Wednesday, April 24, 2013

May Gleaner 2013

Pastor's Notes
I guess you could say that we’re in the middle of the Easter season since this coming Sunday is the 5th Sunday of Easter and Pentecost is going to be celebrated and remembered May 19th. It’s spring but it doesn't feel like it today.  I know it is because last week was Great Plains Presbyterian Pilgrimage #13 at Calvin Crest Retreat Center in Fremont, NE...and it hailed, then it snowed. It really is springtime in the Missouri River Valley.
            So, I’ve just returned from pilgrimage and again God’s grace and love was evident as sisters and brothers in Jesus Christ greeted each other with hugs and slaps on the back, new friends were made, some delicious meals were devoured in the camp dining hall (Connie and her gang are marvelous chefs), and worship and communion happened everyday. And some very great speakers shared God’s word and stories of how He has made a difference in how they live their lives today. We heard 13 or 14 talks over the 3 days of pilgrimage. We do have to take notes so we can remember all that was least I do.
            Why am I telling you this? Well, to be honest sometimes I don’t feel God’s presence or his joy in my work days...but then I go to pilgrimage and He’s just there. It’s hard to explain but He really is there in the faces and the hearts of everyone, the team, the guests, the Calvin Crest staff, even Bob’s dog is filled with the Spirit. Don’t believe me, then come see me, get an application and go as my guest. I’d be glad to sponsor you. One caveat though, you might come home weighing more than when you first arrived. The food is that good. There are calories in that Spirit-filled food. What can I say.
            With that being said Pentecost is just around the corner. I invite you all to come to worship wearing red that Sunday as we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit.
We talk about God’s grace as a gift and sometimes forget that Jesus told the disciples God would be sending them...and us, an Advocate, the Holy Spirit, to interpret the Word and remind us of all He said. We forget that when we’re struggling to understand what we’ve read in God’s word. The Spirit is right there to help us understand. The Spirit is right beside us, within us, within our friends, even within your pastor, even when he can’t feel his Presence, the Spirit’s there. In fact the Spirit helps in the composition of these notes.
I can’t explain how it all happens other than to tell you what Jesus said. He said he was sending His Spirit; I believe His word. And I’ve seen evidence of His Presence at pilgrimage.
My hope and prayer is that more folks want to experience the joy of being filled with the Spirit and will come and see and be blessed with God’s grace either here or at pilgrimage.
As we tell each other at pilgrimage, “God loves you my sisters and brothers, and so do I.” God’s grace and peace be with you today and always.
Pastor David

Presbyterian Women
Presbyterian Women will honor our 2013 high school seniors; Jessica Helms, Lauren Sievers, Courtland Griffith and Chris Guthery on Wednesday, May 1nd in the church dining room at 4:00.  All Presbyterian women are welcome to attend as is anyone from our church family who might be interested.  Please rsvp if you plan to attend.

I didn’t make it to the gym today.  That makes 63 years in a row.

Guest Day/Mother’s Day Breakfast
Wednesday, May 1st, from 8:30-10:00 AM, Peace United Church is hosting a May Day Breakfast.

I’ve learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way he/she handles these three things:  a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights
Maya Angelou
GRADUATION – Walnut High School Graduation will be Sunday, May 19 at 2:00.
Jessica Helms would like to invite everyone to her celebration at The American Legion Hall at 4:00 that day.

An old man told his grandson, “You know, back in the old days, you could go to the store with a dollar
and get a loaf of bread, a dozen eggs and a watermelon.  You can’t do that today.  There’s just way
too many surveillance cameras.”

Thank-you to Kathy Hansen for decorating the church basement for our Easter Brunch and  providing all the prizes for children and adults.  Also, thank-you to Kathy for the Earth Day gifts.
BIG thank-you to Jim McDermott and Greg Mertz  for leading worship and giving the message while Pastor David was gone on Pilgrimage.

Imperfect people,
Forming an imperfect family,
Serving a perfect

Antique Walk Food Stand
June 14th-16th will be the Antique Walk.  The work schedule will be in the June Gleaner. 

Wrinkled was not one of the things I wanted to be when I grew up.

June Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers:  Steve & Michelle Sunderman, Betty Sunderman
Communion Servers: Jim Tooley-chm, Betty Sunderman, Barb Eslick & Dennis Jensen

Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world.  Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.

                                                Flowers for May
                                      May 5------------Linda Ploen
                                      May 12---------- Linda Ploen
                                      May 19---------- Barb Eslick
                                      May 26-----------Barb Eslick

          Piglet:  “How do you spell love?
          Pooh:  “You don’t spell it, you feel it.”

Session Minutes
  April 9, 2013

The session of Walnut First Presbyterian Church met in regular session on April 9, 2013 at 7 pm in the Sunday School south annex.  Session members present were: Linda Ploen, Jim McDermott, Kathy Hansen, Cathy Shutters, Greg Mertz and Jim Tooley.  Absent were: Jack Ploen, Allan Sievers, Michelle and Mike Mertz.

Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer and reflection from John 15:1-8.  The lesson was entitled Resting In and Trusting Jesus.  We also watched a short video to reflect on.  We need to remember how much Jesus loves us!

The minutes of the March meeting were read and approved.

The treasurer’s report for February and March was approved as given.

The pastor’s report was approved as given.  David traveled 28 miles this month.  David asked for permission to perform the wedding for Dana Blum on June 1, 2013 and the wedding of Amy Sandbothe and Josh Thomas on September 21st at our church.  Permission was so given.  Permission was also given to accept Eldon Ranney as a member of our congregation through reaffirmation of faith.  His original membership was with First Presbyterian Church of Red Oak, Iowa.

Stewardship and Mission
Kathy Hansen reported on several mission opportunities for our church.  “Help A Hero” provides tooth brushes, toothpaste, powdered drinks etc. for our servicemen.  “The Great Truck Haul” provides hygiene kits and clean up buckets for disaster aid through the Presbytery.  We also have the opportunity to have missionaries from Nicaragua come and speak to us between May 10-19.  David will look into this.

Christian Education
Sunday School is going well.  They are using the curriculum “Holy Moly” and continue to use the video equipment.

We will have elder training after worship on Sunday.  The Sunday School will be hosting a “Silly Supper” after the Saturday Contemporary service on April 27th at 5:30.  It’s open to everyone and should be a fun evening.

Finance and Property
Jim M. read reports from Edward Jones and DuPaco.  We also discussed the adhoc committee that will be meeting soon to discuss our financial investments and building repair priorities.  David reported that he filed our corporate biennial report.  Jim Tooley is the contact person for the Corporate Board.

New Business
PMRV presbytery meeting will be April 27, 11-3 at Red Oak First Presbyterian Church.

The meeting was closed with The Lord’s Prayer.

The next meeting will be May 14, 2013 at 7 pm.

Linda Ploen
Clerk of Session

~ May 2013 ~


May Breakfast
Peace Haven 8:30-10
Pres. Women 2:00
Choir 7:00

Jason Ploen


9:00 Worship
10:15 Sunday School
11:00 Peace Haven
Sam Shirley
Brandi Wittrock
Nora Andersen


Salem Lutheran 9:00 AM

Courtney Griffith

Erin Shannon


Gene Eblen
9:00 Worship
10:15 Sunday School

Daniel Nelson Lectures 9:30 AM
Allen House 11:00
Session 7:00

Mike Shutters
Darren Tooley
Jared Ploen


Evening worship at Peace Haven, 7 PM

Charles Walter

Brian/Megan Anderson
9:00 Worship
10:15 Sunday School

High School

Linda Woltmann

Golden Oldies

Evalyn Popp

Jason/Shannnon Wood

5:30 Worship
Silly Supper following

Karley Helms
9:00 Worship
10:15 Sunday School
Linda Ploen
Todd/Darla Ehlers

Avoca Nursing 2:00

Connie Jensen
Dalton Green

Red Cross bloodmobile here 11:30 AM-5:30 PM

May Ushers – Chuck & Linda Ploen, George Mertz & Alice Richter
May Communion Servers – Linda Ploen – chm, Chuck Ploen, Kathy Hansen, George Mertz