lately what you’re hoping for, waiting for, working for? What are you anticipating? What is it that gets you excited and your heart racing?
          A friend stopped in the other day and gave me a book to read. It was about the experience of one pastor who was declared dead but then came back to life. The whole book is about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, heaven, angels, prayer, and those saints who have preceded us. That’s part one. Part two was that God in that mysterious way that he has led me to a Walter Wangerin, Jr. book, The Manger Is Empty.
          Since the first Sunday of Advent was close I thought, “Why not read it for inspiration.” So, I came upon this story that I shared with the congregation this last Sunday, “Behold, the Day Cometh.”  What do you know, it was about Christ coming again and the excited anticipation of the author for the arrival of his friend, who we found out was, Jesus. 
          As if that’s not enough of a sign, the first Sunday of Advent is also about the coming of Christ to the world a second time.  Jesus told his disciples this wasn’t just for some future generation but for the one in which they were living too. And so, in their lives, they were continually anticipating, waiting for Christ to come again.
          Did he come and they not know it? Is Christ coming to us and we don’t know it? What do you think? If his words were for that generation…and future generations doesn’t it sound like Christ is always coming to us? It certainly gives us pause.
          So, besides anticipating what may be under the Christmas tree, are our hearts filled with hopeful anticipation for Christ to come…again? I pray that they are.
          May God’s grace, peace, and joy be yours this Advent season,
          Pastor David
          The Four Stages of Life
1.      You believe in Santa Claus.
2.      You don’t believe in Santa Claus
3.      You are Santa Claus.
4.      You look like Santa Claus.

Thank-you to everyone for making the Fall Supper/Bazaar a success. 
JoJane Walter won the pots and pans, Adam Winterhof’s wife won the afghan and Nancy Hullinger won the Fareway gift card (which she gave to Pastor David to give to a needy family!).  We served 199 people in the church and had 110 carry-outs.

Thank-you to Linda Ploen and Kathy Hansen for hosting our
“Celebration of Service”.  Delicious cake was served and Gloria Myers, Barb Eslick, Jim Tooley, JoJane Walter and Pastor David provided the music.

If you don’t have Christmas in your heart yet…you won’t find it under a tree.

Sunday School Christmas Program
The annual Sunday School Christmas program will be December 16th during
Worship at 9:00 AM.  Come and enjoy watching our young people perform and sing.

Christmas is weird.  What other time of the year do you sit in front of a dead tree and eat candy out of your socks?
All the church ladies are invited to a “come & Go” bridal shower for Brittni Johnk.  The shower will be held December 23rd from 1-3 at Gwen Blum’s house (201 Country St).
Brittni is registered at Target, Bed, Bath & Beyond and Macy’s.  Brittni (and Ron)
Would love to have a copy of your favorite recipe.  A basket is at the back of the church for you to drop your recipe in.

                   January Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Dennis & Dustin Jensen, Allan Sievers & Shannon Griffith 
Communion Servers:  Allan Sievers - chm, Dennis Jensen, Linda Ploen, Linda Woltmann.  December ushers and communion servers are at bottom of calendar.

                             Children don’t Need your presents, they need your presence.

Poinsettias will be placed in the sanctuary in memory of family and friends who
have passed on.  Please let me know who your poinsettia is in memory of.

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not
giving it.”- William Arthur Ward
Angel Tree
The Angel Tree is up at the library again this year.  If you can help out a family this
Christmas pick out an angel or two and buy the gift suggestion on it.  Bring the gift (with angel
attached) to Walnut December 14th.  Linda Ploen, Margo Matthies and Kathy Hansen will
collect them, wrap them and distribute them.  If you would like to contribute wrapping paper,
tape or boxes for the gifts please bring them to the church before December 14th.

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we
Give.” - Winston Churchill

Golden Oldies
No Golden Oldies in December.  The next meal will be at our church on January 15th.

Love is what’s in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen.

Food Pantry
The Food Pantry has no special requests for December since the drive in November filled their shelves to overflowing. Whatever you’d like to donate is appreciated. A new list of needs will be coming in January.

Session Minutes
November 13, 2012

The session of Walnut First Presbyterian church met in regular session on November 13th, 2012 at 7 pm in the Sunday School south annex.  Those in attendance were: Margo Matthies, Jim Tooley, Linda Krueger and Linda Ploen.  Absent were: Jim McDermott, Jack Ploen, Kathy Hansen, Allan Sievers and Michelle and Mike Mertz.

Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer.  Scripture readings were from 2 Corinthians 3:18, 5:17.  Our reflection was on Font & Table (Baptism).

The minutes of the October meeting were read and approved.

There was no Treasurer’s report, as it was not available.

The pastor’s report was approved as given.  David traveled 135 miles.

Linda Ploen reported that we had received our Theological General Mission Pledge.  It was moved and 2nd to give $1300 for mission support and $200 for the Theological Education Fund. Motion carried. There were no deaths or membership changes. 

Stewardship & Mission
Linda K. and Margo reported that the Christmas Joy offering will begin the first Sunday of December and will be received on December 23rd.  We will have “Bring a Friend” Sunday on the first Sunday of the new year.  David also continues to encourage us to choose and support a mission project.  Linda P. will get supplies for the children’s and adult’s Christmas goodie bags.  We also approved the Christmas gifts of $25 for Sunday School teachers, helpers, janitor, Sunday School Superintendant, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, Clerk of Session, $50 for the pianist and $250 for Pastor David.  David also told us of a couple mission opportunities, one from Foley, Mn. First Presbyterian Church.  A group of young people are wanting to come to our Presbytery to do any kind of project.  Also the Presbytery of Transylvania in Kentucky is looking for groups that would be willing to come down and help with some projects.  They were some interesting ideas for some mission trips for our church. 

Christian Education
Since Kathy was unable to attend the meeting, David read a report from her.  She has delivered three more “Welcome Baskets” to new Walnut residents.  There were 19 children that attended a fun Halloween party.  She also has donated a $100 food gift card to be raffled off at the church dinner to help a needy family at Christmas.  The 2013 Presbyterian Youth Triennium will by held in Lafayette, In. on July 16-20, 2013.  David also asked about ordering an adult course called “Animate Faith”.  We decided to discuss this later to see if there is any interest in this.

Communion was served to 5 residents at Peace Haven on November 4th.  Kathy Hansen served as elder.  Plans are being made for the “Celebration of Service” on November 18th.  Thanksgiving Eve service will be at Trinity Lutheran in Avoca at 7:00 pm.  Advent begins December 2nd.  Permission was given to David to purchase a new Advent wreath if our old one can not be fixed.  There will be no Saturday night service in November. We need to get some feedback on our contemporary service.  Do we want to continue this?  

Finance & Property
David received word on the new policy to update our bulk mail.  We have to have an endorsement on each piece of mail.  David chose “address service requested”.  We have to mail out 200 items and we are charged $1.12 for each piece returned.  We need to know when members move.  Jim t. reported that we need a new tarp for the Antique Walk.  He will check into purchasing this.  He will also check with Gene Larsen about renting some tables for the Walk so we don’t have to buy new ones.  He also stated that we need a brighter light in the back of the church, as it is so dark.  He will talk to Allan Sievers about this.  Another concern is the floor in the kitchen.  We should maybe think about replacing it.  We need to check with a flooring company to see about our options.

The 2012 nominating committee is: Chuck Ploen, Greg Mertz and Jim Tooley.

New Business
Gloria Myers was given permission to use the church basement on December 4th.  We then worked on the 2013 budget.  The per capita this year is $33 per member, so our per capita budget will go from $3,967.48 to $4620.  We need to encourage members to help pay their per capita.

The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Next meeting will be December 11th at 7:00 pm.

Linda Ploen
Clerk of Session

Friday, October 26, 2012

November Gleaner 2012

Pastor’s Notes          
          Since sometime in August the messages I’ve given to the congregation in Walnut seem to have revolved around how we should be living our lives as followers of Jesus, followers of the Way of Jesus.

            Most of the time I’m asking questions and, on purpose, I don’t provide answers.  Partly because it’s best if we answer the questions in our own minds with the help of God’s Spirit.  My answers may not be the same as yours…and that’s okay.

            So, as we, more quickly than we want, approach the season of Advent it’s good for us to focus on why God did what he did by coming into the world, our world, in the person of Jesus the Christ.  Why did he want to do that? What’s it mean for us today and…, “How do we find answers to all this?”

            There are many resources available for adult studies, family oriented studies, maybe a sermon series, new books to be read by modern theological people, and commentaries to help us understand what we read in God’s word.

             Again I think there’s no one right answer. What might help one person wouldn’t do a thing for the person sitting right beside them. Study groups work for some. Listening to those who have devoted their lives to studying and discerning what is written in the Bible might be just the ticket for someone else. And then there are those who want to know and understand but neither of these helps them.

             Maybe we should begin with another question.  In the gospels, especially in Mark, when someone comes to Jesus for healing he asks them first, “What do you want me to do for you?” Maybe that’s the question we should start with. What do we want Jesus to do for us?

             Some folks do know what God did for us in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus but there are others who don’t even know who Jesus really was or is. So, our answer depends on where we are in our journey. And then again maybe the question I’ve proposed is the wrong one.

             For example I read new and old books to help improve my understanding of the Bible. I listen to speakers. I read blogs online. I pray. I think. And yet, I may not have the answers to your questions. And what I want God to do for me today may be different tomorrow.

             What do we do? Well, friends, besides changing the decorations from fall to Christmas season some of us may benefit from a study group, some of us may just need a “group” where we can unload the burdens we carry around all day, and some of us may enjoy and learn from a group that focuses on praying for each other, the community, and the Church.

             What do we want God to do for us? Blind Bar Timaeus just wanted to see. Maybe that’s what we want…and need.  As we move into the Advent season think about what it is you want. And if it’s something First Pres can help with just give us a call.


God’s peace and grace be with you all,

Pastor David


Fall supper work schedule is included in this Gleaner.  Please check to see your duties.

Don’t judge someone just because they sin differently than you.


Our sympathy to Betty, Steve and Michelle Sunderman on the loss of Betty’s nephew and Steve’s cousin, Larry Beckendorf, 57, of Exira.  Larry was the son of Bob and Beverly Beckendorf.  Larry passed away at his home September 25, 2012.

A yawn is a silent scream for coffee.


Special thanks go out in this November (Thanksgiving) Gleaner to all our Church volunteers:

Sunday School teachers: Robin Tooley, Teresa Griffith, Michelle Sunderman                       and Bonnie Holtz

Piano Player: Connie Jensen

Clerk of Session: Linda Ploen

UPW President: Charlotte Shepherd

Church Treasurers: Robin Tooley and Connie Jensen

Session Members

Flower Contributors

All workers at the Church Bazaar and Supper

All workers at the Antique Walk Food Stand


Thank-you!  Thank-you!

A special “Celebration of Service” party will he held after church on Nov. 18th.  Please plan to attend to honor the people that work to make our little church so special.

    When the past calls, let it go to voicemail.  It has nothing new to say.


Thank-you to all who donated blankets or money for local shelters.  We have two high chairs donated for the basement.

Reminder – Drop your change into the water jug at the back of the church to help a needy family at Christmas.

Reminder – Donate hats, gloves, and coats for the needy.

I used to be indecisive.  Now I’m not sure.

Christmas Program December 16th!!

The Sunday School’s Fall Party on October 21st was enjoyed by 19 children!!  After pizza at church they went to the Pumpkin Patch in Atlantic.

      Some people come into your life as blessings; others come into your life as lessons!  

                   December Ushers and Communion Servers

Ushers: Ross & Jean Bornholdt, Craig & Linda Woltmann  Communion Servers:  Linda Krueger-chm, Jean Bornholdt, Kent Johnk & Craig Woltmann.  November ushers and communion servers are at bottom of calendar.

“If you can’t be a good example, then you’ll just have to serve as a horrible warning.”  Catherine Aird


          Flowers for Pulpit

                                                             November 4 –Linda Woltmann

                                                 November 11- Gloria Walter

                                                 November 18- Charlotte Shepherd

                                                     November 25-Charlotte Shepherd


A little girl had just finished her first week of school. “I’m just wasting my time,” she said to her mother.  “I can’t read, I can’t write, and they won’t let me talk!”


Food Pantry

Again this year the area churches are in a competition to win the “Tom

Turkey Award”.  This award is given to the church that donates the most

items for the food pantry.  Bags are in the back of the church to take home and bring back with your items.  Pastor David delivers them on Monday afternoons.  (The pantry also takes money donations.)


You can’t control everything. Your hair was put on your head to remind you of that.


Session Minutes

October 9, 2012

The session of Walnut First Presbyterian Church met in regular session on October 9, 2012 at 7 pm in the Sunday School south annex. 


Those in attendance were: Margo Matthies, Linda Ploen, Kathy Hansen, Michelle and Mike Mertz.  Absent were: Linda Krueger, Jim Tooley, Jim McDermott, Jack Ploen and Allan Sievers.


Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer.  Scripture readings were from Isaiah 43.  The reflection was an article on worship space from “Font & Table”.


The minutes of the September meeting were read and approved.


The treasurer’s report was accepted as given.


The pastor’s report was given and approved after the addition of 32 miles to deliver blankets.  David traveled a total of 138 miles.


Linda Ploen reported that the book of session minutes will be reviewed at a meeting on October 25th.  Pastor David baptized Brielle Helen Ruth Lohoff during the church service on September 23rd.  Her parents are Tara and Shane Lohoff.


Stewardship and Mission

Discussed was “Bring a Friend Sunday”.  We need to welcome new people to church.  The committee will work on planning this.  Our stewardship campaign will begin this month.  Margo also reported on plans for the Angel Tree project.  Applications will go out soon.  David also mentioned again his desire that we get involved in a mission project for the church.


Christian Education

Kathy asked for permission to have a Halloween party for the Sunday School on October 21st.  They will meet at noon at the church for pizza and then go to the pumpkin patch in Atlantic.  She also reported that they want to continue the water jug coin project again to help a family in need at Christmas.  The Sunday School Christmas program will be on December 16th during church.  There will be a retreat for senior high youth at Calvin Crest on November 2nd.  There is a cost of $40.  The 2013 Presbyterian youth Triennium will be held at Lafayette, In. on July 16-20, 2013.  The theme is “I am”.  The cost is $469.



Communion was served to 2 residents at Peace Haven on October 7th.  Linda Ploen was the serving elder.  Linda P. and David will be working on plans for the Advent season.  Linda also mentioned that we have been trying Saturday night services for a year now.  Do we want to continue them?


Finance and Property

No action or discussion.



The 2012 nominating committee of chuck Ploen, Greg Mertz and Jim Tooley have been asked to try and find a new choir director.


New Business

We were given worksheets of the 2012 budget.  We need to review them and decide what we will need to change for the 2013 budget.  It was moved and 2nd to allow Maria Peck to use the church basement on November 17th at a cost of $75, and the Kent Johnk family on December 23rd.  Motion carried.  We will have a fish fry after our Saturday evening service on October 27th.  We will have no church service on Sunday morning October 28th.  It was also decided to have our “Celebration of Service” after worship service on November 18th.  This will be a celebration for all those that do and have served our church in one way or another.  It was also moved and 2nd to include $100 in our 2013 budget to support the Great Plains Wee Kirk Conference in Sioux City.  Motion carried.


 The meeting was closed with The Lord’s Prayer.


The next meeting will be November 13th, 2013 at 7 pm.


 Linda Ploen

Clerk of Session

Monday, September 24, 2012

October 2012 Gleaner

          As I sit to write today I’m thinking about the worship service yesterday, September 23rd. The sanctuary was full, so full that there were folks standing at the back. Not only was it full there were 21 young people at worship.
          Now that may not mean much to some but our attendance at Sunday morning worship has been way less. Let me just say that there haven’t been any people standing in the back searching for a place to sit.
          The reason the pews were full was two-fold. We had a cute little girl to baptize and the Sunday school had new study Bibles to handout to those who were advancing to our older class. So, we had parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and friends here to support the new Mom and Dad and the young folks receiving their new Bibles. That’s why the sanctuary was overflowing.
          The last few weeks I’ve been reading and thinking about worship, why we worship on Sunday morning, how we worship, and is it pleasing to God.
          Most folks, my age and older, come to worship every Sunday morning because that’s what they’ve always done. It’s part of the Sunday morning ritual; it’s an ingrained habit that started way back when.  Some Sunday’s their hearts may be lifted with an inspiring sermon and other Sundays maybe not so much. So why do we continue to come?
          When we look at the bulletin do we ever ask ourselves why we do this prayer here and sing this song there and say the Lord’s Prayer here…and why do we pray two or three different prayers? Why do we have a prayer of confession?
Does anyone ever ask these questions or are we more concerned with getting the whole process over in 60 minutes?  As a pastor I think about these things. I wonder if the words spoken during worship have any impact on those listening…and is God pleased.
Whether we think about it or not God’s the one who calls us together to worship. He’s the one who began this process by calling every one of us into being. And so we respond to his call by gathering Sunday morning, the day of Jesus’ resurrection, to give God our thanks and praise and focus our thoughts on God and His kingdom.
That’s why we worship. The how is a different thing because God in his ultimate wisdom created each of us with different characteristics which means we don’t all worship or process things in the same way. And so, every person receives something different than their neighbor sitting beside them at the exact same worship service.
I may not have answered the question why we worship but I pray that now you will consider why it is you do what you do when you come to worship on Sunday morning...or Saturday evening.
May God bless your day today and forevermore,
Pastor David
Thank-you to Jim Tooley, Kathy Hansen, Margo & Doug Matthies, Chuck & Linda Ploen, Pastor David & Linda Krueger, and Dennis & Nancy Hullinger for providing and serving a Sunday evening meal at Peace Haven.  We had a really fun time and the residents not only complimented the food but remarked that they loved hearing so much laughter.
Thank-you to Jim Tooley and Barb Eslick for providing us with special music on Sept 9th and 23rd.
Thank-you to our Sunday School for a HUGE ice cream party celebrating the start of a new Sunday School year.  I don’t know how many different toppings there were but I do know they were all delicious.
Thank-you to Dave Heilig, Jim, Justen and Robin Tooley for hanging the big cross which had been taken down for the painting of the sanctuary and the new cloth which was put up behind the cross.

If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.

Congratulations to Wilma Newton and Dennis Hullinger on becoming members of our church on Sept. 9th.  We welcome them from the United Church in Avoca.
Congratulations to Shane and Tara Lohoff on the baptism of baby Brielle on Sept. 23rd.
Congratulations to Eric and Cheyenne Mertz of Council Bluffs on the birth of their baby boy, Ruger Michael Hegner Mertz, on Sept. 20th.  He weighed 6 lb 1 oz.  Eric is George Mertz’s grandson and Dennis Mertz’s son.  Cheyenne is the daughter of Louis and Rose Mary Pedersen and the granddaughter of Edna Kutnink.
Congratulations to Brian and Nellie Popp on the birth of their daughter Teagan on Sept. 23rd.  Nellie is the daughter of Jim and Bobbie McDermott and the granddaughter of Leo Rechtenbach.

      A thief broke into my house last night…he started searching for money so I woke up and searched with him.

Golden Oldies
The Golden Oldies will meet for lunch at Trinity Lutheran Church October 16 at 11:30 AM.  There will be NO Golden Oldies in November and December.  The next meal will be January 15th at our church.

Our sympathy to the family of Sylvia Reddie.  Sylvia passed away on August 28th at the age of 87 in Washington State.  Sylvia was a former Walnut resident who operated a Bed and Breakfast and was an active member of our church.

My memory’s not as sharp as it used to be.  Also, my memory’s not as sharp as it used to be.

                   November Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers:  Teri Abel, Darlene Stuart, Margo Matthies and Cathy Shutters
Communion Servers: Kathy Hansen chm, Bobbie McDermott, Darlene Stuart, Jim McDermott.  October ushers and communion servers are at bottom of calendar.

                             It’s scary when you start making the same noises as your coffee maker.

          Flowers for Pulpit
                                                             October 7--------Cathy Shutters
                                                 October 14--------Teri Abel
                                                 October 21 ------Bobbie McDermott
                                                 October 28 ------Janet Grush

“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.”  Mother Teresa

Presbyterian Women
Presbyterian Women meet Wednesday, October 3, 1:30 pm in church dining room.
Business __ Annual PW Mini Bazaar and Dinner

Missouri River Valley Presbytery (PW women of churches in western Iowa and Omaha)FALL GATHERING at New Horizons Presbyterian Church in Council Bluffs, Saturday, October 6. If you plan to attend w/Charlotte please let her know by September 29 so luncheon reservations may be made.

Please have your Snicker candy bars (2.07 oz) turned in by September 30 -Sunday so they can be taken to the Fall Gathering, also if you are making Christmas stockings for HELP Adult Services please bring them by that date.

Today I will live in the moment – unless the moment is unpleasant, in which case I will eat a cookie.
Session Minutes

September 11, 2012
The session of Walnut First Presbyterian Church met in regular session on September 11, 2012 at 7 pm in the Sunday School south annex.  Those in attendance were: Margo Matthies, Linda Krueger, Jim Tooley Linda Ploen, Kathy Hansen and Allan Sievers.  Absent were Jim McDermott, Jack Ploen, Michelle and Mike Mertz.

Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer.  Scripture readings were from Matthew 28:19, Mark 1:4, Mark 10:38, Romans 6:3-4, Acts 2:38-39, 1 Corinthians 12:13, and Colossians 2:12.  Our reflection was a discussion and personal stories of baptism.

The minutes of the August meeting were read and approved.

The Treasurer’s report was accepted as given.  The Antique Walk report was also given.  We had a net income of $5,968.59.

The pastor’s report was given and approved.  Pastor David traveled 47 miles this month.  He also thanked everyone for their prayers and concern since the death of his sister.

There was no clerk’s report and no deaths.  Dennis Hullinger and Wilma Newton were accepted into membership on September 9th by letter of transfer from United Church of Avoca.

Stewardship and Mission
“Bring A Friend Sunday” needs to be rescheduled, perhaps as a community effort.  Peace Offering will begin September 16th and will run for 4 Sundays.  Part of this offering stays here in walnut for anti-bullying.  We need to try the 30 hour famine program again.  Also mentioned was passing out bags for the Food Pantry and having people bring them back with supplies.  We need to keep thinking about a mission project for our church.

Christian Education
The first day of Sunday School “Sundae Sunday” was a big success.  There has been a good attendance with helpers: Robin Tooley, Kathy Hansen, Bonnie Holtz, Michelle Mertz and Michelle Sunderman.  Kathy Hansen also reported that she had delivered 3 more welcome baskets to new Walnut residents from our church.  The 2013 Presbyterian Youth Triennium will be held at Lafayette, Indiana on July 16-20, 2013.  The theme is “I am”.

Communion was served to 4 residents at Peace Haven on September 2nd.  Jim Tooley served as elder.  Linda Ploen also wanted to remind everyone of our Saturday night services on the 4th Saturday of each month at 5:30.  Refreshments are included.  We are also looking at things to make our Advent season more meaningful and visual. 

Finance and Property
Jim Tooley reported on our Wells Fargo account.  It was moved and 2nd to put the money into a CD since it was gaining only .01 percent interest.  We will renew our CD with Great Western Bank.  We received a bid for new doors and windows for the church.  After discussion we decided to list all the improvements we need or would like, to see what the congregation feels about them and the priorities of projects.  The list is as follows: interior doors, south door, replace accordion doors, new windows, trim and molding around windows, refinish floors, new furnace and air conditioner, and new pews or replace with chairs.  We welcome any input on these projects.  Perhaps we could have a special fund raiser for any of these projects.

The 2012 nominating committee is: Chuck Ploen, Greg Mertz and Jim Tooley.  We also discussed our “Celebration of Service”.  It will be an appreciation celebration for all those who serve the church.  We may try to have it in November.

New Business
Our by-laws were reviewed with suggested changes noted.  We will be hosting the Sunday evening meal at Peace Haven on September 16th at 5:30.

The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Next meeting will be October 9th, 2012 at 7 pm.

Linda Ploen
Clerk of Session