Monday, December 30, 2013

January Gleaner 2014

Pastor Notes
        Another year is coming to a close and a New Year is only a couple days away. Some of us are ready for the old year to be over and some of us aren’t.
          Don’t you wonder what God has planned for the church in the next year? I do. Sometimes it makes me anxious and other times I’m excited about what’s waiting for us around the corner.
          We’re travelers on a journey and as travelers whose only road map is the Bible we’re never quite sure what God has for us to do next. We do know, as we discerned in the process led by the MRV committee on ministry, we believe God wants us to make disciples.
          Just how we make disciples might not be clear to us. I believe it all begins with the Christian Education program, Sunday school. We are fortunate in that we have people who have a passion for teaching the children about the stories in the Bible and living lives that are an example of living and being like Jesus.
          But, it shouldn’t end with the children. We’re never too old nor have we learned everything God wants to teach us therefore our education as adults should be ongoing. I’m afraid we can’t get it all by just attending worship once a week. I believe we need to stretch ourselves and give some of our leisure time to studying what God has for us in his Word.
          Why do we find it so hard to commit time to studying the lessons in the Bible? If we go to the doctor and he tells us we have high blood pressure don’t most of us try to learn as much as we can about it so that we can get it under control and maybe not have to take anymore pills?
          So, isn’t this life we’re living, trying to follow Jesus’ example, just as important? We surely haven’t learned everything there is to know about being a follower of the Way. Doesn’t it make sense that we’d want to be the best that we can be and the only way to accomplish that is by going back to the Word and allowing the Holy Spirit to interpret and teach us what God would have us know at this time in this particular place? I believe it does.
          Maybe that’s what God would have us do this next year to prepare for what we may encounter next on our journey through this life, study. If you were given the task to make disciples, and we have been, how do we begin and how do we continue?
          Let’s work together to continue what God has begun here in Walnut and make new disciples for Jesus.

          God’s grace and peace be with you all in the New Year,
Pastor David

  ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING – JANUARY 26th after 10:30 Worship.  PLEASE HAVE YOUR REPORTS TO PASTOR BY THE 20th.  Please bring a vegetable, salad or dessert for lunch before the meeting.

Our sympathy to the family of Norma Rasmussen of Walnut.  She passed away Friday, Dec 27th.  She was Suzy (Mel) Larson’s mother.  Pastor David had her service Dec. 31st.
Our sympathy to the family of Beulavon Beatty of rural Hancock. Pastor David had her service Dec. 28th.
Our sympathy to the family of Allan Sams of Avoca.  Allan passed away at his home Dec. 27th.  His service was Dec. 30th.

Food Pantry
Food pantry needs for January are: Any Wholesome Food or Paper Product

“Heaven goes by favor.  If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in.”      Mark Twain
Thank-you to everyone that made the Sunday School Christmas Program such a success.
Thank-you to Dianne Book for filling in as pianist Christmas Eve.
Thank-you to Michelle Mertz for buying and bagging the Christmas fruit and candy and Thank-you to Kathy Hansen for delivering them to our shut-ins.
Once again our church was in charge of the Angel Tree.  We thank Linda Ploen and Margo Matthies for making it a success.
We thank Pastor David and Jim McDermott for helping pack and distribute the Good Guys
boxes to the recipients in Walnut.

Pastor David and Linda would like to thank everyone for the Christmas cards and gifts they received.

January 5 ----------- Flowers Provided
                                           January 12----------- Willa Petersen         
                                           January 19---------- Linda Krueger
                                           January 26---------- Michelle Mertz

‘You can’t always control who walks into your life but you can control which window to throw them out.’

Golden Oldies
                                                Jan 21 – First Presbyterian - Walnut
                                                Feb 18 – St Mary’s Avoca
                                                March 18 – United Church – Avoca
                                                April 15 – Peace Church – Walnut

‘You have never really lived until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.’

Congratulations to Samantha Jensen, daughter of Dustin and Cyndi Jensen, on being named 2013 Daktronics –
NAIA Scholar – Athlete.  Samantha, a junior defensive specialist on the volleyball team has a 3.64 Cum. GPA with
a major in biology.
Congratulations to Walnut’s LEGO team.  They are now going on to compete at the state level.  Of the six members on the team, five of them attend our church.  They are Collin Shutters, Brady Canada, Jolene Jensen and Mason Griffith.
Big, Big congratulations to Dave and Robin Heilig on the birth of their son, Noah David.  Noah
was born December 15th at 10:11 AM and weighed 1 lb 14 oz and was 13.2  in long (arriving at 27 weeks).  Grandfather is Jim Tooley

“A baby is such a nice way of starting people.”    Don Herold

Donated by:                                                                                        In memory of:
Presbyterian Women                          (3)                         Church Family                     Larry & Charlotte Shepherd                   (2)                         Family, friends & Gloria Myers
Margo & Doug Matthies                                                  Margo’s Father
Jean & Joe Schmitt                                                          Herb & Marie Mertz
Julie Nash                                                                       Ryan Nash
Ross & Jean Bornholdt                                                   Laurie Bornholdt
Leo Rechtenbach                                                            Jeanette Rechtenbach
Les & Teri Abel                                                              Paul & Aletha Abel
Steve & Marie Livengood                   (2)                         John & Twyla Bero
Betty, Steve & Michelle Sunderman    (2)                         Darrell & Sam Sunderman,
Joe, Dorothy & Larry                    Beckenddorf
Chuck & Linda Ploen                                                      Margie Ploen &                       
                                                                     Melissa Manhart
Barb Eslick                                                                     Bill Eslick
Anonymous                              Greenery on piano           Louis, Jean, Gloria & Ed Myers

Courage does not always roar.  Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, “I will try again tomorrow”.

                   February Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Charles & Gloria Walter, Greg & Michelle Mertz
Communion Servers: Jack Ploen-chm., Greg & Michelle Mertz & Charles Walter.   January ushers and communion servers are at bottom of calendar.

If we’re not supposed to have late night snacks, then why is there a light in
                                           the refrigerator?

    Session Minutes
December 10, 2013
The session of Walnut First Presbyterian Church met in regular session on December 10, 2013 at 7 pm in the Sunday school south annex.  Session members present were: Linda Ploen, Michelle and Greg Mertz, Kathy Hansen and Cathy Shutters.  Absent were: Jim McDermott, Jack Ploen, Allan Sievers, Jim Tooley and Mike Mertz.

Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer and scriptures.  Our reflection was entitled “Sharing Your Faith Story”.  We were given sheets to help us discuss and share our faith story with others.

The minutes of the November session meeting and the Nov. 17th meeting with the Avoca session were read and approved.

The treasurer’s report was approved as written.

David’s pastor report was approved as given.  He had 416 miles this month due to many visitations and meetings.  He also provided us with a report on days he’s had off: continued ed., illness, vacation, etc.
Clerk’s report: Linda reported on our upcoming statistical report, mission report and our per capita.  This year our per capita is $34.48 per member for a total of $4,827.20.  She also stated that our books did very well when they were reviewed in Council Bluffs.

New Business
Kelsey Griffith requested baptism for Hayden Marie Griffith and Hadley Jaymes Griffith on January 5, 2014.  Motion made and approved to permit the baptism. The annual meeting is scheduled for January 26th.  Sunday School will be at 9:00 and worship at 10:00 with a meal and meeting following.  REPORTS NEED TO BE AT THE CHURCH NO LATER THAN JANUARY 20thNominating committee for new elders is Linda Krueger, Robin Heilig, and Chuck Ploen.

Stewardship and Mission
Kathy Hansen reported that she had delivered 3 more “Welcome Baskets” to new Walnut residents.  She also noted that there was $179 in the jar at church.  After some discussion, we decided to check on giving this money to the “Weekend Back Pack Home Project” which provides for children on weekends.  David and Linda delivered bags of hats and coats to Castelar Church and stuffed animals to Micah House in Council Bluffs.

Christian Education
The Sunday School Christmas program will be Sunday, December 22nd during worship.  We have around 17-19 children participating.

Communion was served to 11 residents at Peace Haven on December 1st.  Michelle Mertz was the serving elder.  Thanks went to Jack Ploen for decorating the Christmas tree.  It was also mentioned that perhaps we should start having our older kids learn how to run the video machine and make out a list like that for ushers, so that not just one person has to run the machine every Sunday.  We discussed gift baskets for shut-ins and Sunday School kids.  Greg and Michelle will buy the supplies and bag them so they can be delivered.  We also had a list for Robin so she can get the Christmas gifts for church volunteers.  We decided to keep the price the same.  Sunday School teachers, janitor organist, Sunday School superintendant, clerk of session, secretary, treasurer, financial secretary-$25, and Pastor David-$250.

Finance and Property
Since no one was present from this committee, we had no reports on heating and air bids or the ad hoc committee.  We did however; have to work on the 2014 budget.  With a few changes, our 2014 budget is $82,777.20.

David reported that we must get our by-laws reviewed. 

The meeting was closed with prayer and The Lord’s Prayer.

Our next meeting will be January 14th at 7 pm.

Linda Ploen

Clerk of Session

~ January 2014 ~

1 New Year’s Day


Avis Mortensen
Amy Hansen


 9:00 Church (baptism)
 10:15 Sunday School
 11:00 Communion
 @ Peace Haven

Hunter Nielsen


Nellie Popp


Emily Mitchell


Kim Hoffman
 9:00 Church
 10:15 Sunday School

Tyler Hansen
Allen House 11 AM

Session 7 PM

Bryan Mertz

Peace Haven 7 PM


Dave/May Woltmann
Brenda Walter

 9:00 Church
 10:15 Sunday School

Josie Cable
Linda Krueger
Golden Oldies (our church)


Rosemary Pedersen


5:30 Church Service

Diana Sievers
26 9:00 Sunday School
 10:30 Church
 Annual Meeting

 Brinda Shirley
 Brian Popp

COM at New Horizon P.C. 4:30 PM

Avoca Nursing & Rehab, 2 PM
Salem Lutheran Homes 9 AM

Blake Wood
Paula Griffith



January Ushers:  Dennis & Dustin Jensen, Allan Sievers & Shannon Griffith
January Communion Servers:  Allan Sievers-chm, Dennis Jensen, Craig & Linda Woltmann