Monday, August 27, 2012

September Gleaner 2012

Pastor’s Notes
            Beginning September 9 our denomination begins to celebrate a “Season of Peace.” This runs from September 9 through October 7, World Communion Sunday; the Sunday we will receive the Peacemaking offering. Twenty-nine days to contemplate “peace.”
          Our session last night decided to receive the Peacemaking Offering and to give the 25% portion our congregation is allowed to keep to the Walnut Community School to support their anti-bullying program.
          As we think about what a “season of peace” might be like I urge you to pick up your Bibles and read Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. It’s only 6 chapters; you can read it in less than 30 minutes.
          Eugene Petersen wrote in The Message that this letter was about belief and behavior. In this letter Paul talks about how God has a plan worked out by Christ, a plan to bring healing and unity into the world that is so torn apart by a sinful nature.
          Through God’s grace in Jesus Christ there are no longer outsiders or insiders. We’re all one body. Paul said, “Christ came and preached peace to you outsiders and peace to us insiders. He treated us as equals, and so made us equals.”
          So, what would it be like to experience peace, in our homes, in our schools, in our communities, in our world? Can you imagine that?
          Every day we listen to the news about US soldiers in Afghanistan being killed by Afghanistani policemen. We hear of people being shot, and killed, in parts of Omaha. We hear the candidates for political office speaking in ways that don’t do much to promote peaceful relations. And if we’re honest with each other it’s not too peaceful in our own homes either.
          In this Season of Peace what are we to do to begin making changes that will make this world peaceful? Please don’t think I have all the answers because I struggle with the same things you all do.
          One thing I do know and believe and that is God had a plan that he put into motion in Jesus the Christ. God came into the world, a violent world, and through the example of Jesus’ life showed all of us how to live in peace, how to reconcile our differences in non-violent ways. His example was that God was, is, and always will be love. Love cannot exist without peace. And neither can exist without God’s grace.
          So, friends, as I’ve said these last couple weeks it begins with us, it begins first in our very own homes; it begins by making a commitment to change our old habits for a Christ-like life, a life of peace, and love.
          Please take the time to read Paul’s letter to the Ephesians and when the information is distributed for the Peacemaking Offering read it and prayerfully consider what you can do to bring peace into this world.
          All my life I’ve heard of war and killing and if it’s ever going to stop it’s going to have to start right here with you and me. Let’s commit to leaving this world in a better state than it was when we were born.
          God’s peace and grace be with you all,
          Pastor David
Thank-you to everyone for your prayers, cards, and gifts during Pastor David’s heartache over his sister June.  June Smith, 55, of Mt. Ayr, surrounded by her husband, three sons and brothers and sisters, lost her battle with cancer August 15th.
Thank-you to Kathy Hansen for all the work she did on our float for the Fireman’s Funfest and for providing and delivering gift baskets to new residents in Walnut.

                Our sympathy to the Tooley family on the death of Jim’s brother-in-law,
                Doug Marsh.  Doug died August 24th at his home in Omaha.  Doug’s wife if   
                Deb (Tooley) Marsh.
                                 A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.     
Congratulations to Shane and Tara Lohoff on the birth of their daughter, Brielle Helen Ruth Lohoff on July 11th.  Brielle weighed 6 lb. 12 oz. and was 20 in. long.
Congratulations to Michelle Tooley and Shannon Wood for passing the EMT test.
Congratulations to Hunter Nielsen for his Champion and Grand Champion Honors for his livestock at the Shelby County Fair.
Congratulations to Ty Johnk for his Championship awards for his heifer at the East Pott.
County Fair and his purple ribbon at the State Fair.
Congratulations to Jeff and Kathy Hansen’s daughter, Amy, on receiving her Master’s Degree in “Master of Healthcare Administration” from Bellevue University in Nebraska.

Being Thankful
A Pastor said to a precocious six-year-old boy, “So your mother says your prayers for you each night?  That’s very commendable.  What does she say?”  The little boy replied, “Thank God he’s in bed?”

Sunday School
Sunday School will begin this fall on September 9th.  Robin Tooley has a fun time planned for the children on this “Sundae Sunday”.  The beautiful Christian calendars will again be sold this year by the Sunday School.

Blankets, Blankets, Blankets
Extra blankets at your house???  We have a use for them.  The month of September we will be collecting CLEAN blankets to be delivered to Women’s Shelters and Homeless Shelters.  The blankets do not have to be new, just clean.  You can bring them to the church and they will be delivered.

I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my grandfather.  Not screaming and yelling like the passengers in his car.

Save The Date
Kathy Hansen is hosting a bridal shower for Robin Tooley and Dave Heilig on October 14th.  Everyone is invited!  Men, Women and Children!  Kathy is planning a FUN, FUN event!  Mark your calendars.

The basement has a need for a high chair and a pack-n-play.  It would be nice for our young parents to have a high chair when we have meals downstairs and a place to lay their baby if they fall asleep.

If you would like to help out our local school/teachers you may purchase items and drop them off at the school office.  Along with the usual paper, erasers etc. items most needed are: glue stix, Kleenex, Lysol wipes, pencils, and notebooks.

Anyone can count the seeds in an apple, but only God can count the number of apples in a seed.

Food Pantry
The Food Pantry has a need for these items in September:
Canned fruit and veggies                               Peanut Butter
Dry pudding mix                                           Soup
Shampoo and Conditioner                               Juice
Tuna                                                            Jell-O and pudding
Cereal                                                                   Spaghetti Sauce

Put them in the basket at the back of the sanctuary and Pastor David will be happy to deliver them to the Food Pantry.

Snickers Sunday
On any Sunday Sept. 16-Oct. 14 churches are asked to participate in HELP Adult Services 3rd Annual Snickers Sunday.  Bring Snickers (2.07 ox only) to donate to the Christmas stocking program.  The Christmas Stocking program has been providing handmade stockings filled with goodies to nearly 3,000 incarcerated adults and youth in our area for over two decades.  These stockings are often the only Christmas gift that an inmate will receive.  At least one Snickers bar will be in every stocking.

Antique Walk – Antique Walk – Antique Walk – Antique Walk – Antique Walk
            Robin reported the figures she had (so far) – approximate
            Income - $12,128.95
            Expenses - $5,132.38
            Profit - $6,996.57
Anyone that wants input on next year’s Antique Walk Food Stand should attend the meeting on Sept. 11 at 6:00 at the church.

  October Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Jim Tooley, Robin Tooley
Communion Servers: Linda Ploen – chm, George Mertz, Robin Tooley, Pam Nielsen.  September ushers and communion servers are at bottom of calendar.

                  God sometimes takes us into troubled waters.  Not to drown us, but to cleanse us.

          Flowers for Pulpit
                                                             September 2 -------Avis Mortensen
                                                 September 9--------Karla Helms
                                                 September 16 ------Julie Nash
                                                 September 23 ------Dixie Schirm
                                                     September 30 ------Margo Matthies

The nice part about living in a small town is that when you don’t know what you are doing, someone else does.
Session Minutes

August 21, 2012
The session of Walnut First Presbyterian Church met in regular session on August 21, 2012 at 7 pm. In the Sunday School south annex.  Those in attendance were: Margo Matthies, Linda Krueger, Jim Tooley, Linda Ploen, Jim McDermott, Kathy Hansen and Allan Sievers.  Absent were: Jack Ploen and Michelle & Mike Mertz.

Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer and scripture from Jeremiah 1:5 and Psalm 139: 1-6, 13-16.  The reflection was “Knowing Where You’re Going” from Seasons of God by Richard Blackaby and a reading from Font & Table: A Guide to Sacramental Practice.

The minutes of the June meeting were read and approved.

The treasurer’s report for June and July was accepted as given.

The pastor’s report was read and approved.  Pastor David traveled 142 miles in June and 64 miles in July.

There was no clerk’s report and no deaths.  It was moved and 2nd to approve new members Dennis Hullinger and Wilma Newton who are transferring from United Church of Avoca.  Motion carried.  We also approved the baptism of Brielle Helen Ruth Lohoff, the daughter of Tara and Shane Lohoff on September 23rd
Stewardship & Mission
Linda Krueger reported on the Peace Making offering which will be taken on October 7th.  The offering can be used for anti-bullying campaigns.  It was decided to do this.  We also discussed “Bring A Friend To Church Sunday”.  Kathy Hansen reported that she has given out 6 baskets to new residents of Walnut on behalf of our church.  She would also like to start a blanket drive for the month of September.  Blankets can be brought to the church or the city clerk’s office.  They will be donated to a homeless shelter or women’s shelter.  David also asked that we think about getting involved with a mission project, perhaps Open Door Mission, the Crop walk, Bread for the World or World Vision.  Hopefully we can decide on something by next meeting.  It was also mentioned that the Walk-a-Thon at the Open Door Mission will be September 23rd for anyone interested in walking.

Christian Education
Bible School went well.  Sunday School will be starting again on September 9th with Sundae Sunday.  Thanks were also given to Kathy Hansen for the float for Fun Fest.  It was also ok’d to have Kathy order the calendars to sell for Sunday School. 

David asked to have a meeting with the worship committee to discuss plans for Advent.  Communion was served to 4 residents at Peace Haven on July 1st and August 5th .  Linda Krueger and Margo Matthies, respectively, served as elders.

Finance & Property
The painting of the sanctuary is complete.  It was moved and 2nd to replace the door into the sanctuary.  Motion carried.  Jim Tooley will get bids for this.  We also voted to get bids for new windows in the sanctuary, as they are getting bad.  We would like to keep the stained glass and have them all double paned.  We received our American Red Cross shelter agreement.  Our church can now be used as a shelter during a disaster.  Audio interface, cables and mike risers have been ordered and will be installed soon.  Antique Walk went well, making well over $6,000.  We will meet September 11th at 6:00 to discuss the Walk-what went well and what could be improved.  Kathy was given permission to use the church basement for a shower Robin Tooley and Dave Heilig on October 14th at 2:00.  Everyone is invited. 

We need to be looking for a choir director replacement. 

New Business
No action has been taken with our church by-laws.  It was voted to host a Sunday evening meal at Peace Haven on September 16th at 5:30.  We will serve brisket, salad, bars and bread. 

The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Our next meeting will be September 11,2012 at 7 p.m.

Linda Ploen
Clerk of Session

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