Monday, August 26, 2013

September Gleaner 2013

Pastor’s Notes
      Who am I? Through the church season, until October 6th, in worship we will be asking that question and exploring who we believe we are. What do we think about ourselves…our faith…our relationship with God?
     What we believe is reflected in how we live. You and I have experienced our children saying inappropriate things at the most inopportune times. We ask ourselves, “Where and how did they learn these words?” Often, if we’re honest with ourselves, they are copying what they see us doing and saying. They are living mirrors of how we are living our lives. Sometimes, that can be embarrassing and other times our chests swell with pride.
     So, for the next six Sundays, if you would like to read ahead, the lessons with be centered on the gospel lessons from Luke 14-Luke 17:10. Luke 14 begins with Jesus attending a banquet at a Pharisee’s house. He continues with Jesus teaching his disciples and the crowds that surround him through many different parables.
     Each story Jesus told was intended to get them, and us, to look in the mirror and see ourselves as others see us. 
     Some mornings when I look in the mirror I wonder how in the world my hair could have gotten so twisted and snarled. I never remember tossing and turning enough to cause such a mess. But with a little water and a comb and brush the mess is transformed and made more presentable for my love and the rest of the world. And that’s just what I see on the outside…
     It’s probably a good thing there aren’t mirrors that let us see what our souls are like. I can’t imagine a comb or brush or a little water being enough to straighten all the tangles and snarls on the inside.
     For the next six Sundays we will be listening to God’s word for us, Jesus’ parables about serving the lost, inviting those who don’t have the means to repay to the banquet God has prepared for all his children.
     Come and join us as we hear again Jesus’ parables and learn how to love and serve and be served by our gracious God.
        Yours in Christ,
        Pastor David

Louis Edwin “Ed” Myers, Jr. died at his home on Sunday, June 30, 2013 having attained the age of sixty-two years, eleven months, and six days. He was preceded in death by his parents and his sister Gloria in May of this year.
He is survived by his daughters Tina Ann and her husband Ross Gregory of Brighton, Colorado, and Katie-Lynne Myers of Northglenn, Colorado; one grandson Xavier Gregory; other family members and friends.
Upcoming Events
Super Sunday will be September 8th. Please join the Sunday school in the church basement for ice cream and all the fixings as they begin this new year of Sunday school.

The 6 PM Saturday contemporary worship service for October will be on the 19th followed by a fish fry. The fish are those brought back from Minnesota from the Youth Retreat.

October Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers:  Jim Tooley, Dave & Robin Heilig
Communion Servers:  Jim Tooley-chm., George Mertz, Darlene Stuart, Jim McDermott

                                           Flowers for Pulpit
                                                            Sept. 1 -------Carla Johnk
                                                Sept. 8------Avis Mortensen
                                                Sept. 15------Karla Helms
                                                Sept. 22------Julie Nash
                                                Sept. 29------Dixie Schirm

August 2013 Session Minutes                                                                             
August 13, 2013
The session of Walnut First Presbyterian church met in regular session on August 13, 2013 at 7 pm in the Sunday School south annex.  Session members present were: Linda Ploen, Jim McDermott, Kathy Hansen, Allan Sievers, Cathy Shutters and Jim Tooley.  Absent were: Jack Ploen, Michelle, Greg and Mike Mertz.

Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer.  Our reflection was from Genesis 12: 1-15 entitled God’s Rescue Plan-A Special People.  We were challenged to find three people to be a blessing to.

The minutes of the June meeting were read and approved.

The treasure’s report for June and July were approved as given.  The pastor’s report for June and July were approved as written, David traveled a total of 298 miles.  Worship and communion was served at Peace Haven each month.  Kathy Hansen served as elder.  There were many visits, a wedding and two funerals.

Linda read a letter from the board of pensions.  There will be an increase in 2014.

David officiated at the Celebration of Life service for Ed Myers on July 12, 2013 at the First Presbyterian Church in Walnut, Iowa.  He died June 30, 2013 in Broom field, Colorado and was interred at Fullerton Cemetery in Fullerton, Neb.

Stewardship and Mission
Kathy delivered another “Welcome Basket” to Katie Shepherd.  She would also like to have another blanket drive this year.  As our part in the Funfest parade we will not have a float, but we will be “Walking With Jesus”.  We will be throwing hats and popcorn and candy. Salem Home in Elk Horn has a list of needs.  Perhaps we could help with that.  She also stated that we need some things for our youth group which is now meeting regularly.  We could use some plastic spatulas and a new electric griddle.  She mentioned that we could also keep some supplies on hand in case of snow storms where we have to help with stranded travelers. 

Christian Education
Sunday School will be starting on September 8th followed by an ice cream “Super Sundae” after church.  We may be using the Sparkhouse curriculum.  Vacation Bible School went well with over 30 children attending.  It was also mentioned that we start up game night again.  Jim M. reported that the fishing trip went really well and the kids were great.  They will be having a presentation and fish fry on the 3rd Saturday evening of October after our contemporary service, so there will be no church service on the 4th Saturday of October.

We will be using the “Spill the Beans” worship ideas for several Sundays to try something different for our services.

Finance and Property
We grossed over $9,000 during the Antique Walk. A very successful year.  We need to get one more bid for new heating and air.  We need to get this done.  It was also discussed that the Ad hoc committee needs to meet soon.

We need to work on our By-laws!  Linda will look over these.

New Business
David received a letter from the Gloria Myers estate attorney.  United Church of Avoca has contacted us about possibly sharing a pastor with them after David’s retirement.  We decided to meet with them since we would be interested.  David also reported that there will be Stephen Ministry training at Divine Shepherd Lutheran Church in Omaha on September 21 from 9-1.  Also mentioned was the use of our church basement, as it doesn’t always get cleaned up after some events.  Perhaps we need a sheet for renters telling them what to clean up after use. 

The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

The next meeting will be September 10, 2013 at 7 pm.

Linda Ploen

Clerk of Session

~ September 2013 ~

 Church 9 AM

 Peace Haven 11

Brian/Nellie Popp

 Labor Day

  Wilma Newton

Shannon Wood
James Ploen
Pres. Women
Meet at the church at 9:45 AM

Salem Lutheran Home         9 AM service

Choir Practice 7:15
Kristen Hoffman


Cael Woltmann

Jim McDermott
 Church 9 AM
 Super Sunday
 School 10:15

Jill Woltmann

Dustin Jensen
Allen House 11:00 AM

Session 7 PM

Devin Wood
Ryne Johnk
Luke Woltmann
Craig/Linda Woltmann


 Church 9 AM
 Sunday School



Samantha Jensen

Betty Roberts

Peace Haven evening
Worship 7 PM
Wendy Grieb


 Church 9 AM
 Sunday School
Troy Schaben

 Avoca Nursing & Rehab Worship
2:00 PM

PMRV COM mtg. 4:30 PM at New Horizon P.C.

Chuck Ploen


Evening Service
6:00 PM

Daniel Shirley
 Church 9 AM
Sunday School

Notes: September Ushers:  Larry & Charlotte Shepherd, Kathy Hansen
Communion Servers:  Jim McDermott, chm., Larry & Charlotte Shepherd

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