Thursday, February 21, 2013

March Gleaner 2013

Pastor’s Notes
          Last Wednesday a few of us gathered together in worship to remember where we’ve come from…and to reflect on where we’re going, and how we’re getting there. It was Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the season of Lent. And so as is the custom our foreheads bore the mark of the cross when we walked back out into the world.
          Some of our crosses were darker than others, maybe the ashes were too dry, but we all were reminded we came from dust and it is to dust that we will return.
          But that’s not the end of it. God has saved us and marked us as his own through his Son, Jesus the Christ. It is that hope, that faith, that trust that keeps us doing the things God has called us to. It is because of that promise of eternal life that we keep moving along this path, walking with Jesus as he, again, travels toward Jerusalem.
          Some of us have been on this path before and for some it may be the first time to journey with Him. Jesus takes his time visiting folks like Lazarus and his sisters, Mary and Martha. He takes time to prepare his friends, the disciples for what awaits him in Jerusalem. And so, we have time…to listen, to ask questions, and to reflect on his message of good news, of God’s kingdom here on earth.
          Some of us haven’t realized yet that it’s that time of year again. A time to stop, think, pray, reflect, and repent. Pastor’s are the guiltiest, I think. They’re so busy putting together worship services for Lent, Palm Sunday, Easter, and then Pentecost that they often fail to take time to pray and reflect. None of you would do that, would you?
          Friends, it’s important all year long to study, think, pray, and listen but especially so at this time of the year. It’s a perfect time because for those who farm there’s no tilling, planting, or spraying happening…yet. So, there’s some time to pick up the word and read and pray. And maybe talk with your friends about what you’ve read and maybe questioned. There’s time to admit that we’ve fallen short of the mark and may need to turn around and go in another direction.
          Some folks like to give up some things that keep them from walking this path to better help them reflect and others like go the other direction and take on a task or community project that helps them reflect. Either way, they come a little closer to their Creator, the One who is always there listening and waiting for us to come.
          To help us with all this there are opportunities for us to come together to worship on Wednesday evenings for worship, a meal, and fellowship as well as Sunday morning worship where we’ll be celebrating the Eucharist every Sunday through Lent.
          May you all be filled with God’s Spirit and his grace.
          Pastor David

                        One Great Hour of Sharing will be received Palm Sunday, March 24th.

                                                      The things you take for granted someone else is praying for.
April Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Todd & Darla Ehlers, Linda Krueger 
Communion Servers: Greg Mertz-chm., Margo Matthies, Cathy Shutters, Linda Krueger

                                                              Church Dinner
March 3rd Minden UCC is serving dinner from 11-1:30.  The dinner will be “Staley’s 
Chicken”, mashed potatoes with gravy, stuffing, green beans, corn, rolls, salad, 
pie and beverage.

                                                            You can’t control everything. 
                                    Your hair was put on your head to remind you of that.

                                                                 Lenten Services
                   March 6 -------Trinity Lutheran ---6:00 Service followed by supper
                   March 13------United Church/Avoca----6:00 Service followed by supper
                   March 20------First Presbyterian/Walnut---6:00 Service followed by supper

                                             Never trust a dog to guard your food.

                                                Flowers for March    
                                      March 3----------------Tina Gregory
                                      March 10--------------Darla Ehlers
                                      March 17--------------Tara Green
                                      March 24--------------PW Easter Lilies
                                      March 31--------------PW Easter Lilies

“If you go out looking for a friend, you’re going to find they’re very scarce.  If you 
go out to be a friend, you’ll find them everywhere.”  Zig Ziglar
                                                    Time Change
                              March 10th is time to Spring Forward!!

On Palm Sunday, a 5-year-old boy woke up ill and stayed home from church with a sitter.  When his
family returned, they were carrying palm fronds.  Johnny asked what they were for.
“People held them over Jesus’ head as he walked by,” his father explained.
“Wouldn’t you know it?” Johnny fumed.  “The one Sunday I don’t go and He shows up!”

Session Minutes

February 12, 2013
The session of Walnut First Presbyterian church met in regular session on February 12, 2013 at 7 pm in the Sunday School south annex.  All session members were in attendance-Linda Ploen, Jim McDermott, Jack Ploen, Michelle Mertz, Kathy Hansen, Allan Sievers, Cathy shutters, Greg Mertz, Jim Tooley and Mike Mertz.

Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer.  Our reading based on Isaiah 43:2 was from Font and Table, resources for the renewal of sacramental live.

Linda Ploen then read the minutes of the annual corporate congregational meeting.  They were approved after one correction.  David is now a CRE instead of CLP.  The January minutes were then read and approved.

The Treasurer’s report was approved as given.

The pastor’s report was then given.  David traveled 46 miles.  He also reported that he will be on vacation from February 25-March 18th and will also be at Pilgrimage on April 21st.  This was ok’d.  Nancy Hullinger will be on call for any pastoral needs.

Linda Ploen stated that all necessary church reports have been completed.  There was one death, that of Edna Kutnink on January 18, 2013.  Interment is at Layton Township Cemetery in Walnut, Iowa. 

Stewardship & Mission
A thank-you was received from Micah House for a $50 donation.  A thank-you was also read from Megan Ehlers for her scholarship.

Christian Education
The 2013 Presbyterian Youth Triennium will be held at Lafayette, In. July 16-20.  The theme is “I am”.  Cost per attendee is $469.  Registrations are due to David Fulton by February 24.  “The Word for You Today” devotional is available for a price of $12.90 per quarter for 5 booklets.  It was moved and 2nd to order them.  Motion carried.  David has ordered a leader’s manual for an adult study entitled “Engage”.

Communion was served to 3 residents at Peace Haven on February 3rd.  Jack Ploen served as elder.  Community Lenten services will be at 6:00.  The service will be at 6:00 with a meal later.  David will have new elder training on February 24th after church.  David also asked to serve communion for each Sunday during Lent.  It was moved and 2nd to do so.  Jack will provide bread for February and Jim McDermott will provide for the month of March.  The palm branches have been ordered for Palm Sunday at a cost of $29.90.  Filling the pulpit for David while he is on vacation will be Nancy Hullinger, Heather Ploen and Jim McDermott and Greg Mertz.

Finance & Property
David reported that there will be a change in premium from the Board of Pensions-dues for 2013 21% of effective salary and will go to 19% in 2014 which will only cover 65% of dependent coverage.

There was some discussion as to what our goals are after David’s retirement in a few years.

New Business
New elder committees were assigned.  Stewardship-Greg Mertz and Kathy Hansen, Christian Ed. –Cathy Shutters and Michelle and Mike Mertz, Worship- Linda Ploen and Jack Ploen, and Finance & Property- Jim Tooley, Allan Sievers and Jim McDermott.  PMRV Presbytery meeting is February 23 at Westminster PC in Council Bluffs.  Jim McDermott also reported on the youth fishing trip this summer.  They will be holding fund raisers to help pay for the trip.  It was moved and 2nd to use some church money if they fall short after fund raisers.  Motion carried.  They are expecting a large group this year.

The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer. 

Next meeting will be March 19th at 7 pm instead of the 12th.

Linda Ploen-Clerk of Session

March 2013




William Hansen
Elizabeth Hansen

David Krueger
Kami Bruck
Dave Heilig
Church 9:00
Sunday School 10:15
Peace Haven 11:00

Pres. Women

Lenten Service
6 PM @ Trinity Lutheran in Avoca
Choir Practice

Les/Teri Abel

Diana Schaben
Al Schirm



Church 9:00
Sunday School 10:15

Russ Lehnhardt

Wayne Sievers
Rebecca Grush

Lenten Service
6PM @ United Church in Avoca

Mike Shepherd
Rhonda Mertz

Church 9:00
Sunday School 10:15

Darla Ehlers
Golden Oldies @
United Church in
Ross Bornholdt
Session 7:00
Lenten Service
6 PM @ First Pres.
In Walnut
Evening worship at Peace Haven, 7 PM

Church 9:00
Sunday School 10:15
Palm Sunday
Community Choir performance at Peace UCC, 2 PM

Breakfast after service

Brett/Bonnie Holtz

Afternoon worship at Avoca Nursing & Rehab and Avoca Assisted Living Lodge, 2 PM

Charlotte Shepherd

Community Choir performance at Trinity Lutheran, 7 PM

Dustin/Cyndi Jensen

Maundy Thursday service at First Presbyterian at 6 PM

Ty Johnk
Tori Bruck
Kent/Carla Johnk

March UshersBrett & Bonnie Holtz, David & Mary Ellen Woltmann 
Communion ServersJim McDermott – chm, David & Mary Ellen Woltmann, Bonnie Holtz

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