Friday, December 24, 2010

January 2011 Gleaner

Pastor’s Notes
Another year is coming to a close. As I look back over the last year I am filled with wonder at what God accomplishes working through us. Our Food Pantry in Avoca is able to serve the people in the surrounding communities without having to draw from the Omaha Food Bank very much. There are many “angels” in our community who keep putting bags of groceries in the basket at the back of the church for me to deliver to Roberta at the Food Pantry. Because of what you do people who are our neighbors are able to eat a nutritious meal without worrying where the next bite is going to come from.

As you’ll read in this newsletter every angel was taken from the Angel Tree in the library and families who are struggling financially were able to put gifts under their Christmas tree. It’s all worth it when you see the joy on their faces as they pick up the wrapped presents. Many cannot believe that there are people willing to do this for them.

This year United Church of Avoca and First Presbyterian of Walnut are working together to provide confirmation classes for 12 students, 4 from First Pres and 8 from UCA. And let me tell you it is a real blessing to be with these young people.

Again this year we were blessed with a wonderful Sunday School Christmas program. I don’t know how Robin, Cathy, and Bonnie do it but it all comes together and it is a joy to behold. A lot of the thanks goes to the parents who see that their children are there for Sunday School every Sunday. It’s so great to hear the sounds of children’s voices as they come to church and Sunday school. God has blessed us with these young ones. It’s also an awesome responsibility for those who provide for their Christian Education.

I just happened to mention one Sunday about Castelar Presbyterian Church needing hats, mittens, and scarves and before the day was over I had already received a bag full of winter wear. Then another bag showed up and then Walmart called and donated a $50 gift card. Rev. Lyle Franzen was very pleased to receive these gifts.

A few folks have taken the responsibility of hosting a monthly youth night at our church. We are doing a study by Max Lucado called “Made to Make a Difference.” Of course we are providing good food and games along with the study. There were 14 at the first month’s gathering and 10 went bowling with us in December. Keep these folks and the youth in your prayers.

These are just a few of the things God been doing using the hands and feet of the people in this church. Friends, he isn’t done yet so I hope you are prepared for what he has planned for this year. Just as no one knows when the Lord will return none of us really knows what God may ask us to do for him this year.

So, please pray for God’s church and if He reveals a mission task to you let us know how we might join you in His work. Friends, keep praying for God’s grace and guidance as we seek to do his bidding.

Merry Christmas and blessings for a Happy New Year,
Pastor David

Sunday School Christmas Program
Again I say WOW! WOW! WOW! What a wonderful program the children (and adults) put on for us. Robin Tooley and Cathy Shutters did a marvelous job (along with help from Bonnie Holtz and Jim McDermott). It’s always amazing to me how chaotic practice is and Robin somehow pulls it all together for the performance.

Poinsettias given to the church to beautify the sanctuary this Christmas Season:
Steve and Marie Livengood – two plants --- John and Twyla Bero
Jim Tooley Jan Tooley
Betty, Steve & Michelle Sunderman Darrell & Sam Sunderman
Joe & Dorothy Beckendorf
Ross & Jean Bornholdt Laurie Bornholdt
Maxine Nash Ryan Nash
Jean Schmitt Herb & Marie Mertz
Presbyterian Women – three plants------------Church family & friends
Chuck & Linda Ploen Margie Ploen & Melissa Manhart
Barb Eslick Bill Eslick
Margo Matthies Bill Sievers
David & Linda Krueger David's parents, Linda's dad
Leo Rechtenbach Jeannette Rechtenbach
Basket of greenery on piano given by Gloria Myers, Ed & Katie Myers, Tina, Ross & Xavier Gregory in memory of Jean & Louis Myers

Golden Oldies
Every third Tuesday of the month, at 11:30 AM, a group of seniors meet for food and fellowship at a church in Avoca or Walnut. The cost of the meal is $3 and you must call in your reservation to the church on the Monday before so that there is enough food.
January – St. Mary's, Avoca
February – Peace UCC, Walnut

Lights, Electricity
If you are in the church for any reason PLEASE turn off the lights and check the thermostat before you leave. There have been several times already this winter when the
heat has been turned up and the lights left on all night. It’s not the janitor (she’s very good about checking things before she leaves).

Needy people in our community could sign up for a box of food from the Good Guys.
On December 18th Pastor David packed up the boxes in Avoca and brought them to our church in Walnut where the recipients picked them up.
“Mission work can be done anywhere.”

Big, big thank-you to Robin Tooley, Cathy Shutters and Connie Jensen for all their work with the Sunday School Christmas program.

Thank-you to Linda Ploen for bagging all the fruit and candy for the children and Linda Krueger for bagging the goodies for our shut-ins.

Thank-you to Denny and Connie Jensen for putting up the outside Nativity Scene.

Thank-you to all the families that helped light the advent wreath this year.

Thank-you to Linda Ploen for the decorations in our flower urns outside.

Thank-you to Jean Bornholdt for the two wreaths she made for our outside doors.

Thank-you to Brinda Shirley for all she does for our church as our janitor. We have had quite a few funerals this year and that always means extra work for her.

Pastor David and Linda Krueger would like to thank everyone for the Christmas cards and gifts they received. We have much to be thankful for.

Walnut’s Angel Tree
Big, big thanks to Margo Matthies and Linda Ploen. They volunteered to be in charge of the “Angel Tree” this year, which provides gifts to needy people in our community. There were 70 “angels” on the tree this year and people from our little town provided gifts for them.

Margo and Linda wrapped them all (with help from Michelle & Kaitlyn Tooley and Sarah Ehlers).
“Mission work can be done anywhere.”

Per Capita
Every Presbyterian church is required to send a per capita payment to the Missouri
River Valley Presbytery. This is based on the membership of the church. Our per capita apportionment for this year is $29.95 per member. We are asking each member to pay their own per capita beyond what you have pledged if you are able. Whatever you give helps our church stay within the budget.

February Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Charles & Gloria Walter, Greg & Michelle Mertz
Communion Servers: Bonnie Holtz-chm., Greg Mertz, Michelle Mertz, Charles Walter

Flowers for January
January 9--------JoJane Walter
January 16-------Margo Matthies
January 23-------Willa Petersen
January 30-------Linda Krueger

Gifts for the Church
Annual Meeting
The annual Congregational Church Meeting will be January 23rd.. Sunday
School will be at 9:15, Church at 10:30, lunch and then the meeting. As in past
years this is the time for us to bring gifts to the church; gifts like paper items
(paper towels, etc), office supplies, and janitorial supplies. These gifts can be brought
to the church anytime.

Meat will be provided at our lunch, please bring a covered dish or dessert.

Session Minutes
December 14, 2010
The session of Walnut First Presbyterian Church met in regular session on December 14th at 7:00 p.m. in the Sunday School south annex. Those in attendance were: Linda Ploen, Jim McDermott, Dennis Jensen, Robin Tooley, Margo Matthies and Linda Krueger. Absent were: Bobbie McDermott, Bonnie Holtz, Jim Tooley and Val Sievers.

Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer, scripture from Matthew 1:18-25 and a reflection entitled “Angels Still Appear” from “Advent’s Alleluia to Easter’s Morning Light” by Ann Weems.

The minutes of the November 9th meeting were read and approved.

The treasurer’s report was given and approved.

The pastor’s report was read and approved. Pastor David traveled 448 miles this month, and conducted worship at Allen House, Peace Haven, Avoca Nursing and rehab and Salem Lutheran Home. It was moved and 2nd to allow David to take his 3 weeks of vacation that he didn’t take in 2010. He will be on vacation from February 2-27. He will also be attending Winter Pastor’s School in Hastings, Nebraska from January 31-February 3, 2011. Motion carried.

For the Clerk’s report, Linda Ploen read several letters from the Presbytery and also one on our 2011 per capita. John and Jill Woltmann have requested a membership transfer to New Horizon Presbyterian church in Council Bluffs. It was moved and 2nd to allow this. On November 14, 2010 David performed the baptism of Blake Allyson Wood, daughter of Shannon and Jason Wood. Blake was born on January 29, 2010.

Stewardship and Mission
We received a mission challenge letter from Andy Cook of Presbyter challenging us to increase our mission pledge by at least ½ of one percent.

Christian Education
Robin reported that we will be going Christmas caroling on December 19th at 6:00 for anyone wanting to go. David reported that confirmation is going well and the retreat at Camp Calvin Crest was great. We have four young people from our church attending classes. Our next youth night is scheduled for Sunday, January 9th at 5:00 followed by a spaghetti supper. We received an invitation for lunch for Christian Ed. on January 8th at Church of the Master. It was also moved and 2nd to renew our subscription to the Thoughtful Christian for $100. Motion carried.

Christmas Eve service will be December 24th at 10 p.m. Communion was served to ten residents at Peace Haven on December 5th. Linda Krueger was the serving elder.

Finance and Property
We reviewed and set the 2011 budget. It was moved and 2nd to accept the proposed budget. We were able to stay under the 2010 budget. The carpet cleaning was completed. The leaky faucet in the kitchen was repaired by Steve Griffin and Allan Sievers came and checked out some of our light problems. The Presbytery has set our per capita for 2011 at $29.95 per person. It was also moved and 2nd to approve the revised bid from Midwest Lighting and Sound for the new video and sound equipment. Motion carried.

New Business
The congregational meeting will be Sunday January 23rd. The nominating committee of Jim McDermott, Chuck Ploen and Greg Mertz need to find replacements for the retiring elders and also contact those currently filling volunteer positions.

The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Next meeting will be January 11th at 7:00 p.m.

Linda Ploen
Clerk of Session

Saturday, December 4, 2010

December 2010 Gleaner

One more church year has ended and another is beginning. Don’t you kind of wonder what God has planned for us this year? Or are you thinking that, maybe, this year might be the year that Jesus returns? Either way we are waiting for what comes next.

This season of Advent 2010 we are again waiting, waiting for the birth of the Christ child and waiting for Jesus to return and push back the darkness of this world.
What do you do when you waiting? I know some of us just sit and wait. But there are a few of us who just can’t abide being idle so we plan for such things. Some people have books or magazines with them and they read while they wait. Others who are waiting for something or someone work while they’re waiting.

So, if we think about waiting for Christ to return or for God to reveal his plan to us in that context then we have three options. We can sit quietly waiting or we can pick up our Bibles, either our old well-worn, old faithful one or a new study Bible, and read God’s word for us, or we could be out working for the Lord, doing whatever he has called us to do, while we wait for his return. Or, I guess we have a 4th option, we do a little bit of each.

We could spend time in quiet meditation/contemplation and we could read a prescribed study and we could, also, go out and do the work God has called us to do.

As you wait for what God has planned this coming new year what are you going to do?

The question for all of us is, “What are we going to do with the time God has given us?” Well, good friends, I believe that God has granted us the grace of his good gifts so that we can help others to come to know the love of Jesus as we do.

In this Advent season as we wait may we be blessed with God’s grace so that we are able to share his love with friends, family, neighbors, and those we haven’t been privileged to meet yet.
May you be filled with the joy and peace of Jesus as you wait,
Pastor David

Sunday School Christmas Program
The annual Sunday School Christmas program will be December 19th during worship at 9:00 AM. The title of this year’s program is “Bethlehem – Nothing Ever Happens”. Come and enjoy watching our youth (and adults) perform and sing for us. They will also be performing at Allen House in Atlantic on Dec. 22nd at 7:00 PM.

Fall Party
Wednesday, Oct. 27th Robin Tooley and Jim McDermott hosted a Fall Party
for youth in 7th-12th grade. Fourteen young people attended along with Bobbi McDermott, Chuck & Linda Ploen and Pastor David. They started a Bluefish Bible Study, played games (pumpkin bowling!) and enjoyed good food. Their next meeting will be a bowling party on Wednesday, December 1st (meet at church at 6:45) in Harlan (Atlantic has league bowling on Wed.) along with the Bible Study.

Eli Holtz bobbing for apples in jell-o water at Fall Party. Also in picture: Ty Johnk, Michael Mertz, Robin Tooley and Tori Bruck.

I heard the bells on Christmas Day
Their old, familiar carols play,
And wild and sweet the words repeat
Of peace on earth, good will to men!
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The Food Pantry needs names, addresses, phone #’s & number of people in the family by Dec. 6th for food boxes for people in need. The boxes will need to be picked up by the client on Dec. 18th between 9-10AM at our church. Help is always needed to fill the boxes. Meet at the United Church in Avoca at 7:30 AM on Dec. 18th if you can help.

Thank-you to EVERYONE for making the Fall Supper/Bazaar a success. Teri Abel was
the winner of the drawing for Dixie Schirm’s afghan.

Golden Oldies
The Golden Oldies will be meeting at 12:00 at Peace Haven for lunch. If you are planning on attending please call 784-3709 by Dec. 14th for reservations.

On Sunday, Nov. 14th Pastor David baptized Blake Allison Wood, sister of Devin Wood, daughter of Jason and Shannon Wood, granddaughter of Dennis and Connie Jensen. Sponsors for Blake were Samantha and Jolene Jensen, daughters of Dustin and Cindy Jensen and Tory Bruck, daughter of Jay and Kami Bruck. Singing before the baptism were Cindy, Samantha and Jolene Jensen, Kami and Tory Bruck, Julie Nash and Pastor David Krueger.

Walnut’s Angel Tree
Friends, there is an Angel Tree located in the Walnut Public Library where you will find “Angels” decorating a Christmas tree. These “Angels” have gift suggestions written on them for special people in the community who will not be able to experience Christmas like the rest of us without the help of Walnut’s Angels. If you are able and would like to make someone else’s Christmas something special please stop in and pick and “Angel” from the Angel Tree and buy the gift noted on the “Angel.” Then return the numbered item with the “Angel” to the Walnut Communications office in Walnut by December 13th.

Thank you for thinking of others this Christmas season. May God bless you and yours as you have helped to bless others.
Margo Matthies & Linda Ploen

Poinsettias will be placed in the sanctuary in memory of family and friends who have passed on. Please let me know who your poinsettia is in memory of.

January Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Dennis Jensen, Dustin Jensen, Allan & Diana Sievers Communion Servers: Dennis Jensen-chm., Allan Sievers, Linda Ploen, Linda Woltmann. December ushers and communion servers are at bottom of calendar.

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A lot of people like snow. I find It to be an unnecessary freezing Of water-Carl Reiner

January Flowers
January 2 ----- Jo Jane Walter
January 9 ----- Margo Matthies

Session Minutes
November 9, 2010
The session of Walnut First Presbyterian Church met in regular session on November 9, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in the Sunday School south annex. Those in attendance were: Linda Ploen, Dennis Jensen, Robin Tooley, Bonnie Holtz, Linda Krueger, and Jim Tooley. Absent were: Jim and Bobbie McDermott, Val Sievers and Margo Matthies.

Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer and a reflection on hope, based on scripture from Luke 20:27-33.

The minutes of the October 12th meeting were read and approved.

The treasurer’s report was given and approved.

The pastor’s report was read and approved. Pastor David traveled 92 miles this month. Communion was served to 9 residents at Peace Haven. David will be attending a Transformational coaching training at Calvin Crest on November 16-17 and he will be going with the confirmation classes from Walnut and Avoca on a retreat to Calvin Crest on November 12-13. There is a Presbytery meeting at Westminster in Clarinda on November 20th.

Linda Ploen reported that our church books were reviewed and they were OK. She also read a letter from the Presbytery asking that our elders try to attend more Presbytery meetings.

There were two deaths this month. Tom Fell on October 16th with burial at Layton Twp. Cemetery, and Jeanette Rechtenbach on October 19th. There was no interment at this time.

Stewardship and Mission
Pledge cards were dedicated on Sunday November 7th.

Christian Education
Confirmation will begin on Saturday, December 11 from 8-12 at our church. The class will go on a retreat to Calvin Crest on November 12 & 13. Robin reported that 30 children attended the Harvest party at church and 14 youth and 5 adults attended the youth group gathering. The youth group will be going bowling on December 1st in Harlan. We will meet at the church at 6:45. December 19th will be the Sunday School Christmas program during worship service. Robin will also take the program to Allen House in Atlantic on December 22nd.

Communion was served to 6 residents at Peace Haven on November 7th. Bobbie McDermott was the serving elder. David served communion to 40 residents at Salem Home in Elk Horn. Advent will begin on November 28th.

Finance and Property
We reviewed the report and quote from Midwest Lighting and Sound. We decided to have them come to explain the quote. David will check with the Neola church to see how much their system cost. Dennis will talk to someone about fixing the leaky faucet in the kitchen, and fixing the light in the round window and our sign out front. We also need to clean gutters and the sidewalk. Jim Tooley reported that he had gotten quotes for cleaning our church carpets. It was moved and 2nd to accept the bid from “Classic Clark” from Atlantic.

New Business
We discussed Christmas gifts for church staff. It was approved to give cash gifts to Sunday School teachers and helpers, Sunday School Superintendent, Janitor, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, and clerk of session, our pianist and choir director, and Pastor David. Linda Ploen will get the candy for the children at church on December 19th. David and Linda will get for our senior members. Perhaps the youth group could put these together and deliver them if we can go Christmas caroling. Next on the agenda was the budget for 2011. We discussed increasing our mission giving. We will review the budget next month.

The meeting was closed with prayer.

Next meeting will be December 14th, 2010 at 7:00.

Linda Ploen
Clerk of Session

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

November 2010 Gleaner

Pastor’s Notes
Last night I arrived back home, after being away at Great Plains Presbyterian Pilgrimage for 5 days. I came back renewed and literally filled to overflowing with the God’s Spirit and his love.
When I come back from Pilgrimage I find that it’s impossible for me not talk about it. We listen to 14 talks about God’s grace and how to live in God’s grace. Not all the talks are given by pastors so it isn’t like listening to a preacher talk all the time. Eight of the talks are given by lay people and six are given by pastors. It’s not preaching.

This was my 7th Pilgrimage and it was even better than the last one. I am constantly amazed at how God accomplishes things, how he works in and around us to achieve this plan he has for us and his world. It is his world since he created it.
People come as God’s guests, and most of them don’t know each other, and then they leave as members of a growing family. They become sisters and brothers. They leave knowing that God truly loves them.

Wouldn’t you like to have that feeling? Wouldn’t you like to go somewhere and come away knowing deep in your heart that you are loved, by God and everyone of your new sisters and brothers?

That’s one of the reasons I keep going back, to be filled up again with God’s love. The other reason is so that I can serve God by serving others. You see every team member is working the whole weekend to make this the best experience these guests have ever had. And we get by on not much sleep. But it’s worth it.

Do you feel God’s love for you? Do wake up every day knowing that you are loved? Do you share that love with those you meet as you go through your day?
In the gospel of John chapter 15 Jesus talks about a vineyard in which his Father is the Farmer taking care of the vineyard. Jesus is the Vine and everyone who is touched by his Spirit is the branches. The branches are fed by the Vine. They are all cared for and tended by the Farmer, God.

Friends, we are all branches. We are connected to the Vine and nourished by the Vine. And sometimes the Farmer comes in and prunes off some of the dead branches that aren’t producing. It sounds harsh but it helps to get the dead branches out so more of the Light can shine through and the vines can produce a better crop.

Pilgrimage feeds this branch and it can feed yours. Talk to me if you would like to have your spirit renewed and your faith strengthened and get just a little closer to God.

God loves you my friends and so do I, Pastor David

In Memoriam
Tom Fell
March 21, 1921 – October 16, 2010

Tommy Newell Fell, son of Thomas and Bernice (Sewell) Fell, was born on March 21, 1921 at Emmetsburg, Iowa. He attended grade school in Emmetsburg and after his family moved to Walnut Tommy completed his education and graduated with the class of 1941.

After high school, Tommy enlisted into the U. S. Marines in Texas and then was transferred to the Merchant Marines in California where he served his country during World War II. On October 17, 1944, while on leave in Kansas City, Missouri, Tommy was united in marriage to Velma McDermott of Walnut, Iowa. To this union, four children were born: Jane, Jeff, Bill and Brett. After their marriage, Tommy continued his service for the Merchant Marines where after his discharge, he returned to Walnut and worked for the Northern Natural Gas Company. He went on to start a trucking and corn shelling business helping local farmers transporting livestock. He later expanded his trucking service to making longer trips to the east coast. He worked in Walnut for a Chevy car dealer as mechanic and when he discontinued trucking for a few years, he began driving school bus. At that time he also drove his portable grinder, used for grinding livestock feed for harmers. Tommy then drove three different cream and egg routes where he made trips throughout Shelby, eastern Audubon and eastern Pottawattamie counties.
Tommy returned to trucking this time hauling hanging/swinging hogs to California and returning to the Midwest with fresh produce. He drove for Ernie Hogeland for a few years then purchased Ernie’s freight company and operated it out of Walnut until his retirement in 1983. In the early 80’s, Tommy and Velma began spending winters in Texas where they met numerous couples and became longtime close friends. Tommy and Velma loved dancing and won several awards while dancing the waltz.

In 2003, Tommy became a resident of the Salem Lutheran Home in Elk Horn until July of 2004 when he moved to the Little Flower Haven Nursing Home in Earling, Iowa. It was here that he died having attained the age of eighty-nine years, six months and twenty-five days. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his granddaughter, Shari Fell, his brothers and sister: Clarence, Avery, George, Wilbur, Phil, Harold and Beverly Kiesel and his son-in-law Dale Dyson.

He is survived by his wife, Velma Fell of Walnut; his children: Jane Dyson of Carson; Jeff Fell and his wife Peggy of Walnut; Bill Fell and his wife Laurie of Avoca, Iowa and Brett Fell of Simla, Colorado; ten grandchildren; seven great grandchildren; nieces and nephews; other relatives and many friends

In Memoriam
Jeanette Joy Rechtenbach

February 25, 1935 – October 19, 2010

Jeanette Joy Rechtenbach was born on February 25, 1935 to James Donald and Annabell (Sturdy) Wight at their home in Adair County. She had two sisters Susan and Patsy, and one brother William Donald Wight. She attended country school at Prussa No. 7 and graduated from Greenfield High School with the class of 1953.

Jeanette had various jobs including secretarial, newspaper, and in an antique shop. She belonged to the Federated Women’s Club, the Presbyterian Church, and Eastern Star, for over 40 years she was a member of the Birthday Club and a card club.
On November 8, 1959 Jeanette was married to Leo Rechtenbach at the Presbyterian Church in Greenfield, Iowa

Jeanette was an artist. She enjoyed painting pictures, knitting and photography. She enjoyed reading books and magazines and watching her favorite television shows. She traveled on many trips, raised chickens, and rode horses. She ran a bed and breakfast for 7 years. However, she still made time to raise her children: Bobbie, Scott, Marc, and Eric. Jeanette also loved her dogs and cats, feeding the birds, and taking time to enjoy her flowers.

Jeanette died on October 19, 2010 having attained the age of seventy-five years, seven months, and twenty-four days. She is preceded in death by her parents, her baby daughter Earnest Ellen, her brother William, and brothers-in-law Paul Robison and David Darling.

She is survived by her husband Leo from Walnut, daughter Bobbie McDermott and husband Jim of Walnut, son Scott Rechtenbach of Hemingford, NE, son Marc Rechtenbach of Shelby, son Eric Rechtenbach and his wife Tamara of Dubuque, IA. Four grandchildren: Megan Andersen and her husband Brian of Omaha, NE, Nellie Popp and her husband Brian of Omaha, NE, Anna Rechtenbach of Dubuque, IA, Arron Rechtenbach of NE, and great-granddaughter Nora Andersen of Omaha: sisters Susan Robison of Kansas City, MO, and Patsy Mattas and her husband Bill of Des Moines, IA; brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, cousins, nieces, nephews, other family members and many dear friends.

Fall supper work schedule is included in this Gleaner. Please check to see your duties. The supper is Nov. 17th.

Mary Ellen will be picking up the turkeys for the annual dinner on November 13, 2010. They will in the church freezer. You can pick them up after church on Sunday or if you need them delivered please let me know.

This year the turkeys weigh between 16-18 pounds. Please thaw them before roasting and then cook them in a cooking bag. Deliver them to the church on the day of supper (November 17) by 3:30 to 4.

Thanks for all your help. Any questions you can call Mary Ellen at 712-784-3677.

Harvest Party
Robin Tooley hosted a Harvest party on October 24th. She had seven helpers and over thirty children attend. I wish you all could have seen the basement before the party. She had the tables full of so many fun activities that I know the children had a great time.

Stewardship Sunday
Stewardship Sunday is November 7th. Please bring your pledges to Church on or before that day.
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” Winston Churchill


Special thanks go out in this November (Thanksgiving) Gleaner to all our Church volunteers:
Sunday School teachers Robyn Tooley, Cathy Shutters, Bonnie Holtz, & Teresa Griffith Helpers: Sarah Ehlers & Kaitlyn Tooley
Choir Director Darlene Stuart
Piano Player Connie Jensen
Clerk of Session Linda Ploen
UPW President Charlotte Shepherd
Church Treasurers Robyn Tooley and Connie Jensen
Session Members
Flower Contributors
All workers at the Church Bazaar and Supper
All workers at the Antique Walk Food Stand

Thank-you! Thank-you! Thank-you!

There is still quite a bit of bacon for sale, $2.00 a package. Please write bacon on your check so Connie can get it in the right account.

November Food Pantry
Items needed in November at the Food Pantry are: soup crackers, cookies, cereal (she has cheerios & corn flakes), oatmeal, Kleenex, and chili beans

Congratulations to Bailey Nielsen for being inducted into Harlan School’s National Honor

December Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Ross & Jean Bornholdt, Craig & Linda Woltmann Communion Servers: Linda Krueger-chm, Jean Bornholdt, Jim McDermott, Craig Woltmann. November ushers and communion servers are at bottom of calendar.

Flowers for Pulpit
November 7 –Linda Woltmann
November 14- Gloria Walter
November 21- Charlotte Shepherd

Angel Tree
Reminder: The Angel Tree will be up at the Walnut Library November 13th.
Gifts (with Angel attached) need to be turned in to Walnut Communications by Dec. 13th. Questions: contact Margo Matthies or Linda Ploen

Poinsettias For Sale

The Music Parents will again be selling poinsettias to raise money for the WCS music program. If you would like to order call Teri Harmon at school 784-3615, or contact Charlotte Shepherd. The deadline for ordering is November 7th.

Session Minutes
October 12, 2010
The session of Walnut First Presbyterian Church met in regular session on October 12, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in the south Sunday School annex. Those in attendance were: Jim McDermott, Linda Ploen, Robin Tooley, Bonnie Holtz, Margo Matthies, Jim Tooley and Linda Krueger. Absent were: Bobbie McDermott, Val Sievers, and Dennis Jensen. Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer and a scripture reading from 1 Corinthians 3:6-9 and one from Colossians.

Our reflection was about how we all need mentors, especially our youth.

The minutes of the September meeting and the special meeting on October 3ed were read and approved.

The Treasurer’s report was approved as given. David presented the Pastor’s report. He traveled 127 miles and had many member visits. He also reported that Shannon and Jason Wood have requested the baptism of their daughter Blake on November 14th. It was moved and 2nd to approve this. Motion carried.

Linda Ploen read a letter from Calvin Crest asking that we remember them in our 2011 budget.

David and Linda P. will also be taking our church books for review at new Horizon church on October 19th. There were no deaths or membership transfers.

Stewardship and Mission
Linda Krueger reported that the Stewardship envelopes have been sent out and are due on November 7th. She also reported on the Joy offering which goes to mission and retired pastors in need. It was moved and 2nd to accept this offering which will be received on December 19th. David also reported that a missionary from the Czech Republic will be available to speak to our congregation if we would be interested.

Christian Education
David Reported that the confirmation class had met with their parents in Avoca on September 26. The Sunday School Youth will sing in church on October 24th and then have a Fall Festival from 2-4 that day. We will be hosting a Bluefish youth Bible Study on Wednesday , October 27 at 6:30 p.m. for area youth.

Heather Ploen will serve as supply pastor on October 24th while Pastor David is at Pilgrimage. There were 9 residents served communion on October 3rd at Peace Haven. Linda Ploen was the serving elder. Communion was served to Leo and Jeanette Rechtenbach. Jim Tooley was the serving elder.

Finance and Property
A committee will be meeting with Midwest Lighting and Sound on October 13th to discuss our new sound and visual needs. It was also discussed that we need to have the basement carpet cleaned. Jim Tooley has looked into this and is waiting on return calls for bids. We will wait until after church dinner to do this. The Rolling Hills CD, that we previously had voted on, was discussed. After discussion we voted to put the entire amount of $26,837.83 into the general fund instead of just $10,000. This can be used for carpet cleaning and to help supplement the new sound equipment. It was also mentioned that we possibly paint the front of the sanctuary after the new equipment is installed.

New Business
It was brought up that we need a new trash box outside the back of the church. Jim Tooley said that Justen could make a new one.

The meeting was closed with prayer and the Lord’s prayer.

The next meeting will be November 9th at 7:00.

Linda Ploen
Clerk of Session

Saturday, September 25, 2010

October 2010 Gleaner

Pastor's Notes
I am going to try to talk about two different topics on this one page, one is the Peacemaking Offering that will be received October 3rd, World Communion Sunday, and the other is our giving to God’s church.

Why does the church receive a peacemaking offering on World Communion Sunday? World Communion Sunday began in 1936 after some pastors got together to pray and ponder what it was that unified people from all parts of the world. The United States was experiencing the Great Depression and people were worried about the instability in Europe.

They realized that in the Lord’s Supper all people come together to remember and celebrate the power of unity in Christ at the Lord’s Table. All Christians, no matter what nationality, what denomination, or what ethnic background, were one in Christ.
In the 70’s following the Vietnam War people were concerned about peace. Again a group of pastor’s gathered; 31 presbyteries sent overtures to the General Assembly, and a task force was created to study and prepare a report on peacemaking.

This task force came to the conclusion that peacemaking was central to the gospel and mission of the church. In 1980 after receiving a recommendation from the task force and deliberating on their recommendation something that had never been proposed before was done, 25% of the offering was to stay with the congregation, 25% would be used in the synods and presbyteries, and 50% would go to the newly formed Presbyterian Peacemaking Program. And so 30 years later the PCUSA continues to work for peace and receive an offering to fund this work.

My prayer is that you will prayerfully consider giving to this offering October 3 on World communion Sunday.

In the September issue of Presbyterians Today there was an article written by Karl Travis titled “Why We Give.”

That’s a good question and as I read I thought about why I give and what motivates others to give. Some would say they give to support the operation of the church where they worship and others might say it is to support the mission of the church. Both are good answers. The author took the position that our giving is, or should be, one of the spiritual disciplines.

Now before you stop reading and convince yourself that giving to the church isn’t a spiritual discipline listen to this. Turn in your Bibles to Matthew 6. In the first couple verses it says, “Beware of practicing your piety before others in order to be seen by them…So whenever you give alms, do not sound a trumpet before you as the hypocrites do…” Jesus continues this, “And whenever you pray…and whenever you fast…” The author warns the reader not to think this is just happenstance. In verse 21 Jesus concludes with, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

Karl Travis puts it this way, “Jesus says that if we want to trust that God will provide, we begin by trusting that God has already provided. Treasure first. Hearts follow. First we share, and in so doing we grow to care.”

Letters asking all of us for our pledges will be sent the first week of October. Please consider why you give and what it is that God is calling us to do as His church in Walnut.

The Presbyterians Today magazine will be lying on the table at the back of the sanctuary. I pray that you will pick it up and read the article on why we give before making your decision this year.

May God’s grace, joy, and peace be yours today and forever,
Pastor David

Thank-you to everyone who brought items for the Food Pantry. Items needed for October are: face soap, deodorant, paper products, canned peas, chili beans, canned tomatoes and canned fruit.

Missouri River Valley Fall Meeting (Pres. Women)
“God Will do Wonders-The Wonder of Hope”
October 23, 2010
United Church of Avoca
8:45 am Coffee & Registration
9:30 am Day Begins

Along with the meeting, every women’s group is asked to bring items for a “Baby Shower” to help pregnant and new mothers that are in need. If you would like to contribute bring your item(s) to the church by October 17th.

Items needed:
Diapers – all sizes Baby Monitors
Thermometers Baby books
Orajel night lights
Vaporizers Pack-n-Play
Carbon Monoxide Detectors Crib bedding – sheets and
Smoke Alarms mattress pad
Outlet Covers washcloths
Security Gate
Car Seats – infant, convertible and High Back Boosters

---- to Al and Dixie Schirm on the birth of their great-grandson Kooper Jordan Krummel. Kooper is the son on Jordan and Mindy Krummel, and the grandson on Neil and Pam Schirm and Mike and Lesley Krummel.
--- to Chuck and Linda Ploen on the birth of their grandson, Noah Bradley Ploen. Noah is the son of Jason and Heather Ploen.

The annual Crop Walk was held at the Avoca Park on Sunday, Sept. 19th. Over twenty people participated and over $1,000 was donated. Thank-you to everyone that made a contribution.

Registration forms will be available October 15th at school or city hall for anyone that needs help providing Christmas gifts for their family members. Those forms will be due Nov. 11th (can be turned in at city hall or the school). The trees will be up at the Walnut library on Nov. 13th. The gifts must be turned in to Walnut Communications by Dec. 13th at 4:30 pm so that they can be wrapped on Dec. 14th. They will be picked up on December 18th. Questions: contact Linda Ploen or Margo Matthies

Party - Party
The Sunday School is having a “Harvest Party” on October 24th from 2-4. All children from Pre-K – 6th grade are invited. Robyn Tooley and the Sunday School teachers are busy making plans for a fun time.
“Fall Gathering” - On October 27th the Jr. High – Senior High youth are having a pizza, pop, game night.

November Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Jim and Bobbi McDermott and Teri Abel & Shannon Griffith
Communion Servers: Bobbie McDermott-chm, Leo Rechtenbach, Larry & Charlotte Shepherd. October ushers and communion servers are at bottom of calendar.

Flowers for Pulpit
October 3-------Mabel Stahl
October 10------ Jeanette Rechtenbach
October 17 ------Bobbie McDermott
October 24 ------Janet Grush
October 31-------Mary Ellen Woltmann

Presbyterian Women
On September 1st the Presbyterian Women toured the Eagle Monuments in Pottawattamie County. Towns visited were Minden, Neola, Underwood, Crescent, Carter Lake, Treynor, Carson, Oakland, and Hancock.

Lunch was enjoyed at “The Rose” in Treynor. Special thanks to our drivers Larry Shepherd and Robert Stuart.

The next meeting will be October 6th at 12:30. At 2:00 we will have “Guest Day”
with a program on “Floral Design”.

Walk of Honor Veterans’ Memorial Plaza Dedication
Walnut, Iowa
Mark your calendars for October 24th at 2:00 pm to attend the dedication ceremony for the new Veterans’ Memorial. It is located near the entrance to Veterans’ Memorial Park. The Monument has been built by the generous donations of the citizens of Walnut, the County Board of Supervisors and others that are thankful to those that have given us the ability to walk in freedom.

Session Minutes
September 14, 2010

The session of Walnut First Presbyterian Church met in regular session on September 14, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in the Sunday School south annex. Those in attendance were Jim and Bobbie McDermott, Linda Ploen, Robin Tooley, Linda Krueger, Jim Tooley, Dennis Jensen and Margo Matthies. Absent were Bonnie Holtz and Val Sievers.

Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer and an interactive scripture and reflection entitled “The Feather Script.”

The minutes of the August 10th meeting were read and approved.

The Treasurer’s report was given and approved. It was moved and 2nd to cash in a Rolling Hills CD for $26,000 due October 10th and put $10,000 in general savings for expenses and put $16,000 back into a CD. Motion carried.

The pastor’s report was reviewed. Pastor David traveled 210 miles and served communion to six. We will also need a pulpit supply for October 24th, as Pastor David will attend Great Plains Presbyterian Pilgrimage.

There was no clerk’s report. There were no deaths or membership changes.

Stewardship and Mission
Linda Krueger reported that the pledge cards have been ordered and will be sent out the first part of October.

Christian Education
Robin reported that Sundae Sunday went well and 20 kids were in attendance for Sunday School.

We approved a request to allow the Sunday School kids to have a Halloween party.

As per an O. K. from an elder, the Bluefish TV youth Bible Study was ordered and received.
David stated that there will be a joint confirmation meeting with parents in Avoca on September 26th. We have the possibility of four youth from our church attending.

A motion was made and 2nd to accept the Peacemaking offering on World Communion Sunday. Motion carried.

Communion was served to 9 residents at Peace Haven on September 5th and to Leo and Jeanette Rechtenbach. Jim Tooley was the attending elder.

World Communion Sunday is October 3rd. There will be a celebration of Christ and our peace.

Advent begins on November 28th.

It was also announced that Darlene Stuart will be retiring as choir director, so there will be no weekly choir. (Perhaps the choir will sing once a month or on holidays.) It was also moved and 2nd to raise the pay for substitute musicians to $20. Motion carried.

Finance and Property
Robin will talk to Shannon Griffith to get his opinion and advice on new visual and audio equipment.

Jim Tooley reported that Benson Church has ten dark colored pews they want to get rid of. They are free if we come get them. No action taken.

Also discussed was updating the front of the sanctuary. No action taken.
No action

New Business
David reported on the Presbytery meeting held on August 27 & 28. There were many interesting topics discussed including the Board of Pensions, a commissioned team to Nicaragua and the mission of Presbytery which was a challenge to all congregations to increase our mission giving by ½ of 1 percent. For us it would by an additional $150.

The community emergency Response Team training scheduled for the last 2 weeks of October will not be attended by anyone in our congregation, but we will do some things for our own church like putting up signs for fire extinguishers, escape plans, etc.

The Stephen Ministry workshop at Covenant Presbyterian Church in Omaha will be October 2, 9-1 p.m.

The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

The next meeting will be October 12th at 7:00 p.m.

Linda Ploen Clerk of Session

Monday, June 28, 2010

July/August 2010 Gleaner

Pastor’s Notes
Summer is here. How do I know that for sure? Well for one thing Vacation Bible School is over and the Amvets Annual Father’s Day Antique Walk was last weekend. For me that means it’s officially summer and its hot and humid outside.

Do you remember what it was like in the good old days before every house had air conditioning and quite a few people supported their families by working outdoors in the heat, the sun, and the rain, when it fell? Sometimes I find myself talking about the good old days but I forget that in the good old days we didn’t have some of the conveniences that we take for granted today.

In the winter I hear about those who don’t have homes trying to find shelter from the snow and the cold but in the summer we don’t hear so much about those without homes and shelter. But they are there. They are still living outdoors and have to put up with the extremes of nature. Just imagine what it must be like to be living outdoors with all the rain we’ve received this month. It can’t be very comfortable. Now, with everything soaking wet, the humidity is going to go up. It gets even worse for those living outside with minimal shelter.

My point is this, please don’t forget these folks. The Food Pantry still needs food because there still are folks who need help with groceries. The Open Door Mission still needs donations so they can feed those who are living on the streets of Omaha and Council Bluffs. The Good Guys still need donations because there are still people who are struggling to pay rent and their utilities. Nothing has changed just because its summer. Those who need our help are still here and they really need us.

Friends, our sisters and brothers need us and we need them. Jesus asked us not to forget those who were poor and homeless and without food or clothes. Today’s message from Galatians 5 reminded us that we are to love one another as we love ourselves. By contributing to these organizations or to God’s church in any way we can provides some relief for those who don’t have the luxuries we have and maybe they will experience the joy of being in God’s presence because of something we did.

May you be blessed with the grace and peace of God’s Spirit,
Pastor David

---to all who helped make Vacation Bible School such a success. We averaged 45
Children a day! Big thanks to Robin Tooley!! Also Deb Petersen, Sarah Kock, Margo Matthies, Pastor David, Pastor Gail, Charlotte Shepherd, Carole Schroder, Bonnie Holtz, Linda Ploen, Linda Krueger, Kaitlyn Tooley, Bailey Nielsen, and McKenna Martin for all their help.

---to EVERYONE who helped in any way at our FOOD STAND for the Antique Walk. Chairman Mary Ellen Woltmann works tirelessly for MANY days, Charlotte Shepherd organizes, purchases and delivers the supplies, Larry Shepherd takes charge of the setting up and tearing down of the stand. Also many thanks to the people that show up every day to help where needed—Barb Eslick, Don and JoJane Walter. It amazes me that the hardest workers are over 65? I don’t know how they do it year in and year out.

---to Dixie Schirm for knitting a beautiful prayer shawl. Pastor David delivered it to Jeanette Rechtenbach.

---to Chuck and Jason Ploen for installing/replacing the molding around the stained glass window and installing double pane glass over it—the window and the framing around it are beautiful. They also noticed that the window blocks under the Sunday
School annex were broken so they covered them with cement board.

Bible School 2010

---to Jessica Ploen, daughter of Jack and Judy who received her Bachelor of Science degree on May 15 from Creighton University in Omaha. Jessica was a double major in sociology and philosophy. She was a member of the national honor society for sociology, Alpha Kappa Delta and the national honor society for philosophy, Phi Sigma Tau. Jessica graduated cum laude.
---to Robert Reid Matthies for being named to the dean’s list for the Spring 2010 semester at South Dakota State University.

August Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Kent & Carla Johnk, Jim & Bobbie McDermott Communion Servers:.Margo Matthies-chm., Brittni Johnk, Barb Eslick, Bobbie McDermott

September Ushers and Connunion Servers
Ushers: Al & Dixie Schirm, Larry & Charlotte Shepherd Communion Servers: Jim Tooley-chm., Linda Krueger, Vincent Hansen, Darlene Stuart
July Ushers and Communion Servers are on the July Calendar

The Death of “Someone Else”
I know that all of you were saddened to learn this week of the death of one of our church’s most valuable members---Someone Else. Someone’s passing created a vacancy that will
be difficult to fill. Someone Else has been with us for many years, and for every one of
those years, Someone Else did far more that the normal person’s share of the work.
Whenever leadership was mentioned, this wonderful person was looked to for inspiration
as well as results. Someone Else can work with that group. Whenever there was a job to
do, a class to teach, or a meeting to attend, one name was on everyone’s lips, “Let Someone
Else do it.” It was common knowledge that Someone Else was among the largest givers
in the church. Whenever there was a financial need, everyone just assumed that Someone
Else would make up the difference. Someone Else was a wonderful person, sometimes
appearing super-human, but a person can only do so much. Were the truth known, everyone
expected too much of Someone Else. Now Someone Else is gone. We wonder what we are
going to do. Someone Else left a wonderful example to follow, but who is going to follow
it? Who is going to do the things Someone Else did? Remember, we can’t depend on Someone
Else anymore.

Hospitalized—Betty Maassen fell and broke her leg. She is recuperating in Elkhorn, NE. Her address there is: Brookestone Meadows
600 Brookstone Meadows Plz
Elkhorn, NE 68002

Flowers for Pulpit
July 4 -------Betty Sunderman
July 11------Michelle Sunderman
July 18------Kami Bruck/Shannon Wood
July 25------Connie Jensen
Aug. 1-------Carolyn Johnk
Aug. 8--------Karla Helms
Aug. 15------Carla Johnk
Aug. 22------Terri Abel
Aug. 29------Jean Bornholdt

Upcoming Events
Presbytery hosting a family day at Rosenblatt Stadium on August 22nd
The Omaha Royals baseball game begins at 1:34 p.m. with clowns doing face painting and balloon art during the game, as well as a “fun area” for kids.

A block of 100 tickets has been purchased on the 3rd base line. If you and your family would like to attend you may pick up the tickets, $5 each, at the Presbytery office which is $2 off the regular price. Pastor David will pick up the tickets for you but you must have your money to him by July 13th.

Audio/Visual Committee-A committee is being formed to look in to updating, using the Memorial funds, our audio/visual equipment. If you would like to serve on this committee please see Dennis Jensen, Jim McDermott or Jim tooley. Memorial money has been received to us specifically for this.

No Gleaner in August—I’m having surgery on my rotator cuff again (the same shoulder) on July 15th so will be unable to get the August Gleaner out. I’ve included the September calendar, the September flower list and the September ushers and communion servers in this edition of the Gleaner. Linda Krueger

A Note from the United Church of Avoca
The United Church of Avoca will be renting their parsonage beginning August 1, 2010. The rent will be $800 a month. The renter will be responsible for the utilities - which run about $200 a month. The property committee of the church will take care of the lawn mowing and snow removal. Tenants will be non-smoking, and no pets will be allowed. First, last and deposit will be required. Please contact: Jim Sievers at Sievers Plumbing 343-2294.

June 2010 Session Minutes

The session of Walnut First Presbyterian church met in regular session on June 8, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in the Sunday School south annex.

Those in attendance were Linda Ploen, Dennis Jensen, Robin Tooley, Bonnie Holtz, Margo Matthies, Linda Krueger, and Jim Tooley. Absent were Jim McDermott, Bobbie McDermott and Val Sievers.

Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer and scripture from Isaiah 58:6-11. The reflection was about Evangelism and Discipleship from the Presbyterians Today magazine.

The minutes of the May 11, 2010 were read and approved.

The treasurer’s report was approved as given.

The pastor’s report was read and approved. He traveled 77 miles this month. Nine people were served communion at Peace Haven.

We had a request to reinstate Betty League as a member of our church per Betty’s daughter. It was moved and 2nd to do so.

Stewardship & Mission
Linda Krueger reported correspondence about the Peacemaking offering. It was decided to table this until our next meeting.

Christian Education
Vacation Bible school was great and was well attended. A total of 49 children attended. A thanks was given to Robin and Margo for their hard work. The offering for the week was $262. This will be divided between “The Good Guys”, Food Pantry and “The Angel Tree”.

The alter cloth and flowers have been changed. David will be gone on July 25th, so we will need a supply pastor. David will also order a new daily devotional booklet entitled “Our Daily Bread”. It is free of charge and will be available to anyone.

Finance & Property
David reported that he had received word from Mary Ellen Woltmann about the Antique walk. Everything is ordered and ready to go. All prices will stay the same, but requested that the price of pie be raised to $2.00, ice to $2.00 and rolls to $1.25. It was ok’d to change these prices. It was also reported that we need to really watch and control the amount of meat we put on each bun. The price of pork is higher this year and we will lose money if we put too much meat on.

Linda Ploen reported that the new Bibles have been ordered, and the new round window is in and Chuck and Jason will replace it soon after the Walk.

David reported on the visual and audio equipment. Finance and property will put together a committee to get recommendations on what we need.

Margo and Linda Ploen also presented some ideas for landscaping around the church from “My Nest” green house. After some discussion it was decided to go with this plan, but just do along the south addition and around our sign at this time. We will decide on the other areas later. “My Nest” will give us a 15% discount on plants.

New Business
It was moved and 2nd to give Kaitlyn Tooley and Sarah Ehlers $100 each to go to church camp. Motion carried.

We also received a note from Lotus Paulsen from Avoca along with a monetary gift to defray the cost of the Gleaner.

A letter was also received from Family Crisis Center thanking us for the donation from Lenten services. It was also decided not to have a July meeting, as there is little business.

The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Next meeting will be August 10th at 7:00.

Linda Ploen
Clerk of session

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

June 2010 Gleaner

Pastor’s Notes
This past month I have been reading about hospitality. Just about everything we read concerning churches, their growth or decline, sooner or later gets around to how welcoming the church is, how hospitable it is.

As I read, and take some time to let it all sink in, I have come to realize that it begins with each of us as individuals. For some being hospitable just seems to come naturally and for others of us, who are more introverted, it doesn’t. So, we have to work at being hospitable.

Hospitality is about relationships, our ability to relate with God, with others, and with ourselves. Sometimes that isn’t so easy. Sometimes we just don’t feel like relating.

But that’s not good for us or anybody else. We need relationships. If we stay in our protective cocoons our soul begins to shrivel up, kind of like an old piece of shoe leather or our bodies if we don’t use them.

Abraham welcomed messengers from God into his camp. I don’t know if he knew they were from God or not but he went ahead and invited them to stop, sit and wash their feet, and have something to eat before they traveled on. He didn’t know them. He’d never seen them before, yet he invited them to sit and rest for a while. Somehow he knew they were different but still he invited them to stay.

Many people we meet are different. Shoot, even you and I are different. But how many of us invite people into our lives so that they can sit, rest, and talk for a while. Some, I’m sure, but we don’t make a regular practice of it. It’s not something most of us naturally do.

So, if hospitality doesn’t come naturally to us what are we to do? Just to be honest with you all, you know what’s coming, you have to work at it. Kind of like we have to discipline ourselves to eat our fruits and vegetables; we have to work at making time to exercise our bodies. In the same way we need to take time to work at being relational, being hospitable.

You know, God doesn’t ever just give anything to us. Everything, every blessing, requires some work, some effort. I don’t mean that we earn God’s grace. What I mean is that we need to exercise, exercise our spirits, our souls, our relationships. It begins by working on our relationship with our Creator, God.

I don’t know about you but I do have to work at that. I have to make time in my day for God. I’m finding that the more time I spend on my relationship with God the better my relationship is with those God brings to my doors.

So good friends, let’s all take time to begin to work on our relationship with God this month. Let’s see how it impacts our relationships with each other and with those whom God brings to our doors.

God’s grace and peace be with you all,
Pastor David

To all the men that helped remove the shrubs at the church
To Chuck Ploen for removing the refrigerator from the basement
To Kaitlyn Tooley for playing the flute at church
To Josie Cable for playing the trumpet at church
To Jim McDermott for organizing the rock pickup at the wind turbine office site for $ for our

To Amy Hansen on becoming a member of our church
To William and Elizabeth Hansen (Amy & Rob) being baptized on May 16th
To Reid Matthies for graduating from South Dakota State University
To our graduating seniors: Valerie Sievers, Karley Helms, Josie Cable, Dustin Dea and
Becky Grush

Rob and Amy Hansen with twins William and Elizabeth during baptism ceremony May 16th.

July Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Jack & Judy Ploen, Gloria Myers & Barb Eslick Communion Servers:Valerie Sievers-chm, Brittni Johnk, Mary Ellen Woltmann, Jack Ploen. June ushers and communion servers are at bottom of calendar.

Sunday School
May 9th the Sunday School sang for the congregation. What a nice addition to our
Mother’s Day service.

Back row: Sarah Ehlers, Kaitlyn Tooley. Middle row: Ben Ehlers, Brady Canada, Preston
Front row: Hugh Griffith, Bella Canada, Landon Shutters.

Greetings From Camp Calvin Crest
“Summer is just around the corner. Now is the time to make plans to send your child to summer camp. With camps and activities for all ages, Calvin Crest is an ideal place for your child to experience a Christ-centered residential camp experience filled with fun games, meaningful interaction with campers and caring staff, and unique opportunities to try new things. For more information, please check out our website at or contact the camp office at (402) 628-6455. We look forward to sharing the joys of Calvin Crest with you and your child.”

Craig Huffman
Executive Director
Calvin Crest Camp, Conference and Retreat Center
2870 County Road 13
Fremont, NE 68025
(402) 628-6455--Office
(402) 607-0071—Cell

Flowers for Pulpit
June 6 -------Barb Eslick
June 13------Barb Eslick
June 20------Antique Walk
June 27------Robin Tooley

Upcoming Events
Bible School---Peace UCC/First Presbyterian Vacation Bible School will be June 1-5 from 9:00 AM-11:00 AM at our church. The program will be held on Saturday, June 5th at 11:00 with lunch following.

Presbytery Women—Wednesday June 2nd the Neola Presbyterian Church will be hosting their Annual Brunch at 9:30 AM - Presentation by Penny Christensen (Penny is the artist wife of bronze artist, Russell Christensen, sculptor Pottawattamie County Eagles of Honor project). This is open to all women of our church; if you would like to go let Charlotte know. Meet at the church Wednesday morning at 8:30 am to car pool to Neola.

Antique Walk—The Food Stand work schedule is included in this Gleaner (for all you people involved). If you can’t work your time please check the schedule and call someone to trade with.

Session Minutes
May 11, 2010

The session of Walnut First Presbyterian church met in regular session on May 11, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in the Sunday School south annex.

Those in attendance were Linda Ploen, Jim McDermott, Bobbie McDermott, Dennis Jensen, Robin Tooley, Margo Matthies, Linda Krueger, and Jim Tooley. Absent were Bonnie Holtz and Val Sievers.

Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer and scripture from 1 John 4:7-12. His reflection was entitled “Loving One Another”.

The minutes of the April 13th meeting were approved as read.

The treasurer’s report was approved as given.

The pastor’s report was read and approved. Pastor David traveled 77 miles this month.

We received a letter of transfer from Trinity Lutheran church for Michelle Hansen Tooley. It was moved and 2nd to approve this transfer.

Stewardship and Mission
David reported on two mission trip opportunities. One to Valentine, Nebraska with Faithful Shepherd Church on June 28th at a cost of $75 per person. And one to Lexington Ky. on June 19-26 with Avery Presbyterian church at a cost of $100 per person.

Christian Education
Robin reported that Bible School plans were going well. Bible School will be at our church June 1-5th with the program on June 5th.

Pentecost offering will be received May 23rd during worship. Forty percent of the offering will be kept in this congregation on behalf of children at risk. Red is the color for Pentecost Sunday.

We were asked for ideas on decorating the worship space for Pentecost. Bobbie purchased green fabric for the altar cloth.

Finance and Property
It was reported that Val Sievers, Karley Helms, and Josie Cable cleaned out all the lava rocks and landscaping border around the church. It was moved and 2nd to pay them $100 for their effort. We still need to do some cleaning and landscaping to help make the front of our church look more appealing. Margo will speak with the ladies at “My Nest” in Harlan to get some ideas and bids and Jim Tooley will speak to “Canoyers” greenhouse. It was agreed that we need to remove some of the bushes out front and trim some of the others. Jim McDermott checked on the rental of a sander and buffer to refinish the floor in the south annex. It was $36 a day for the sander and $18 a day for the buffer. We will wait to do anything until after the Walk. Jim Tooley also reported that we had a bid of $17,840 from the Iowa Prison Industries to refinish the pews in our church. No action was taken until we research other options. It was also moved and 2nd to have Chuck Ploen remove the refrigerator from the furnace room, as it no longer works. Motion carried.

Pastor David reported that MRV COM is now working on a sexual misconduct policy.

New Business
We have received $1000 as a memorial from the family of William F. Sievers designated to purchase audio-visual equipment for the church. We agreed we need a projector and screen so we can use some of the new technology available. David will make some calls so we can see what our best options are. Total in the memorial fund is $8,574.58. Linda Ploen then reported that she had looked into the purchase of new pew Bibles so that they are all the same version. It was moved and 2nd to allow Linda to purchase one case of standard NIV Bibles with a “WOW” cover at a cost of $126, and a case of black large print Bibles at a cost of $104. Motion carried. Money will come from the Memorial Fund. Robin also stated that for those members unable to get flowers for church that “Cohassets” flower shop in Avoca will deliver flowers to the church if needed. Our church will be hosting the Presbytery Prayer Group on Saturday, May 15th at 10:30 a.m.

The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Next meeting will be June 8th at 7:00 p.m.

Linda Ploen
Clerk of session

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

A sharp tongue can cut your own throat.

If you want your dreams to come true, you mustn’t oversleep.

Of all the things you wear, your expression is the most important.

One thing you can’t recycle is wasted time.

The 10 commandments are not a multiple choice.

The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.

Monday, May 3, 2010

May 2010 Gleaner

Pastor’s Notes
This my first day back in the office after serving at Great Plains Presbyterian Pilgrimage #7 at Camp Calvin Crest in Fremont, Nebraska. And so, friends, I’m sitting here wondering how I can possibly describe how wonderful, how God-filled this last week was.

Have you ever experienced being waited on, having your every request taken care of for four days? That’s what Pilgrimage is like. The guests are served by a team of people who respond by delivering whatever they might need whether it’s a cup of coffee or tea or another pillow or an umbrella that they forgot to bring or whatever.

By Sunday afternoon the guests begin to understand that this is just a small example of what our God is capable of providing for us. There is so much love, so much compassion, and so much joy, that you couldn’t possibly believe its true unless you were there and experienced it yourself.

If I could use just one word to describe the five days I was there it would be “grace.” As you all know grace is that free gift God has for us with absolutely no strings attached. Our God is so big, so generous with his love that it’s beyond anything we could ever imagine. The guests received so much grace, and so did the team, that it overflowed and spilled out onto the staff at Camp Calvin Crest.

At Great Plains Presbyterian Pilgrimage guests are showered with so much love that they are almost overwhelmed. Most have never experienced anything like it. There are boxes of tissues on every table because the love that’s shared just bubbles up and overflows.

There are people, literally from all over the United States, and this year from Ireland too, praying 24-hours a day for everyone at the Pilgrimage, guests and team members. You don’t really grasp that until you see their names and the times they are praying surrounding you as you sit in the community room. Can you imagine the feeling of having someone praying for you, by name, for over 3 solid days? It’s beyond belief but that’s what happens. Friends, that’s powerful.

Sunday afternoon the guests are received and welcomed into the Great Plains Presbyterian Pilgrimage community. Then they are sent back into the world to love and serve the Lord. In other words they go back home and go back to work. They go back into the world where they have to get their own coffee, make their own snacks, and some are probably wishing they were back at the Camp. They probably felt a little like Peter, James, and John when they were on the mountain when Jesus was transfigured. They just don’t want it to end.

But it does end. Each of us has to go back to the world immersed in our work, our families, and our communities and try to remember that we have been sent back here to serve as we have been served. Friends, that’s not an easy thing, especially when you have been on the receiving end for 3-4 days.

God serves us, provides for our needs, every day, and all he asks of his church, all Jesus asks, is that we go out and serve those who have a need to be served. And, friends, we don’t have to walk very far to find someone who needs our service.

How can you serve? You can serve by providing for those who have needs, whatever their needs may be: clothes, food, prayers, hugs, or kind words. Ask God, see where he is directing you, listen to his voice, and he will show you where to serve.

If you would like to experience just a small portion of God’s amazing grace come to Great Plains Presbyterian Pilgrimage #8 October 21-24, 2010. You will not be sorry you came and you will leave filled to overflowing with God’s grace and love.

Grace to you all, Pastor David

Congratulations to Sean & Mary (Mertz) Moutary on the birth of their daughter, McKayl McKenzi on April 9th. Grandparents are Randy & Rhonda Mertz. Great Grandfather is George Mertz.

Congratulations to Reid Matthies for being awarded to the dean’s list at South Dakota State University in Brookings. Reid is the son of Doug and Margo Matthies.

Congratulations to Josie Cable and Dustin Dea for being chosen Prom Queen and King. Also to
Hugh Griffith for being chosen to be Crown Bearer.

Seen in Church Bulletins (Not Ours)
(These are jokes)

Low Self Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7 PM. Please use the back door.

The eighth-graders will be presenting Shakespeare’s Hamlet in the Church basement Friday. The
congregation is invited to attend this tragedy.

Presbyterian Women
The Presbyterian Women met in the church basement April 7th for their monthly meeting. Plans were made for April 20th when the women will be playing Bingo with the Peace Haven residents and also providing cakes for their monthly birthday celebration.

Also on April 20th the women hosted the “Golden Oldies” for lunch at the church. The Golden Oldies is anyone of retirement age that would like to visit and enjoy a good meal for only $3.00. The churches in Avoca have been doing this for awhile and wanted to include Walnut residents also, so asked us to host the first Walnut lunch. They have a lunch once a month, September – May.

The program for the April meeting was Walnut’s Exchange Students. Akari Fujita from Japan and Nicole Messer from Switzerland gave wonderful presentations about their countries. Al and Dixie Schirm hosted Walnut’s first foreign exchange student 45 years ago.

The next meeting will be May 5th when the ladies will be honoring our graduating seniors, Valerie Sievers, Josie Cable, Karly Helms, Dustin Dea, and Becky Grush.

Thank-you for your generous donations to the girls for preparing our Easter Brunch. They raised $320. for their trip to Wyoming.

Thank-you to Presbyterian women for providing the Easter lilies for the sanctuary. Also Ross and Jean Bornholdt for their Easter lilies and the Tooley family for the mum arrangement.

Bible School
Mark your calendars and tell your neighbors Bible School will be at our church from
Tuesday, June 1-Saturday, June 5th, from 9-11 AM. The program this year will be on
Saturday at 11:00 AM with a hot dog lunch to follow.

June Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Steve & Michelle Sunderman, Betty Sunderman
Communion Servers: Bonnie Holtz-chm, Betty Sunderman, Al & Dixie Schirm

Flowers for May
May 2------------Darlene Stuart
May 9------------Teresa Griffith
May 16-----------Enola Pagliuso
May 23-----------Linda Ploen
May 30-----------Linda Ploen

Good Guys – Food Pantry
The Good Guys have passed out food boxes at Christmas for many years and this year are going to expand that idea and provide a summer box to those in need. Roberta Gillette, who operates the food pantry, put together this list of items to include in the summer box. No date has been set for distribution.

1. Hotdogs
2. Hotdog buns
3. Catsup
4. Mustard
5. Pickle relish
6. Chips
7. Baked or Pork & Beans
8. Cookies
9. Paper plates
10. Napkins
11. Dinnerware
12. Ground pork or hamburger
13. Hamburger buns
14. Green beans or corn
15. Fruit-canned or fresh
16. Cereal
17. Milk-1 or ½ gallon

Roberta also presented this information at the last meeting.

Good Guys Team Notes
1. 2009 statistics-156 families served, 508 people; 7,786 products donated and $2,048 donated
2. First quarter 2010 statistics-49 families served, 200 people; first quarter 2009 statistics-35 families served, 107 people
3. A “Thank you open house at the Food Pantry will be held May 22, 2010 from 1-3 p.m.

Pastor David giving his Children’s Sermon April 18th.
Notice the campfire props (and the choir looking on).

Church Humor

A woman had just returned to her home from an evening church service when she was startled by an Intruder… She caught the man in the act of robbing her home of its valuables and yelled:
“Stop! Acts 2:38!” (Repent and be Baptized, in the name of Jesus Christ, so that your sins may be forgiven.) The burglar stopped in his tracks. The woman calmly called the police and explained what she had done. As the officer cuffed the man to take him in, he asked the burglar: “Why did you just stand there? All the old lady did was yell a scripture at you.” “Scripture?” replied the burglar.. “She said she had an Ax and Two 38’s!”

Session Minutes
April 13, 2010
The session of Walnut First Presbyterian church met in regular session on April 13, 2010 in the Sunday School south annex.

Those in attendance were Linda Ploen, Bobbie McDermott, Jim McDermott, Robin Tooley, Jim Tooley, Margo Matthies, and Linda Krueger. Those absent were Dennis Jensen, Bonnie Holtz and Val Sievers.

Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with a reading from Psalms and prayer. The scripture reading was from I Peter 1:13-25, and the reflection was entitled “Live is short”.
The minutes of the March 9th meeting were read and approved with the mention that we did not have a Maundy Thursday service at our church so we could attend the service at Peace Church.

The treasurer’s report was approved as given.

David reported in his pastor’s report that he will be the Spiritual Advisor at Great Plains Presbyterian Pilgrimage April 21-25. Rev. Kathryn Bates will preach April 25th, and Rev. Nancy Ross-Hullinger will be on call for pastoral care if needed. Linda and David will be attending Wee Kirk Conference in Sioux Falls, South Dakota on May 4-6. David traveled a total of 304 miles this month. It was moved and seconded to approve David’s vacation for July 25-31. Motion carried. We will need a supply pastor for July 25th.

Linda Ploen read a PMRV Stewardship Resources Committee letter. We have already paid our per capita.

There was one death reported, that of Edna Nielsen who passed away on March 8, 2010 in Council Bluffs. Her memorial service was held March 12th at our church. She was cremated and her remains were not interred at this time.

We received a request from Monroe Methodist Church for a membership transfer for Joan Bornholdt. It was moved and 2nd to reinstate Joan to the active list and then allow her transfer. Motion carried. It was also moved and 2nd to receive Amy Leaders Hansen into membership by transfer from the United Church of Avoca. Motion carried. Motion was also carried to allow David to perform the baptism of twins Elizabeth Sue and William Edward Hansen born March 1, 2010.

Stewardship and Mission
David reported that we need to make church members aware of “wills emphasis”. We should do this on a yearly basis.

Christian Education
Robin stated that she is planning a Mother’s Day program for Sunday School children at church and it was moved and 2nd to purchase flowers for this. She also said that Bible School will be Tuesday, June 1 through Saturday June 5th, with the program and Hot dog roast on Saturday. The theme this year is “Son Rock Kid’s Camp”.

Easter service was well attended with 81 worshipers present. Easter breakfast also went well with the three senior girls serving. This was a fund raiser for them to return to Shell, Wyoming.

Finance and Property
It was decided to drop the sidewalk project for now as it would eliminate parking spaces. There was then some discussion on possible sanctuary remodeling projects. It was reported that there was some concern on these projects and the cost of them. We were assured that we were just getting estimates on things to help maintain our church and any project would need the approval of the congregation. We need to look into possible window replacements.

Next on the agenda was spring cleaning. We all took a walk around the property to see what needed to be done- trim trees, shrubs, clean windows, etc. It was decided to remove the landscaping edging and rocks as they are in need of updating. Linda Ploen will speak with the senior girls to see if they would like to take on this job. They could use this to make money for their trip.

New Business
There will be an MRV Christian Educators Gathering on April 27, at 11:30 at the Presbyterian Office.

We received a letter from the Board of Pensions concerning the Benefits Plan.

It was moved and 2nd to renew our CCLI license at a cost of $185. This allows us to make copies of songs. Motion carried.

Presbytery meeting will be April 24 at Florence Presbyterian Church.

Also discussed was our memorial monies. Linda Ploen will look into the prices of new pew Bibles, some large print Bibles and a projector and screen for the church.

It was also approved to collect a Pentecost offering on May 23rd.

Approval was given to Jean Mertz Schmitt to use the church basement for Josie’s graduation on May 15th from 4-7 p.m.

David then presented “Gift of the Heart Kits” for Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. Robin thought that would be a good project for the Sunday School kids.

Jim Tooley then mentioned that we need to develop a disaster plan for our church in case of tornado, fire, etc. Are there any volunteers for a committee to do this.

Moved and 2nd to adjourn the meeting. Meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Date for the next meeting will be May 11 at 7:00 p.m.

Linda Ploen, Clerk of Session

Thursday, March 25, 2010

April 2010 Gleaner

Pastor’s Notes
This morning I flipped the page on the calendar to see what was coming up. On the next page, right in front of me, was a picture of Jesus, with a basin of water and a towel, washing the disciples’ feet.

John tells us that Jesus knew his time had come and he wouldn’t have much more time alone with his companions. So what does he do but take up a basin of water and proceed to wash their feet and dry them with his apron. This was something for one of the servants to do, not “The Rabbi.”

What a perfect example Jesus is for each one of us. How many of us don’t struggle every day to not think about our own needs ahead of others? I know I do. It’s when I think I’ve got a good handle on it that I realize I don’t. Friends, why is it so hard for us to let go of our sin and pride? Why can’t we just get out there in the community and serve whoever needs to be served, without judging or pitying them?

It seems everywhere I go anymore I hear of one more organization or one more non-profit making reductions in staff or changes in how many people they can serve because either they aren’t receiving enough donations to fund their programs or they aren’t getting anyone to volunteer to serve. And so I wonder what’s wrong here?

For those of us who call ourselves followers of Jesus Christ that must mean that we aren’t living up to the standard He taught his disciples.

I’m reminded of the lesson in Mark where Jesus noticed the disciples in a pretty heated discussion as they were on their way to Capernaum. Even though you know he knew what it was they were talking so heatedly about he asked them anyway what it was they were so intently debating. And since they knew he knew they were ashamed and couldn’t speak of it. You see they were arguing about which one of them was the greatest.

Who among us doesn’t want to be recognized and maybe rewarded just a little for what they do? But that’s not what Jesus said. He said, “So you want to be in first place? Then you should take the last place. Be a servant of all.”

Mark’s gospel said that when Jesus asked his disciples what they were talking about the silence was deafening. As I read the gospels my heart is convicted because I know I fail to live as Jesus said I should. And the silence is deafening because I can’t even come up with a good excuse. There is no excuse.

As followers of Jesus we are all called to be servants, to minister to others. I’ve heard it said that’s its not the money but it’s what’s in our hearts. The question for each of us as we enter the Easter season is what’s in our hearts?

Jesus came into this world to save us from our sins and to show us how to serve. This season The Master again reminds us of our calling. Friends, can you hear his voice? Is your heart broken?

Come to the One who loves you to find healing and peace. Then you will know what to do next as you go out into the world. Pay it forward by serving and loving someone as you have been loved and served.

Yours in Christ,
Pastor David


January 18, 1925-March 8, 2010

Edna June (Pash) Nielsen, age 85, died peacefully in the presence of her family of complications from cancer Monday, March 8, 2010, in Council Bluffs.

She had the combination of strength and sensibility. As a child, playful roughhousing with three brothers on the family farm provided her with mental and physical toughness. As a wife, mother and teacher she instilled the virtues of faith, discipline, hard work and generosity. Edna was born in Minden, Iowa, to Orville and Elsie (Blumer) Pash on January 18, 1925. She attended Avoca schools, graduating in 1942. Her education continued with Normal School where she obtained her teaching certificate. Edna spent the next year in a one-room country school in Avoca, Iowa. There she taught every subject to every child in kindergarten through junior high. After her stint in Avoca, Edna taught school in Treynor, Iowa, for three years.

While attending a chivaree for a mutual friend, she met Victor Nielsen. He asked her to go roller skating with him, but she said no. She already had a date. He ignored the rebuff, tried again, and after a three-year engagement the pair married January 25, 1946, in Avoca. They lived on a farm in Treynor, then for 10 years in Macedonia, Iowa, before making Walnut, Iowa, their home in 1958. There she was active with the First Presbyterian Church in Walnut, the Thursday Federated Club and the American Veterans Ladies Auxiliary. Her hobbies included dancing every weekend with her husband of 64 years, playing cards with friends, gardening, and wrestling on the floor with her kids, grandkids and great-grandkids In addition to selling life insurance for a short time, Edna became Walnut's skilled seamstress. She made and mended clothing at a time when if a zipper broke, you didn't buy new clothing, you got a new zipper. Edna also stitched together the generations, tailoring wedding dresses for her daughters and granddaughters.

She was preceded in death by her parents, Orville and Elsie Pash; and her brothers, Francis, Lester and Donald Pash.

In addition to her husband, Victor, she is survived by daughters, Rogene and husband, Daniel Terrian, of Ottumwa, Iowa, Vicki and husband, Roger Aughe, of Council Bluffs, Doreen Dee and husband, Dennis Taylor, of Waxahachie, Texas; sons, Bernie and wife, Cindy Nielsen, of Trinity, Fla., and Jay and wife, Karen Nielsen, of Allison, Iowa; 16 grandchildren; 22 great grandchildren; and 3 great great grandchildren.

Congratulations to Rob and Amy Hansen on the birth of their twins: William Edward & Elizabeth Sue on March 1st

Seen in Church Bulletins (Not Ours)
(These are jokes)

Scouts are saving aluminum cans, bottles and other items to be recycled.
Proceeds will be used to cripple children.

This evening at 7 PM there will be a hymn singing in the park across from the Church.
Bring a blanket and come prepared to sin.

Presbyterian Women
If you are a Presbyterian and you are a women, then you are a PW! Come join us – the first Wednesday each month at 1:30 pm.

April 7th Walnut AFS exchange students, Akari from Japan and Nicole from Switzerland will speak.

Tuesday, April 6th walnut PW is invited to Guest Day at Peace United Church 2:00 PM.

April 10th, Saturday, members will journey to Council Bluffs Bethany Presbyterian Church for the Missouri River Valley PW Spring Gathering. Registrations must be in by April 5th. If you are planning on attending please call Charlotte Shepherd.

At this conference Walnut PW will be donating hygiene and beauty products such as bar soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, lotion and other feminine products to Mission for All Nations (Love in Action) located at 5210 S 21st St in Omaha. If anyone in the church is willing to donate to this mission get the items to a PW member.

April 20, at 2 PM Walnut PW will host Peace Haven’s Birthday/Bingo party in the PH dining room.

Anyone who would like to help is welcome to come. You could even play bingo, call out numbers, bake a cake or donate prizes. If so call Charlotte Shepherd

Special thanks to all who helped and donated food or contributed in any way for the Lenten meals, Edna Nielsen memorial lunch and Easter breakfast.

Girls for Hire
Karley Helms, Josie Cable and Valerie Sievers are planning a trip this summer to go back to Wyoming to visit the church they worked on last summer and the family they stayed with during that trip.

The girls are trying to raise money for the trip and are open to any kind of work you may need done. Give them a call.

These girls (with Linda Ploen’s help) will be preparing our Easter Brunch. They will be collecting a free will offering.

Mike and Cathy Shutters became new members.
Landon and Jackson were baptized.

May Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Chuck/Linda Ploen, George Mertz, Alice Richter
Communion Servers: Linda Ploen-chm., Chuck Ploen, JoJane Walter, George Mertz

Flowers for April
April 4-----------PW Easter Lilies
April 11----------Phyllis Hansen
April 18----------Bonnie Holtz
April 25----------Darlene Stuart

Church Humor
Don’t let your worries get the best of you; remember, Moses started out as a basket case.

Some people are kind, polite, and sweet-spirited until you try to sit in their pews.

Opportunity may knock once, but temptation bangs on the front door forever.

You can tell how big a person is by what it takes to discourage him.

Session Minutes
March 9, 2010

The session of Walnut First Presbyterian Church met in regular session on March 9th in the south Sunday School annex.

Those in attendance were Jim McDermott, Linda Ploen, Dennis Jensen, Robin Tooley, Bonnie Holtz, Linda Krueger and Jim Tooley. Absent were Bobbie McDermott and Margo Matthies.

Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer and scripture from Mark 6: 1-13. His reflection was entitled “Simplicity”.

The minutes of the February 16th meeting were read and approved.

The treasurer’s report was approved as given.

David reported many visits and a total of 156 miles for his Pastor’s report.

There was nothing to report from the clerk and no deaths to report.

Linda Ploen stated that there were no responses from letters sent out for inactive status. It was moved and 2nd to place these members on the inactive list.

We received a letter of transfer from Trinity Lutheran Church in Avoca, Iowa. It was moved and 2nd to accept this. Motion carried.

Stewardship and Mission
Linda K. and Bonnie reported on the One Great Hour of Sharing offering which is due Palm Sunday, March 28th. The money from the children’s banks will go to relief in Haiti. David and Jim M. also reported on several mission trip opportunities. We could possibly go with another church. Some trips are: Valentine, Nebraska w/Faithful Shepherd church in Omaha, New Orleans w/Church of the Master in Omaha, and one to Louisville, Kentucky for inner city work. These may be some possibilities.

Christian Education
Robin reported that she will meet with the Peace church on Thursday to discuss Bible School. There is interest in a youth group; we just need to set a date to get started.

Communion was served to 9 residents at Peace Haven on March 7th with Dennis Jensen serving as elder. It was moved and 2nd to serve communion on Maunday Thursday evening.There was some discussion on the Good Friday service. It has been poorly attended in the past so it was moved and 2nd to leave the decision of holding a service up to David and Pastor Muckey. It was also decided to go ahead and have communion on Easter Sunday since it’s the first Sunday of the month.

Finance and Property
Discussed spring cleaning. We will set a date next meeting. There was no action taken on the floor refinishing. Jim T. reported on a bid for redrywalling the sanctuary. Osbahr Drywall gave a bid for doing the ceiling. There would have to be prep work done before he started. We decided to table this discussion. Chuck Ploen sent an estimate for the repair of the round stained glass window on the front of the church. It was moved and 2nd to accept the bid . Motion carried. It was also moved and 2nd to remove the name of Kent Johnk from the signature card and safety deposit box at the bank and put Jim Tooley’s name on. Motion carried. We also had a CD renewed.

New Business
David and Jim McDermott attended the Presbytery meeting and David reported on the happenings at the meeting. Jim reported that the General Assembly will be in Minneapolis this year and may be a possibility for our youth or anyone to go and help with this. David also asked for permission to have “BRO” of Harlan come and maintain our copy machine. It was moved and 2nd to do so. Dennis also asked per Mary Ellen W. about ice for the Antique Walk. We decided to buy form the same company. Perhaps we need to raise our price. David asked us again to think about what our church’s mission is.

The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Next meeting is April 13, at 7:00 p.m.

Linda Ploen
Clerk of Session

Note: It was later decided to cancel Maunday Thursday services and encourage everyone to attend Peace Church’s musical event.