Monday, September 24, 2012

October 2012 Gleaner

          As I sit to write today I’m thinking about the worship service yesterday, September 23rd. The sanctuary was full, so full that there were folks standing at the back. Not only was it full there were 21 young people at worship.
          Now that may not mean much to some but our attendance at Sunday morning worship has been way less. Let me just say that there haven’t been any people standing in the back searching for a place to sit.
          The reason the pews were full was two-fold. We had a cute little girl to baptize and the Sunday school had new study Bibles to handout to those who were advancing to our older class. So, we had parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and friends here to support the new Mom and Dad and the young folks receiving their new Bibles. That’s why the sanctuary was overflowing.
          The last few weeks I’ve been reading and thinking about worship, why we worship on Sunday morning, how we worship, and is it pleasing to God.
          Most folks, my age and older, come to worship every Sunday morning because that’s what they’ve always done. It’s part of the Sunday morning ritual; it’s an ingrained habit that started way back when.  Some Sunday’s their hearts may be lifted with an inspiring sermon and other Sundays maybe not so much. So why do we continue to come?
          When we look at the bulletin do we ever ask ourselves why we do this prayer here and sing this song there and say the Lord’s Prayer here…and why do we pray two or three different prayers? Why do we have a prayer of confession?
Does anyone ever ask these questions or are we more concerned with getting the whole process over in 60 minutes?  As a pastor I think about these things. I wonder if the words spoken during worship have any impact on those listening…and is God pleased.
Whether we think about it or not God’s the one who calls us together to worship. He’s the one who began this process by calling every one of us into being. And so we respond to his call by gathering Sunday morning, the day of Jesus’ resurrection, to give God our thanks and praise and focus our thoughts on God and His kingdom.
That’s why we worship. The how is a different thing because God in his ultimate wisdom created each of us with different characteristics which means we don’t all worship or process things in the same way. And so, every person receives something different than their neighbor sitting beside them at the exact same worship service.
I may not have answered the question why we worship but I pray that now you will consider why it is you do what you do when you come to worship on Sunday morning...or Saturday evening.
May God bless your day today and forevermore,
Pastor David
Thank-you to Jim Tooley, Kathy Hansen, Margo & Doug Matthies, Chuck & Linda Ploen, Pastor David & Linda Krueger, and Dennis & Nancy Hullinger for providing and serving a Sunday evening meal at Peace Haven.  We had a really fun time and the residents not only complimented the food but remarked that they loved hearing so much laughter.
Thank-you to Jim Tooley and Barb Eslick for providing us with special music on Sept 9th and 23rd.
Thank-you to our Sunday School for a HUGE ice cream party celebrating the start of a new Sunday School year.  I don’t know how many different toppings there were but I do know they were all delicious.
Thank-you to Dave Heilig, Jim, Justen and Robin Tooley for hanging the big cross which had been taken down for the painting of the sanctuary and the new cloth which was put up behind the cross.

If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.

Congratulations to Wilma Newton and Dennis Hullinger on becoming members of our church on Sept. 9th.  We welcome them from the United Church in Avoca.
Congratulations to Shane and Tara Lohoff on the baptism of baby Brielle on Sept. 23rd.
Congratulations to Eric and Cheyenne Mertz of Council Bluffs on the birth of their baby boy, Ruger Michael Hegner Mertz, on Sept. 20th.  He weighed 6 lb 1 oz.  Eric is George Mertz’s grandson and Dennis Mertz’s son.  Cheyenne is the daughter of Louis and Rose Mary Pedersen and the granddaughter of Edna Kutnink.
Congratulations to Brian and Nellie Popp on the birth of their daughter Teagan on Sept. 23rd.  Nellie is the daughter of Jim and Bobbie McDermott and the granddaughter of Leo Rechtenbach.

      A thief broke into my house last night…he started searching for money so I woke up and searched with him.

Golden Oldies
The Golden Oldies will meet for lunch at Trinity Lutheran Church October 16 at 11:30 AM.  There will be NO Golden Oldies in November and December.  The next meal will be January 15th at our church.

Our sympathy to the family of Sylvia Reddie.  Sylvia passed away on August 28th at the age of 87 in Washington State.  Sylvia was a former Walnut resident who operated a Bed and Breakfast and was an active member of our church.

My memory’s not as sharp as it used to be.  Also, my memory’s not as sharp as it used to be.

                   November Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers:  Teri Abel, Darlene Stuart, Margo Matthies and Cathy Shutters
Communion Servers: Kathy Hansen chm, Bobbie McDermott, Darlene Stuart, Jim McDermott.  October ushers and communion servers are at bottom of calendar.

                             It’s scary when you start making the same noises as your coffee maker.

          Flowers for Pulpit
                                                             October 7--------Cathy Shutters
                                                 October 14--------Teri Abel
                                                 October 21 ------Bobbie McDermott
                                                 October 28 ------Janet Grush

“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.”  Mother Teresa

Presbyterian Women
Presbyterian Women meet Wednesday, October 3, 1:30 pm in church dining room.
Business __ Annual PW Mini Bazaar and Dinner

Missouri River Valley Presbytery (PW women of churches in western Iowa and Omaha)FALL GATHERING at New Horizons Presbyterian Church in Council Bluffs, Saturday, October 6. If you plan to attend w/Charlotte please let her know by September 29 so luncheon reservations may be made.

Please have your Snicker candy bars (2.07 oz) turned in by September 30 -Sunday so they can be taken to the Fall Gathering, also if you are making Christmas stockings for HELP Adult Services please bring them by that date.

Today I will live in the moment – unless the moment is unpleasant, in which case I will eat a cookie.
Session Minutes

September 11, 2012
The session of Walnut First Presbyterian Church met in regular session on September 11, 2012 at 7 pm in the Sunday School south annex.  Those in attendance were: Margo Matthies, Linda Krueger, Jim Tooley Linda Ploen, Kathy Hansen and Allan Sievers.  Absent were Jim McDermott, Jack Ploen, Michelle and Mike Mertz.

Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer.  Scripture readings were from Matthew 28:19, Mark 1:4, Mark 10:38, Romans 6:3-4, Acts 2:38-39, 1 Corinthians 12:13, and Colossians 2:12.  Our reflection was a discussion and personal stories of baptism.

The minutes of the August meeting were read and approved.

The Treasurer’s report was accepted as given.  The Antique Walk report was also given.  We had a net income of $5,968.59.

The pastor’s report was given and approved.  Pastor David traveled 47 miles this month.  He also thanked everyone for their prayers and concern since the death of his sister.

There was no clerk’s report and no deaths.  Dennis Hullinger and Wilma Newton were accepted into membership on September 9th by letter of transfer from United Church of Avoca.

Stewardship and Mission
“Bring A Friend Sunday” needs to be rescheduled, perhaps as a community effort.  Peace Offering will begin September 16th and will run for 4 Sundays.  Part of this offering stays here in walnut for anti-bullying.  We need to try the 30 hour famine program again.  Also mentioned was passing out bags for the Food Pantry and having people bring them back with supplies.  We need to keep thinking about a mission project for our church.

Christian Education
The first day of Sunday School “Sundae Sunday” was a big success.  There has been a good attendance with helpers: Robin Tooley, Kathy Hansen, Bonnie Holtz, Michelle Mertz and Michelle Sunderman.  Kathy Hansen also reported that she had delivered 3 more welcome baskets to new Walnut residents from our church.  The 2013 Presbyterian Youth Triennium will be held at Lafayette, Indiana on July 16-20, 2013.  The theme is “I am”.

Communion was served to 4 residents at Peace Haven on September 2nd.  Jim Tooley served as elder.  Linda Ploen also wanted to remind everyone of our Saturday night services on the 4th Saturday of each month at 5:30.  Refreshments are included.  We are also looking at things to make our Advent season more meaningful and visual. 

Finance and Property
Jim Tooley reported on our Wells Fargo account.  It was moved and 2nd to put the money into a CD since it was gaining only .01 percent interest.  We will renew our CD with Great Western Bank.  We received a bid for new doors and windows for the church.  After discussion we decided to list all the improvements we need or would like, to see what the congregation feels about them and the priorities of projects.  The list is as follows: interior doors, south door, replace accordion doors, new windows, trim and molding around windows, refinish floors, new furnace and air conditioner, and new pews or replace with chairs.  We welcome any input on these projects.  Perhaps we could have a special fund raiser for any of these projects.

The 2012 nominating committee is: Chuck Ploen, Greg Mertz and Jim Tooley.  We also discussed our “Celebration of Service”.  It will be an appreciation celebration for all those who serve the church.  We may try to have it in November.

New Business
Our by-laws were reviewed with suggested changes noted.  We will be hosting the Sunday evening meal at Peace Haven on September 16th at 5:30.

The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Next meeting will be October 9th, 2012 at 7 pm.

Linda Ploen
Clerk of Session

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