Monday, March 25, 2013

April 2013 Gleaner

             It’s Holy Monday today. As I think about what Jesus did for you and me I’m drawn back to a book written by Jim Bishop called “The Day Christ Died.”  Jim Bishop was a meticulous journalist. If he had lived during Christ’s time there might have been a 5th gospel written.
             Anyway, Jim searched in places where some of our learned scholars didn’t search and then wrote this book that describes Jesus’ last day in Jerusalem beginning with his triumphal entry and ending with his crucifixion and burial in Joseph’s tomb. He provides details of the Roman world in Jerusalem and the Jewish world in Jesus’ day and some insights into what it was like for Jesus growing up in and around Jerusalem.
             I don’t know how many times I’ve read this book but every year I’m drawn to it. As I read I’m reminded again of what God has done for us in the life and love of His Son, Jesus, the Christ.
             As I get older, and those around me do as well, I’m made aware that I have fewer days left in this world than I’ve already lived. I reflect on how God has used me and the times I’ve turned my back on Him and wonder what I’m to do with this remaining time. What does God desire of me…and you?
             Every year this happens to me and I resolve to take more time for prayer…and study…and quiet…but I never seem to be able to achieve quite what I think God desires.  I wonder if others struggle in the same way.
             So, my friends, what do you do during Holy Week…and the days and weeks after? Are you changed by the events of Lent and Holy Week? As you hear the Word being read does your heart break as we’re reminded how much God loves us? Do you leave the sanctuary of the Lord changed? Do you look at your friends and family differently as you journey through your week at home and work?
             Sunday’s Scripture reading from Luke said in Jesus’ words, “If they kept quiet, the stones would do it for them, shouting praise.”  Our sanctuary is surrounded by stones that each of you have put on the window sills. Are we shouting Jesus’ praise or will the stones have to cry out?
             Tuesday, at the session meeting, we began the study entitled, Engage, which is about becoming effective evangelists for Jesus. The first phase is with the session because whether the elders realize it or not they are the leaders of this church. Our focus is on our renewal as given to us by the Holy Spirit as we begin this journey claiming and reclaiming our own stories of change. We are encountering and examining God’s own story of change and renewal in His Scriptures. This will take us 9 months to complete and with God’s help we will be changed and ready to lead this church into what God has planned for the next few years.
             Where we’re headed is to discover and understand how our personal stories of change and transformation connect with the needs of this community where we live. We ask for your prayers as we begin this study. May we all be changed and empowered by God’s message to us this week and the weeks that follow.
May you be filled to overflowing with God’s grace,
Pastor David

Dear Spring,
     Feel free to show up anytime now!

Presbyterian Women
          The annual Spring Gathering will be held Saturday, April 6th at Faith Presbyterian Church in LaVista, Nebraska.  Registration begins at 8:45 am, the welcome begins at
9:30 am and the gathering concludes at 12:15 pm.  Lunch ($6.00) will be after that if
you would like to stay.
          The featured speaker is Sryani Tidball who is on the faculty of the College of Journalism and Mass Communications at UNL.  She will speak on the topic of “Women and Girls in Peril – Human Trafficking”.  Syrani and her husband founded Community Concern Society in Sri Lanka that empowers mostly marginalized and vulnerable women and children.

A Minister was completing a temperance sermon.  With great emphasis he said, ‘If I had all the beer
in the world, I’d take it and pour it into the river.’  With even greater emphasis he said, ‘And if I had
all the wine in the world, I’d take it AND POUR IT INTO THE RIVER.’  And then finally, shaking
Sermon complete, he sat down…
The song leader stood very cautiously and announced with a smile, nearly laughing, ‘For our closing song, let us sing hymn #365, “Shall We Gather At The River.”

Thank-you to Justen Tooley for working on the back door of the church.
Thank-you to Sunday School teachers, students and others for the Easter Program on Palm Sunday.

May Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Chuck/Linda Ploen, George Mertz, Alice Richter
Communion Servers:  Linda Ploen-chm., Chuck Ploen, Kathy Hansen, George Mertz
April ushers and communion servers are at the bottom of  the calendar.

                                   When nothing goes right…go left.

                                                Flowers for April
                                      April 7------------Bonnie Holtz
                                     April 14----------Darlene Stuart
                                      April 21----------Darlene Stuart
                                      April 28----------Teresa Griffith
                                                                Humor or Truth?
A dollar bill met a $20 bill and said, “Hey, what’s up?  I haven’t seen you around here lately.”
The $20 bill replied, “I’ve been hanging out at the casinos, went on a cruise, came back to America, saw
a couple of baseball games, visited the mall, that kind of stuff.  How about you?”
The dollar bill said, “You know, the same old thing – church, church, church.”
                                                Easter Lilies
Two Easter Lilies given by Chuck and Linda Ploen in memory of Marge Ploen and
 Melissa Manhart.
Other Easter Lilies given by Presbyterian Women in memory of church members.

Session Minutes

March 19, 2013
The session of Walnut First Presbyterian Church met in regular session on March 19, 2013 at 7 pm in the Sunday School south annex.  Session members present were: Linda Ploen, Jim McDermott, Michelle, Greg and Mike Mertz, Kathy Hansen and Jim Tooley.  Those absent were: Jack Ploen, Allan Sievers and Cathy Shutters.

Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer and readings from 2 Timothy 4:1-2,5 and Luke 19:1-10 from “Engaging Your Story”.  It spoke of what we thought evangelism was.  We also did an exercise on our life line and what we felt were our ups and downs along that line.

The minutes of the February meeting were approved as read.

There was no treasurer’s report available.

The pastor’s report was approved as given.  Pastor David traveled 400 miles this month.  There were several hospital visits.  David will be at Pilgrimage on April 21st.

There was no clerk’s report.

Stewardship and Mission
Kathy reported that she had delivered two more “Welcome to Walnut” baskets.  One Great Hour of Sharing will be collected this week.  We also discussed another blanket and coat drive.  We thought we could perhaps keep some of them at the church to have on hand in case of another blizzard and stranded travelers.  David also stated that the Presbytery Disaster Aid is a good place to donate to.

Christian Education
Michelle stated that the Sunday School lock-in went very well.  There were 25-27 kids that participated.  The table at the soup cook-off also went well.  The Sunday School will be performing at the Palm Sunday Service.  The Word of You Today devotional has been received and is on the back bookcase.  David also has the adult study entitled “Engage”.

The community Lenten services went well with much better attendance this year.  David would like to have a Holy Week labyrinth again this year in the church basement.  We also decided not to have a Maundy Thursday service, but were encouraged to attend the Living Last Supper at Peace church.  The Sunday School is also planning a “Silly Supper” for the entire congregation after the April Saturday night contemporary service.  David still wants to have elder training.  It was moved, 2nd and approved to renew our CCLI license.

Finance and Property
We received an endowment fund from the Linn Johnk estate.  We voted to form an adhoc committee to research investment options for the estate money.  Jim Tooley noted that he would get rid of the old stove in the basement so we can replace it with the one donated by Les and Terri Abel.  Jim McDermott reported on the retreat planned for this summer.  It is planned for July 19th with 18 to be going-10 youth and 8 adults.  Fundraisers are being planned to raise money for the trip.

New Business
PMRV Presbytery meeting will be April 27th at the Red Oak Presbyterian Church.

The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Date for the next meeting will be April 9, 2013 at 7pm.

Linda Ploen
Clerk of Session

~ April 2013 ~


Drew Cable
Larry Shepherd
Ron Paasch
Communion and devotions at Salem Lutheran Homes
9 AM

PW 1:00 PM

Choir Practice 7:15 PM

Vincent Hansen
PW Spring Gathering 8:45-12:15 at Faith P.C., LaVista, NE
Church 9 AM
Sunday School 10:15
Peace Haven 11:00


Allen House worship
11 AM

Tori Sievers

PW host Birthday Bingo at Peace Haven 2 PM

Peace Haven worship 7 PM

Hana Holtz
Linda Sieck
Church 9 AM
Sunday School 10:15

Chuck/Linda Ploen


Clare Mertz
Maxine Nash

Golden Oldies at Peace UCC 11:30 AM

Great Plains Presbyterian Pilgrimage #13
Julie Nash
Seth Griffith
William Griffith

Great Plains Presbyterian Pilgrimage #13
Landon Shutters
Kamryn Tooley

Great Plains Presbyterian Pilgrimage #13

Great Plains Presbyterian Pilgrimage #13
Church 9 AM
Sunday School 10:15

Nancy Ross-Hullinger

CAP meeting-United Church of Avoca at 5 PM

Great Plains Presbyterian Pilgrimage #13


COM mtg. at New Horizon 4:30 PM

Eva Jensen

Velma Fell

PMRV Presbytery mtg. at Red Oak P.C. 11-3 PM

Contemporary Worship/Youth Group 5:30 PM
Church 9 AM
Sunday School 10:15


Avoca Nursing & Rehab and Avoca Assisted Living Lodge 2 PM
April Ushers – Todd & Darla Ehlers, Linda Krueger
Communion Servers – Greg Mertz-chm, David & Mary Ellen Woltmann, Bonnie Holtz

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