Tuesday, April 26, 2011

May 2011 Gleaner

Pastor’s Notes

Easter Sunday is over, the decorations have been put back into storage for another year, the journey to Jerusalem ended with Jesus’ arrest, the trials, his torment and suffering and crucifixion, his burial in a borrowed tomb, and his resurrection.

What does it all mean for us? Now that Jesus the Christ has died on the cross, was buried, and then rose from the tomb, what does it all mean? In this journey that we’ve been on during Lent how have we been changed? Should we be changed by what we have witnessed as we walked with Jesus?

How are we changed when we read how Jesus appeared to his disciples, ate with them, and taught them “...the things about himself in the scriptures (Lk 24:27).” Maybe the real question is, are we changed as we read, or hear read, these gospel lessons.

The answers we give depend on us, and God’s good grace. God has given us the freedom to make our own choices. I believe that he allows us to decide whether we believe what the scriptures tell us about the Messiah, the Christ, and whether we are willing to accept his grace. His grace is offered to us freely but it’s up to us to accept this gift.

So, whether we are changed or not depends on our decision to accept or reject this wonderful gift of God’s grace. It sounds so easy doesn’t it; either accept the gift or reject it.
The problem is we human beings have trouble trusting, especially in those things which we can’t see and touch, kind of like Thomas. Actually, we’re a lot like Thomas.

So, what are we to do? The state of things in the world is a mess. We’re losing confidence in our government, our leaders, our churches, and yes, maybe God.

I believe the answer to these questions is in the words Jesus taught his disciples. Love God with your whole being and love your neighbors as you love yourself. To do both of these means that we have to surrender control and again that’s not easy for any of us. In fact, it requires work and discipline. So, how is anyone supposed to change?

Jesus said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. (Mt. 19:24)” We aren’t able to do this on our own. We need God’s grace to accomplish this transformation, this change.

So, the answer is we can be changed when we give God control and accept his magnificent gift of grace. It sounds so easy but you all know it’s not easy for us to relinquish control.

With God anything is possible and there’s nothing that can separate us from him. So, good friends, let God’s Son enter your hearts and begin the change as we continue to journey with the disciples toward Pentecost.

God’s grace and peace be yours,
Pastor David

Congratulations to Chuck and Linda Ploen on the birth of their granddaughter, Jenna Fay. Jenna is the sister of Paige Jensen and the daughter of Ryan and Eva (Ploen) Jensen. Jenna was born on March 18th at 5:42 PM, weighed 7 lb. 14 oz. and was 21” long.

Congratulations to Megan Ehlers and Marye Bierbaum for organizing the “30 Hour Famine”. There were thirty Jr Hi and older young people in attendance and besides the fasting they collected $1508. for world hunger, 366 food items for the food pantry, 212 clothing items, 19 blankets and 9 pair of shoes for the homeless shelter.

Thank-you to the chaperones, Jim & Bobby McDermott, Robin Tooley, Linda Ploen, Cindy Jensen and Pastor Krueger.

Presbyterian Women
Presbyterian Women will honor our church 2011 seniors Wednesday, May 4th at 3:15 pm
in the church dining room. All Presbyterian women are welcome to attend as is anyone from our church family who might be interested. We only ask that you RSVP by Fri. April 29th.
Guest Day/Mother’s Day Breakfast Saturday, May 7 at 9:30 AM Peace United Church is hosting a Guest Day/Mother’s Day Breakfast. The program will be “Amazing Grace” by Arlene Drennan of Atlantic.

Thank-you to the Presbyterian Women for the Easter Lilies in memory of loved ones
To Ross and Jean Bornholdt in memory of Laurie
To the Tooley family in memory of Janice
To Chuck and Linda Ploen in memory of Margie Ploen and Melissa Manhart
Thank-you to the Confirmation girls (and families) for the delicious brunch following services Palm Sunday.

New Members: Erin Shannon, Tori Bruck, Kaitlyn Tooley and Sarah Ehlers

Thank-you to Kathy Hansen for her “quilts and bag” contribution to the youth group and for starting our “change” jug in the back of the church which is tentatively being planned to help a needy family at Christmas time.

Thank-you to Chuck & Linda Ploen, Allan Sievers and Valerie Sievers for the delicious brunch following Easter worship.

Thank-you to Kathy Hansen for all the gifts for the children and for the drawing at the Easter brunch.

Samantha Jensen is extending an invitation to everyone to join in celebrating her High School Graduation. Her party (Open House) will be on May 7th from 2-? at her house located 4 miles North of Walnut on M47 and 2 miles west on 400th St.
Megan Ehlers is also inviting everyone to celebrate her High School Graduation. Her party will be May 13th from 5-? at her house, 312 Pleasant Street in Walnut.

Bible School
Bible School will be at Peace Church this year. Date and time have not been chosen yet.

Antique Walk Food Stand
June 17-19 will be the Antique Walk. The work schedule will be in the June Gleaner. We will not be having cinnamon rolls this year and will also be starting later than 6 AM.

June Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Steve & Michelle Sunderman, Betty Sunderman
Communion Servers: Bonnie Holtz-chm, Betty Sunderman, Jim Tooley & Jack Ploen

Flowers for May
May 1------------Darlene Stuart
May 8------------Darlene Stuart
May 15---------- Teresa Griffith
May 22-----------Linda Ploen
May 29-----------Linda Ploen

Session Minutes
April 12, 2011
The session of Walnut First Presbyterian Church met in regular session on April 12th at 7:00 p.m. in the Sunday School south annex. Those in attendance were: Robin Tooley, Bonnie Holtz, Linda Krueger, Jim Tooley, Linda Ploen, Jim McDermott and Ty Johnk. Absent were: Dennis Jensen, Margo Matthies and Jack Ploen.

Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer and a devotion for Lent from D365.org called “Journey Through the Wilderness.”

The minutes of the March meeting were read and approved.

The treasurer’s report was approved as given.

David reported that he had traveled 308 miles this month. He will also be attending Wee Kirk conference the first week of May. He also conducted the funeral of Bruce Bierbaum.

Linda Ploen reported that she received a letter from the Presbyter-Committee on Ministry concerning our allowance for David’s continuing education. They asked that we amend our allowance from $800 to $822. It was so moved.

We approved the confirmation of Kaitlyn Tooley, Sarah Ehlers, Victoria Bruck and Erin Shannon.
Stewardship and Mission
Linda K. reported that One Great Hour of Sharing will be collected on Palm Sunday.

Christian Education
Robin noted that the Sunday School kids are working on palm branches. Jim M. reported that four boys will be going on the Minnesota fishing trip. We approved the purchase of gifts for the confirmation class and it was stated that the Peace Church is in charge of Bible School this year. The youth group will be holding their 30 hour famine for World Hunger on the 15th and 16th at our church.

Communion was served to ten residents at Peace Haven on March 6th and four on April 3rd. Maundy Thursday service will be conducted at Peace Haven jointly with United Church of Avoca. Communion will be served. It was moved and 2nd to purchase “Lead Beyond Our Walks”, a series of videos to be used for worship and study at a cost of $349.98. Motion carried. We also checked into the cost of an electric piano/organ.

Finance and Property
We need to have Midwest Lighting and Sound check on the volume, as it is hard to hear videos. We received an invoice from them. Gary Blum is still working on the counter for the sound equipment. We had to have it make longer. Jim T. reported that the refrigerator in the basement was not working, but it has been repaired.

New Business
The MRV Presbytery meeting will be April 3oth at Benson Presbyterian Church. Jim M. will be our representative. We also voted to skip cinnamon rolls for the Antique Walk and open the stand at 7:00 instead of 6:00 a.m.

The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Next meeting will be May 10th at 7 p.m.

Clerk of Session
Linda Ploen