Tuesday, January 25, 2011

February/March 2011 Gleaner

Pastor’s Notes
Another annual congregational meeting has been concluded. There were reports that detailed the last year's accomplishments and a new budget was approved. It's always good for us to read what God has accomplished through his church and to see where God is leading us in the coming year.

I especially enjoy hearing about things we should do as a church in the coming year. We are small but God does some very amazing things with the least and the weak. Through Jesus Christ we are more than we can ever imagine.

How do we know what God would have us do? How are we to know what God is inviting us to join him doing in mission? Our brothers and sisters in the Quaker church use a process called discernment to learn what God is doing or what he would have them do? Discerning what God is speaking to us and understanding what he is calling us to do and be is not something that happens quickly. It involves reading the Word, study, reflection, and prayer. Part of the process is bringing it to the leadership of the church and then waiting for their decision. Sometimes ideas aren't accepted the first time and so there is more reading of God's Word, study, reflection, and prayer. This takes place on both sides of issues. Not only do the people presenting ideas for change read, study, reflect, and pray but so do the elders who serve on the session.

Through this process we learn that it's not about what we desire but what God wants from us. It's all part of God's great plan for his church. We are called to make disciples and baptize them in the name of the Trinity. If we keep in mind what God has planned for his church then we can't fail. It's all about God and not us.

The last two Sunday's we have heard that God is calling us and Jesus is saying, “Come with me.” God wants us to follow his lead and join him in making things better in the world for those who are oppressed by the world. Through the power of God's Holy Spirit we are able to experience the joy of being in God's presence and doing his work here on earth.

Come and join us as we work together to bring justice, peace, and mercy to all God's people.

God's peace be with you all,
Pastor David

Choir News
Choir will practice on Feb. 2nd and sing on Feb. 6th. After many, many years of faithful service Darlene Stuart is stepping down as choir director. Darren Tooley is going to take over the leadership of this important part of our church service. We wish Darren much success in this new endeavor and sincerely thank Darlene for her years of service.

Lenten Services
Our Ash Wednesday Services will be at Peace UCC at 6:00 PM. on March 9th. We will be participating with Peace United in Walnut, Trinity Lutheran, St. Mary’s and United Church of Avoca in hosting Wednesday evening Lenten worship and a meal. These services begin at 6 PM. Mark your calendars. The first Wednesday service with the Avoca Churches will be March 16th at the United Church in Avoca. The services will be as follows:

3/16 – United Church of Avoca
3/23 – St. Mary’s in Avoca
3/30 – Peace UCC in Walnut
4/6 – Trinity Lutheran in Avoca
4/13 – First Presbyterian in Walnut

We will not be having Sunday evening services this year.

Church Humor
A Sunday school teacher said to her children, “We have been learning how powerful kings and queens were in Bible Times. But, there is a Higher Power. Can anybody tell me what it is?” One child blurted out, “Aces!”

Presbyterian Women
Presbyterian Women will meet at the church at 1:30 on Feb. 2nd.

March 13th Daylight Savings Time – Spring Forward!

Thank-you to anyone that gave miscellaneous paper gifts to the church.
Thank-you to Jon Mitchell for driving his bus for the carolers in December.
Thank-you to Gloria Myers for putting up and taking down the Christmas decorations.
Thank-you to the Presbyterian Women for our Lenten meal.
Thank-you to Mary Ellen and Linda Woltmann (and everyone else that helped) in preparing the meat for our Annual Meeting.

March Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Brett & Bonnie Holtz, David & Mary Woltmann – Communion Servers;
Jim McDermott-chm, David Woltmann, Mary Ellen Woltmann, Teri Abel

April Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Vincent & Phyllis Hansen, Linda Krueger Communion Servers;
Robin Tooley-chm., Margo Matthies, Gloria Myers, Linda Krueger

Per Capita – If you still haven’t paid it, it is $29.95.

Flowers for February
February 6---------- Michelle Mertz
February 13-------- Kathy Hansen
February 20-------- Alice Richter
February 27-------- Pam Nielsen
March 6--------------Linda Sieck

Flowers for March
March 6---------------Linda Sieck
March 13-------------Gloria Myers
March 20-------------Gloria Myers (for Tina Gregory)
March 27-------------Darla Ehlers

You may only be one person in the world,
But you may be the world to one person.

Youth News
Jim McDermott has a fishing trip to Minnesota lined up for the last week of July.
Robin Tooley, Jim and Bobbie McDermott, Linda Ploen and Pastor David are hosting a
spaghetti supper for the 7th-12th grade youth on January 30th. Their DVD Bible study will

Session Minutes

Special Session Minutes

The session of the First Presbyterian Church met in special session after church services on Sunday, December 26th, 2010. Present were Jim and Bobbie McDermott, Robin Tooley, Jim Tooley, Linda Krueger and Linda Ploen. Absent were Bonnie Holtz, Margo Matthies, and Dennis Jensen. It was moved and 2nd to approve the membership of Brinda Shirley on Sunday, January 9, 2011. Motion carried. It was also moved and 2nd to allow Pastor David to perform the wedding of Ron Hamilton and Rachael Beccera on January 15, 2011. Motion carried. Also discussed was the cost of the new sound system. It was suggested that we take $500 out of the youth fund to help with the cost. It was also mentioned that we pay $10,000 now and the rest later. Meeting closed with prayer.
Linda Ploen
Clerk of Session

Session Minutes
January 18, 2011

The session of Walnut First Presbyterian Church met in regular session on January 18th at 7:00 p.m. in the Sunday School south annex. Those in attendance were: Linda Ploen, Jim McDermott, Dennis Jensen, Robin Tooley, Margo Matthies, Jim Tooley and Linda Krueger. Absent were: Bobbie McDermott, Bonnie Holtz and Val Sievers.

Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer and scripture from Hebrews 13:10-16. He also gave a reflection entitled “A Purpose Larger Than Ourselves”.

The minutes for the December 14th meeting and December 26th special meeting were read. It was mentioned that the amount paid to Midwest Lighting was $10,500 instead of $10,000 as reported in the December 26th minutes. The minutes were approved as revised.

The Treasurer’s report was approved as given.

The pastor’s report was given and approved. Pastor David traveled 272 miles this month. There were many visitations, gift deliveries, toys to Open Door Mission and the funeral for Bobbie Voggesser. Pastor David asked that someone open the church and do bulletins while he is on vacation. Jim McDermott will open the church and Robin will do bulletins.

There was no clerk’s report.

It was moved and 2nd to receive Brinda Shirley as a new member by reaffirmation of faith. Motion carried.

Stewardship and Mission
Linda Krueger reported that the One Great Hour of Sharing material is in. The offering will be received on Palm Sunday. She also stated that the issues of the February and March Gleaners will be combined since she will be on vacation.

Christian Education
Gloria Myers reported that she had received confirmation from Karley Helms that she was enrolled in her 2nd semester of college. It was moved and 2nd to approve the scholarship money for her. Motion carried.

Youth group has been rescheduled for Sunday, January 30th at 5:00 with a spaghetti supper. Jim M. stated that the boys will be going fishing the last week of July.

We also gave Robin permission to use the church for lock-ins for the younger Sunday School kids and one for the youth.

Communion was served to 10 residents at Peace Haven on January 2nd. Linda Ploen was the serving elder. Ash Wednesday is March 9th. Services will be at either our church or the Peace Church. Community Lenten services will be on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 with a meal and worship service. The schedule for services is as follows: 3/16-United Church of Avoca, 3/23-St. Mary’s, 3/30-Peace UCC, 4/6-Trinity Lutheran, and 4/13-First Presbyterian.

Finance and Property
There was a report on the new sound system from Midwest Lighting and Sound. They could possibly start installation by the end of January. They discussed placement of things. A motion was approved to upgrade on the new projector. It was also mentioned that we need a committee to decide how to get started with graphics for the sound and lighting.

Our 2011 Biennial Corporation Report is due. Jim Tooley and Pastor David will take care of this.

Jim Tooley also brought up our Putnam and Wells Fargo accounts. Because of an error in the mailing addresses, we are not receiving dividend checks. It was voted to take the money out of these accounts and place the money from them (minus some operating money) into our Edward Jones account. We may have to contact a lawyer to get this taken care of.

New Business
It was announced that Darren Tooley will now be in charge of choir. Thanks was given to Darlene Stuart for her many years of service.

The Community Assistance Program meeting will be February 23rd at 7 p.m. at United Church of Avoca.

Our nominating committee of Jim McDermott, Greg Mertz and Chuck Ploen need to find a replacement for the retiring elder and contact everyone filling a volunteer position to see if they will continue.

It was also mentioned that perhaps we could start hosting a “Men’s Breakfast” once a month. Everyone would be welcome and any extra money would go towards the boy’s fishing trip.

The meeting was closed with prayer.

There will be no February meeting since David will be gone. Our next meeting will be March 8, 2011 at 7 p.m.

Linda Ploen
Clerk of Session