Tuesday, May 28, 2013

June Gleaner 2013

Pastor’s Notes
            What do we do with our time, the time we're allotted by God, what do we do with it? Do we make wise use of our time? How would God like us to use the time he's given us?
            I'm thinking about time today because in the seasons of the church year we're now moving into Ordinary time. We've been on Easter time, then Pentecost, and we've just, today, celebrated the Trinity. So now we're in Ordinary time, the time to count the Sundays' between Easter and Advent.
            Our lives revolve around time, the minutes in a day, the days in a week, the weeks in a month, and the months in a year. Time passes by so quickly anymore, at least for me, that I often look at the calendar and wonder, “How'd that happen?” And I wonder did I use the time that passed wisely?
            I'd like to tell you I did but I have indulged in a few games of Words with Friends, Bejeweled Blitz and such. And I've caught myself going down the rabbit hole via some other link I ran across while Googling something else.
            There are times that I forget what day it is and sometimes a day sneaks up on me and I realize I have a worship service to write or a wedding the next day or a funeral service that needs to written for Friday. Then I pray that God will help me complete this work that has sneaked up on me faster than I anticipated. God has never failed me and I don't think he ever will even though I've failed him more times than I can count.
            That's why I'm wondering about the use of time. What would God have us do with our time? How can we know, where do we go to discover how we should use our time?
            If I have to find a repair part for anything the first place I go is to Google, some may go to Bing or Yahoo, but I've grown fond of Google for searching. That might be a good place to begin but a better place to search would be in God's word, the Bible.
            But where to begin looking? What would be a key word to help begin the search? I would go the concordance in the back of my trustworthy study Bible and look up “time.”
            Psalm 31 was the first reference I found about “time.”  This chapter reminds us that our lives require complete commitment to God. The psalmist wrote, “But I trust you, O Lord; I say, 'You are my God.' My times are in your hands;” Our time is in God's control. So, it's probably best that we not waste one second of our time.
            Paul, in his letter to the Romans in chapter 13 said that the commandments all revolve around one rule: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” And then he added ...”And do this, understanding the present time. The hour has come to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed.” Again there is a sense of urgency to not waste our time.
            In Paul's first letter to the Corinthians in chapter 7 he reminds them “…brothers, the time is short....For the world in its present form is passing away.” Again there's that sense of urgency. Don't waste your time with frivolous things.
            So, are we using our time wisely? How are we to use our time? My understanding of what I read in the Bible is that we should give our all to God. He should get our undivided devotion. He should have all of our mind, body, and spirit. All of our time should be devoted to God, loving him and loving our neighbors.
            I've not been doing to good at that. I'm wasting too much time on frivolous things. What about you? How have you been spending your time? Are you struggling too?
            What should we, you and I, do? Maybe we could help each other by holding each other accountable, by praying for each other, by coming together and studying God's word for us. Maybe together we could do a better job of using the “time” God has given us.
            There are 86,400 seconds in every day. How many are going to devote to loving our neighbors and God?
            Friends, if you're looking for someone to walk with you come and worship with us at First Presbyterian Church, Walnut, IA.
            God's grace, love, and peace be with you all,
            Pastor David

Victor Nielsen
February 25, 1922-April 25, 2013

 In the Nielsen family there’s always been one constant.  With the strength of a warrior and the grace of a prince, Victor Raymond Nielsen was there.  He was a man who could lug a load of lumber into the garage then create an intricate needlepoint with precision.  He was strong, steady, compassionate.  He was a gentleman.
Victor died Thursday, April 25.  He was 91.
Victor Raymond Nielsen was born Feb. 25, 1922 in Avoca, Iowa.  Except for six months and a few years while in the Army, Victor lived his entire life in one county.  But his life was bigger than the boundaries of Pott. Co.
From the rolling plains of Iowa, Victor and his wife Edna (Pash) raised a family that now reaches the world over and measures three daughters, two sons, 16 grandchildren 28 great-grandchildren, and 5 great-great grandchildren.
Victor grew up the youngest of four children to Harold P and Martha Plautz Nielsen.  They lived on the family farm in Avoca.  When not working, Victor fondly remembered ice skating on the Nishna Botna River and sleigh riding as a child.  He helped out on the farm until he was 16 and moved to Treynor, where he found work as a farmhand and a truck driver.  In August 1942 he met Edna Pash at a friend’s chivaree.  By October of that year they were engaged.  But, before they could get married, Victor was inducted into the Army in December 1942.  He trained at Camp Young in the desert of Indio, CA, then moved out to Brisbane, Australia on Oct. 26, 1943.  From there, he was shipped to the Southwest Pacific and didn’t see a town for two years.  He was a private first class in the 397th quartermaster gasoline supply company.  After the war ended he returned to the U. S. on Jan. 6, 1946, and married Edna on Jan. 25, 1946.
He and Edna started farming in Carson, Iowa, then Macedonia, where they lived for 10 years.  The couple then moved to Walnut in 1958; there Victor sold cars for seven years and then drove and sold petroleum for Farm Service Coop for the next 20.
In retirement, Victor and his wife collected and sold antiques and traveled in their fifth wheel trailer.  He was active at First Presbyterian Church in Walnut, the American Legion and AMVETs, working many years for the group’s annual antique walk in Walnut.
Victor is preceded in death by his parents, his wife, Edna, sisters Evelyn, Nadine, and Sharon; brothers Harold and Orval and one great grandchild, Xander Taylor.  He is survived by daughters, Rogene and husband Daniel Terrian of Ottumwa, Iowa; Vicki and husband Roger Aughe of Council Bluffs; Doreen Dee and husband Dennis Taylor of Waxahachie, Texas; sons, Bernie and wife Cindy Nielsen of Trinity, Fla.; and Jay and wife Karen Nielsen of Allison, Iowa, brothers Donald, Douglas, and Maurice and sister Joyce; 16 grandchildren, 28 great-grandchildren, and 5 great-great grandchildren.


In Memory
Gloria J. Myers
Feb. 14, 1949-May 12, 2013
Gloria Jean Myers was born on February 14, 1949, to Louis and Jean (Horacek) Myers in Atlantic, Iowa.  She attended school in Walnut and graduated with the Class of ’67 from Walnut High School.  She received her bachelor’s degree in teaching from the Universit of Northern Iowa and taught for one year in Council Bluffs.
She returned to Walnut to continue her teaching career and spend thirty-five years teaching special education to kids from Kindergarten through their senior years of high school.  During this time, she furthered her own education and received a Masters degree.  She would often tutor children after school hours.  She was a life-long resident of Walnut.
Gloria was a beloved daughter and devoted her time to caring for her parents when they needed her.  She was also a beloved aunt and great-aunt.  She also filled the role of mother to her niece.
After her retirement, Gloria traveled extensively.  She enjoyed trips to several states including Florida and Alaska and also ventured to Canada.  If Gloria didn’t have a friend when she went somewhere, she did when she left.
Gloria died at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, Nebraska on Sunday, May 12, 2013 having attained the age of sixty-four years, two months, and twenty-eight days.  She was preceded in death by her parents.
She is survived by her brother Ed Myers of Broomfield, CO; niece Tina and her husband Ross Gregory of Brighton, CO and Katie Lynne Myers of Northglenn, CO; and grand-nephew Xavier Gregory of Brighton; cousins; other family members and many friends.

Don’t fill your life with days.  Fill your day with LIFE.

    Jane Whitmore, daughter of Don and JoJane Walter, received her Ph.D. in Political
Science from the Department of Politics and International Affairs, College of Science
and Behavioral Sciences at Northern Arizona University at Flagstaff, AZ.
     Her disciplines include public policy (with emphasis on natural resource policy) and
public administration.
     The title of her dissertation was:  The Case of the Yavapai County, Arizona Water Conflict:  A Power and Politics Analysis.

Congratulations to Val Sievers for making it on the Dean’s List with a 4.0 GPA.  Val is a senior at Peru State.

Congratulations to Lauren Sievers for being Valedictorian and Courtlyn Griffith for being
Salutatorian for their graduating class at Walnut High School.  Lauren was also named to the Rolling Hills Conference Academic Team and was nominated for the Omaha World Herald All Western Academic Team.  Placed on the honor roll were:  Sarah Ehlers, Lauren Sievers, Ben Ehlers, Ethan Sievers, Tori Sievers, Jolene Jensen, Alyssa Becerra, and Chris Guthery.

What should not be heard by little ears should not be said by big mouths.

Presbyterian Women
The Annual Spring Brunch with Neola Presbyterian Church will be Wednesday, June 5th.  The program will be “A Tour Through Jordan”.
RSVP to Charlotte Shepherd by June 2nd.

                                                 Man Advice
When a woman says “Just do what you want.”
Do NOT under any circumstances do what you want.

                                            Food Pantry
The Food Pantry’s needs for June are: pork & beans, catsup (small), mustard (small),
Kool-Aid (not envelopes), cookies, paper plates and napkins.    

Don’t let someone dim your light, simply because it’s shining in their eyes.

Thank You
Thank-you to Robin Heilig and all the Sunday School for the Mother’s Day program.
Thank-you to Kathy Hansen for organizing the farm tours for the visitors from Nicaragua.
Thank-you to all who helped at the funerals in May.

I’m always disappointed when a liar’s pants don’t actually catch on fire.

      July Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Jack & Judy Ploen ,  Barb Eslick   
Communion Servers: Kathy Hansen -chm, Mary Ellen Woltmann, Jack Ploen, Linda Ploen.  June ushers and communion servers are at bottom of calendar.

I could keep my kitchen clean if people would just quit eating here.

                                           Flowers for Pulpit
                                                            June 2 -------JoJane Walter
                                                June 9--------Robin Heilig
                                                June 16------Antique Walk
                                                June 23------Nancy Ross-Hullinger
                                                June 30------Volunteer

Never Sing In The Shower!
Singing leads to dancing,
Dancing leads to slipping,
Slipping leads to paramedics seeing you naked,
So remember – Don’t Sing!
Upcoming Events
Bible School---Peace UCC/First Presbyterian Vacation Bible School will be at Peace Church this year.  No date has been set yet.  Watch the newspaper or Church Announcements for information.                           

I wish the dollar store sold gas.

Antique Walk—The Food Stand work schedule is included in this Gleaner (for all you people involved). If you can’t work your time please check the schedule and call someone to trade with.  Most people have been contacted but I was not able to get a hold of everyone.  Contributions to help pay for the meat will be much appreciated.   We also need help slicing buns Thursday afternoon at 1:00.
The church has several knives but you may want to bring your own.  The first workers of the day need to come a little early to set up and the last workers need to get everything into the church.
Session Minutes
May 14, 2013
The session of Walnut First Presbyterian Church met in regular session on May 14, 2013 at 7 pm in the Sunday School south annex. Session members present were: Linda Ploen, Jim McDermott, Cathy Shutters and Jim Tooley. Absent were: Jack Ploen, Michelle, Greg and Mike Mertz, Kathy Hansen, and Allan Sievers. Also present was Mary Ellen Woltmann to report her plans for the Antique Walk.
Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer and reflection from Genesis 1:1-2:3 entitled “God’s Story of Creative Purpose”. We discussed looking for the good things in this world and in our lives.
Mary Ellen then gave her report on the Antique Walk. Sandwiches will remain at $6 and will be served on hamburger buns instead of hoagie buns this year. We will have 8 hogs and more pies were purchased this year. Our license has been purchased. She also reported that a college bus tour will be coming on Friday of the Walk. We will be feeding them in our church basement. There should be 60-65 people and we will be charging $10 per person for a sandwich, chips, pie and a drink. Permission was given to do so. Mary Ellen will call them back to ok this.
The minutes of the April meeting were read and approved.
The treasurer’s report was approved as given.
The pastor’s report was approved as written. David traveled a total of 309 miles in April. David also asked for permission to perform the weddings of Todd Bauerkemper on July 20th at the Marvin Schroder farm, and Pasaoa and Smith in Omaha on May 26th. Permission was so given.
There was no Clerk’s report. David officiated at the memorial service for Victor Nielsen on May 3, 2013 at our church with the internment of Victor and Edna Nielsen’s ashes at Graceland Cemetery in Avoca, Iowa. Victor died on April 25, 2013 at Risen Son Christian Village in Council Bluffs, Iowa. David also officiated at a graveside service for Janice Whelan at Graceland Cemetery in Avoca, Iowa on May 13, 2013.
Stewardship and Mission
Kathy Hansen reported that she had delivered “Welcome Baskets” to: Robert Kreeger, Trent Suhr &Samantha Schmidt, Molly Schuetz, and Amy Krueger. Robin Heilig will make and give framed “Footprints in the Sand” poems to all the graduating seniors: Lauren Sievers, Jessica Helms, Courtlyn Griffith, Christopher Guthery and Kristen Hoffman. Terri Abel will take care of our scholarship fund now. A “Welcome to the Church” gift was also given to Eldon Ranney. “The Great Truck Haul” mission project of hygiene kits and clean up buckets are to be dropped off at Church of the Cross in Omaha on June 5-7. Donated items for the soldiers will be mailed this week. A thank you card was sent to Dr. Kriefels for his donation of toothpaste, floss, etc. Leslie Clay and Carl Agsten (PCUSA mission co-workers with CEPAD in Manugua, Nicaragua) were hare on May 13th. They visited the farms of Neal and Pam Schirm and Jeff and Kathy Hansen. They then had lunch at Emma Jean’s Restaurant.

Christian Education
Cathy Shutters stated that planning for Vacation Bible School needs to get started. It will be at Peace Church this year. Robin is also thinking about having youth group meet twice a month. Jim M. stated that money for the fishing retreat is coming in.

Our contemporary Saturday night service will be on May 25th at 5:30 with the youth sponsored “Silly Supper” to follow. The choir is also singing. Connie will be playing on Saturday night so she won’t be playing on Sunday morning.

Finance and Property
Jim M. reported that the adhoc committee has met and will be meeting again soon. So far we have two bids for new heating and air. Jim M. also reported that the tree out back is dead and needs to be removed. Linda Ploen stated that the urns out front have been planted in memory of Margie Ploen.

New Business
We received a thank you from Presbyterian Mission for our donation.
The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Date for the next meeting is June 11, 2013 at 7 pm.

Linda Ploen - Clerk of Session

June 2013



Communion Service
Church 9 AM
Peace Haven 11:00

Michael Mertz

Donelle Green
Salem Lutheran Home 9 AM

Neola  PW
Spring Brunch

Choir Practice 7:15

Mary Ellen Woltmann

Michael Woltmann
Church 9 AM

Allen House 11 AM

Session 7 PM

Chris Krueger  

Set up Food Stand
(App. 3:30)

Linda Nash


Bonnie Holtz


Take down stand

Hugh Griffith

Amy Krueger

Ben Ehlers
Peace Haven 7 PM

David Thompson

Megan Ehlers

Church 9 AM

Church 9 AM
Dorothy Griffith Memorial Service 10:30

Avoca Nursing & Rehab Service 2 PM

PMRV COM mtg. 4:30 PM-New Horizon P.C.

Brian Walter
Don/JoJane Walter

Shane/Tara Lohoff

Ian Griffith

Brian Anderson

5:30 Worship

June Ushers:  Steve & Michelle Sunderman, Betty Sunderman 
Communion Servers:  Jim Tooley-chm., Betty Sunderman, Barb Eslick & Dennis Jensen

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