Saturday, September 25, 2010

October 2010 Gleaner

Pastor's Notes
I am going to try to talk about two different topics on this one page, one is the Peacemaking Offering that will be received October 3rd, World Communion Sunday, and the other is our giving to God’s church.

Why does the church receive a peacemaking offering on World Communion Sunday? World Communion Sunday began in 1936 after some pastors got together to pray and ponder what it was that unified people from all parts of the world. The United States was experiencing the Great Depression and people were worried about the instability in Europe.

They realized that in the Lord’s Supper all people come together to remember and celebrate the power of unity in Christ at the Lord’s Table. All Christians, no matter what nationality, what denomination, or what ethnic background, were one in Christ.
In the 70’s following the Vietnam War people were concerned about peace. Again a group of pastor’s gathered; 31 presbyteries sent overtures to the General Assembly, and a task force was created to study and prepare a report on peacemaking.

This task force came to the conclusion that peacemaking was central to the gospel and mission of the church. In 1980 after receiving a recommendation from the task force and deliberating on their recommendation something that had never been proposed before was done, 25% of the offering was to stay with the congregation, 25% would be used in the synods and presbyteries, and 50% would go to the newly formed Presbyterian Peacemaking Program. And so 30 years later the PCUSA continues to work for peace and receive an offering to fund this work.

My prayer is that you will prayerfully consider giving to this offering October 3 on World communion Sunday.

In the September issue of Presbyterians Today there was an article written by Karl Travis titled “Why We Give.”

That’s a good question and as I read I thought about why I give and what motivates others to give. Some would say they give to support the operation of the church where they worship and others might say it is to support the mission of the church. Both are good answers. The author took the position that our giving is, or should be, one of the spiritual disciplines.

Now before you stop reading and convince yourself that giving to the church isn’t a spiritual discipline listen to this. Turn in your Bibles to Matthew 6. In the first couple verses it says, “Beware of practicing your piety before others in order to be seen by them…So whenever you give alms, do not sound a trumpet before you as the hypocrites do…” Jesus continues this, “And whenever you pray…and whenever you fast…” The author warns the reader not to think this is just happenstance. In verse 21 Jesus concludes with, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

Karl Travis puts it this way, “Jesus says that if we want to trust that God will provide, we begin by trusting that God has already provided. Treasure first. Hearts follow. First we share, and in so doing we grow to care.”

Letters asking all of us for our pledges will be sent the first week of October. Please consider why you give and what it is that God is calling us to do as His church in Walnut.

The Presbyterians Today magazine will be lying on the table at the back of the sanctuary. I pray that you will pick it up and read the article on why we give before making your decision this year.

May God’s grace, joy, and peace be yours today and forever,
Pastor David

Thank-you to everyone who brought items for the Food Pantry. Items needed for October are: face soap, deodorant, paper products, canned peas, chili beans, canned tomatoes and canned fruit.

Missouri River Valley Fall Meeting (Pres. Women)
“God Will do Wonders-The Wonder of Hope”
October 23, 2010
United Church of Avoca
8:45 am Coffee & Registration
9:30 am Day Begins

Along with the meeting, every women’s group is asked to bring items for a “Baby Shower” to help pregnant and new mothers that are in need. If you would like to contribute bring your item(s) to the church by October 17th.

Items needed:
Diapers – all sizes Baby Monitors
Thermometers Baby books
Orajel night lights
Vaporizers Pack-n-Play
Carbon Monoxide Detectors Crib bedding – sheets and
Smoke Alarms mattress pad
Outlet Covers washcloths
Security Gate
Car Seats – infant, convertible and High Back Boosters

---- to Al and Dixie Schirm on the birth of their great-grandson Kooper Jordan Krummel. Kooper is the son on Jordan and Mindy Krummel, and the grandson on Neil and Pam Schirm and Mike and Lesley Krummel.
--- to Chuck and Linda Ploen on the birth of their grandson, Noah Bradley Ploen. Noah is the son of Jason and Heather Ploen.

The annual Crop Walk was held at the Avoca Park on Sunday, Sept. 19th. Over twenty people participated and over $1,000 was donated. Thank-you to everyone that made a contribution.

Registration forms will be available October 15th at school or city hall for anyone that needs help providing Christmas gifts for their family members. Those forms will be due Nov. 11th (can be turned in at city hall or the school). The trees will be up at the Walnut library on Nov. 13th. The gifts must be turned in to Walnut Communications by Dec. 13th at 4:30 pm so that they can be wrapped on Dec. 14th. They will be picked up on December 18th. Questions: contact Linda Ploen or Margo Matthies

Party - Party
The Sunday School is having a “Harvest Party” on October 24th from 2-4. All children from Pre-K – 6th grade are invited. Robyn Tooley and the Sunday School teachers are busy making plans for a fun time.
“Fall Gathering” - On October 27th the Jr. High – Senior High youth are having a pizza, pop, game night.

November Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Jim and Bobbi McDermott and Teri Abel & Shannon Griffith
Communion Servers: Bobbie McDermott-chm, Leo Rechtenbach, Larry & Charlotte Shepherd. October ushers and communion servers are at bottom of calendar.

Flowers for Pulpit
October 3-------Mabel Stahl
October 10------ Jeanette Rechtenbach
October 17 ------Bobbie McDermott
October 24 ------Janet Grush
October 31-------Mary Ellen Woltmann

Presbyterian Women
On September 1st the Presbyterian Women toured the Eagle Monuments in Pottawattamie County. Towns visited were Minden, Neola, Underwood, Crescent, Carter Lake, Treynor, Carson, Oakland, and Hancock.

Lunch was enjoyed at “The Rose” in Treynor. Special thanks to our drivers Larry Shepherd and Robert Stuart.

The next meeting will be October 6th at 12:30. At 2:00 we will have “Guest Day”
with a program on “Floral Design”.

Walk of Honor Veterans’ Memorial Plaza Dedication
Walnut, Iowa
Mark your calendars for October 24th at 2:00 pm to attend the dedication ceremony for the new Veterans’ Memorial. It is located near the entrance to Veterans’ Memorial Park. The Monument has been built by the generous donations of the citizens of Walnut, the County Board of Supervisors and others that are thankful to those that have given us the ability to walk in freedom.

Session Minutes
September 14, 2010

The session of Walnut First Presbyterian Church met in regular session on September 14, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in the Sunday School south annex. Those in attendance were Jim and Bobbie McDermott, Linda Ploen, Robin Tooley, Linda Krueger, Jim Tooley, Dennis Jensen and Margo Matthies. Absent were Bonnie Holtz and Val Sievers.

Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer and an interactive scripture and reflection entitled “The Feather Script.”

The minutes of the August 10th meeting were read and approved.

The Treasurer’s report was given and approved. It was moved and 2nd to cash in a Rolling Hills CD for $26,000 due October 10th and put $10,000 in general savings for expenses and put $16,000 back into a CD. Motion carried.

The pastor’s report was reviewed. Pastor David traveled 210 miles and served communion to six. We will also need a pulpit supply for October 24th, as Pastor David will attend Great Plains Presbyterian Pilgrimage.

There was no clerk’s report. There were no deaths or membership changes.

Stewardship and Mission
Linda Krueger reported that the pledge cards have been ordered and will be sent out the first part of October.

Christian Education
Robin reported that Sundae Sunday went well and 20 kids were in attendance for Sunday School.

We approved a request to allow the Sunday School kids to have a Halloween party.

As per an O. K. from an elder, the Bluefish TV youth Bible Study was ordered and received.
David stated that there will be a joint confirmation meeting with parents in Avoca on September 26th. We have the possibility of four youth from our church attending.

A motion was made and 2nd to accept the Peacemaking offering on World Communion Sunday. Motion carried.

Communion was served to 9 residents at Peace Haven on September 5th and to Leo and Jeanette Rechtenbach. Jim Tooley was the attending elder.

World Communion Sunday is October 3rd. There will be a celebration of Christ and our peace.

Advent begins on November 28th.

It was also announced that Darlene Stuart will be retiring as choir director, so there will be no weekly choir. (Perhaps the choir will sing once a month or on holidays.) It was also moved and 2nd to raise the pay for substitute musicians to $20. Motion carried.

Finance and Property
Robin will talk to Shannon Griffith to get his opinion and advice on new visual and audio equipment.

Jim Tooley reported that Benson Church has ten dark colored pews they want to get rid of. They are free if we come get them. No action taken.

Also discussed was updating the front of the sanctuary. No action taken.
No action

New Business
David reported on the Presbytery meeting held on August 27 & 28. There were many interesting topics discussed including the Board of Pensions, a commissioned team to Nicaragua and the mission of Presbytery which was a challenge to all congregations to increase our mission giving by ½ of 1 percent. For us it would by an additional $150.

The community emergency Response Team training scheduled for the last 2 weeks of October will not be attended by anyone in our congregation, but we will do some things for our own church like putting up signs for fire extinguishers, escape plans, etc.

The Stephen Ministry workshop at Covenant Presbyterian Church in Omaha will be October 2, 9-1 p.m.

The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

The next meeting will be October 12th at 7:00 p.m.

Linda Ploen Clerk of Session