Sunday, February 28, 2010

March 2010 Gleaner

Pastor’s Notes
Doesn’t the cartoon say it all? I know it does for me. I’m really ready to see some green grass and some crocus and tulips popping through the ground.

I hope that you have taken the opportunity to attend one or more of the Lenten evening worship services and meals. “Bread for the Journey” is the theme for the Wednesday evening worship and “The Sign of Jonah” is the theme for the Sunday evening worship. My prayer is that you are able to attend one or both and that through the Word proclaimed you will be led by God’s Spirit as you contemplate His message for us.

Friends, Holy Week isn’t very far away. Palm Sunday is March 28th and Easter is April 4th. After the joy of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem we will then be with the disciples as they eat the Last Supper with their Master, wait with him in the garden, and fear for him as he is questioned and tortured by his captors. We will watch with the women as Jesus is led through the streets of Jerusalem to the Hill, nailed to the cross, and left to hang there until he dies.
We will go with Joseph to ask Pilate for his body so he can be buried before the Sabbath begins. And we will mourn with the disciples as they hide fearfully in the Upper Room.

Jesus told us he was coming back on the third day but along with the disciples we have our doubts. What will happen on Easter Day?

Invite your family and friends to come with you to worship on April 4th to discover what is waiting for all who trust in the Lord. There is plenty of room for all of God’s children.
Will the tomb be empty? Will Jesus really be coming back? Come and see!

Pastor David

Congratulations to Jason and Shannon Wood on the birth of their daughter,
Blake Allyson on January 29th. She was welcomed home by brother, Devin.

Congratulations to Shannon and Teresa Griffith on the birth of their son,
Rhys Wilson on February 5th. He was welcomed home by brothers Mason,
Hugh and Ian.

Congratulations to Mike and Cathy Shutters for becoming members of our church and their sons Landon and Jackson on their baptism.

Congratulations to Jessica Helms and Lauren Sievers. Even though they are
just freshmen they were a huge asset to the Walnut Warriors basketball team.

Congratulations to Honor Roll Students:
Samantha Jensen, Josie Cable, Valerie Sievers, Bailey Nielsen, Courtlyn Griffith, Lauren Sievers, Ty Johnk, Jared Ploen, Emily Mitchell, Alyssa
Becerra and Michael Mertz.

Congratulations to Jennifer Ploen. Jennifer graduated from Iowa State January 19th with an elementary degree. She was named to the Dean’s List.

Congratulations to Jessica Ploen for making the Dean’s Honor Roll at Creighton University.

Seen in Church Bulletins (Not Ours)
(These are jokes)

Please place your donation in the envelope along with the deceased person you want

The church will host an evening of fine dining, super entertainment and gracious

Potluck supper at 5:00 PM – prayer and medication to follow.

Presbyterian Women
The Presbyterian Women’s group will meet at 1:30, March 3 at the church. Linda
Krueger is in charge of the program and Phyllis Hansen and Betty Sunderman are

Girls for Hire
Carly Johnk, Josie Cable and Valerie Sievers are planning a trip this summer to go back to
Wyoming to visit the church they worked on last summer and the family they stayed with
during that trip. The girls are trying to raise money for the trip and are open to any kind
of work you may need done. Give them a call.

Thank-you to the Presbyterian Women’s Group for preparing and serving our Lenten meals.
Thank-you to Justen Tooley for scooping the snow off the church roof and then hauling ALL THAT SNOW to the back of the church.
Thank-you to the Matthies and Shutters families for hosting a brunch in the church basement.

April Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Vincent & Phyllis Hansen, Linda Krueger Communion Servers;
Robin Tooley-chm., Valerie Sievers, Gloria Myers, Linda Krueger

Flowers for March
March 7----------------Linda Sieck
March 14--------------Gloria Myers
March 21--------------Gloria Myers (for Tina Gregory)
March 28--------------PW Easter Lilies

Per Capita – If you still haven’t paid it, it is $28.75.

Church Humor
3-year-old Mikey:
“Our Father, Who does art in heaven,
Harold is His name.

One particular four-year-old prayed,
“And forgive us our trash baskets
as we forgive those who put trash in our baskets.”

(Perhaps these children need to drop in on Pastor David’s class on “The Lord’s
Prayer”. It is held after church and everyone is welcome to attend.)

Journey to the Cross
Scripture, prayer and meditative thoughts, accompanied by gentle music, can be
accessed every day at through Easter Sunday, April 4th.
This year’s theme is “Things Done and Left Undone”.

Time Change
Don’t forget to change your clocks. Spring ahead
March 14th.

Where Does God Want To Take You Next?
If someone you trusted came up to you and stated, “Nothing before in my life has given me the opportunity to witness first-hand the body of Christ being built up as this has. It is life-altering. It is empowering. It is inspiring. It is a body of believers, knit together by God, coming together for the sole purpose of nurturing one another on a personal journey with Christ, and then charging them to go home and impact their own churches”, would you sit up and take notice? Would you want what they had? Would you desire it for yourself and your church?

Plans are being made and prayers are being offered for the upcoming Great Plains Presbyterian Pilgrimage #7 to be held April 22-25, 2010. Great Plains Presbyterian Pilgrimage is a three-day renewal retreat for Christian adults that is designed to further the faith walk of the individual, and thereby strengthen churches. It possesses the ability to truly transform your Christian walk.

Where: The weekend is held at Camp Calvin Crest, just outside of Fremont, Nebraska, in their comfortable Retreat Center.

When: The weekend begins at 5pm on Thursday the 22nd of April and concludes by 4pm on Sunday the 25th of April.

What: The weekend is all-inclusive, and every guest need is met. Cost is $260 per person with scholarships available upon request. Food, fun, fellowship, worship, prayer, communion, teaching, praise, and laughter are all guaranteed!

Who: Everyone. All are welcome!

How: Guest Registrations are currently being taken and can be submitted to Pastor David, or to the GPPP registrar listed on the form. There are information flyers and registration forms lying on the table at the back of the church. The website offers much more information, as well as registration forms.

Have you ever wondered what your next step in faith will be?

As you travel down life's highway, it is good to stop and rest a while. You can gather at the river with your fellow travelers, and at that oasis, you can break bread, laugh, sing, worship, listen, and be heard. After lingering at that sanctuary, you and your friends will emerge refreshed, rested, and ready to continue on your way, prepared once more to "celebrate the journey and praise the Lord". Hey, weary traveler, the Great Plains Presbyterian Pilgrimage is waiting...for you.

The Great Plains Presbyterian Pilgrimage, which is open to all denominations, is a 3-day journey in Christianity designed to provide all Christians with a renewed faith foundation, and which fosters a revitalization of personal spiritual growth for individual and community living. It is held at a comfortable conference center where guests’ every need is met. The weekend retreat is open to all ages, all maturity levels, and to all Christians.

It will change the horizons of your Christian walk!

PILGRIMAGE #7 is April 22-25, 2010 at Camp Calvin Crest, Fremont, Nebraska. For detailed information check out the website: To obtain a registration form, ask questions, or get printed information pages, contact the Pastor David Krueger, or 712-784-3953 or Shelly Story, Outreach Coordinator for GPPP, at, or 402-586-2634.

Session Minutes
February 16, 2010

The session of Walnut First Presbyterian Church met in regular session on February 16th in the south Sunday School Annex. The meeting was postponed from February 9th due to bad weather.

Those in attendance were Linda Ploen, Jim McDermott, Bobbie McDermott, Dennis Jensen, Robin Tooley, Margo Matthies, Linda Krueger and Jim Tooley. Absent was Bonnie Holtz.
Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer and scripture from Romans 15:4. David also had a reflection from the Presbyterian Heritage Daily Devotional.

The minutes from the January meeting and the Annual Congregational meeting were read and approved.

The treasurer’s report was approved as read.

David presented his pastor’s report. Because of winter weather and driving he traveled only 80 miles. David is now doing evening service at Peace Haven once a month as well as Avoca Nursing & Rehab and Allen House in Atlantic. He also officiated the wedding of Betty Larsen and Dennis Akers. It was moved and 2nd to approve the report.

Linda Ploen reported as clerk that she had sent out 8 letters to members concerning inactive status. She has filed all necessary Presbytery reports. There were no deaths. We received new members Mike & Cathy Shutters into the church on February 14, 2010, and their sons Landon Jay and Jackson James were also baptized.

Welcome New Members
We welcomed new elders, Margo Matthies, Linda Krueger and Jim Tooley. Committee assignments were made.

Stewardship & Mission-Linda Krueger and Bonnie Holtz, Christian Education- Robin Tooley and Margo Matthies, Worship- Linda Ploen and Bobbie McDermott, Finance & Property- Dennis Jensen, Jim McDermott, and Jim Tooley.
Stewardship & Mission

David is still looking into new mission projects. Perhaps we could go in with another church.

Christian Education
Robin reported that the Sunday School collected 53 cans of soup for the food pantry on “Soup”er Bowl Sunday and the kids delivered the cans to Avoca. The children are also making a “kindness” chain that when finished will hopefully encircle the entire church. They also have 4 baby quilts to deliver. Bible School plans will soon be discussed. Also mentioned was the possible formation of a church youth group. Jim M. said we need to get and keep our youth involved in church activities. Robin will talk to some of the kids about a time to get together. David also announced that there will be a Lenten study on the Lord’s Prayer beginning next Sunday following worship.

Communion was served to 9 residents at Peace Haven February 7th with Jim McDermott serving as elder. Lenten services will begin here on Ash Wednesday, February 17th at 6 p.m. “Bread for the Journey” is the sermon series that will be used for the Wednesday evening worship. Offerings will go to the Food Pantry, Good Guys and the Crisis Center in Atlantic. Lenten Sunday evening services are called “The Sign of Jonah”. They begin February 21st at United Church of Avoca with David giving the first service.

Finance & Property
We need to set a date for spring cleaning as there are several projects that need to be done. Some plans mentioned for this year were: a new sidewalk out front that is handicapped accessible to the curb, some updates in the sanctuary-Jim T. will get some estimates, Chuck P. will get estimates for replacement windows for the sanctuary. We also need to get the snow removed from the church roof. David also mentioned that our floors are really getting worn. Perhaps we could first redo the floor in the entry of the south annex. Jim M. will check into renting an upright sander, and David will get ideas for the finish. Dennis stated that we had received $15,000 from the Marie Mertz estate. It was moved and 2nd to leave the money in the general fund at this time.

A Community Assistance Program meeting is scheduled for February 21st at United Church of Avoca at 7:00. Darlene Stuart was one of our representatives to CAP so we needed a replacement. Margo Matthies agreed to take her place.

New Business
Presbytery meeting is scheduled for February 20th at Church of the Cross from 1-3:30. Approval was given for the marriage of Betty Larsen and Dennis Akers on February 15, 2010. We have a $17,000 CD coming due in March. We need to check into the interest rates before we decide what to do with it.
It was moved and 2nd to adjourn the meeting.

The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Next meeting is March 9th at 7:00 p.m.

Linda Ploen
Clerk of Session