Monday, January 28, 2013

February Gleaner 2013

            As I sit here writing this morning the temperature outside is 33 degrees and it’s very foggy. My sister in Massachusetts is preparing for another winter snowstorm. Of course it’s winter and that’s to be expected.
            All of us who have lived in the north central plains are more or less used to the 4 seasons and the extreme weather conditions. That doesn’t mean that we always “like” the heat or the cold, the rain or the snow.
            People who’ve been through periods of bitter cold, no electricity, piles of snow, and being housebound for long periods of time can probably empathize with those who experience similar feelings spiritually and emotionally.
            In the winter we can be isolated, cold, our resources could run low, and life can become almost unbearable. Our emotional and spiritual psyche can experience similar things.
            Think about what we do when this happens. What do you do when you begin to feel like no one cares, you’re all alone, and the sun hasn’t been out for days?
            When this happens we might turn to our faith in God. I read a blog this morning by Donald McKim at Gathering Voices where he referred to Samuel Rutherford who talked about the “winter” in our lives. In a letter he wrote he said, “I see faith growth best in the winter.” And in a sermon he said, “Faith is a grace for winter, to give God leisure to bring summer in his own season.”
            Have you ever considered that “grace grows best in the winter?”  McKim reminds us that “winter” is usually our time of greatest need. Therefore in “winter” God’s grace most often meets us where we most need him.
            Isn’t that so true? Think about those times when you were struggling and maybe times were pretty tough. What did you do? Where did you turn? When it’s happened to me I find that I go to God in prayer. Maybe you do to.
            We go to God because our faith, this wonderful gift from God, leads us to him. We go to him because Paul said that God’s grace is sufficient for all our needs. We go to him because Paul learned and told us that when he was weak God’s strength prevails. God’s power is perfect in our weakness.
            So, good friends, as you lament the fact that it’s bitter cold and the snow is piling up in the driveway and the woodpile is getting low or the gas bill is getting bigger remember this, “Faith grows best in the winter.”
            God’s grace and peace be with you all this winter,
Pastor David

In Memoriam
Edna Kutnink
November 19, 1915-January 18, 2013

          Edna May Kutnink was born on November 19, 1915, to Andrew and Anna (Pieper) Jensen in Minden, Iowa. She attended country school near Minden until the eighth grade. She worked as a housemaid until her marriage on January 19, 1934 to John Kutnink. The couple lived on a farm northeast of Walnut where they were self-sufficient with crops, cattle, hogs, chickens, and the biggest garden in the county. Edna had a 5-quart bucket of strawberries picked before most were out of be in the morning. She spent much of her time cooking for her family and the farm help and canning fruits and vegetables. After John’s death on November 23, 1980, Edna then moved into Walnut.
            To her family Edna is best known for her quilts. She spent thousands of hours making them, and each of her grandchildren and great grandchildren have at lest one on their beds. She enjoyed playing cards with neighbors and friends. She was a member of the garden club and the canasta card club. She taught many of her grandchildren to play and always made them earn their win: “No crying, be a good sport.” She enjoyed cooking, baking, and sewing, and having all her family around. She would make the birthday cake of choice for her grandkids. All her family would request her meatballs and Christmas cookies during the holidays. Her wedding present for each was a quilt and hand-embroidered dish towels and pillow cases. She made many of her own clothes, and taught her grandchildren to sew. She enjoyed helping her grandchildren with their many 4-H sewing and cooking projects. She would examine their report card, and each A would earn them a dime. They also earned money by running across the acreage to turn off the windmill and other various chores around the farm. Grandma Kutnink made an everlasting impact on the lives of all of her grandchildren.
            She enjoyed traveling and attempted to visit every state in the U.S. She ended up a few states short, but was able to see Hawaii and Alaska. She was a member of the First Presbyterian Church in Walnut and was active in the church’s Women’s circle. She would make small quilts and kimono robes to send to under-privileged children around the world. She was a woman on-the-go. Most days you could find Edna in her high heels, clip on earrings and necklaces. Edna said she never retired; she was “just tired.” Who could blame her after all those activities?
            Edna moved to the Avoca Nursing and Rehab Center and was there for only three weeks before her death on Friday, January 18, 2013. She attained the age of ninety-seven years, one month and twenty-nine days. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, John; nine brothers and sisters; her son Donald Kutnink and his wife Karen; and grandchildren Vanessa Kutnink, Louis H. Pedersen III, and Logan Blum.
            She is survived by her daughter rosemary and husband Louis H. Pedersen, Jr. of Walnut, Iowa; her grandchildren: Valorie Baggenstoss, Felicity Pedersen, April Pedersen, Gwendolyn and her husband Richard Blum, Melanie and her husband Tim Simpson, Tuesday and her husband Bruce McDonald, Cheyenne and her husband Eric Mertz, Kent Kutnink and his wife Terri, Bob Kutnink Sunny Joy and her husband David Anderson, and John Kutnink and his wife Lucille; twenty-five great grandchildren; and seven great-great-grandchildren; other relatives and friends.

Some people, no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty – they merely move it from their faces to their hearts.

Thank-you to David and Mary Ellen Woltmann for preparing the meat for our Annual
Congregational Meeting.
Thank-you to Kathy Hansen for the wonderful decorations (and prizes) for our Annual
Congregational Meeting.

Congratulations to Katie (Shepherd) and Justin Fuller on the birth of their son, Brensyn Tate.
Brensyn was born on January 7th and weighed 9 lb 3 oz and was 21 in long.  He joins a sister,
Hailee at home.  Brensyn's grandparents are Doug and Susan Shepherd.  His great-grandparents
are Larry and Charlotte Shepherd and Larry and Judy Kay.
Congratulations to Kelsey (Helms) and Seth Griffith on the birth of their twin girls.  Hayden
Marie was 4 lb 10 oz and Hadley Jaymes was 6 lb 9 oz.  Grandparents are Larry and Carla
Helms and Courtney and Paula Griffith.  Great-grandparents are Carolyn Johnk and Bill and
Opal Griffith

Some of us grew up playing with tractors and trucks.  The lucky ones still do.
March Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Brett & Bonnie Holtz, David & Mary Ellen Woltmann
Communion Servers: Jim McDermott-chm, David & Mary Ellen Woltmann, Bonnie
February ushers and communion servers are at the bottom of  the calendar.

I exercised once, but found I was allergic to it.  My skin flushed and my heart raced.  I got sweaty and
short of breath.  Very dangerous…

                                                Flowers for February
                                      February 3--------Alice Richter
                                     February 10-------Pam Nielsen
                                      February 17-------Linda Sieck
                                    February 24-------Gloria Myers

“Iindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.”   Mark Twain                                  
Session Minutes
January 16, 2013
The session of Walnut First Presbyterian church met in regular session on January 16, 2013 at 7 pm in the Sunday School south annex.  Those in attendance were: Margo Matthies, Jim Tooley, Linda Ploen, Jim McDermott, Michelle Mertz, Kathy Hansen, Allan Sievers, and Mike Mertz.  Absent were: Linda Krueger and Jack Ploen. 

Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer.  Our reading based on Mark 10:39 was from Font & table Resources for the renewal of sacramental life. “We are washed and fed by God”.
The minutes of the November minutes were read and approved.  The December minutes were also read and approved after a correction.  Jim Tooley and Jim McDermott were present at the December meeting, but Linda Ploen was absent.

The Treasurer’s report was approved as given.

The pastor’s report was given and approved.  Pastor David traveled 278 miles.  He also officiated the funeral of Dan Weihs in Walnut and the funeral of Dorothy Schroder at the Hancock United Methodist Church

There was so clerk’s report.

Reflecting On the Past Year
After discussing our accomplishments as a church, we listed the Antique Walk, the children’s Christmas program, our collection of hats, coats & blankets, the painting of the church interior, we hosted the blood mobile, our Saturday night services, the joint Lenten services, the Angel Tree project & Good Guys, Bible School, and our baskets to new Walnut residents.  Lessons learned: our Saturday night services were not as well attended as we had hoped.

Stewardship & Mission
In 2013 we would like to continue to help with local missions.

Christian Education
The 2013 Presbyterian Youth Triennium will be held at Lafayette, Indiana on July 16-20, 2013.  The theme is “I am”.  The cost is $469 per person.

Communion was served to 3 residents at Peace Haven on January 6th.  Allan Sievers served as elder.  It was asked again if we want to continue the Saturday night contemporary service.  Installation and ordination of new elders will be February 3rd during morning worship. David reported that Ash Wednesday service will be here at our church on February 13th at 6:00 pm.  The community services will be on Wednesday evenings as follows: February 20th-Peace church, February 27th-St. Mary’s in Avoca, March 6th-Trinity Lutheran in Avoca, March 13th-United church in Avoca, and March 29th-First Presbyterian.  Easter is March 31st.

Finance & Property
Jim Tooley reported that the new tarp for the Antique Walk should be shipped soon at a cost of $80.  Scholarships will be paid to Megan Ehlers, Ty Johnk, Bailey Nielsen and Jared Ploen.

We received word from Jeff Nielsen stating that from now on he will be donating his time in snow removal and lawn mowing-there will be no charge.  We truly appreciate that.

New Business
The 2013 budget has been approved.  The annual congregational meeting will be on January 27th.  Sunday School will be at 9 am, worship at 10:30 am and then a noon meal followed by the Corporate Congregational meeting.  PMRV Presbytery meeting will be in Council Bluffs on February 23rd.  Linda Ploen asked for permission to use the church basement on February 25th, Jim McDermott asked for a date in April and David stated the use for the blood mobile on May 30, July 29, and September 23rd.  All the above were approved.  Permission was also given for David to perform the wedding of Sarah Sievers and Jessie Lindeman on September 14th.  David also reported that we are now sending out 189 Gleaners instead of 200.  The charge is $37 a month and an annual fee of $120.  There was a discussion on this cost, but we feel that many people still enjoy receiving the Gleaner in the mail.  Jim McDermott also discussed the summer fishing trip.  There could be many kids going this year.  He has reserved 2 cabins.

The meeting was closed with prayer and The Lord’s Prayer.

Next meeting will be February 12th, 2013 at 7 pm.

Linda Ploen
Clerk of Session

~ February 2013 ~



Mike/Cathy Shutters
   Church 9:00
   Peace Haven 11:00
   Sunday School 10:15


Rhys Griffith
Services @ Salem Lutheran  9:00
UPW – Dutch Treat
Time/Place to be announced
Choir Prac. 7:15

Darlene Stuart

GPPP mtg
Discovery Pres.
9:30 AM
  Church 9:00
   Sunday School 10:15

  CAP Mtg 5:00
  Peace Church

Harley Ploen
  Allen House 11:00

Ben Krueger
  Services 6:00

Tyler Schaben

Gloria Myers
John Woltmann

Jolene Anderson
Janet Grush

  Church 9:00
  Sunday School 10:15



 Golden Oldies 11:30
 St. Mary’s/Avoca
Teri Abel
  Lenten Service
  Peace UCC 6:00 PM


 Peace Haven 7:00 PM

  Pres. Mtg

Evening Service 5:30 PM
   Church 9:00
   Sunday School 10:15

   Lauren Sievers

  Vic Nielsen
  Cyndi Jensen

David Woltmann
  Lenten Service
  St. Mary’s/ Avoca

Shane Lohoff


Craig Woltmann
Valerie Sievers
Alyssa Becerra
February Communion Servers:  Jack Ploen-chm, Greg Mertz, Michelle Mertz, Charles Walter
February Ushers:  Charles & Gloria Walter, Greg & Michelle Mertz

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