Tuesday, November 27, 2012

December 2012 Gleaner

Pastor’s Notes
            Finally, the election campaign ads are gone; the Thanksgiving turkey and/or ham have been consumed by the myriad of family members and friends. Finally, the Advent season is here, the season of hope and anticipation!
          As much as I dislike the chilling winds and cold air that takes my breath away when I’m walking the boys, our canine family members, I do begin to anticipate the celebration of Jesus the Christ’s birth.
          There’s something about this time of year, maybe it’s the words from the Scriptures, maybe it’s the decorations, maybe it’s…my age, that gets me to thinking about what it is we’re all waiting for, hoping for, looking forward to in this coming year in our individual lives and…in the life of God’s church.
          Have you thought lately what you’re hoping for, waiting for, working for? What are you anticipating? What is it that gets you excited and your heart racing?
          A friend stopped in the other day and gave me a book to read. It was about the experience of one pastor who was declared dead but then came back to life. The whole book is about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, heaven, angels, prayer, and those saints who have preceded us. That’s part one. Part two was that God in that mysterious way that he has led me to a Walter Wangerin, Jr. book, The Manger Is Empty.
          Since the first Sunday of Advent was close I thought, “Why not read it for inspiration.” So, I came upon this story that I shared with the congregation this last Sunday, “Behold, the Day Cometh.”  What do you know, it was about Christ coming again and the excited anticipation of the author for the arrival of his friend, who we found out was, Jesus. 
          As if that’s not enough of a sign, the first Sunday of Advent is also about the coming of Christ to the world a second time.  Jesus told his disciples this wasn’t just for some future generation but for the one in which they were living too. And so, in their lives, they were continually anticipating, waiting for Christ to come again.
          Did he come and they not know it? Is Christ coming to us and we don’t know it? What do you think? If his words were for that generation…and future generations doesn’t it sound like Christ is always coming to us? It certainly gives us pause.
          So, besides anticipating what may be under the Christmas tree, are our hearts filled with hopeful anticipation for Christ to come…again? I pray that they are.
          May God’s grace, peace, and joy be yours this Advent season,
          Pastor David
          The Four Stages of Life
1.      You believe in Santa Claus.
2.      You don’t believe in Santa Claus
3.      You are Santa Claus.
4.      You look like Santa Claus.

Thank-you to everyone for making the Fall Supper/Bazaar a success. 
JoJane Walter won the pots and pans, Adam Winterhof’s wife won the afghan and Nancy Hullinger won the Fareway gift card (which she gave to Pastor David to give to a needy family!).  We served 199 people in the church and had 110 carry-outs.

Thank-you to Linda Ploen and Kathy Hansen for hosting our
“Celebration of Service”.  Delicious cake was served and Gloria Myers, Barb Eslick, Jim Tooley, JoJane Walter and Pastor David provided the music.

If you don’t have Christmas in your heart yet…you won’t find it under a tree.

Sunday School Christmas Program
The annual Sunday School Christmas program will be December 16th during
Worship at 9:00 AM.  Come and enjoy watching our young people perform and sing.

Christmas is weird.  What other time of the year do you sit in front of a dead tree and eat candy out of your socks?
All the church ladies are invited to a “come & Go” bridal shower for Brittni Johnk.  The shower will be held December 23rd from 1-3 at Gwen Blum’s house (201 Country St).
Brittni is registered at Target, Bed, Bath & Beyond and Macy’s.  Brittni (and Ron)
Would love to have a copy of your favorite recipe.  A basket is at the back of the church for you to drop your recipe in.

                   January Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Dennis & Dustin Jensen, Allan Sievers & Shannon Griffith 
Communion Servers:  Allan Sievers - chm, Dennis Jensen, Linda Ploen, Linda Woltmann.  December ushers and communion servers are at bottom of calendar.

                             Children don’t Need your presents, they need your presence.

Poinsettias will be placed in the sanctuary in memory of family and friends who
have passed on.  Please let me know who your poinsettia is in memory of.

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not
giving it.”- William Arthur Ward
Angel Tree
The Angel Tree is up at the library again this year.  If you can help out a family this
Christmas pick out an angel or two and buy the gift suggestion on it.  Bring the gift (with angel
attached) to Walnut December 14th.  Linda Ploen, Margo Matthies and Kathy Hansen will
collect them, wrap them and distribute them.  If you would like to contribute wrapping paper,
tape or boxes for the gifts please bring them to the church before December 14th.

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we
Give.” - Winston Churchill

Golden Oldies
No Golden Oldies in December.  The next meal will be at our church on January 15th.

Love is what’s in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen.

Food Pantry
The Food Pantry has no special requests for December since the drive in November filled their shelves to overflowing. Whatever you’d like to donate is appreciated. A new list of needs will be coming in January.

Session Minutes
November 13, 2012

The session of Walnut First Presbyterian church met in regular session on November 13th, 2012 at 7 pm in the Sunday School south annex.  Those in attendance were: Margo Matthies, Jim Tooley, Linda Krueger and Linda Ploen.  Absent were: Jim McDermott, Jack Ploen, Kathy Hansen, Allan Sievers and Michelle and Mike Mertz.

Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer.  Scripture readings were from 2 Corinthians 3:18, 5:17.  Our reflection was on Font & Table (Baptism).

The minutes of the October meeting were read and approved.

There was no Treasurer’s report, as it was not available.

The pastor’s report was approved as given.  David traveled 135 miles.

Linda Ploen reported that we had received our Theological General Mission Pledge.  It was moved and 2nd to give $1300 for mission support and $200 for the Theological Education Fund. Motion carried. There were no deaths or membership changes. 

Stewardship & Mission
Linda K. and Margo reported that the Christmas Joy offering will begin the first Sunday of December and will be received on December 23rd.  We will have “Bring a Friend” Sunday on the first Sunday of the new year.  David also continues to encourage us to choose and support a mission project.  Linda P. will get supplies for the children’s and adult’s Christmas goodie bags.  We also approved the Christmas gifts of $25 for Sunday School teachers, helpers, janitor, Sunday School Superintendant, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, Clerk of Session, $50 for the pianist and $250 for Pastor David.  David also told us of a couple mission opportunities, one from Foley, Mn. First Presbyterian Church.  A group of young people are wanting to come to our Presbytery to do any kind of project.  Also the Presbytery of Transylvania in Kentucky is looking for groups that would be willing to come down and help with some projects.  They were some interesting ideas for some mission trips for our church. 

Christian Education
Since Kathy was unable to attend the meeting, David read a report from her.  She has delivered three more “Welcome Baskets” to new Walnut residents.  There were 19 children that attended a fun Halloween party.  She also has donated a $100 food gift card to be raffled off at the church dinner to help a needy family at Christmas.  The 2013 Presbyterian Youth Triennium will by held in Lafayette, In. on July 16-20, 2013.  David also asked about ordering an adult course called “Animate Faith”.  We decided to discuss this later to see if there is any interest in this.

Communion was served to 5 residents at Peace Haven on November 4th.  Kathy Hansen served as elder.  Plans are being made for the “Celebration of Service” on November 18th.  Thanksgiving Eve service will be at Trinity Lutheran in Avoca at 7:00 pm.  Advent begins December 2nd.  Permission was given to David to purchase a new Advent wreath if our old one can not be fixed.  There will be no Saturday night service in November. We need to get some feedback on our contemporary service.  Do we want to continue this?  

Finance & Property
David received word on the new policy to update our bulk mail.  We have to have an endorsement on each piece of mail.  David chose “address service requested”.  We have to mail out 200 items and we are charged $1.12 for each piece returned.  We need to know when members move.  Jim t. reported that we need a new tarp for the Antique Walk.  He will check into purchasing this.  He will also check with Gene Larsen about renting some tables for the Walk so we don’t have to buy new ones.  He also stated that we need a brighter light in the back of the church, as it is so dark.  He will talk to Allan Sievers about this.  Another concern is the floor in the kitchen.  We should maybe think about replacing it.  We need to check with a flooring company to see about our options.

The 2012 nominating committee is: Chuck Ploen, Greg Mertz and Jim Tooley.

New Business
Gloria Myers was given permission to use the church basement on December 4th.  We then worked on the 2013 budget.  The per capita this year is $33 per member, so our per capita budget will go from $3,967.48 to $4620.  We need to encourage members to help pay their per capita.

The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Next meeting will be December 11th at 7:00 pm.

Linda Ploen
Clerk of Session

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