Wednesday, June 27, 2012

July/August Gleaner 2012

Pastor’s Notes
       Summer has officially begun in Walnut with the Amvet’s 2012 Annual Antique Walk now complete.
A whole lot of work goes into preparation and coordinating all that it takes to have a successful church food stand. Many things take place behind the scenes that most folks don’t ever know or think about.
          Things like making sure there’s enough of every supply to serve folks for the whole weekend, meat, ice cream mix, pop, water, cups, forks and spoons, napkins, dill pickles, ice, and…volunteers to serve our guests who come to eat. It’s all takes time and effort to make lists, make phone calls, send emails, and follow up when someone doesn’t answer as quickly as we think they should. And sometimes some of us don’t sleep too well because we worry about this or that thing that we’re unsure of.
          Now it’s over for another year. We won’t think about it again, at least some of us, until May or June next year and then we’ll dig out our notes and lists and the process will begin all over again. That’s how life goes.
          Doesn’t it make you wonder what the world would be like if we put the same amount of effort and sweat and worry into spreading the Good News of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection to people we meet everyday many who we know don’t know one thing about Jesus or King David or Samuel or Moses. Many who we know don’t have a church family to support them, pray for them, laugh and cry with them. They think they’re in this all alone.
          What would our community look like if there were folks, not just the pastor, who made lists, sent emails, made phone calls, stopped to visit, and…maybe didn’t sleep some nights because they worried about Sam or Dora whom they hadn’t had a chance to tell Jesus’ story to yet? What would the world look like if that same process that makes the Antique Walk a success was put to work spreading the Good News?
          Friends, there are some people doing just that. Think about the Open Door Mission, Sienna Francis House, World Vision, Crop Walk, and the Food Pantry. That’s one small step.
          So, what if there was a leadership group that made it their job to plan, coordinate, and organize this congregation to share the Good News with people here in Walnut? What if they made phone calls, sent emails, and begged people to go out in teams, just like Jesus sent his disciples out, just like someone begged you to bake pies or work the food stand or help set up and take down? What if?
          If someone asked you to be part of the team how would you respond?
Pastor David


---to EVERYONE who helped in any way at our FOOD STAND for the Antique Walk.  Chairman Mary Ellen Woltmann works tirelessly for MANY days, Charlotte Shepherd organizes, purchases and delivers the supplies, Larry Shepherd takes charge of the setting up and tearing down of the stand along with helping everywhere, Kathy Hansen was everywhere doing everything, Barb Eslick for her work on the ice cream machine (and the tea), and Pastor David for all his help and his calm demeanor when faced with all our frazzled nerves.

“I’m so glad I’m a part of the Family of God…”

Upcoming Events
Rockin’ Robin’s Day Care – Robin Tooley is having a Grand Opening on July 13th from 5-7 PM at the day care.  Stop in to welcome this new business to the

“Outrageous Olympics” will be held August 25th from 4-8 PM at Faithful Shepherd Presbyterian Church (8100 Giles Road, Omaha).  This is a fun evening for Preschool-Adults.  If interested contact Kathy Hansen.  Registration is due by August 13th.

Fireman’s Parade will be held August 4th (Saturday afternoon).  Kathy Hansen, Michelle Mertz and Robin Tooley will head up the committee for our float.  If interested in participating contact one of these ladies.    
BBQ & Quilt Auction – August 25th Calvin Crest, Fremont NE is hosting their annual BBQ and quilt auction.  Quilts will be on display at 10 AM, BBQ is from 12-1:30, and the auction will begin at 1 PM.

‘O Lord, please keep your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth

Congratulations to—Drew Cable for passing all his classes and THE TEST to                                 
                                  become an EMT!  Drew will be majoring in criminal justice
                                  at Iowa Western this fall.
                             ----Our softball/baseball players (high school) Lauren Sievers,
                                  Kaitlyn Tooley, Emily Mitchell, Alyssa Becerra, Ty Johnk,
                                    Jared Ploen, Chris Guthry, Josh Guthry, Drew Cable and
                                  Michael Mertz.  They had a VERY SUCCESSFUL season.
Anniversary Congratulations – Al and Dixie Schirm – 69 years – on July 24th
                                               --Vincent and Phyllis Hansen – 68 years – June 24th
                                               --Don and JoJane Walter – 64 years – June 23rd

Sometimes I feel like throwing in the towel – but you know what that means …more laundry!

      August Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Kent & Carla Johnk, Jim & Bobbie McDermott  
Communion Servers:.Margo Matthies-chm.,Alan Sievers, Barb Eslick, Teri Abel

“Some people care too much… I think it’s called love.”  Winnie the Pooh

                                         September Ushers and Connunion Servers
Ushers:  Kathy Hansen, Larry & Charlotte Shepherd   
Communion Servers:  Jim Tooley-chm., Gloria Myers, Larry & Charlotte Shepherd
July Ushers and Communion Servers are on the July Calendar

I don’t like to gossip but I heard The Father telling The Son to tell The Holy Spirit to tell the
 Angels to protect you today, tonight and always!  It’s in the Word.

                                           Flowers for Pulpit
                                                            July 1 -------Betty Sunderman
                                                July 8------Michelle Sunderman
                                                July 15------Connie Jensen
                                                July 22------Shannon Wood
                                                July 29------Kami Bruck
                                                Aug. 5-------Mary Ellen Woltmann
                                                   Aug. 12------Mary Ellen Woltmann
                                                   Aug. 19------Carla Johnk
                                                   Aug. 26------Jean Bornholdt

                “Some folks are wise and some are otherwise.”  Tobias Smolle

June 2012 Session Minutes                                                                             
June 12, 2012
The session of Walnut First Presbyterian Church met in regular session on June 12 at 7 p.m. in the Sunday School south annex.  Those in attendance were: Linda Krueger Jim Tooley, Linda Ploen and Kathy Hansen.  Absent were: Margo Matthies, Jim McDermott, Jack Ploen, Michelle Mertz, Allan Sievers and Mike Mertz.  A quorum was met.
Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer and scripture from 2 Corinthians 12: 7-10.  His reflection was entitled “God’s Strength in Our Weakness.”
The minutes of the May meeting were read and approved.
The treasurer’s report was accepted as given.
The pastor’s report was given and approved.  David traveled 110 miles this month.  It was moved and 2nd to allow David two Sundays of vacation from July 22-July 29th.  Motion carried.
Linda Ploen then reread the letter on “Culture of Invitation”.  This will be the Sunday before school starts and we are asked to invite and bring someone who doesn’t have a church to come to our church. David then asked us “How are you engaged in study and evangelism in your community?”  He is going to compile a list from churches in the presbytery for a committee he is involved with.  Ideas mentioned were: joint Bible School, Angel Tree, joint Lenten services, Golden oldies, church dinners, Traveler’s Aid fund, food pantry, Good Guys Assistance and the pastor’s visits.  Under membership it was moved and 2nd to reinstate Jean Schmitt to active membership.  Motion carried.
Stewardship and Mission
No action taken.
Christian Education
Kathy reported on the “Outrageous Olympics” at Faithful shepherd Church.  She will get more information on this.  She also stated that Vacation Bible School went well.  It had been a good week.  She received a donation of $100 which she donated to the “Splash Pod” for the use of it during the week.  Kathy also asked about making “Welcome Baskets” for new residents to Walnut informing them about our church.  We thought that was a good idea.
Communion was served to 4 residents at peace Haven on June 3rd.  Jim Tooley was the serving elder.
Finance and Property
It was moved and 2nd to purchase audio interface and misc. cables for the sanctuary PC at a cost of $125.  This will improve the volume control on the sound system.  We will also get 2 mike stand boom arms at a cost of $60.  Motion carried.  David reported that the air conditioning unit for the south annex has not been working.  The unit is 31 years old.  It was decided to give finance and property permission to replace the unit and A-coil.  We have one bid and they will get another.  We also discussed replacing the other units at a later date.  David reported on notes from Mary Ellen Woltmann about the Antique Walk.  We need to think about raising the price of our sandwiches. The interior painting project is progressing.  It was also noted that we begin paying Robin and Connie beginning in May.  This will be retroactive.
New Business
The by-laws for First Presbyterian church were reviewed with changes noted.  No other action was taken.  We will review them later.  Robin Tooley suggested we have a church float for the Fireman’s Parade on August 4th.  We ok’d this.  Kathy will talk to Robin.
The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
The next meeting will be August 14, 2012 at 7 p.m.
Linda Ploen
Clerk of Session

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