Tuesday, January 26, 2010

February 2010 Gleaner

First Presbyterian Church Church Phone: 712-784-3953
Box 707 Pastor David’s home phone: 712-784-2204
Walnut, IA 51577 Pastor David’s cell: 402-936-0153

Pastor’s Notes
Whoo Hoo! February is looming just around the corner. That means there’s only two more months of winter, right? I guess we could get a snow storm in April but it’s not going to last as long as what we see outside today.

Okay, I’ve had enough winter to last me for quite a while. I’m tired of snow. I’m tired of the ice. I’m tired of having the electricity go off for hours or days. I’m addicted to heat and lights and I’m getting just a little bit irritated from not seeing the sun as much as I’d like to see it.
So, I’m whining just a little, but I know I’m not alone in this. Be honest with me, you’re feeling a little bit like me too, aren’t you?

I think it’s time to be thinking about what’s coming up on the calendar. Do you realize that Ash Wednesday is February 17th? That’s right; the Lenten season is just around the corner. In fact if you would turn around you’d notice that it’s peeking at you.

So, what’s that mean to you, giving up something for Lent, Lenten evening worship along with good food and fellowship with our family, neighbors, and friends? Lent allows us time to reflect on where we’re at in our walk and how does Jesus fit into all of it.

I know we’ve just finished celebrating Jesus’ birth. Some churches are in the time of Epiphany and others are in what is known as Ordinary time. Epiphany always make me think of a cartoon with a bright light bulb suspended over someone’s head; an “aha” moment you might say. I only get those once every blue moon.

But ordinary time, well that’s almost every day isn’t it? I wake up, look at the clock, get up, get dressed, let Murphy out of his kennel and take him outside. While we’re out the coffee is brewing and will be ready when we get back. Then it’s time to take one upstairs to Mrs. K, the love of my life. I eat breakfast, check emails, put on my multiple layers of clothes and walk down to church. There’s morning prayers, study, and before I know it it’s time to go get the mail and walk back home for lunch with Mrs. K. Then I walk back to church for more study in preparation for Sunday’s message. At 5 I turn everything off and walk home to eat supper, read some, nap some, watch some TV and then to bed around 10. Pretty ordinary wouldn’t you agree. Maybe that’s why it’s called Ordinary time.

Now I’m getting ready to turn a page on the calendar and there it is, Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the Lenten season. What a great time of the year. I know that in about 7 weeks Easter will be here along with the promise of a new life.

We will be journeying with Jesus and his disciples, listening to his parables, watching him heal folks, and listen to him answer the tough questions everyone has for him, the why’s, the what’s, and the where’s. And we may even have some questions ourselves that we would like answers to. Isn’t there something you’ve been pondering and would like God to answer for you? Maybe during Lent he’ll help you find the answer.

Lent is a good time to work on our prayer time. If we’ve kind of let our prayer time slide because we thought we were too busy this is a good time to get it back on track. Oh, it’s not only prayer. What I meant is our time for reading, study, reflection, and prayer, which might include some silent time with God. I know, that’s kind of hard, but we all need some silence in our lives so we can hear God’s voice.

This season of Lent may be just the time we all need to get ourselves in shape for what God has planned for His church this year. There is much God has for us to do and we really do need to get ourselves in shape for it. If you’re like me you kind of let yourself go in the winter eating all the good stuff and neglecting the exercise. I think we tend to do the same thing with our devotional time. We get so wrapped up in things that we let our time with God kind of slip.

Friends, he misses us. Take time this season to get back in shape with God. Let him be your guide. Trust in him to take care of all the issues that you think only you can deal with. Just enjoy being in his presence.

Friends, I hope to see you all at the Lenten evening worship services in Walnut and Avoca.

May God bless you with his grace and peace,
Pastor David

APRIL 12, 1914 – JANUARY 10, 2010

Marie Mertz, 95, longtime resident of Walnut, Iowa passed away at Heritage House in Atlantic early on Sunday morning, January 10,2010.

Marie was born the daughter of Charles and Mary (Thiessen) Koll on April 26, 1914 in Walnut, Iowa. She grew up and attended country school in the Walnut area. Marie was married to Herbert Arthur Mertz on August 18, 1935 in Council Bluffs, Iowa. The couple made their home in Walnut where they were blessed with a son and a daughter.

They were members of the First Presbyterian Church and Marie was active in the Ladies Aide and Eastern Star. She was on the board of directors at Walnut State Bank. She especially took interest in her doll collection, horses, shopping and playing in the Marne Band. Her most memorable vacation was their family Alaskan Cruise to celebrate Herbert’s and her 60th anniversary.

Marie will be remembered for her love for people and being with her grandchildren. She enjoyed life to the fullest.

She is survived by here son, Donald Mertz and his wife Virginia of Yuma, Arizona; her daughter Jean Schmitt and husband Joe of Walnut; one granddaughter Vickie Weihs and husband John of Walnut; three great grandchildren, Josie and Drew Cable and Matthew Weihs; seven Step-grandchildren; and a number of great-step grandchildren.

She was preceded in passing by her father Charles Koll; her mother Mary Koll Varns; her husband, Herbert; her sister Elsie Best; and brothers Lawrence Koll and Elmer Koll.

Lenten Services
Our Ash Wednesday Services will be at our church this year at 6:00 PM. on Feb 17th. As in the past we will alternate Wednesday evening meals and services between the two churches. Please try to join us for some good food, fellowship, and worship as we prepare for Christ’s resurrection. This year we are again participating with Peace United in Walnut, Trinity Lutheran, St.Mary’s, and United Church of Avoca in hosting Sunday evening Lenten worship and a meal. These services begin at 5 PM. Mark your calendars. The first Sunday service is at United Church at Avoca.

Seen in Church Bulletins (Not Ours)
(These are jokes)

The Fasting & Prayer Conference includes meals.

The sermon this morning: “Jesus Walks on the Water”. The sermon tonight: “Searching for Jesus”.

The peacemaking meeting scheduled for today has been canceled due to a conflict.

Presbyterian Women
Presbyterian Women will meet at 12:30 on Feb. 3rd for a Dutch Treat Lunch. Place to be announced.

Thank-you to anyone that gave miscellaneous paper gifts to the church.

Isn’t it strange--
how a 20 dollar bill seems like such a large amount when you donate it to church,
but such a small amount when you go shopping?

March Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Brett & Bonnie Holtz, David & Mary Woltmann – Communion Servers;
Dennis Jensen-chm, David Woltmann, Mary Ellen Woltmann, Teri Abel

Flowers for February
February 7----------- Michelle Mertz
February 14--------- Charlotte Shepherd
February 21--------- Alice Richter
February 28--------- Pam Nielsen
March 9---------------Linda Sieck

Church Humor
A Sunday school teacher asked her children as they were on the way to church service,
“And why is it necessary to be quiet in church?” One bright little girl replied, “Because
people are sleeping.”

The preacher was wired for sound with a lapel mic, and as he preached he moved
briskly about the platform, jerking the mic cord as he went. Then he moved to one side,
getting wound up in the cork and nearly tripping before jerking it again. After several
circles and jerks, a little girl in the third pew leaned toward her mother and whispered,
“If he gets loose, will he hurt us?”

Session Minutes

January 12, 2010

The session of Walnut First Presbyterian church met in regular session on January 12, 2010 in the south Sunday School annex.

Those in attendance were Darlene Stuart, Gloria Myers, Linda Ploen, Jim McDermott, Bobbie McDermott, Dennis Jensen, Robin Tooley and Bonnie Holtz. Absent were Leo Rechtenbach and Valerie Sievers.

Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer and scripture from Luke 13: 6-9. David also had a reflection from God’s work for Today on the story of the “unfruitful tree.”
The minutes from the November and December meetings were read and approved.
The treasurer’s report was approved as read.

David then presented his pastor’s report. He traveled 151 miles in November and 319 miles in December. Communion was served to several and many visitations were made. David will also be attending Winter Pastor’s School on Feb. 1-4 and a Board of Pensions Workshop on retirement in Kansas City on February 24-25. It was moved and 2nd to approve this report.

Linda Ploen reported that she has been sending in reports that are due to Presbytery. She also stated that we received our notice of apportionment and our share is $4,111.25 which is a per capita of $28.75 based on 143 members. We need to send letters out to inactive members. It was also moved and 2nd to approve our general mission pledge.

There was one death, that of Marie A Mertz. She died on January 10, 2010 and her service was on January 14th with interment at Layton Twp. Cemetery in Walnut, Iowa.

Reflecting on the Past Year
David asked us to think of the church’s accomplishments this year. Some were: the Wyoming Mission trip, the June Walk, the annual church supper, an active women's group, our Sunday School program, a great Bible School, the Angel tree. When asked what our lessons learned were, Jim stated” Don’t take boys to Canada when it’s rainy and cold!”

Stewardship and Mission
It was moved and 2nd to receive the One Great Hour of Sharing on Palm Sunday, March 28th.

Christian Education
Gloria has been reading the Christian Educator’s Guide and stated that we need to put together a committee of church members to evaluate what we want for our Christian Education program. She also sent scholarship forms to Kelsey Helms. Bonnie Holtz is now helping Robin Tooley with Sunday School to replace Teresa Griffith who will be on maternity leave.

Communion was served to 12 residents at Peace Haven on January 3rd with Darlene Stuart serving as elder. Lenten services will begin here on Ash Wednesday, February 17th at 6:00 p.m. Worship will follow the meal. United Church of Avoca will host the first Sunday service on February 21st at 5:00. Pastor David will be doing the worship service. A meal will follow worship.

Finance and Property
We need to plan for a spring cleaning day. It was mentioned that we need to have someone from Edward Jones come and speak to us about our investments to see if we can access our interest money. We also need to get Leo’s signature taken off financial statements as he is going off session.

David asked for pastor evaluations and evaluations of other paid positions. There will be a Community Assistance Program meeting on February 21st at United Church in Avoca at 7:00 p.m.

New Business
There is a Presbytery meeting scheduled for February 20th at Church of the Cross from 1-3:30 p.m. David would like one of our elders to go also. The annual congregational meeting is January 24th, with church at 10:30 followed by a meal and the meeting. Mary Ellen Woltmann will prepare the meat. Gloria reported that the nominating committee has three proposed new members: Margo Matthies, Linda Krueger, and Jim Tooley. David will have training for these members. He is also looking into getting each elder a new “Book of Order”. It was moved and 2nd to have installation of elders on February 7th. Margo will be ordained also. David asked us to be thinking about the mission of our church. He said our numbers may be going down, but we can still do great things!.

The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Next meeting will be February 9th at 7:00 p.m.

Linda Ploen, Clerk of Session

Annual Corporate Congregational Meeting
January 24, 2010

The annual meeting of the First Presbyterian Church of walnut, Iowa was held following a BBQ rib potluck dinner in the church basement.

The meeting began at 12:45 and was called to order by Moderator David Krueger, CLP. The meeting was opened with devotions and constituting prayer. There was a quorum of members present.

Barb Eslick moved and Jim McDermott 2nd the motion to approve the agenda as printed. Motion carried.

Linda Ploen then read the minutes to the January 25, 2009 corporate congregational meeting. Dennis Jensen moved and Darlene Stuart 2nd the motion to approve the minutes as read. Motion carried.

The following reports were presented: Pastor’s report, session, Christian Ed., PW, and choir. Jim McDermott moved and Allan Sievers 2nd the motion to approve the written reports. Motion carried.

The financial reports were then reviewed. They included: finance & property, stewardship, financial secretary, treasurer’s report, memorial fund, PW financial report and the youth group financial report. A motion was made by Craig Woltmann to approve these reports. Dennis Jensen 2nd the motion. Motion carried.

The congregational meeting was closed and the corporate meeting was called to order. Linda Krueger nominated the following members to serve as elders on session: Margo Matthies, Jim Tooley and Linda Krueger. Jim McDermott moved nominations cease and a unanimous ballot cast. Chuck Ploen 2nd the motion. Motion carried.

All church officers have agreed to continue their jobs for another year.

Jim McDermott, retiring 2010 elder, was nominated as the elder to serve on the 2010 nominating committee along with Chuck Ploen and Greg Mertz from the congregation. Linda Krueger moved and Linda Woltmann 2nd the motion that nominations cease and a unanimous ballot cast. Motion carried.

The 2010 church budget was then reviewed. The total proposed budget for 2010 is $75,835.50 as compared to $75,706.18 for 2009. Dennis Jensen moved and Allan Sievers 2nd the motion to approve the proposed budget. Motion carried. Moderator David then asked about our goals for the church. Jim McDermott stated that he wants to get our youth more involved in the church. We need to get some input from them. Charlotte Shepherd stated that the PW has funds available to help with youth activities. It was also mentioned that we need to get a new sidewalk out in front of the church and Chuck Ploen will give us a bid for repairing the round stained glass window on the front of the church.

David reported that even though we are a small church, our accomplishments are many. He mentioned many things including an active women’s group, the Antique Walk, and the trips for the youth. He also said that anyone can come to the church anytime if they have a need to be closer to God – he asked that we use the church! Perhaps we could even host a blood drive in the church basement. It was also mentioned that if anyone was interested, we could hold a small group discussion after church to discuss the sermon, scripture readings, etc. to better understand it’s meaning.

Linda Ploen brought up that we need new Bibles for the church pews so they’re all the same version. We could use memorial fund money or perhaps ask members to donate a Bible in memory of someone. We also could use some of the Memorial fun to upgrade our TV and DVD player.

Jim McDermott discussed their plans for a tubing trip on the Mississippi River for the youth and hopefully, families. David also mentioned that we are still waiting on a list of mission trip possibilities. Pastor David stated that one way we can try to get people to church is to talk about our church and tell others about our story. Share your Christian story with people.

George Mertz moved for adjournment. Barb Eslick 2nd the motion. The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Linda Ploen
Clerk of Session

Saturday, January 2, 2010

January 2010 Gleaner

Pastor’s Notes
We are for sure in the Christmas season. Before we know it the Easter season will be here.
The birth of the Messiah, Jesus, has just been celebrated and soon we’ll be remembering his death and resurrection. It seems to me that we move too quickly to Golgotha.

The truth is we need to go there so we can understand the reason God sent his Son here as a little baby. Without Jesus’ death on the cross and his resurrection from Joseph’s tomb the birth we just celebrated with parties and gift exchanges would have no meaning.
It’s not until Jesus suffered this humiliating death on the cross that we get a glimpse of what God through his love for his children has done for us. It’s through his death on the cross, Jesus dying for our sins, that we are forgiven. It’s through his resurrection that we are given the assurance of eternal life in heaven.

But friends, we will not go straight from the birth of Jesus to his death and resurrection. We will be hearing the gospel lessons from John & Luke this month. John begins by telling us that in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. This is John’s gospel story of the Messiah’s birth. Of course the story continues and wouldn’t be complete without the Voice from the Wilderness, Jesus’ cousin John.
We hear again the story of Jesus’ first miraculous sign, changing the water into wine at the wedding party in Cana in Galilee. Jesus is baptized in the Jordan River, driven into the desert where he is tempted and tried by the devil. He comes out of the wilderness filled with the power of the Spirit. The news about him spread all over the region. He goes into the synagogues as was his custom. He was asked to read in his hometown and there begins his problems with the religious leaders. Jesus teaches with authority and they aren’t ready to receive him or accept him as the Messiah.

It’s all part of God’s plan to redeem the world but it’s hard for us to understand love like that. It’s extremely difficult for us to commit our whole lives to God. What makes it so hard is the fact that we can’t love everyone unconditionally as God does us. We have a problem forgiving and forgetting wrongs done to us and therefore we can’t believe that God could forgive us for the wrongs we have done.

And so we need to come and hear the stories and be reminded of Jesus’ teachings of God, love, forgiveness, and service.

I struggle with giving my all to God because somewhere deep within my soul I think or feel that I need to do something to earn God’s favor. Friends, we don’t have to do anything other than believe and ask God for his forgiveness. Along with you I battle my humanness in committing my heart, mind, and soul to God. I will pray for you and I know you’ll pray for me and together we can win the battle against the sin in our lives. One day we too will join the saints in heaven glorifying the Lamb on the throne in the New Heaven and the New Jerusalem.

My friends, God loves you and wants you to accept your place as one of his children. Thanks be to God for his forgiving grace.

Pastor David

Sunday School Christmas Program
Again I say WOW! WOW! WOW! What a wonderful program the children put on for us.
Highlights this year for me were the “tipped halos”, Valerie smacking one of the burglars and the beautiful baby Jesus (Jacey Sievers). How Robin Tooley and Teresa Griffith put
it all together is truly a gift to us all.

Seen in Church Bulletins (Not Ours)
The ladies of the Church have cast off clothing of every kind. They may be
seen in the basement on Friday afternoon.

The pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the congregation would lend
him their electric girdles for the pancake breakfast
next Sunday.

Pastor David and Linda Krueger helped box up food for the needy on December 19th.
Several of the boxes were then picked up at our church and Pastor David delivered the rest to people without cars or for some reason were unable to pick them up.

Presbyterian Women
On December 16th P.W. President Charlotte Shepherd, Larry Shepherd, Margo Matthies and Linda Krueger went to Clarinda and helped fill app. twelve hundred Christmas stockings with crackers and candy for men and women in the prison system in SW Iowa.
They appreciate and we thank Edna Kutnink for all the stockings she has made for this
ministry over the years.

1. Big, big thank-you to Robin Tooley, Teresa Griffith and Connie Jensen for all their work with the Sunday School Christmas program.
2. Thank-you to Darlene Stuart, Jim McDermott, Pastor David and Linda Krueger for putting up and decorating the Christmas tree and bagging all the fruit and candy for the children and our shut-ins. David has delivered all the bags to shut-ins.
3. Thank-you to Denny and Connie Jensen for putting up the outside Nativity Scene.
4. Thank-you to all the families that helped light the advent wreath this year.
5. Thank-you to Brinda Shirley for all she does for our church as our janitor. We have had quite a few funerals this year and that always means extra work for her.
6. Pastor David and Linda Krueger would like to thank everyone for the Christmas cards and gifts they received. We have much to be thankful for.

Walnut’s Angel Tree
Pastor David put sixty one angels on the Angel Tree at the library. Forty one of those angels were taken by people in the community that bought the presents requested. There were several cash donations given to Pastor David. He and Linda used that money to buy presents for the remaining twenty angels. Linda got them all wrapped, David got the names put on and then David delivered them. All the parents seemed very, very appreciative.

Per Capita
Every Presbyterian church is required to send a per capita payment to the Missouri
River Valley Presbytery. This is based on the membership of the church. Our per capita apportionment for this year is $28.75 per member. We are asking each member to pay their own per capita beyond what you have pledged if you are able. Whatever you give helps our church stay within the budget.

February Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Charles & Gloria Walter, Greg & Michelle Mertz Communion Servers: Jim McDermott-chm, Greg Mertz, Michelle Mertz, Charles Walter

Flowers for January
January 10---------JoJane Walter
January 17-------Margo Matthies

January 24-------Willa Petersen
January 31------Linda Krueger

Church Humor
A kindergarten teacher was observing her classroom of children while they drew.
She would occasionally walk around to see each child’s artwork. As she got to one
little girl who was working diligently, she asked what the drawing was.
The girl replied, “I’m drawing God.”
The teacher paused and said, “But no one knows what God looks like.”
Without missing a beat, or looking up from her drawing, the little girl replied,
“They will in a minute.”

Gifts for the Church
Annual Meeting

The annual Congregational Church Meeting will be January 24th. Sunday
School will be at 9:15, Church at 10:30, lunch and then the meeting. As in past
years this is the time for us to bring gifts to the church; gifts like paper items
(paper towels, etc), office supplies, janitorial supplies and there has even been a
request for an electric knife. These gifts can be brought to the church anytime.
Meat will be provided at our lunch, please bring a covered dish or dessert.

Session Minutes
December 8, 2009

Due to inclement weather, the session meeting was conducted via email.
Pastor David reported that he will be doing the funeral service for Donald Griffith (Bill’s brother), at Roland Funeral Home on Saturday December 12th at 10 a.m.
All MRV Presbytery annual reports are due. Per capita apportionment for 2010 was approved at the November Presbytery meeting. The per capita amount for 2010 is $28.75 for a total of $4,111.25. This is due February 15th unless a notice of intent is sent to the Finance Section prior to their January meeting.

Stewardship and Mission
The Angel Tree had 61 angels. The gifts will be wrapped on Monday, Dec. 14 in the church basement with the help of the Walnut Optimist. A donation was received from the St. Patrick’s church council for $365 and $100 from Judy Brehmer, Harold & Mary Hansen’s daughter. This will be used to purchase gifts for the 20 angels that were still on the tree last Monday.
It was approved to receive the Joy offering. Fifty percent of the offering goes to the Board of Pensions for assistance programs that provide support to retired and active church workers and their spouses and families and 50 percent to the Presbyterian racial ethnic schools and colleges.

Christian Education
Linda and David will get the fruit and candy for the bags for the Sunday School children. They will bag it on Friday morning. The Sunday School Christmas program will be on December 13th during worship.

Communion was served to Judy Ferguson on November 3rd and to 6 residents at Peace Haven on December 6th with Jim McDermott serving as elder. Christmas Eve worship service will be at 10 p.m. Joint Lenten worship service dates with Walnut and Avoca churches have been set, 5 p.m. worship followed by a meal. They are as follows:
a. 2/21, 1st Sunday in Lent-United Church of Avoca; David is giving the message
b. 2/28, 2nd Sunday in Lent- Peace UCC; John is giving the message
c. 3/7, 3rd Sunday in Lent- St. Mary’s; Nancy is giving the message
d. 3/14, 4th Sunday in Lent- First Presbyterian Walnut; Dennis giving the message
e. 3/21, 5th Sunday in Lent- Trinity; Gail is giving the message
Joint Wednesday evening services with Peace UCC will begin on Ash Wednesday at 6:00 at First Presbyterian Church.

Finance & Property
Christmas gifts for church personnel are $25 to Teachers, custodian, financial secretary, treasurer, clerk, and church secretary, $50 to choir director, and $250 to the pastor. Christmas gift baskets for our senior members will be delivered. David and Linda will get the fruit. David asked for elders to help deliver the baskets.

The nominating committee should be meeting to fill the soon-to-be- vacant active elder positions. The committee is Gloria Myers, Larry Shepherd, and Linda Krueger.

New Business
The date for the annual meeting has been set for January 24th.

Next meeting will be January 12th at 7:00

Linda Ploen
Clerk of Session

Birthday Wishes
Our good friend and church member Avis Mortensen will be celebrating her 80th birthday on January 2. Her family is hosting a card shower in her honor. Cards can be sent to her at 800 Chestnut, Apt 402, Atlantic, IA 50022