Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Gleaner May 2009

Pastor’s Notes
Last week you all know that I again served the guests whom God invited to the Great Plains Presbyterian Pilgrimage #5. I was a guest myself at #2 and have served guests in different capacities at each pilgrimage ever since. You might say that I have become addicted to being filled with God’s spirit about every 6 months.
Just so you know I’m not the only one; we have people who have attended every one of the Great Plains Pilgrimages and they come from Michigan and North Carolina. One person has served at 39 Presbyterian Pilgrimages. I can’t say if I will ever serve on that many but I can tell you I will continue to serve here as long as I am able. I serve because it seems as if God does something else that fills me with amazement every time I go. Friends, that’s a good thing, believe me. I’m beginning to understand why Peter wanted to stay on top of the mountain with Jesus.
God speaks to us in so many different ways. I was a table facilitator this time which basically meant that I had to ask questions to keep the discussion moving after listening to each of the 14 talks that were given. It was truly an honor to sit at a table with so many different and interesting people. One of the guests at our table had actually heard God’s voice speak. That’s right she heard his voice in her ear. Now that’s just plain amazing. And who are we to doubt that He could do that just because we haven’t been spoken to?
Anyway it was a great week and I plan on going back in October and will serve wherever God would have Joyce Serenil put me.
If you haven’t been to a Great Plains Presbyterian Pilgrimage or a Cursillo or a Walk to Emmaus or a Via de Cristo or a Koinonia then I would pray that you check out this website at Click on the Pres Pilgrimage link in the left hand column. You will find information about Pilgrimage and an application form. If you would like to know more come and see me in my office or at home. Believe you will not be sorry you attended.
So I’ve come back excited to be doing the work God gives me to do each day. Oh there are times it’s not that exciting but its still God’s work and that’s cool.
Friends, as I said at worship this morning we have three statements that give us a very good idea about what we should be doing. They are the Great Commission, the Great Commandment, and the Great Ends of the Church. Check out if you want to know more.
This week I read something that really hit home. It may have been a quote from someone, I can’t remember, but it said something like, “Our minds are shaped by what we read.” As I gave that some thought I realized they may be right.
Right now besides spending time in God’s Word I have been reading a book titled, ­Jesus For President, by Shane Claiborne and Chris Haw. I’m not sure I agree with everything they wrote but it sure has me rethinking the world we live in today and the way Jesus told us to live.
So, as I said this morning, if you want to hear God speak to you, read. First, spend time in the Word and then spend time praying and listening. And also read some contemporary books from the theologians authoring books today. There is so much to learn and so little time.
Jesus could come before I have this finished. He could arrive before you finish reading this. Are you ready? Friends, God loves you and so do I.
Pastor David


To the family of Lorene Sieck (87) who passed away April 7th.

To the family of Isabelle McAvoy (97) who passed away April 6th.

Thank-you to the “Easter Brunch Ladies” for the delicious food and charming decorations. Pam Nielsen, Paula Griffith, Teri & Les Abel and Bobby McDermott worked together to provide the brunch for the congregation.

Thank-you to Jean Bornholdt for picking up the palm fronds for Palm Sunday

Thank-you to Leo Rechtenbach for putting a new lockset on the basement door.

Thank-you to the Presbyterian Women for providing the Easter Lilies for the sanctuary. Also Ross & Jean Bornholdt for the lilies in memory of Laurie.

The family of Isabelle McAvoy would like to thank everyone for their expressions of sympathy and to the ladies that provided the food for the wonderful luncheon after her service. They were a joy. Also, to Pastor Krueger, his many visits to Isabelle meant so much to her and his heartfelt words at her service meant so much to all of us.
The family of Isabelle McAvoy

Congratulations to Colin Shutters for being part of the Prom Royalty. He was the crown bearer at the ceremony.

June Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Steve & Michelle Sunderman, Betty Sunderman Communion Servers: Bonnie Holtz-chm, Betty Sunderman, Al & Dixie Schirm May ushers and communion servers are at bottom of calendar.

Peace Haven May Breakfast
You are invited to join the staff & residents of Peace Haven at their Annual May Day Breakfast.
The theme is “Tip Toe Through the Tulips.” Come check out the decorations and enjoy breakfast
of rolls & fruit from 8:30-10:00 am.

Sunday School
The Sunday School will be singing May 10th for the congregation. This will also be
their last Sunday for Sunday School until fall.

Flowers for Pulpit
May 3 -------Darlene Stuart
May 10------Darlene Stuart
May 17------Teresa Griffith
May 24------Linda Ploen
May 31------Linda Ploen

Upcoming Events
Bible School
---Peace UCC/First Presbyterian Vacation Bible School will be June 8-12 from 9:00 AM-11:00 AM at Peace United Church of Christ. The theme is “Kingdom of the Son” the Lord’s Prayer safari. The program will be held on Sunday June 14th during worship at Peace Church at 9:30 AM. We will not be having worship at our church that Sunday so we can attend.

May 10th Worship-The confirmation class is in charge of worship on this day. Come and see what they have planned. Worship is at 9 a.m.

Missouri River Valley Presbytery Meeting-First Presbyterian is hosting the MRV Presbytery meeting May 10, 5-7:30 p.m. No one can remember when, if ever, a Presbytery meeting was hosted in Walnut. The PW will be providing drinks and cookies in the basement prior to the meeting so if you would like to come and mingle please do.

Antique Walk—The Antique Walk week-end will be here before we know it. June 19-21 are the dates this year. We will not be having church services on Sunday the 21st because Pastor David will be gone Saturday and Sunday for his nephew’s wedding.

Shell, Wyoming Mission Trip-Chuck and Linda Ploen have been working at organizing a mission trip to help with the addition of a room to the historic church in Shell. The trip is planned for the first week in August. The group will be doing some finish work such as sanding, varnishing, and painting on the new addition as well as helping with some work on one of their member’s homes. A meeting is planned for April 29th at 6 p.m. at the church to discuss and plan the trip.

Session Minutes
April 14, 2009
The session of Walnut First Presbyterian church met in regular session on April 14, 2009 in the south Sunday School annex.
Those in attendance were: Darlene Stuart, Gloria Myers, Leo Rechtenbach, Linda Ploen, Jim McDermott, Bobbie McDermott, Robin Tooley and Bonnie Holtz. Absent were Valerie Sievers and Dennis Jensen.
Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer and a scripture reading from Matthew 24:34-35. As a reflection we discussed “What Do Presbyterians Believe?” David focused mostly on what we believe about the Bible.
The minutes of the March 10th meeting were read and approved.
The Treasurer’s report was approved as read.
The Pastor’s report was presented and approved. Pastor David traveled 401 miles this month, with communion served to 14 at Peace Haven.
There were two deaths reported in the Clerk’s report: Marian Pattie Taylor League died March 17, 2009 and was buried in Layton Township Cemetery; Isabelle Katherine Kness McAvoy died April 6, 2009 and was buried in Layton Township Cemetery.
Stewardship and Mission
Linda Ploen again reported on the mission trip to Shell, Wyoming. The Presbytery meeting will be held here at First Presbyterian in Walnut on May 19th from 5-7 p.m. David will give the welcome and Gloria Myers will give a short talk on our church history.
Christian Education
Gloria and Robin will meet with the Peace Church on April 15th to discuss Bible School plans. David reported that he had purchased bibles for the confirmation class. It was also moved and 2nd to allow David to purchase two books on Christian Education. Motion carried.
The confirmation class will conduct the worship service on May 10th, Mother’s Day.
Finance and Property
Leo has changed the door knob to the basement door. A date for spring cleaning was also discussed. We need to keep thinking about it, especially to spruce up the outside. We now have a wireless microphone installed. It was donated to us from Trinity Lutheran Church in Avoca, Iowa.
Darlene Stuart and Linda Ploen have consented to serve on the Community Assistance Program. David also reminded us to turn in our pastor evaluations.
New Business
David reported that CCMH Home Care/Hospice would be willing to provide an educational program about in home care, hospice, tobacco prevention/control, parents as teachers, volunteer services, and personal health improvement. We now have $5,842 in the Memorial Fund. Is there something we could do with this money? We also discussed Angel Food Ministries. It is a service for anyone, but especially meant for those on a limited income, to buy food at a reduced rate. Pick up sites are at Buck Creek and Marne United Methodist Church.
There will be a fun event for MRV Presbytery at Lake Manawa State Park on June 6th from 10:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. It will be potluck with pie contests, horseshoes, BBQ contests, games and activities for kids. David asked what we believe God wants to be this church’s focus this year, perhaps local mission. We also need to remember our members who are no longer able to attend because they are home bound or in nursing homes.
David closed with prayer and the Lord’s Prayer. He also read an interesting excerpt from the book “Jesus For President”.
Our next meeting will be May 12th at 7:00 p.m.
Linda Ploen
Clerk of Session