Thursday, December 27, 2012

Gleaner January 2013

Pastor’s Notes
            Christmas Day has come and gone. By the time you read this the decorations and trees may have all been put away or carried to the curb or the landfill. We might think now it’s time to settle in for a long winter’s nap. While that might be nice, wrapped in your new fleece blanket, I would like to suggest that you try something different.
          If you’re one of those folks who like to plant vegetable or flower gardens then you know that come January the new seed catalogs begin to arrive. You would think that corn is corn and beans are beans but someone always seems to discover a new variety or they have modified the seed genetically to be resistant too or more drought tolerant or something else that you can’t resist ordering the seed packet and trying it out.
          Well, what our spiritual walk? Is there anything new out there that might refresh and/or revitalize our journey with God? There might…be a few things out in The Cloud, the Internet, or the library.
          One I might suggest, that I’m going to check out, is “My One Word” written by Mike Ashcraft and Rachel Olsen. They propose instead of making a one sentence resolution in the New Year to take time to come up with “one word” that will be your focus for the year.
          Just think about it. How many resolutions have you made and two weeks later abandoned? “One word”…that should be so much easier to keep track of, to concentrate on…to live. What “one word” is God placing on your heart to commit to this year? What “one word” is God asking this congregation to concentrate their time and talents on in 2013?
          “One Word” that’s pretty simple. Too simple you think. What will it hurt to try it? Surely God is laying “one word” before you. As you spend time sitting wrapped in that cozy fleece blanket, ask God to reveal your “one word.”  
          You can find their book on in paperback or for your kindle. I’m getting ready to check it out. Or go ask your library to order it and pass it around. 
          May God lead you to your “one word” and give you, and me, the discipline to stay focused on His “one word” for us in 2013.
          Remember, God loves you and so do I,
          Pastor David

Huge thank you to Robin Heilig, Kathy Hansen, Michelle Mertz, Cathy Shutters and Bonnie Holtz for organizing and directing our Christmas Program.
Thank you to Connie & Denny Jensen for putting up the outside Nativity Scene.
Thank you to Gloria Myers for decorating the sanctuary.
Thank you to Linda Ploen for buying and bagging the fruit and candy for the
children and shut-ins (and Kathy Hansen and Pastor David for delivering them).
Thank you to Margo Matthies, Kathy Hansen, and Linda Ploen for being in charge of the “Angel Tree” again this year.
Thank you to Les and Teri Abel for giving the church their stove.

Pastor David and Linda would like to thank everyone for the cards and gifts they received.

Thank You
Eight little letters,
One little space,
Tell you the reason
For the smile on my face.
I want you to know
That for all that you do
I sincerely appreciate,
Love and thank you.

Thank you to everyone for all your prayers, gifts and well wishes during the time I wasn’t feeling well.  I truly appreciate everything.  A special thank you to everyone who helped with the angel tree project since I couldn’t be there.
May God Bless You All.  Linda Ploen

                   February Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Charles & Gloria Walter, Greg & Michelle Mertz
Communion Servers: Jack Ploen-chm, Greg & Michelle Mertz, Charles Walter 

January  ushers and communion servers are at bottom of calendar.

God put me on earth to accomplish a certain number of things.  Right now, I am so far behind I will live forever.

Donor:                                   In Memory of:
Steve, Marie Livengood            John & Twyla Bero
Barb Eslick                               Bill Eslick
Chuck & Linda Ploen               Marge Ploen & Melissa Manhart
Ross & Jean Bornholdt             Laurie Bornholdt
George Mertz                           Mertz Family
Dave & Robin Heilig                 Jan Tooley
Pres. Women                            Church family & friends
Betty, Steve & Michelle
Sunderman                               Darrell & Sam Sunderman
          Joe, Dorothy & Larry Beckendorf
Gloria, Ed and Katie
Ross, Tina and Xavier
Gregory (Basket of
greenery on piano)                    Louis & Jean Myers
Larry & Charlotte Shepherd      Family & friends
Julie Nash                                 Ryan Nash
Joe & Jeannie Schmitt               Herb & Marie Mertz
Leo Rechtenbach                      Jeanette Rechtenbach
Annual Meeting
The annual Congregational Church Meeting will be January 27th. Sunday School
at 9:00, worship at 10:30 with the meal and then the meeting.  Meat will be provided,
please bring a veg, salad or dessert. Please have your reports to the office by
Jan. 13th.As in the past, this is the time we bring gifts to the church (paper towels,
toilet paper, janitorial supplies etc.).

Football Signals
A 3-year-old regularly watched football games with his father.  In fact, he watched so much that he knew
some of the signals the referees make.

On a recent Sunday, the three-year-old attended church with the family.  As the pastor raised his hands
high to offer a blessing, the child interrupted the service by shouting, “Touchdown!”

Golden Oldies
Golden Oldies will be at our Church January 15th at 11:30.

I used to have a handle on life but it broke.

Food Pantry
Roberta reports that any contributions would be welcome.

I (Linda Krueger) would like to share part of a letter that was received by the Good Guys this year:
 “As I read the Walnut Bureau I saw the article about being an Angel this Holiday Season.  Years ago the Good Guys would bring a box of food for my family and friends to enjoy for the Holiday Season.  As I was struggling to raise my three children it was a Godsend.  My mom also shared in those meals and I cannot even express the gratitude I felt.  So please forgive me for taking umpteen years to thank you and the Walnut Community for helping us out.  I was always grateful but not very good at letting you all know.  It was true in my case ‘it takes a village’ to raise children.  Please accept this humble donation.”  (enclosed with the letter was $100.)

Session Minutes
December 11, 2012

The session of Walnut First Presbyterian church met in regular session on December 11, 2012 at 7 pm in the Sunday school south annex.  Those in attendance were: Margo Matthies, Jim Tooley, Linda Krueger, Michelle Mertz and Kathy Hansen.  Absent were: Jack Ploen, Allan Sievers and Mike Mertz.

Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer.  Reflection was from Font & Table for the Renewal of Sacramental Life.

The minutes of the October meeting were approved.

The Treasurer’s report was read and approved.

The pastor’s report was approved as given.  David traveled 316 miles.

No deaths reported.  David officiated at Danial Weihs funeral.

Stewardship & Mission
Linda Krueger reported on Micah House in Council Bluffs.  It was voted to send them $50.
The Joy Offering will be collected Dec. 23rd.
Our collection to a family in Walnut was discussed and a family was chosen to receive this gift.
Reminder to Bring a Friend to Church
Gifts for children & shut-ins were put together by Linda Ploen.  Kathy Hansen and Pastor David will deliver them to shut-ins.
Margo reported 17 angels were still left on the tree.  There were 67 to start with.  If all the angels aren’t taken, the Church will cover the cost of any left over.
Be thinking of goals for next year.

Christian Education
Sunday school has been practicing for the Christmas Program Dec. 16th.
Kathy delivered two welcome baskets to new residents of Walnut.
Pres. Youth Triennium is in Indiana July 16-20 for $469.
Be thinking of public service projects for youth.
Jim M. is planning a fishing trip for next summer.
Be thinking of goals for next year.

Communion was served to 3 residents at Peace Haven on Dec. 2nd.  Linda Krueger served as elder.
Do we want to continue the Saturday evening Contemporary Worship?  Session members should talk to younger members to see if they want to continue.

Finance & Property
Megan Ehlers, Ty Johnk, Bailey Nielsen and Jared Ploen need scholarship money paid in 2013.
Jim Tooley will look in to a new light for the back of the church.
Jim T. found a heavy tarp for the food stand and it was voted unanimously to order it for $200.
Jim T. reported we can rent tables for the Antique Walk for $7.25 each for three days.
We would need 10 of these.  They would be delivered and picked up, $72.50 for the three days.  It was voted to do this.  We voted to buy three 8 foot tables for the food stand as they need to be put up early.
Jim T. had a quote for a new kitchen floor from Rick Rasmussen of Harlan for Flexmar Flooring.  His estimate was $1724.64.  The old floor would have to be torn out.  Session discussed doing the back room also.  After much discussion it was decided to table this item until January.
Many compliments to Jim Tooley on the great job he’s done on Session.

More work was done on the budget.  Pastor was given a 2.5% increase in salary after much discussion about the good job he’s doing and wishing they could give him more.

New Business
Annual Congregational Meeting set for January 27th.

The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Next meeting will be January 8, 2013 at 7:00 pm.

Linda Krueger
(Substituting for Linda Ploen, Clerk of Session)

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