Tuesday, December 27, 2011

January Gleaner 2012

Christmas is past. The Baby has been born. A star has been seen in the east. The Magi are coming. Slowly the darkness is being driven back…but people are still waiting, still searching for a Savior.
Waiting, some days it seems like all we do is wait. Waiting for the post office to open, waiting for the bakery to open, waiting for the newspaper to be delivered, waiting for the repairman to come, waiting for someone to call us back on the phone, waiting in the doctor’s or the dentist’s office. So much time spent waiting.

The people in Jesus’ day were waiting for a Messiah. They’d been waiting for hundreds of years. And then he came and they didn’t receive him.
Today people are still waiting, waiting for the Messiah to return. Then the world was in darkness; people were living under the oppression of the Romans. Is the world any better today? I don’t think so.

Oppressed people are still looking for a Savior to deliver them from slavery. The people in the Sudan, the Congo, Malawi, Madagascar, China, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, and Syria are living in less than ideal conditions. Some are being killed because they’re different; some are dying because they don’t have clean water or any food. Some are being persecuted because they are Christian; some are persecuted because they’re Shi’ite or Sunni or Hindu or Buddhist.

People living among us are oppressed too. The economy, work, alcoholism, drugs, unscrupulous bosses and landlords, poor health…keep some of our brothers and sisters from experiencing the joy of living that we enjoy.

During the Christmas season there is an emphasis on giving--giving to the food pantry, the angel tree, the homeless shelters, and traveler’s aid. Then the season of giving is past and we forget that the need for assistance hasn’t gone away. Our neighbors still need food, rent money, and a friend, a little light to brighten their day.

As we enter this new year let’s not forget our brothers and sisters. The food pantry will still need cans of food, the Good Guys will still be called to help with rent, or utilities or gas for travel, and folks will still need a room for the night or a meal or a tank of gas to get them home. God has given us plenty so we can help others.

Jesus came into our world and lived a servant life. He came so that we could have life. He sends us out everyday to serve in His place. Ask the Spirit to show you who He would have you serve today.

Friends, as we enter the season of Epiphany may the light of Christ brighten our world and those we are called to serve.

God’s grace and peace be with you all,
Pastor David

Sunday School Christmas Program

What a wonderful program was presented to the congregation December 18th.
The Three Kings from Orient AR (Arkansas) found the true way home with the help
of all the children.

Food Pantry
Pastor David and Linda helped box up food at the food pantry on December 17th for low income folks in our community. They were then picked up (or delivered) in Walnut.
Pastor David delivers any food (or hygiene products) that are dropped off at church to the Food Pantry on Mondays.

Huge thank-you to Robin Tooley for organizing and directing our Christmas Program. Cathy Shutters, Bonnie Holtz, Pastor David and Dave Heilig were all a big help also.

Thank-you to Denny Jensen for putting up the outside Nativity Scene.

Thank-you to Gloria Myers for decorating the sanctuary.

Thank-you to Chuck and Linda Ploen for decorating the urns outside.

Thank-you to Pastor David and Linda for buying and bagging the fruit and candy for the children and shut-ins (and Pastor David for delivering them).

Thank-you to Margo Matthies and Linda Ploen for volunteering to be in charge of the
“Angel Tree” again this year. Margo, Linda and the youth group wrapped the gifts before
they were picked up at our church on Dec. 17th.

Pastor David and Linda would like to thank everyone for the Christmas cards and gifts they received. You all are very special.

Golden Oldies
No Golden Oldies in January. February’s meal will be at St. Mary’s.

Congratulations to Dave and Mary Ellen Woltmann. They will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary January 7th with an open house at church from 2-4 PM.

Poinsettias given to the church to beautify the sanctuary this Christmas Season:
Donor Family In Memory of
Linda (Mrs. Bud) Namanny
Steve, Michelle & Betty Sunderman Darrell & Sam Sunderman, Joe &
Dorothy Beckendorf
Steve & Marie Livengood John & Twyla Bero
Barb Eslick Bill Eslick
Joe & Jeanie Schmitt Herb & Marie Mertz
Ross & Jean Bornholdt Laurie Bornholdt
Chuck & Linda Ploen Marge Ploen & Melissa Manhart
George Mertz Mertz Family
Leo Rechtenbach Jeanette Rechtenbach
Julie Nash Ryan Nash
Maxine Nash Ryan Nash
Larry & Charlotte Shepherd Family & Friends
Presbyterian Women (three plants) Church family & friends

Basket of greenery given by Gloria Myers, Ed & Katie Myers & Ross, Tina & Xavier Gregory in memory of Jean & Louis Myers.

February Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Charles & Gloria Walter, Greg & Michelle Mertz Communion Servers: Jack Ploen-chm., Greg & Michelle Mertz & Charles Walter. January ushers and communion servers are at bottom of calendar.

Per Capita
Every Presbyterian church is required to send a per capita payment to the Missouri River
Valley Presbytery. This is based on the membership of the church. Our per capita payment
is $3,967.48. This is based on our membership (127) at $31.24 per member. We again ask
each member to pay their own per capita beyond what you have pledged (if you are able).
Whatever you give helps our church stay within the budget.

Annual Meeting
The annual Congregational Church Meeting will be January 22nd. Sunday School will be at
9:00, Church at 10:30 with the meal and then the meeting. As in past years this is the time for
us to bring gifts to the church (paper towels, toilet paper, janitorial supplies, etc).
Meat will be provided at our lunch, please bring a covered dish or dessert.

Session Minutes

December 13, 2011
The session of Walnut First Presbyterian Church met in regular session on December 13th at 7 p.m. in the Sunday School south annex. Those in attendance were: Dennis Jensen, Robin Tooley, Margo Matthies, Linda Krueger, Jim McDermott and Linda Ploen. Absent were: Jack Ploen, Bonnie Holtz, Jim Tooley and Ty Johnk.

Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer and scripture from Joshua 10: 12-14 and a reflection entitled “All We Can Do Is Pray?”

The minutes of the November meeting were read and approved.

The treasurer’s report was approved as given.

Pastor David’s report was given and approved

Linda Ploen reported on several items of correspondence she had received. She received notice that the minimum wage for full time lay pastors has been set for $34,112 (that is $112 over what we had put in our budget), and $853 for continuing education. It was moved and 2nd to pay David the said amount. Motion carried. Linda also received notice for our General Mission pledge, and a report that our per capita will be $31.24 per member this year. There were no deaths or membership changes.

Stewardship and Mission
Linda Krueger reported that the Joy offering will be received on December 18th. Linda and David will get the fruit and candy for the Christmas baskets for senior members and Christmas candy sacks for the children. It was moved and 2nd to give Christmas gifts to church volunteers. Motion carried.

Christian Education
Robin reported that there will be a family game night at the church on the 3rd Saturday of each month. It’s open to all ages for an evening of family fun. Youth group went well and was well attended.

Communion was served to 8 residents at Peace Haven on December 4th. Linda Krueger served as elder. David also served communion to 50 residents at Salem Lutheran Homes. Saturday evening worship has been going well. This month it will be on December 24th at 10:00. It will be a candle light service. Our January Saturday service will be on January 28th at 5:30.

Finance and Property
Christmas decorations are up. The 2012 budget was amended during the Clerk’s report. The volume control for the basement sound is in, but we still need the microphone holders for upstairs.

David passed out Pastor Evaluation sheets to each elder and encouraged everyone to fill them out. David asked for vacation time from January 30, 2012 to February 27, 2012. It was moved and 2nd to allow this. Motion carried. He will be gone for Ash Wednesday so he will contact the Peace Church about this. There will be no session meeting in February.

New Business
The Congregational meeting will be January 22nd. Worship will be at 10:30 and Sunday School at 9:00 that Sunday. There will be a noon meal following the church service with the meeting beginning at 1:00 p.m. David asked that all annual reports be turned in by January 16th. David read a letter from Kevin Keaton, Executor of Presbytery, about his retirement. Retiring elders are Dennis Jensen, Robin Tooley and Bonnie Holtz. The nominating committee is Dennis Jensen, Chuck Ploen and Greg Mertz.

The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Next meeting will be January 10, 2012 at 7:00 p.m.

Clerk of Session
Linda Ploen