Wednesday, September 25, 2013

October 2013 Gleaner

Pastor’s Notes
As many of you know or have heard I’m planning to retire in January 2015. And with that decisions have to be made, both by the Walnut church and by me.
          What are we going to do? What is the church going to do? What is God calling or leading me to do next? How can we know, for sure, what to do?
          I read, or heard, (I can’t remember which) something the other day that went like this: Retirement is that time in our lives when we can do those things God has been preparing us for through the savings we’ve accumulated over the years of our employment.
          We can do this because of our life experiences and our savings. Whether we realize it or not we’ve gained some insights into “life” and wisdom is showing us how we can now work to improve “life” for someone else.
          You may have heard me say, once or twice, that there is no early retirement from the work God has called us to therefore I will not cease to work I will just be doing something different, maybe in a different place, but still, I believe, working God’s plan here on earth, whatever and wherever that may be.
          So, what about the church? The church isn’t retiring; it’s still here at 406 Antique City Drive, Walnut, Iowa. What is it going to do?
          Good question, what is it going to do? For the last six months the session has been studying that very question. What is our mission and how are we involved in that mission? Would the community miss this church if it wasn’t here? What are we doing now? Should we continue to do what we’ve always done? Should we do something different? What are the needs of this community? Are they being met? Can this church make a difference?
          The answers to these questions don’t come easily. There has to be time for prayer, study, and thought, time to sit with God in silence and let God speak to us.
God speaks? Yes, God speaks, maybe not with a voice we can hear with our ears but with a voice that speaks to our souls, a very real voice. A voice we need to heed.
          That’s why it takes time to know what to do. Prayer, study, and contemplation, listening for God to speak, it all takes time and we don’t all hear the same things. So, we have to listen to each other and discern what God is saying to the church. And that can be frustrating, because it’s not fast like getting a meal at the drive-through at McDonald’s.
          So, what can you do for us? You may not be on a committee or session but you can help. You help by praying for the church. You help by letting the committee know what you think the church should be doing in the community. You help by sitting with us and listening to our frustrations, our concerns, our desires for this church. You help by being there and supporting the church with your prayers and your words.
          Walnut First Presbyterian Church is our home, yours and mine. We’re a family, brothers and sisters, who believe that God loves us and cares for us. He loved us enough to sacrifice himself for us through Jesus, taking our sins upon himself so we can come before God wholly forgiven, wholly righteous.
          As this family in this home let’s come together to pray and talk and listen and together move ahead in the work God has for us here in Walnut, Iowa.

God’s grace and peace be with you all,
Pastor David                   
            A Sunday school teacher was telling her class the story of the Good Samaratan..  She asked the class, “If you saw a person lying on the roadside, all wounded and bleeding, what would you do?”  A thoughtful little girl broke the hushed silence, “I think I’d throw up.”

Food Pantry
The Food Pantry has a need for these items in October:
Egg noodles
Pancake mix and syrup
Jell-o pudding mix
Soup & crackers
Bar soap
Put them in the basket at the back of the sanctuary and Pastor David will be happy to deliver them to the Food Pantry.

                ‘The best remedy for a short temper is a long walk.’
                                                        Joseph Joubert


       *Grandma Still Drives ---Priceless*

Grandma is eighty-eight years old and still drives her own car. She writes:
Dear Grand-daughter,
  The other day I went up to our local Christian book store and
saw a 'Honk if you love Jesus' bumper sticker ..I was feeling particularly sassy that day because I had just come from a thrilling choir performance, followed by a thunderous prayer meeting..
  So, I bought the sticker and put it on my bumper. Boy, am I glad I did; what an uplifting experience that followed.
  I was stopped at a red light at a busy intersection, just lost in thought about the Lord and how good he is, and I didn't notice that the light had changed.
It is a good thing someone else loves Jesus because if he hadn't honked, I'd never have noticed. I found that lots of people love Jesus!
  While I was sitting there, the guy behind started honking like crazy, and then he leaned out of his window and screamed, 'For the love of God!''Go! Go! Go! Jesus Christ, GO!' What an exuberant cheerleader he was for Jesus!
  Everyone started honking! I just leaned out my window and started waving and smiling at all those loving people. I even honked my horn a few times to share in the love!
There must have been a man from
Florida back there because I heard him yelling something about a sunny beach..I saw another guy waving in a funny way with only his middle finger stuck up in the air.
  I asked my young teenage grandson in the back seat what that meant. He said it was probably a Hawaiian good luck sign or something.
Well, I have never met anyone from
Hawaii , so I leaned out the window and gave him the good luck sign right back. My grandson burst out laughing. Why even he was enjoying this religious experience!!
  A couple of the people were so caught up in the joy of the moment that they got out of their cars and started walking towards me. I bet they wanted to pray or ask what church I attended, but this is when I noticed the light had changed.
So, grinning, I waved at all my brothers and sisters, and drove on through the intersection.
  I noticed that I was the only car that got through the intersection before the light changed again and felt kind of sad that I had to leave them after all the love we had shared. So I slowed the car down, leaned out the window and gave them all the Hawaiian good luck sign one last time as I drove away.
Praise the Lord for such wonderful folks!! Will write again soon,

  November Ushers and Communion Servers
Ushers: Teri Abel, Darlene Stuart, Margo Matthies & Cathy Shutters
Communion Servers:  Cathy Shutters - chm, Darlene Stuart, Bobbie & Jim McDermott.  October ushers and communion servers are at bottom of calendar.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could put ourselves in the dryer for 10 minutes and come out wrinkle free and 3 sizes smaller?

          Flowers for Pulpit
                                                             October 6 -------Margo Matthies
                                                 October 13------ Cathy Shutters
                                                 October 20 ------Teri Abel
                                                 October 27 ------Bobbie McDermott
Why do we close our eyes when we pray, cry, kiss, dream?  Because the most beautiful things in life are not seen but felt only by our hearts.

A New Day For Peace Haven
Who:  Community Members and Friends of Peace Haven
What:  Town Hall Meeting
When:  Sunday, Oct. 20, 2013 at 2:00 PM
Where:  Peace Haven Dining Room
Why:  To be in on the ground level to hear and see the most exciting thing to happen at Peace Haven and          
            Walnut in the last 50 years!  You don’t want to be left out!  Come hear first hand from our Board
            Members, Administrator and Architects what a “New Day For Peace Haven” will look like.

Session Minutes
September 10, 2013
The session of Walnut First Presbyterian church met in regular session on September 10, 2013 at 7 pm in the Sunday School south annex. Session members present were: Linda Ploen, Jack Ploen and Cathy Shutters. Absent were: Jim McDermott, Kathy Hansen, Allan Sievers, Jim Tooley and Michelle, Greg and Mike Mertz. Moderator David Krueger opened the meeting with prayer. Our reflection was entitled “Salvation Through Jesus” from Colossians 1:18-20. We were asked to reflect on what we need Jesus to save us from, and to realize that there is nothing we can do to earn God’s grace- it is a gift.
The minutes of the August meeting were read and approved. The treasurer’s reports for July and August were approved as given.
David’s pastor report was approved as given. He traveled 426 miles due to two trips to Calvin Crest. There were also many visitations.
Stewardship and Mission
We would still like to have a blanket drive again this fall. Kathy also reported that she had received five quilts donated from Trinity Lutheran Church in Avoca.
Christian Education
Sundae Sunday went well. We may have a few less children this year as several are getting older now. Maybe we will do youth group more often.
Communion was served to eleven residents at Peace Haven on September 1. Jim McDermott was the serving elder. Our Saturday night worship in October will be on the 19th with a fish fry following.
Finance and Property
David reported that letters need to be sent to all employees for the Affordable Care Act.
Linda Ploen looked over the copy of By-Laws for our church. We need to have a special meeting to OK them.
New Business
There will be a congregational meeting on Sept.15 after worship to elect a Pastor nominating committee to work with United Church of Avoca. The nominating committee to look for new elders this year is Linda Krueger, Chuck Ploen and Robin Heilig. The meeting was closed with The Lord’s Prayer.
Linda Ploen
Clerk of Session

Special Congregational Meeting September 15, 2013
Moderator David Krueger called the special congregational meeting of First Presbyterian Church to order after worship on September 15, 2013. A quorum was present. The meeting was opened with prayer. The purpose of the meeting was to elect a pastor nominating committee to work with United Church of Avoca to share a pastor. Pastor David plans to retire on January 1, 2015.
Larry Shepherd nominated Leo Rechtenbach, Mike Shutters and Chuck Ploen. Leo declined to accept the nomination, so David Woltmann’s name was added. Chuck Ploen nominated Cathy Shutters. Charlotte Shepherd moved to accept these four members. Mary Ellen Woltmann 2nd the motion. Motion carried. Linda Ploen will inform Lon Jacobsen of Avoca to let them know of decision.
Linda Krueger moved to adjourn the meeting and Jim McDermott 2nd the motion.
Linda Ploen
Clerk of session

~ October 2013 ~


Salem Lutheran 9AM Service
P. W. 1:30
Choir 7:15
Steve Sunderman

George Mertz


   Church 9:00
   Peace Haven 11:00
   Sunday School 10:15
 Alex Ehlers



Allen House 11:00

Session 7:00 PM



Jack Ploen

Pilgrimage Mtg 10 AM
Florence P.C.
  Church 9:00
   Sunday School 10:15

  Justen Tooley
  Ross/Tina Gregory


 Jim Tooley


Gloria Walters
Connor Sievers

Peace Haven 7:00 PM
Judy Ploen

Katie Myers
Adele Pedersen
Church 6:00 PM
Fish Fry following
David Mertz

 No Church
    Sunday School 10:15
Peace Haven Town Hall Meeting 2:00
 Madison & Morqan


Greg Mertz
John /Vicki Weihs

COM meeting, 2 PM
New Horizon P.C.

Jackson Shutters

Pastor Gone Pilgrimage---------------


Teresa Griffith


Robert Sieck

  Church 9:00
   Sunday School 10:15

Pastor home 6:00 PM


Avoca Nursing & Rehab
2 PM


Tristan Heiny
Phyllis Hansen

October Communion Servers:  Jim Tooley-chm, George Mertz, Robin Heilig, Pam Nielsen
October Ushers:  Jim Tooley, Dave & Robin Helig

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