Wednesday, January 28, 2009

February Gleaner 2009

First Presbyterian Church (USA)
Walnut, Iowa 51577
Volume 40 Number 2 February 2009

Pastor’s Notes
The old calendars have been taken off the wall and a new one for 2009 has been put up in their place. Already we’re ready to flip the page and begin the second month of the year.
Yesterday after worship and a great lunch of barbecued pork ribs we conducted our annual congregational meeting. According to those who took a count we had 28 members in attendance. Not bad considering the 4 inches of snow and the cold temperatures. We had 30 adults in worship by comparison.
The very last item that we talk about every year is goals for the new year. Last year we had 8 goals on our list. The were 1) a new front door leading into the church, 2) Children’s Bibles for Sunday school, 3) childcare in the basement during worship, 4) a guy to step up to help with youth to get more boys involved in the life of the church, 5) a mission trip involving the youth, 6) a vegetable garden to help out the Food Pantry, 7) a sidewalk to the street located between the two trees, and 8) get involved with “Adopting a Soldier.”
A good question is how well did the church do towards reaching these goals? Goal number 1-a new door wasn’t installed but the old one was scraped, primed, and painted and looks great. Goal number 2-new Children’s Bibles were purchased for the Sunday school class and are being used by the teachers and students. Goal number 3-there was some discussion on childcare during worship but there was no action taken. Goal number 4-Jim McDermott with help from a lot of others coordinated a fishing trip to northern Minnesota. Five boys went and before we left they were already planning for next year. Goal number 5-There was no action taken on this goal. Goal number 6-The church didn’t have a vegetable garden but some of our members contributed produce from their gardens to the Food Pantry. They were glad to receive it. Goal number 7-Somehow we didn’t get to the sidewalk. We’ll have to have the Finance & Property committee look into that for this year. Goal number 8-Robin did get us involved in the “Adopt a Soldier.” Letters were exchanged and personal items were collected for our soldiers.
As you can see some goals were met 100% and others were partially met and some didn’t get any attention.
This year we didn’t get as big a list. What was brought up was a program or small group that would involve the girls or young women in our church. Something that would help them understand where God needs them as servants for the church. The other goal mentioned was to continue pursuing mission trips and giving. We concluded the meeting by asking that all pray for God to show us where he is leading his church in Walnut.
As I mentioned during worship yesterday, I believe God has plans for this church. All of us need to spend time each day in prayer and reflection in order to hear God’s voice speak to us. We are God’s hands and feet and he calls us to be his servants to the world. How will they know if no one tells them? Who will tell them is no one is sent?
Friends, God has empowered each of us to go out into the world and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I am looking forward to working with everyone this year to accomplish that goal. Let’s spread the Message of the Good News throughout Walnut and beyond.
God’s grace and peace be with you all,
Pastor David

March Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Brett & Bonnie Holtz, David & Mary Ellen Woltmann Communion Servers: Leo Rechtenbach-chm, David Woltmann, Mary Ellen Woltmann, Teri Abel

February ushers and communion servers are at bottom of calendar.

Blogs of Interest
Pastor David has created two blogs you may find of interest on the internet: (you will find the Gleaner here) (you will find David’s sermons here)

Our sincere and heartfelt sympathy to grandparents Louie and Rosemary Pedersen and Great-
Grandmother Edna Kutnink on the tragic death of Logan Blum.

Our sympathy to Enola Pagliuso on the death of her brother and nephew.

Good Guys
The Good Guys of Avoca prepare Christmas boxes of food for in-need families. This year they
provided service to:

Avoca 39 boxes 148 people
Shelby 6 boxes 29 people
Hancock 18 boxes 40 people
Walnut 27 boxes 96 people

$3,300 Avoca Super Foods food bill
Hams and Turkeys donated by Oakland Foods
$62 for 300 chickens – Food Pantry

Food Pantry
Roberta at the Food Pantry provided us with this information:
2008 2007
Households served 149 144
Persons served 592 660
Gifts (items) 7,527 5,568
(cash) $1,871.08 $2,657.57

Pastor David makes trips to the food pantry most Mondays with our church’s contributions.

Thanks to many people for their work for the church:
All who contributed paper products (especially Bill and Marian League)
Enola Pagliuso for making religious wall hangings for the church
Chuck and Linda Ploen for offering communion to shut-ins
Don and JoJane Walter for contributing a beautiful table that Don rebuilt and refinished
Margo Matthies for helping Pastor David with the Angel Tree at the library
Carla Johnk for helping deliver Christmas baskets to members
Dennis & Connie Jensen, Gloria Myers and Pastor David for taking down Christmas decorations
Ben Krueger for repairing and rebuilding one of our Nativity stables
Pastor David for delivering Good Guys boxes
Jeff and Hunter Nielsen for scooping out the parking lot
Jo and Cody Cable for doing such a good job scooping out sidewalks
Mary Ellen and David Woltmann for taking care of the meat and pies for our Annual Meeting
Larry Shepherd and David Woltmann for delivering pork meals to our shut-ins
Charlotte Shepherd for helping David with the Annual Report

A Big Thanks!
A big thank-you to all who so generously donated to Operation Santa at the Open Door Mission!
We were thrilled by the amount of items brought in, and because of your generosity many children
and adults had a little brighter Christmas.
FYI: Our van was loaded! This is what you donated: 18 pairs of kid’s socks, 11 pairs of gloves,
2 scarves, 13 hats, 19 pair of adult socks, 1 t-shirt, 1 coat, 1 adult book, 2 brushes, 11 puzzles, 12
board games, 4 Barbie dolls, 3 baby dolls, 4 books, 10 fleecy throws, 3 sets of Play-Doh, 9 coloring
books, 6 boxes of crayons and makers, 4 toy trucks 3 toy tea sets and 6 misc. toys!!!!

Thanks so much!
Chuck and Linda Ploen

Lenten Services
Our Ash Wednesday Services will be at Peace United Church this year at 6:00 PM. As in the
past we will alternate Wednesday evening meals and services between the two churches.
Please try to join us for some good food, fellowship, and worship as we prepare for Christ’s
resurrection. This year we are again participating with Peace United in Walnut, Trinity Lutheran,
St. Mary’s, and United Church of Avoca in hosting Sunday evening Lenten worship and a meal.
These services begin at 5 PM.. Mark your calendars:

March 1, St Patrick’s (Walnut)
March 8, Trinity Lutheran (Avoca)
March 15, Peace United (Walnut)
March 22, United Church of Avoca
March 29, First Presbyterian Church (Walnut)

When winter weather threatens listen to KJAN AM, KSOM FM, or KNOD FM for Church

Flowers for Pulpit
February-1 Michelle Mertz; 8 Charlotte Shepherd; 15 Charlotte Shepherd; 22 Alice Richter; March-1 Pam Nielsen; 8 Linda Sieck; 15 Gloria Myers; 22 Gloria Myers (Tina Gregory) 29 Phyllis Hansen

January Session Minutes
January 13, 2009
The session of Walnut First Presbyterian church met in regular session on January 13, 2009 in the south Sunday School annex.
Those in attendance were Robin Tooley, Darlene Stuart, Gloria Myers, Leo Rechtenbach, Linda Ploen, Jim McDermott. Absent were Janet Grush and Valerie Sievers.
The meeting opened with prayer and a scripture reading from Ephesians 1:15-23. David’s reflection was entitled “ God’s Call for You”.
The minutes to the December 9th meeting were read and approved.
The Treasure’s report was accepted as read.
The pastor’s report was presented and approved. Pastor David traveled 568 miles this month.
The clerk’s report was given and approved. Linda read a letter about the Great Plains Wee Kirk Conference. It was moved and 2nd to donate $50 to the conference. Motion carried.
David then asked us to look back over the past year at our church’s accomplishments. Many things were listed. We were in agreement that our church has done many good things this year.

Stewardship & Mission
David has found a prospective mission opportunity in Shell, Wyoming helping to put an addition on a historic church. He will look into this. Lenten services will begin Ash Wednesday, February 25th at the Peace Church. We also ok’d Sunday night Lenten services with the Avoca churches again this year.

Christian Education
Great Plains Presbyterian Pilgrimage #5 will be April 16-19, 2009. Gloria sent a letter to Kelsi Helms for her scholarship application. Gloria also reported the Sunday School material has been ordered. There will be a Presbytery education event entitled “21st Century Reformation” on Saturday March 21 from 8-1. The fee is $15.

David showed us some beautiful banners made and donated by Enola. We need to decide on a place to hang them. It was also mentioned that we may have to modify our service to shorten the time so it doesn’t run into Sunday School time.

Finance and Property
We need to find someone for snow removal in the back of the church since Craig Woltmann is unable to do it at this time. Leo will talk to Jeff Nielsen to see if he is interested. We are also looking into the cost of a cordless mike for David. We will get prices.

We need to recognize our retiring elders. Janet Grush will be the only one. David will get a pin.

New Business
1) There will be a Presbytery meeting at Bethany Presbyterian Church in Council Bluffs on January 24th from 9-12. Our church will be hosting the Presbytery meeting on May 19th from 5-7:30 p.m. Gloria was asked to give a brief talk on the history of our church. We also discussed a possible meal to be served. Perhaps the youth could be in charge.
2) We received a memorandum from Rev. Plank of Central Presbyterian Church on how struggling small churches could save money. Perhaps sharing with other churches.
3) We were then asked to think about what our mission focus should be for this year and what is God leading us to do?
4) The proposed elders for the class of 2011 are Robin Tooley, Bonnie Holtz, Dennis Jensen and Valerie Sievers. Bobbie McDermott will finish the term of Enola for the class of 2010. Ordination and installation of elders will be on February 8th. David gave everyone a sheet on the responsibilities of each session committee.

The meeting was closed with prayer and the Lord’s Prayer.

Our next meeting will be February 10th at 7:00 p.m.

Linda Ploen
Clerk of Session

January 25, 2009
The annual meeting of the First Presbyterian Church of Walnut, Iowa was held following a BBQ rib potluck dinner in the church basement.
The meeting began at 1:00 p.m. and was called to order by Moderator David Krueger, CLP. The meeting was opened with devotions and constituting prayer. There was quorum of members present.
Jim McDermott made a motion to approve the agenda as presented, seconded by Barb Eslick. The minutes from the annual corporate congregational meeting on January 27, 2008 were approved as read.
The following reports were presented: Pastor’s Report, Session report, Christian Education, Finance and Property, Membership, Stewardship & Mission, Stewardship report, Worship Committee, Worship Attendance for 2008, Personnel Committee, Walnut Presbyterian Women, Choir, Gleaner, and Prayer Group. Dennis Jensen moved and Leo Rechtenbach 2nd the motion to accept these reports. Motion carried.
The Financial Secretary’s report was then read. Linda Krueger moved and Mary Ellen Woltmann 2nd the motion to accept this report. Motion carried. The treasurer’s report was then reviewed and discussed. Larry Shepherd moved and Dennis Jensen 2nd the motion to accept the report as read. Motion carried. Dennis Jensen moved and Dixie Schirm 2nd the motion to accept the Memorial Fund report, Youth Fund report and the Audit. Motion carried.
The congregational meeting was closed and the corporate meeting was called to order. Jim McDermott nominated the following people as elders to serve on the session. Those presented were Robin Tooley, Bonnie Holtz, Dennis Jensen, Valerie Sievers and Bobbie McDermott to complete the unfinished term of Enola Pagliuso. Barb Eslick moved nominations cease and a unanimous ballot cast. Larry Shepherd 2nd the motion. Motion carried.
Gloria Myers, retiring 2009 elder, was nominated as the elder to serve on the nominating committee along with Linda Krueger and Larry Shepherd from the congregation for 2009. Chuck Ploen moved nominations cease and a unanimous ballot cast. Darlene Stuart 2nd the motion. Motion carried.
The church budget for 2009 was then reviewed. The total proposed budget for 2009 is $75,406.18 as opposed to last year’s total of $69,941.14. Jim McDemott mentioned that we still need to keep giving even though it seems we have plenty of funds. $400,000 will go quickly at $75,000 a year. We also discussed endowments to the church. George Mertz moved and Al Schirm 2nd the motion to accept the proposed budget for 2009. Motion carried.
Our moderator then spoke to us on our goals for the church. He spoke of change and what God has planned for our church. He also thanked our great Christian Education people. We now have 13-15 children in Sunday School thanks to Robin, Teresa, Bailey and Val. They need a pat on the back! David also showed us some of the accomplishments of the church as compiled by the session. Jim McDermott mentioned that we need to help the girls in our church to see where God wants them as service to the church. The boys have the fishing trip-what can the girls do? Jeanette Rechtenbach thanked David for all he has done for the church, and Chuck Ploen commented that he liked the new things David was doing during worship service. Chuck also asked that we continue to pursue our mission trips and giving. David asked that we pray for where God is leading us as a church. It was also announced the Presbytery meeting will be at our church on May 19th.
The meeting was closed with prayer.
Linda Ploen
Clerk of Session